small amount of snow on steps

As you might guess Miss Cindy has been front and center in all of our minds. This evening I was studying on how she always supported my endeavor of celebrating Appalachia.

I was thinking back to 2007 when I first began talking about starting a blog. She always encouraged me. Miss Cindy was my biggest cheerleader.

She faithfully commented on everything I posted. From the time when there were very few readers until my audience grew to many readers—Miss Cindy was always there.

Out of curiosity I went back through the archives to see if I could find the very first comment she left. I’ll share it below.

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
Courage is warming your feet and getting on with it even though you are shy.
Courage is you,Tipper.
Go for it!

—Miss Cindy

She left the comment on the second post I wrote. After I published a welcome message I got a bad case of cold feet. How in the world did I think I could write about my life and highlight the goodness of Appalachia? I even stood in the snow and took a photo of my bare feet to show how cold they were 🙂 Miss Cindy’s comment gave me a healthy dose of encouragement to get over my cold feet and press onward into the blogosphere and continue chasing my endeavor.

I don’t think I’ve read the comment since she left it back in March of 2008 but it sure reminded me of her attitude after finding out she had a terminal diagnosis of cancer.

Over and over she told us we had to wade through what was coming. Miss Cindy never complained or moaned about the fact that she knew death would soon receive her. She took her own advice and faced her illness with great courage.

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  1. My parents passed over 20 years ago. Losing them changed my day to day life forever. I continue to miss them and many times I yearn to speak with them. I have solace in the fact that they were both Christians and are in Paradise.
    My prayers are continually with yall.

  2. Like all your readers, I never met Miss Cindy, but felt I knew her because of her comments on this blog. My condolences to all of you. I wish I had met her because she must have been a very fine person. Thanks for posting her past comments.

  3. Tipper you have collected a unique group of caring readers here on your blog. I enjoyed getting to know Miss Cindy thru her post. May God comfort Matt and all of you from this powerful loss of someone so dear .

  4. If it had not been for Miss Cindy who knows what you might have What a sweet woman she was. I know I didn’t know her personally but through her words and post you could just tell the kind of person she was. I’m gonna miss her post so much. She was always one of the first to post .Thanks Tipper for sharing this all with us. I appreciate it.

  5. If it had not been for Miss Cindy who knows what you might have done Tipper. She sure was right beside you cheering you on. What a sweet woman she was. I know I didn’t know her personally but through her words and post you could just tell the kind of person she was. I’m gonna miss her post so much. She was always one of the first to post and I read her post .Thanks Tipper for sharing this all with us. I appreciate it.

  6. If Miss Cindy is anything like me she would have preferred that not a lot be done upon her death. I have asked my kids not to have a funeral and not to even a graveside service. Just take my body and put it in the ground beside my girlfriend and wife ( I never had a real girlfriend before I met her and her bubbly blonde headed blue eyed four year old little girl). I fell in love with Missy first and Yvonne not much later.

    I have ask my kids to notify no one when I die save one person. That one person is you, Tipper. You have been the only friend who cares enough to check on me when I don’t make an appearance in a comment on this blog a Youtube video or an email. I have a brother and two sisters but they don’t ever call to ask about me. I used to try to call them but they either didn’t answer or couldn’t talk right now.

    I would like, if I have the time left, to build my own coffin from my own property. I would like to be taken to the graveyard in the back of a pickup truck and just put into the ground. No fuss, no muss, not bother.

    A Christian burial is when you put a Christian in the ground. It’s not a time for pretty flowers, soft music and whispers. It’s not a time for heaps of food that will go mostly uneaten. Take the flowers and the music to a rest home. Take the food to a homeless shelter or a battered women’s shelter.

    I am not condemning anything you are doing and support you in everything you do. I just had a feeling that Miss Cindy and I were kindred spirits. I might be completely wrong. If you are offended by anything I have said here, don’t publish it. I don’t want to offend anyone, especially you!

    1. Ed I can only speak for me. Your comment is not offensive as a matter of fact I feel the same. I have told my children no funeral just put me in the ground with my husband. No fuss. God bless.

  7. I’m so sad to hear about Ms Cindy passing away. I have enjoyed reading her comments here and seeing her on your Celebrating Appalachia channel (especially loved the cooking video the girls did with her not long ago). Thank you for sharing her with us. May she rest in the Lord’s sweet light until you see her again.
    Praying for comfort for Matt, you, the girls, and all who loved her dear.

