My life in appalachia - Blind Pig & the Acorn Readers

Happy New Years!! Did you stay up late enough to ring in 2012? I did-but not on purpose. A mean headache had me awake when the new year rolled in. I heard fireworks in the distance-and I glanced at the clock to see that it was 12:04 and a brand new year to boot.

Earlier in the night, as we drove home from a friend’s house, everybody was talking at once-simultaneously saying what was bad about 2011-and what was good. My pounding head encouraged me to quickly give up trying to put my 2 cents worth into the conversation. But as I leaned against the car window and looked out at the stars-I continued to think of what a wonderful year 2011 had been for our family. And as I listed my blessings-you Blind Pig & the Acorn readers were at the top of my list. You really are the BEST.

I hope 2012 is all you want it to be for you and yours.


Appalachia Through My Eyes – A series of photographs from my life in Southern Appalachia.


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  1. I agree. Year in and year out, regardless what time or circumstances may bring, loved ones are treasures we can always hold close in our heart and thank God for.
    God bless.

  2. Happy New Year Tipper & family! Our longstanding tradition is to go outside and bang the pot and pan lids together and holler. I was solo this year so stayed inside and kept it peaceful – didn’t want to scare the birds off their roosts.

  3. Happy New Year Tipper!!! We stayed up and welcomed in the New Year, mainly because of all the fireworks going off and the dogs were really upset! We had our traditional collard, blackeyed peas and cornbread today gotta have those for fortune this year! We don’t take down our Christmas tree and decorations until the 6th of Jan the day of Epithany (sp). The past year was a sad one with my Pop’s passing he was 93 and our beloved 4 legged sweetheart Bear passing, she was 15. We are looking forward to a year of fun planting a garden bigger and better than last years, exploring these N Ga mountains! Take care and the best of the Best to you and yours and the Blind Pig family!!

  4. Nope, didn’t see 2012 ring in but it was still here this morning when I got up! Hope your headache is gone and sending best wishes from Oregon for a wonderful 2012 for you and your family!

  5. Tipper—Happy New Year to you, your family, and all the extended Blind Pig family. I just hope that headache didn’t come from either of the following sources—screaming PETA poltroons protesting the annual Brasstown ‘Possum Drop or too much sampling of peartin’ juice (a.k.a. golden moonbeam, tanglefoot, squeezin’s, and a bunch more find descriptors). Knowing you I don’t think it was the latter, but knowing the miserable misfits who make up PETA’s ranks the former might be a real possibility.
    Anyway, hope the headache’s gone and that 2012 brings you ample blessings.
    Jim Casada

  6. Happy New Year to you and your family Tipper. Hope the headache is all gone now! It was pretty much the same as any other night here. Like you, I heard the loud booms and bangs and it was midnight. I got to bed about 1, but that is typical for me.

  7. Thanks, Tipper. I, for one reader, think YOU’RE the best!! I count my blessings every day– that way I don’t lose track of ’em. Happy New Year to you and your family and readers…. may it be filled with good things for all.

  8. Tipper,
    Watched it on the TV since the better half was up and watching the end of the ball games…
    We looked around some of the stations just in case they would replay or feature the Brasstown Possum drop…couldn’t find anything…
    Well, I got my Blackeyed peas on the stove and my Collards (freshly picked this morning from the raised beds) and then decided to cook some (fake buttered taters) turnips since we have quite a few turnips left over as well….
    Guess all I have to do is fold up the Christmas tree and put it in the box…Used a small 3 ft fiber optic tree this year due to all the doctors appoinments etc stuff going on…Sure seems weird…I bet my little angel is wondering what happened this year since she did’nt get to puff her wings and dress…Maybe next year…
    Thanks for a wonderful year of posts and hope by this time your headache is long gone…
    We heard some gunfire around the ridges at midnight plus firecrackers as well…
    Thanks again Tipper,
    I’m thinking snow tonight or tomorrow since the birds are feeding like crazy today…

  9. Happy New Year, Tipper, from sunny California!
    Health, happiness and the joy of music and nature to you and your family in the year to come!

  10. Happy New Year to you Tipper and your family.. you are at the top of my list also..I slept the old out and the new in.. Kinda under the weather some the last few days, but when I get to thinking how many people is in far worse shape.. I pause and Thank God for my many blessings.. Susie

  11. Ah, yes, I literally rang in the new year. We have an old dinner bell out back, and I went out and rang it. Made me feel good. We did the same thing at midnight on Christmas Eve. Remember Grandpaw Walton doing that in the movie, “The Homecoming”?
    Blessings to you and yours in 2012.

  12. This New Years morning, I had saved a half hill of potatoes to see what they would do. I dug them this morning with our first blast of really cold air in the forecast for this coming week. It has thankfully been a mild winter here in East KY with a good deal of rain but no snow and very few light frosts.
    I think these are the best I’ve dug from last year’s planting. Now to bring them in so my wife can work her magic with them for a great dish for our New Year dinner while I begin removing the holiday decorations.
    Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope that headache is better.

  13. Thank you for the kind words, we appreciate you too! I look forward to your blog every morning.
    Happy New Year

  14. The feeling is mutual, Tipper! I look forward each day to my Blind Pig e-mail.
    We had fireworks, at least, so my wife tells me. I slept through all of it.

  15. My wishes are for my family & friends to be well, be happy, be loved and loving. And for those bad headaches to go away 🙂

  16. hope your headache is gone, and so happy you found me way back when I did the Appalachian Mountain Preacher blog in Sept of 2010 and here we are in 2012. I very much enjoy you and your family and look forward to this new year with you and my other blog friends.

  17. Sure hope your headache is gone and that you, your family, and friends have a perfectly wonderful 2012! You are really appreciated!

  18. Glad you think I ROCK and I do but only when I need to get my new grandson to sleep. 2011 was a good year for me because I discovered the Blind Pig. Guess I’ll spent a good part of 2012 catching up on what I missed in prior years. Happy New Year to all!!

  19. Oh, Tipper, I hope your headache is better this morning. I actually did stay awake until midnight, much to my husband and kidnick’s suprise….at 12:01AM, however, I was cuddled in my bed falling asleep. Blessings for a wonderful 2012!

  20. Tipper, Seems like the old saying of “great minds working together” hit both of us on New Year’s Eve. I, too, had a pounding headache that, gratefully, went away sometime int he night so that I awoke pain-free and ready to go into this brand new year!
    A good New Year to all!

  21. I am so sorry your News Years Eve was marred with a headache! Hopefully today will be better and you can have a wonderful day! I am glad to see 2011 pass us by! It was full of good things I know, but the weather being so goofy, haha.. well, it messed up alot of people’s lives, didn’t it? I do want to thank you for you being you. The things I have learned here and shared here, not only by you and your family, but by your family of commenters, just added so much to my life! Thank you for being a part of my 2011 (you were one of the good parts, needless to say!) I feel this coming year will be better and brighter for us all! Much love!

  22. Happy 2012 and I hope you didn’t wake up with that headache.
    I’ve enjoyed traveling through 2011 with you and your talented family. I look forward to much more fun, songs,recipes and tips in 2012.

  23. Staying up late just doesn’t seem to be a priority anymore, like it use to be when I was young, ringing in the New Year starts with a cup of coffee and something to eat next morning, now days.. Happy New Year to you and yours..

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