Every January I take a look back at what I’ve written during the course of the previous year. I’m always surprised by the various subjects I wrote about, many of which have completely fallen through the cracks of my mind by year end.

I’ve listed my favorite posts for each of the last 12 months below. If you’d like to visit any of the posts click on the colored word link.


girls and Pap playing guitars

My favorite post from the beginning of 2023 is The Music of Every Day Sounds. I’ve been studying on creativity that can be found in the necessities of life. Loving the sounds of daily life goes right along with those thoughts. Many of the sounds in my mountain holler become so familiar to me that I cease hearing them sometimes. But when I take a moment and truly listen and concentrate on what I’m hearing I dearly love it all for it makes up the real soundtrack to my life.


white snowdrop blooms

Appalachia Through My Eyes – The First Blooms is my favorite post from the second month of the year. I haven’t seen any of the tiny blooms yet this year, but I’m already looking forward to them. Every spring when I see them I will think of the kindness of strangers and the love Chatter and Austin share.


Paul, Tipper, Granny Gazzie, and Steve

My favorite post for the third month of 2023 is Going to the Back Room. I find the phrase “back room” very Appalachian. It’s a usage I grew up hearing my Granny Gazzie say and Granny still uses it today. Maybe it’s my rearing, but the simple phrase evokes a feeling of home and comfort for me.


wind blowing in grass

It was hard for me to choose a post for the month of April. The posts during that time clearly show the bitter and the sweet of 2023 for our family. It was the month I shared the news about Miss Cindy’s cancer and her bleak prognosis. During that time I also shared the joyful news of mine and Jim Casada’s new book being published. After studying on it, I chose the post The Sound of Wind for my favorite. The wind howling down from the mountain ridges into the hollers or gently caressing the sweat from my brow as I work in the garden is a steady constant in my life.


red rose bush

In the month of May I wrote of Miss Cindy’s rose bush and how much it pleased her. The plant has never bloomed so beautifully as it did this year. Even then I knew it might be the last year Miss Cindy would see it, and it was. But I’m sure glad it put on such a show for her and that she enjoyed every single bloom.


Courage and Wading Through was my favorite post for June. For more than 30 years Miss Cindy taught me things about life—practical things for every day living and spiritual wisdom for living your best life even when things get tough in this ole world. She literally kept teaching me those life lessons right up till the day she died.


Mountain view from Truck Window

For the seventh month of the year my favorite post is Appalachia Through My Eyes – The Beauty of Summer up Close. The photo alone was enough for me to choose this post. Just look at that lush summer landscape in the mountains of Appalachia. I’m still loving Chitter’s truck too. She’s still pecking away at restoring it and recently done a lot of work on the interior including replacing all the window gaskets so now you can ride down the road without feeling like you’re in a wind tunnel 🙂


Mother and newborn baby

Granny’s Birthday Message to Me is my favorite post for this month. The post was mostly written by Granny. I’m still smiling about the thoughtfulness of her writing down the details of the day I was born.


Jerry Pap Wilson

For the month of September I chose Pap Never Mowed the Yard. I love the post because it reminds me how blessed I am to have had such a father as Pap. It also makes me think of the unique quirks each of us have and how we are often remembered for them.



Old Videos and Soothing Harmony is my choice for October. Music, especially harmony singing, is a true balm for my soul.


For the eleventh month of the year my favorite post is Smoke Along the Track. It was written by Paul as part of our annual Train Series. I enjoy Paul’s thoughts about the song and also the good sound that comes from the camaraderie of our pickin and grinnin.


red christmas mints

For the last month of 2023 Granny’s Christmas Mints is my favorite post. I’m still tickled pink I recreated a childhood memory and was even able to find new “old” molds just like Granny’s.

I hope you enjoyed looking back through 2023 with me and I hope you continue to drop back by often for my 2024 offerings.

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  1. Tipper, I am so impressed with your selection of 2023 posts.I enjoyed them all, I have to admit that the Granny post is my favorite!!
    I am and will continue to pray for Granmy.
    You are blessed to have such a wonderful family!! God bless you and your family abundantly. Hilary H

  2. I love the look back. Tipper, your posts always come from the heart. Whether it’s good news, sad news, recipes, gardening, songs, your deep love of Appalachia always shines through, and I have been blest every day to be a part of this blog and I thank you for that. It’s hard to believe 2023 is but a memory now and we are zooming right on in 2024. I cannot wait for those precious grandsons to get here! I know everyone is so excited in the holler!! I also am hoping that Granny gets good news. She’s really been such an inspiration for us all. Have a great day everyone!!