  8. What a LOVELY and LOVED major player in your life. I think we all loved her at least a little bit and because of that we mourn too. She had so many prayers on her behalf and the BEST FAMILY to walk her through, So much adoration and many memories will keep her alive in your hearts forever. Praying for peace…

  9. Tipper, I remember when I first subscribed to your blog years ago, I read and read your posts one after another. I noticed at that time Miss Cindy’s post on every blog. She was cheering you on, offering you words of wisdom, encouragement, and love. That first day, as I read all your posts I didn’t know who Miss Cindy was other than she was someone that offered you daily encouragement to keep going and what you were writing was loved and appreciated. That really touched me. I fell in love with Miss Cindy’s posts and looked for them each morning. She was almost always the first to post each day.

    Before her illness was announced, I noticed Miss Cindy wasn’t posting each day, or if she did it was often later than her normal early post. I wondered if she was away on a trip. I sure missed her posts. Then the announcement of her illness came. It was time now to enter into prayer and hold that precious lady up in prayer along with her loving family. We are so glad her journey through pain and suffering was short by the grace of God. We’re still praying for Matt, you, and the girls as you navigate this time of grief, loss, and sorrow.

    We pray for God’s comfort and peace for each of you. Both of us have lost our parents and it’s not easy, but we were afforded grace each hour to sustain us and the peace of God surrounded us to comfort when we were in the depths of grief. We pray the same for your family. God bless you all.

  10. Miss Cindy sure sounds like a great lady and encouraging person! She was a few yrs ahead of me at Canton School, but was known for her beauty ! Thank you for sharing ! God bless and keep y’all!

  11. What a refreshing mother in law story. Her support of your blog was such a blessing. That is what we are all here for to edify one another as the Good Book says. It is so much better to look for the good in a person and share it with that soul as they might be in a state where kind words change their life. I have to tell you, Tipper, your Appalachian definition of words have actually led to my healing of an incident that happened 72 years ago when I was age 4. You are indeed a blessing to me as I am feeling better everyday and releasing the black cloud from my life. Thank you and Miss Cindy as your “life coach” for being such wonderful ladies. She was indeed an angel in your life. I also must say it is time for humankind to wake up to being kind humans as we were meant to be. God bless you and your beautiful family.

  12. That was her, she was always telling me about you and your artwork, she encouraged me to check out The Blind Pig, which I did. The bottom-line Tipper is Cindy loved you and was very proud of you.

    She was a very special lady, she guided me through some very tough times, and was always there to listen or feed me lunch she had made. I can’t tell you how many times she saw through me when I was down. She has earned her reward now, Go rest high on that mountain Cindy.

  13. Miss Cindy sounds like one of a kind. I’m so glad you took her advice. I’m sorry she’s physically gone from y’all, but she’ll be right here with her legacy of love and the memories you will have.

  14. I will continue praying for your family. I would really like to meet miss Cindy in the resurrection. She sounds like such a kind and encouraging lady.

  15. She sounds like a wonderful mother in law. How blessed you have been for her to be your mentor. Thinking of y’all and praying.

  16. What a beautiful tribute to Miss Cindy and I am so glad she was such a constant encouragement to you. Thank you for Celebrating and sharing Southern Appalachia with us! As always you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

  17. She believed in you! What a blessing to have had a mother-in-law like Miss Cindy! She was quite an encourager for all of your family. I’ve seen sweet comments from her on the girl’s channel and also Celebrating Appalachia. Last Thanksgiving when Corie went to Miss Cindy’s house and videoed her showing how she cooked her ham, that was priceless, especially when Corie told how she, Katie and you would go when she lived in Black Mountain and she would have ham, potato salad and bread and then go thrift shopping, it was so sweet and every time I cook a ham , I will always think of her. Miss Cindy was proud of all of you!

  18. I am so happy that you took Miss Cindy’s advice. I love your blog and your Youtube videos. Your blog helped me through the difficult time after my cancer surgery during my cancer recovery while I was bed ridden. God Bless and prayers to your family.

