large green leaves

Bloodroot Leaves

In between the rain showers yesterday I took a quick walk around the gardens. I can hardly believe the growth that has taken place over the last several days.

I love wild bloodroot. It is a true harbinger of spring of the year. It’s cheery little white petaled blooms are one of the first bursts of color around my house. Even though I love the flowers they are short lived, but that’s okay since I love the large lobed leaves that come after them just as much. In another few weeks the bloodroot will disappear until next spring.


The peony Granny gave me so many years ago is just starting to bloom. As usual it is lovely!


The garlic we planted late last fall seems to grow taller by the day. I’m hoping that means we will have a good harvest.


This is shaping up to be a good year for blueberries…if I can keep the bluejays from getting them before I do.


The cabbage The Deer Hunter and Chatter planted while I was at the hospital with Granny is doing fantastic!


My old fashioned rose that came from Granny Gazzie is in full bloom. It only blooms once, but the fragrance and color are amazing.


Looks like we will have plenty of grapes this year. Our old vines are loaded and our newer vines are going to produce for the first time ever.

tiny plants

Most all of the flower seeds we planted have sprouted. I just can’t wait to see their blooms as summer unfolds around us.

I know the rain is really good for the beans and cucumbers we planted, but we are really hoping it dries up soon so that we can get the big garden planted with corn.


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  1. My mother had a way with flowers. Over the years she planted many perennials in my yard, and now something will be blooming until we have a heavy frost.

    I must tell you about the peony she dug up out of my paternal grandfather’s yard He had passed away and no one was living in the house.We were driving by and she asked me to stop She jumped out of the car and dug up the lone peony in the yard and gave it to me. It has to be approaching 100 years old. It is the prettiest deep red I have ever seen it is quite large, abd the leaves are thick. It put out foliage for 15 years after I got it but didn’t bloom. I finally wised up and read about peony care. I moved it to a sunnier, less crowded spot, and it has bloomed each season since, I’ve given starts of it to some relatives. It survived where there was a cold winter but not in year round warm climates. I love this flower and wish all of you could see it

  2. So glad your garden and flowers look so pretty!!! It is so nice that you have flowers that your Granny gave you that will always remind you of her – how special.
    We have beautiful peonies here in Indiana too. Happy that Granny is back home too. Blessings to you all.

  3. How lovely everything looks! Tipper I’m so glad you’re home and Granny is improving daily, my prayers continue. Your beautiful family brings a smile to my face – so wholesome and happy. I sure am looking forward to seeing you Mondays on a live regularly! Enjoy your day ❤️Sally Jo

  4. Good morning Tipper. On one of the YouTube videos with Matt and Corey, he mentioned seeing deer tracks in the garden y’all ware gonna plant corn. I’m going to send you a video from a couple who live in the Northern foothills, in Stokes county. this video gives information on keeping deer and raccoon out.

  5. Everything looks good. Your mention of Granny giving you the peony many years ago, I live on my grandparent’s home place. My Grandmother’s peony is still alive and does well each year. It has white blooms. I know it is at least 65 years old because I can remember Grandmother telling me when I was about 5 years that I had better not mess with the blooms on her peony. If I had it would have been Lord have mercy on my rear end because Grandmother wouldn’t have shown it any mercy! Don’t misunderstand, I loved her and she was good to me unless I messed with her flowers. One time, she was about to take their 22 rifle away from her son in law (my Daddy) and one of her sons and use it on them-she caught them shooting the blooms off her rose bushes. She loved her flowers. Daddy and her son were dead eye shots and would often try to outshoot one another.

  6. What a beautiful, wonderful garden! Proof that hard work pays off in so many ways! God bless you all. Love to Granny.

  7. Tipper,
    These are beautiful roses from your Mom and grandma Gassie! What treasures to have every year to enjoy!
    How is Granny doing today? Hope great!
    Continued prayers for all of you. Blessings.

  8. Spring is so full of hope and wonder! I especially like the rose and peony pictures. Thanks for sharing, Tipper.

  9. Tipper everything is just beautiful! It’s all growing and coming along wonderfully! Thank you for sharing the pictures. I think I could almost smell Granny Gazzie’s old fashioned rose.