  3. I’m so thankful for all that you all have shared and continue to share . All of you are a lovely blessing!!!

  4. Oh my, Tipper! This may be my favorite posting from you. You have a lovely way of describing things, it just makes me feel good. I think you chose good ones for each month and I went back and rewatched them all! You lift my spirits high, girl! Hope all is well with Granny. May God bless you and your lovely family, along with all those who share your love of Appalachia. That would be me as well!

  5. Knowing the value of Family and having that love is priceless. I remember my Grandmother telling me to go to the back room and get something. When I was 19, I had worked a year, bought my own car (used 59′ Ford Fairlane Galaxy Convertible with dual spotlights) and had my first vacation so I headed down south to NE MS to my Grandparent’s home. I will never forget my dear Grandmother shuffling out the screen door with her walking cane, as I was leaving to go back to Illinois. She called me back and pushed something into my hand as she hugged me. I didn’t look at what was wadded up in my hand till I got back in my car and waved good-bye to her. When I looked down, I saw it was a one dollar bill, which brought tears to my eyes cause that was probably all the cash money she had at that time.
    Now my Parents and Grandparents have moved on to heaven and I have returned with my children and sat on the front porch steps of the “Old Place” where my Daddy grew up. No one lives there now and the pine forest is trying to move in, but you can sit there and hear no sound except the bee’s buzzing, the soft breeze fanning your face and way-off you can barely hear the sound of a lone vehicle traveling down a dusty red road. Also, unique to that place is the sweet smell of the earth and every time I visit, I inhale deeply as it refreshes my soul and all those precious stories of family doings come flooding back into my mind.

  6. Great year of posts! Boy, I’ll tell you what, Tipper…in your March posting about the back room and Granny Gazzie, your twins could be your twin at that age! Those good ole’ strong genes!! God is Good 🙂

  7. You had a lot of great, informative and interesting post and videos in 2023. Some were sad and torn at our hearts, but lead us all to lift your family up in prayer and God was faithful to respond to all the prayers offered on your families behalf. Even though we wanted an earthly healing for Miss Cindy, God wanted her to come home to be with Him. Her work on earth had been fulfilled. It’s hard to accept that sometimes, but at least we know she is no longer suffering and has the ultimate healing of a new heavenly body. We are thankful our prayers for Granny not to suffer with all the treatments she received were answered and we all are still praying for good reports from her results. It’s all in God’s hands. You have blessed us all with post that stirred up our own childhood memories and taught us new things as well. Thank you Tipper for all the great stories, videos, and music of 2023.

  8. The back room; yes indeedy we are a private people in Appalachia. Maybe it’s because of all those city-folk who try to come cheat us of our land and our money. Maybe it’s because of our Bible teachings. Maybe, just maybe, we simply like to relish the moment with a loved one without others interrupting.

  9. I really enjoyed the look back! I loved the phrase Granny used when she said that the baby came “all at once”. That was a phrase I heard often as a child that seems to have been replaced with “all of a sudden “. Both convey the thought, but it is funny how some phrases fall into disuse. 2023 was such a packed year for you…now the babies are coming!!!! Prayers for the coming year as all of us move forward…we have so much to be thankful for!

  10. Thank you for sharing your 2023 posts. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed everyone.

    Like you Tipper, I’m looking forward to spring welcoming my first great grandson.

    Blessings to all.

  11. I hope you are warm and dry there today. I thought about telling you to fill your pockets with rocks so the wind didn’t blow you away but then I thought better of it. If the creek got up too high on the goat bluff you wouldn’t need anything extry to weigh you down. Seriously though I hope and pray you all are safe today!

  12. Thanks for a great post and great past year. I look forward to the coming year and following your blog.
    By the way, I picked up on the mention of “the back room” in the March section. That is a term we used growing up too. Not so much now, but on occasion we do.
    Have a great day and wonderful year. If it is doing in north GA what it is here in north Alabama, you will get the impression you might should gather up animals two by two. LOL

  13. The back room… do all homes have one? I remember my Grandma saying that and I’m sure some others said it too.

    I love how reading your blog brings back so many memories.

    Praying for Granny and the girls. This is going to be an exciting year.