  19. Good Morning Tipper thank you for this wonderful message this am
    you and your family have been in my r
    thoughts and prayers everyday especially when I go out on the patio to tend to my garden.
    the greatest thing is that we know where and with whom Miss Cindy is.May God continue to Bless you and your.whole family as you come y through this time and I wish you all God’s Peace

    1. Mary, I agree!
      I’m sure that all of us have had our own Miss Cindy’s in our life.

      Mine was Miss Olive Lovejoy in Springfield, Massachusetts nineteen seventy through seventy one.

      She was a dedicated registered nurse on the hospital floor where I worked as a ward clerk. My husband was in the military and I had just got out after four years of service in the air force. I was trying my best to see my way to nursing school, what an inspiration she was to watch!

      She gave me my first cookbook when we wed called the Boston Fanny Farmer cooking school book. I have passed it along to my daughter.

      I will never forget her and try to pattern my nursing after her, trying never being too busy to help someone in need.

      I would like to think that all of us can be a Miss Cindy to someone in need.

      God bless your day!

  20. I know it’s easy to say she’s with our Lord, but it’s so hard on Miss Cindy’s family because you have all loved her so. I send special condolences to Matt because Miss Cindy was his mother and his hurt must be huge. I know mine was when I lost my mother. God’s blessings on you all, Tipper. By the way, I echo everything others have said about your blog. I look forward to it every single day and go back sometimes and watch others I’ve already seen. I’m so glad you got the idea to have one so we can all share in your love for Appalachia and it’s history!

  21. I believe everyone needs a “Miss Cindy” in their lives. Some are blessed to have one right at their fingertips whenever they need wisdom & encouragement & others can find them in places like your blog & your you tube channel. Miss Cindy’s love & encouragement has been passed on to your family & I’m so thankful for having found y’all. Miss Cindy is now resting in the arms of Jesus & watching down on you from heaven above. Hugs!

  22. Miss Cindy’s message could not be more needed than in today’s world. We must all keep praying and be courageous no matter what comes. God bless Miss Cindy, and thank you for allowing her to touch our lives. God bless all the Pressley family, and an extra blessing for Matt.

  23. Miss Cindy was right, you got over your cold feet and pressed on. I would have been sorry not to have met you even though I live far away from Appalachia. You have taught me so much. Hugs and love.

  24. We all need an “encourager and constant” on life’s journey; so glad that Miss Cindy was there to help you “wade through”, Tipper. Our love and prayers continue for all the family ……

  25. Miss Cindy epitomizes the Appalachian spirit of courage and resiliency. My ‘second mama’, a strong Appalachian woman (RIP) often said to one of her friends: “Complaining just wastes energy, time and breath. Just keep going.”

  26. What a special inspiration and encouragement you received, Tipper. Such words and memories will help you through new challenges in the coming years.

  27. I am so glad you took Miss Cindy’s advice and forged ahead with your blog. I have learned so much, and at the same time, your and your family feel like neighbors.

  28. Miss Cindy was quite the wise encourager. Keep wading because she KNEW, and all of her family KNOWS, the Master of the Ship that plies the Waters of Life with each one.

  29. What an awesome cheerleader Miss Cindy was for you, Miss Tipper. We are all so thankful you listened and took her advice to heart. You and your family are such a beautiful blessing to us.
    Continued prayers for y’all.

  30. She made a difference here on earth for sure and with her quiet courage and common sense she is already making a difference out there in the wild blue yonder.

  31. What a wonderful mother in law❣️ We are grateful for her encouragements to step out of your comfort zone and share with us. Your family is in our prayers ❣️

  32. Miss Cindy was a loving Mother in-law to you and her encouragement showed it. I’m thankful she did encourage your desire to write this blog and showed her support with her many comments. I’ve only been a reader of your blog for a couple of years and I remember reading many of her comments. She was a wise, witty, thoughtful, kind and at times humorous writer herself. It’s not often one hears a person who gives advise that actually lives it themselves, but it seems Miss Cindy was one of those rare people that did. I remember in one of your videos you said Miss Cindy told you she was ready to go home, well she has reached her destination of her heavenly home. She has been completely healed and made whole to perfection. Her eyes are seeing the most glorious sights now. Sending you all hugs and continued prayers for comfort.

  33. Seems Miss Cindy had wonderful words of encouragement. Love her words to you…Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Courage is warming your feet and getting on with it even though you are shy. I’ve type that on a little card to share with my children and has posted by my desk. Thank you Miss Cindy…you will be missed, but you will always be in our hearts…

  34. What a wonderful blessing you received to have known her. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and I am so glad to have discovered you on youtube. I am an avid watcher. May God continue to bring you and your family peace and comfort.