  10. Tipper – your peony and the rose are gorgeous – I love the bloodroot leaf but never heard of such a plant until I found you. I think of all the floral plants mom grew and the heady scents wafting around from them – such scents I have found for a few years now just are not there from the present day plants – the beauty is, but no scents anymore. Your gardens are doing wonderful this year and the cabbage is looking great – hopefully all that tilling will have killed off those ‘bugs.’ Have a blessed day you all – and Granny – praying that you just keep getting stronger!

  11. Tipper, what kind of rose do you have? It looks similar to the one I got from my grandmother’s bush, an old-timey moss rose. They don’t bloom long, but they’re beautiful and the fragrance is amazing!

  12. Looks like you and Matt will be making lots of kraut. Those cabbage plants are so pretty and so are your roses. Is the one Matt planted in honor of Miss Cindy doing good? I’m hoping your mother can sit on her porch and watch you all plant corn. Maybe between the rain it will be soon!
    Blessings to all!

  13. Tipper, your garden looks like it’s going to be a good one! My gardening plans are on hold with the forecast calling for severe weather today and tomorrow and the rain sticking around through Sunday.
    I’m praying for Granny to get stronger every day!

  14. Tipper, such a lovely garden! I don’t have blood root but I’m wanting to plant some more hyssop for my bees. Running to the doctors though has kept me in the car and not in the garden.

  15. Karen, your peaches look great. Do you spray them or put something on them? Ours never do well. They sometimes look good outwardly but when you bite into them, they are rotten. I haven’t been putting anything on them because of the birds, insects, etc.

  16. I watched your live feed later yesterday. It was wonderful. I am excited that you plan to update us every Monday. Your flower and vegetable gardens look great. I am so excited about our garden this year too. It all looks so good right now. We still have a few tomatoes that need planting but have to wait till it dries up a bit. Our grapevine is looking good, but it is so hard to keep the birds out of it. We have a fence around our garden, or the deer would eat it all. Nature and animals are beautiful, but it’s a constant battle to keep our food for us. Everything is so green and bright this morning—you can’t help but be cheery! Hope everyone here has a cheery day too.

  17. The garden is really coming along. The roses and the peonies are so beautiful! Good luck with the blue jays and your blueberries. Those blue jays can be quite bothersome.

  18. Your garden is doing well. It looks as far along as ours here in Southern Va . The peonies have been blooming for about a week now. I need to put paper bags over the young grapes. We were having problems with the birds eating them and we almost had none. I read an article by someone a few years ago who said she put paper bags around the young grapes which kept the birds away. I have been putting them on for the last three or four years and it works really well. The bags scare the birds and other animals away. It takes a couple of hours to place them on the grapes, but it is worth it. We only have four vines. Take a paper lunch bag, cut one-inch vertical slits on each side, lay the cluster of grapes across and inside the bag and staple the top of the bag together. The Bloodroot leaves and flowers are pretty. I looked it up in the dictionary and it says: “In bloodroot, the sap is red and poisonous. Products made from sanguinaria extracts, such as black salve, are escharotic and can cause permanent disfiguring scarring. If applied to the skin, the extract sanguinarine may cause a massive scab of dead flesh where it killed the cells, called an eschar.” Please be careful not to get the sap on you. You probably already know this, though. We have been dealing with rain here the last few days and the forecasts shows we are in for more for at least another week.

  19. Everything looks beautiful and your cabbage is really growing very well. We have had a lot of rain too. I was able to get out yesterday to start stringing up our tomato plants and cucumber plants in hopes they will grow up towards the cattle panels. My husband placed the cattle panels further back from the plants than he should have for them to easily be tied to it, so I staked strings around the plants in hopes they will follow the string in growth. I guess as they grow, I’ll see if that will work. My cabbage already looks like something is eating it, even though I have netting over them. I’m thinking it’s probably snails. I’d put salt around the cabbage area, but the weather forecast for the rest of the week is more rain. So I doubt it would help until after the rain stops.