  14. YOU ARE THE APPALACHIAN AMBASSADOR AND ANGEL OF BRASSTOWN!!! ANY QUESTIONS? Lol TIPPER’S BLOG IS THE BEST ALL AROUND ANYWHERE!!! Every day of the year you are interesting and bring up interesting discussions! Btw, wasn’t granny just beautiful back in her day??? The wind whipped here in southern WV from about 6:30 last night and she’s blustering wildly and dang cold still!!! Dangerously high winds here!!! Stay warm and dry and in the word…

  15. It was so interesting to go back and read these posts from last year. So many of them hit home with me this morning—from the sound of wind in April to the posts about Miss Cindy. It is a blustery day here in the mountains of WV. The wind is blowing and gusting quite hard at times. I was listening in the darkness of the early morning to the raindrops on our roof…the wind chimes on the porch…the furnace kicking on and then off again…the sound of the brakes on the school bus at a nearby bus stop picking up children. I have been thinking about my son-in-law, who passed away from cancer two years ago today. I have shed a few tears because I miss him so much…sad because I know how much my daughter and grandchildren and his parents miss him too. I am also happy because he left us with nothing but good memories. He was the perfect husband and daddy. He was a great teacher, a man who read and lived by the Bible, and a guy who loved to joke around. It was a privilege to know and love him for 17 years. I know he is with God, and I know we will all get to hug him again one day. As the daylight is breaking, I also hear the sweet sound of a singing bird. God is good!

  16. It’s a gray rainy morning here in the Appalachians of southeast Tennessee. I’m still at the kitchen table listening to the rain clobbering the roof. But reading your post today and glancing back at your favorite posts of 2023 have given me a lift and made the darkness in the elements beyond the door scoot back a bit.
    Thank you, Tipper for being you…nothing more, nothing less….you and your family bring a calmness to all who follow you.

  17. Tipper, I so much enjoyed reading all your favorite video’s for each month through out the year 2023. They all will surely last you a life time of cherish memories. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless you, and your precious family.

  18. Oh my goodness I do remember all 12 posts and how they touched my hubby and I. They are as memorable as your Friday reads. You sound so much like a ‘Daddy’s’ girl and I can hear your love when you refer to Pap. Not taking away from Granny, and I don’t mean to do that, but I can relate quite easily. I do so look forward to my daily emails and taking a peek into you guys ‘goings on’ and the up coming ‘Grands’ entrances into your life. I think we are all waiting on their names and their names according to the Deer Hunter. Such anticipation growing and we are waiting right along with you guys. Prayers for Granny….and God Bless you all.

  19. You are one of those people who, through thick and thin, find contentment in simple things. That ability is one of the many blessings of grace. As always, the bible says it best, “godliness with contentment is great gain.” And, as Paul wrote, “I have learned, whatsoever state I am in, therewith to be content.” Your readers are of like mind. That comes through the comments, most often in little flashes of light, A glimpse here, a sparkle there.

  20. What an amazing round-up or review, Tipper! I think it’s quite beautiful you share as much with us as you do, and personally, there are some situations in my life I’m waiting on and feel impatient about and reading this I think, “Huh? That was only 1 year ago? Well, surely I can have patience!”. I’m sorry for all the ways this year was difficult for you all, but am also glad to see the ways the light cracked in.

  21. I look forward each day to the BP&A, it is a bright spot in my day to day life. I have learned how to find each day’s post at 4 o’clock and don’t have to wait until 6 o’clock for the email. One of my favorite things I do now is to listen to the Pap, Paul, and the others singing the old time hymns on you tube. I just hope you can keep on doing what you have been doing. I think I need to make a resolution to not make as many comments this year. I expect we are going to be reading a lot this year about those grand babies, the ones of us that are grandparents will understand!

    I hope everyone will be safe today, looks like the weather is going to bad for many of us.

    1. Randy- I think this blog is so interesting because of Tipper, of course, but also because of the comments —I enjoy ALL of the comments, even if there are several from one person.

    2. NO, NO, NO!! Please do not make that resolution. I love to read your comments, you are one of my favorite ones to read.

  22. Tipper, looking back through these writings is exactly why you are my favorite blogger!

    You take us back again and again to the places of home and comfort! You bring out all sorts of emotion.

    I cannot imagine my life without your blog in it each morning. I typically rise very early and scripture and your blog start my day.

    Thank you ever so much for all y’all share with us.
    God bless all y’all!

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