  35. It’s a hard sad road right now but it will lessen, but you know this from pap as I do with my own dad. The sting is ever present but good memories help alot. Love to the family.

  36. As she did, so would I wish to do; be an encourager. Time has proven her so right. As she walked “the valley of the shadow” so would I hope to do; not complaining, not wanting to burden others. The memories of her will not be painful but blessings, a silver lining to the sorrow of absence.

  37. Your entire family is an inspiration to me. Miss Cindy has fought her fight with courage, just like she told you.
    We prayed for her healing. She wasn’t healed the way we wanted, but praise the Lord, she is healed now and with our Lord and Savior. Your family seems like my family and I love you all.
    Take care, I care.

  38. Miss Tipper,
    I’m so glad you had Miss Cindy in your life.
    I’m so glad she was exactly who she was and said the things she said and had the courage to say all the things she did. Because that lead you to do your YouTube channel. That’s where I met you.
    You are a beautiful soul who brings joy into the hearts of your viewers. Thank for having the courage and thawing your feet.

  39. Your entire family is an inspiration to me. Miss Cindy has fought her fight with courage, just like she told you.
    We prayed for her healing. She wasn’t healed the way we wanted, but praise the Lord, she is healed now and with our Lord and Savior. Your family seems like my family and I love you all.
    Take care, I care.

  40. WOW, if that don’t t bring a tear to your eye, that deserves a cross stitch. I am thinking about her career and the lives she touched. It takes a very special person to be in that field. Miss Cindy must have been that person, one that you would love to be around just to soak up some of that love, encouragement and wisdom.

  41. Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 1 Thessalonians 5:14. That’s what Miss Cindy was doing for you and I’m so glad she did. You are an encouragement to all your readers.

    Continued prayers✝️

  42. Tipper, there ain’t no other choice but to face what’s coming head on-be it whatsoever it is. I like “courage is fear who said it’s prayer.” That’s a mighty word of the Lord Miss Cindy delivered and you know it because it’s POWERFUL! To have known her must have been a real blessing and encouragement! Most women don’t get that lucky with a mother in law. And just look at your blog today-pretty wonderful and crowded – all you wanted it to be! God bless you Pressley family and know many prayers and good thoughts come your way!

  43. I agree with Pat, the ones that know without a shadow of doubt about where they will spend eternity do not fear death. My mother in law went through something similar to Miss Cindy. After she was told it was terminal, her first words were good, I will soon be with Curtis (her husband of over 6o years) again. I too am glad you chose to press on with your blog even though I am a newcomer, I guess about 3 years now, it has became something I look forward to each day. I keep praying for you and the rest of family, the hole you in your heart that started with Pap has now became a little bit bigger.

  44. Miss Cindy was a lovely person here on Earth. She is now even more lovely in Heaven. What a reunion you all will have some day!

    Take courage, Tipper. The best is yet to come – because God can be trusted.

  45. Wow, how powerful those words were. I’m so very glad you listened. She showed her own courage in the end and I’m sure throughout her life too. She showed you all how strong her faith was as well. I’m so glad you will be able to always go back to read her words for encouragement when you need to hear from Miss Cindy. She was a true blessing to your family. Continued prayers for all of you.

  46. Thank you for sharing her comment. I love it!!! I’m going to write it down and put it on my fridge as a daily reminder. She was a beautiful lady, inside and out. I’m praying for y’all.

  47. Miss Cindy’s wise words of encouragement to go for it has brought so much to so many people. I bet she was so proud of her family who sends wholesome joy into our everyday. A strong and beautiful lady.

  48. We do not know what death will be, but I like to think of it this way. After a day of playing outside as a child, having so much fun with friends but maybe scratching a knee or some other small mishap, not a perfect day, but mostly fun, it begins to get dark. You are tired, dirty and even hungry. You hate to see it end, it has been a good day overall, but you hear your Mom or Dad calling, “ time to come home, time to take a bath and get clean, time for supper, time for bed and rest”. I remember that feeling of safety and love. How much greater will it be to return to our Father’s House. We are our Father’s child, His creation and when He says “come” … will be wonderful.
    My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family.

  49. It has always amazed me at how a someone who has left us in the physical world continues to shine a bright light to illuminate the way for those of us who are still here. Miss Cindy was, without a doubt, one of those shining lights and will be for years to come.