  20. First off THANKYOU for the lovely photographs you so graciously shared this fine morning! Each one is lovely and very special! I learned what a bloodroot looks like too so that’s a plus! I’m not one to put the cart before the horse, but my one grape and one berry are looking good here too! I got that grape from where I used to live and it just showed up one day between the porch and house corner. I thought it could be from the old one mommy had so I took it 7 years ago I think. It gets a lot of prayer. Lol it’s rained like a monsoon here for the past 3 or so days but who am I kidding-it rains a lot more than the sun shines in Bluefield, WV and has for literal years… if they tax rain like they government started in Canada, I’m more screwed than ever. Lol god bless and y’all have a great day hopefully doing something you love for someone you love!!! Here’s to granny-the real rose of your garden!!! Much love and many blessings to each of you!

  21. Those blood root leaves are huge! They are happier than ours for sure. This year does indeed shape up to be bountiful. I picked the first little mess of early peas yesterday, was just enough to get a good taste and want more. Your garden is lovely, so much neater than mine. You and Matt and then the girls have made a home place out of that first raw clearing in the woods. You all can have a deep, quiet satisfaction in it.

  22. These beautiful garden photos were a heartwarming way to start the day. Could almost smell the fresh air from the vibrant photos. Thank you, Tipper.

  23. I love the sweet pictures you have taken as you walked through your beautiful garden Tipper…The excitement you share with us concerning gardening, putting food up for the family just being out doors in the different seasons God provides for us, is so encouraging!!!! I am so excited for you and Matt to get into your corn field & get to planting….You both have wanted this opportunity for so long thankful God is giving you the desires of your heart ❤
    Pray the rain let’s up just enough to allow you to get the corn seed into the ground & the other things you want to get planted.
    Prayers for Granny’s continued healing & strength to return. Prayers for Corie & Austin and their sweet little boy as his arrival is right around the corner!!!
    God’s precious blessings to all!

  24. Your garden and flowers look fantastic! I really like the type of row cover you have over your cabbage. Mine you can’t see through. I love Peonies and have a long row that runs along one side of our driveway. They are just starting to bloom and put on quite a show. People always compliment how they look. I got our garden covered with ground cloth yesterday to help keep the weeds down, kinda expensive, but worth it since I don’t have to do any weeding. I planted an heirloom variety of basil called Lettuce leaf, it’s from Japan. I’ve planted onions, garlic last fall, petunias, potatoes, radishes and lettuce so far in big pots on our front porch and in the garden. Now that the garden is covered, the fun begins! Today, if the predicted rain holds off, I’m going to get my poles put up for the pole beans and peas. I’m ready to eat our own veggies!

  25. We are in the same battle with birds as you over our strawberries. They are loaded with green ones and I can tell we’re watching, the robins are watching, the squirrels are watching, the slugs… haha! We put some netting over them so hopefully we’ll get them instead of the critters this year. Last year we lost the battle!

  26. Tipper my garden is doing great too. I spent time hoeing and planting butter beans , watermelons & cantaloupe on Saturday. I picked a few garden peas and scratched out a few little new potatoes and cooked them together. They were so good! Our grape vines are loaded too. But I am really excited that one of our peach trees are loaded with young peaches. This is the first year this one has bore fruit. I’m already thinking about peach cobbler and peach jam. I want to make & can sweet pickled peaches like my granny did when I was little. They are so good!

  27. Your garden is so beautiful! I can see how much the cabbage has grown since Matt & Corie planted it! Your carrot crop looks great! Everything is so well tended! As you say, “bountiful!” God is blessing.

  28. What a beautiful rose and peony! I caught your live yesterday after you were live! I’m so excited for all of you that Granny is regaining her strength. I love the gardening updates too and life in general. My prayers are with all of you. God bless you and yours❤❤

  29. You never fail to amaze me with your knowledge of plants and flower. Horticulture is your calling. So happy to catch part of your live feed yesterday and hope to catch the next one. Give my best to everyone and of course prayers for Granny and you guys.

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