How Granny is Doing

How Granny is Doing

Granny is still in the hospital. She had another rough day on Friday, but is currently feeling better. The doctors…

Feeling Puny

Feeling Puny

Granny started feeling puny yesterday after dinner. She was feeling so bad by suppertime that she let us take her…

Quilts in Photos

Quilts in Photos

Truett FamilyFront row: Charlie Jenkins (Granny’s father), Pearl, Gazzie (Granny’s mother), William Thomas (Granny’s grandfather, Byers, Amanda (Granny’s grandmother) Susie….

Granny’s Been Busy

Granny’s Been Busy

Adorable crocheted pants, sweater, and hat set & crocheted baseball pants and hat—all made by Granny Granny has finished her…

Granny’s Decision

Granny’s Decision

After talking with her oncologist yesterday, Granny made the decision to continue with a maintenance regimen of treatment and forego…

Hurry Up And Wait

Hurry Up And Wait

We’ve been anxiously awaiting Granny’s appointment to discuss her recent scan. We hurried over to Blairsville bright and early yesterday…

Today’s the Day

Today’s the Day

Tipper, Granny, Paul, and Steve Today’s the day Granny’s treatments officially start. I’ve been wishing the day would come so…

Granny’s Flowers

Granny’s Flowers

Granny’s little garden didn’t produce much of nothing this summer. I’ve never seen the garden do so poorly. I find…