  50. You are blessed to be so close to family and to have loved Miss Cindy through her passing.
    I wish for you good grief, love and hugs.

  51. What a beautiful tribute to Miss Cindy and a beautiful and meaningful legacy she has passed on to you all!

  52. Thank you for giving us another person to love and appreciate through your writing. Miss Cindy now resides in my heart too. God bless you all!

  53. Knowing who she would meet made it easier for Miss Cindy to pass in my opinion. Mark Lowrey sang a song in honor of his mother. I am not sure of the title but the lyrics are…knowing you will be there will make it easier to go home. Your family will wade through knowing you have the same hope of Miss Cindy . Jesus keeps His promises . Joy will be seen through tears but keep wading Pressley family . You will have an angel cheering you on . Miss Cindy safe in the arms of our Savior is there .

    1. Dear Tipper and family, it’s with a heavy heart that I send my condolences and prayers to your family. From the picture you posted of Miss Cindy sitting with the flowers around her I can see how much your girls resemble her. What a blessing she must have been to all of you. May you and your family find comfort in the love and many precious memories you all shared with Miss Cindy.. God bless

  54. What an inspiration that precious lady must have been to everyone who knew her. I know I am inspired by her courage and the way she encouraged you (and probably countless others). Thank you for sharing that wonderful story with us. God bless you all in this time of loss. Know that there are many, many people you are inspiring with your Appalachian lifestyle and your Christian faith.

  55. So grateful that you took Miss Cindy’s advice and waded on through. You have been a God send to me. Miss Cindy’s attitude and comments will be a constant reminder to keep pressing forward. We are thinking of y’all and praying for y’all.

  56. Miss Cindy sounds like she was a wonderful person that provided love and support and wisdom. She has passed that legacy to you. And now you can shine all that she was on to others. She lives on in that way. Your family has been blessed.

  57. Miss Cindy’s encouragement and support enabled you to press on and preserve Appalachian
    ways and life skills. We are fortunate to have you in our lives, just as you were blessed to
    her in yours. God has favored us all!

    1. Tipper, I read all the comments and they are all so true and well said. like the way you go back sometimes and share your life from then, until now. It makes me see how we are all traveling on a path with only one certainty. That is the end of our life here on this eternal earth. It makes me realize how much we can accomplish while here and how many lives we can touch. Miss Cindy was proud of you. How wonderful to have her as a mother in law! I know there will forever be a void in the lives of all of her family and friends. Keep pressing forward, down life’s path. She’s waiting to meet you in heaven one day.
      (And put your shoes on in the snow, or you’ll catch a cold!)

  58. I always enjoyed Miss Cindy’s comments. They most always made me think a little deeper. She is missed. You were all blessed to have her on your lives

  59. I will be selfish a moment and say that I am so thankful that you kept pressing on and didn’t stop. You and your family have become a staple in my life. Ya’ll are so encouraging and uplifting. Ya’ll remind me of a simpler time of life….where people actually slowed down and spent time together often. I just love ya’ll and I’m praying that God would comfort ya’ll and bring ya’ll peace and joy in the midst of the sadness.

  60. I’m so glad you went forward with yout endeavors. I hope you realize how much joy your blog and channel provide. In this crazy world, reading or watching people who love the Lord, their family; who are not afraid of hard work and move forward during tough times, give us peace and hope in a dying world

  61. Such beautiful pictures of Miss Cindy and beautiful words she wrote. Having an encourager in life to say you can do it, go for it, is nearly as important as knowing unconditional love. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  62. I’m thinking that all of the comments Miss Cindy made over the years on each blog post, will
    yield a rich harvest of fresh fruits, mental & spiritual paths to wander, for not only you as you continue to celebrate Appalachia, but for your readers as you share, here and there, bits and pieces of her message. Here’s hoping that that harvest will fill many bushels of support as time brings to life those precious memories of her legacy! Blessings

  63. I’m so grateful you stepped out with courage and faith! I can’t image our lives without you and your family in it!

    Continued prayers! May the Lord bless you and keep you, May His face shine upon you all!

  64. We all need a good cheerleader, especially at certain points in our lives. The good Lord blessed you with a fine one.

  65. I am glad you listened to Miss Cindy.
    Praying for your family in this time of loss.


    John Hart

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