white snowdrop blooms

Snowdrops are blooming in my flower bed. Their little cheery faces let me know spring of the year is surely coming.

The blooms are extra special to Chatter and me.

Last year during the month of February we were busy planning her and Austin’s wedding. Hard to believe in a few weeks they will have been married a full year.

You may remember it snowed on their wedding day. At the time we were worried the snow would keep people from coming. I’m positive the night before the big day was the only time in my life I’ve wished it wouldn’t snow.

The snow did come but it was only enough to leave a very small skiff behind. The swirling snow did make the wedding extra special—it felt like we were all suspended in a snow globe of happiness.

A couple of months after the wedding Blind Pig readers Wayne and Katy from Pennsylvania sent Chatter and me some of their snowdrop bulbs.

While it was snowing here on Chatter and Austin’s special day, the snowdrops were blooming in Wayne and Katy’s garden. And this year they are blooming in ours to remind us of the upcoming anniversary and the kindness of people.

Last night’s video: Sharing What I Carry in my Pack – Basic Bushcraft.

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Appalachia Through My Eyes – A series of photographs from my life in Southern Appalachia.

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  1. wow, those are beautiful flowers. I know extra special to you and your daughter. A consciousness reminder. So beautiful and special.

  2. I watched yesterday’s Celebrating Appalachia last night. I really enjoyed Matt showing his woods bag. I used to keep one years ago when I still got out on forays. Age now prevents those, but I still keep ferro rods, and fire starting materials on hand. Like Matt, I keep lighters and matches for ease of use, too. And I have vaseline soaked cotton that I’ve harvested from medicine bottles. Matt is a step ahead of me with the charcoal cloth but I do keep steel wool and lots of tape. I, too, have a Mora knife and my hatchet is a Plumb Boy Scout axe my oldest brother gave me more than 70 years ago. I have a WWII surplus knapsack that served me in grade school in the ’50s as a book bag and in the ’60s and ’70s as a bird bag for doves and quail. That’s what I keep my ‘possible’ in.

    Good work, Matt!!

  3. How sweet! What a thoughtful thing to do…
    That’s the best kind of gift.

    Their wedding was beautiful.

  4. What a cute little flower! I have never seen snowdrops before so thank you for sharing this picture and what a sweet couple to send you bulbs to plant. I remember watching the video of Chatter and Austin’s special day and I thought the snow added the perfect touch to it. I liked what you said about feeling like you all were suspended in a snow globe of happiness. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a year and I think they are well on their way to a lifetime of happiness!! What a sweet, precious couple!!

  5. I don’t have snowdrops but I have what I call snow dabs. I just noticed them yesterday and they are starting to bloom. I call them snow dabs because they remind me of snow when it is coming down in clumps. The trees are actually “Magnolia stellata” or Royal Star Magnolia. They shed their leaves in the fall and bloom long before the leaves emerge. They are usually the first thing to bloom around here and usually get frostbit.

  6. My friend sent a picture of Ester lilies blooming at her farm a few days ago. There’s hardly been a day our temperature has been out of the 40s, so we both agreed that is a strange occurrence. I don’t recall ever seeing them bloom the first week in February.
    Congratulation to Chatter and Austin!

  7. Aren’t they sweet flowers? I’ve never seen one before. Crocuses are usually the first flowers I see, and some neighbors have really early blooming daffodils.

  8. The Snowdrops are lovely and by the looks of them, I’d say they’re in the crocus family! I’ve never had the good fortune to see one before so thank you. To have them bloom on the wedding day was no coincidence. The older I get I don’t believe in coincidences- only signs. February is the month of love so a wedding then is perfect. All you doubters of snow should never forget there are big snows as late as April. I’ve seen snow flakes in July on Snowshoe Mountain, WV. I think snow is a dirty four letter word. I like it, but not too much. BTW CONGRATS ARE IN ORDER FOR THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY THE NEW COUPLE!!! I think it’s a wonderful thing to be in love!

  9. Aww, those are so cute and what a sweet sweet memory you all have of your special special day! My youngest son was married Dec 12, 2015, here in East Central Illinois and it was 70* that day! So surprising that the groomsmen got my sons Camaro out, washed and waxed it, took the T-tops out and added a just an old school “just married” sign to it, for the bride and groom to go for a spin as the guests left the church for the reception! But no fear, my daughter inlaw had purchased biodegradable fake snow, to be tossed in place of the usual bird seed or traditional rice, and the photos during the tossing look as if it was a blustery snowy day, our sweet sweet memory of our special special day!

  10. Seems each season has its own surprises for us. Harbingers of spring are often the most amazing lit’ flowers.
    My father loved bulbed flowers of all sorts and when thin blades of green would break through the surface, his eyes would light up with wonder like a child and his lips would gather a big ‘oooh’ although snow would yet be on the ground.

    I always leaned to favouring wild flowers. ..he’d call them ‘weeds’, but as. I became an adult, I learned, “a weed is a plant out of place”. I figured if God planned for that flowered plant to grow ‘there’ to say. “I Love you, Child”, it would not be moved by me.

  11. Glad you and Chatter have snow drops to bloom just now and thankful for Wayne and Katy sharing. Wish I could say it better but if I could I couldn’t mean it more. Your post reminded me of my Mom’s lily of the valley flowers that are similar to the snowdrops. I had not thought of them in years. I wonder if they are still at the old place. There is a little wildflower aptly called ‘harbinger of spring’ that is may be blooming in the woods now. It may grow somewhere up your creek holler. I am trying to decide if spring has sprung or is still just trying to get out. But I think if the question even arises spring is already here. We go from mostly winter to some spring then about half and half to mostly spring with some winter.

  12. Snowdrops are the first plants to bloom in my yard. I just love them, and I start watching for them in late January. They are prophets of spring after a long winter.

  13. I remember watching the video of their wedding. It was beautiful! Time just flies when we are enjoying the blessings of life. That was very sweet and thoughtful of Wayne and Katy from PA to send you both some of their Snowdrop bulbs. What a blessing to remind you both of Chatter and Austin’s wedding.

  14. What a sweet memory, that will live on for years, thanks to your sweet friends. 🙂 I remember watching the wedding video….hard to believe it’s been a year! Blessings to the newlyweds as they get ready to undertake another year. <3

  15. Isn’t it amazing how God speaks to us, and comforts us, even (or maybe the correct word is “especially”) through the world He created around us. Each season offers us joy and beauty! I have been thinking for a couple of weeks about how it’s been a year since the wedding, and reflecting on all that’s happened just in my life since that day. It seems like it was forever ago now, yet also like it was yesterday. When we plan for a big event in our life, whether it is a wedding or a trip we eagerly look forward to, we spend all our mental and physical energy getting ready for it. Once it arrives, and then passes, it becomes almost like a dream that it really even happened. All the soft, cozy, comfort of a wonderful dream. I am glad that all the small details surrounding Corie and Austin’s wedding added so much additional awesomeness to their special day! They will forever have those warm memories, and I know God will give them so many more to walk through together in the years ahead!

    Donna. : )

  16. I agree with Miss Cindy…..how could it possibly be one year since the wedding. Time does fly. Love the snowdrops. Have a wonderful day..

  17. I am beginning to think we may get through this year without any snow in my area (Greenville County, SC) even though I remember one year it snowed three big snows on every Wednesday except for the the last one in March. The daffodils are coming up and I saw one place where they were blooming around here. I am also beginning to see a lot of robins. I am ready for spring, my old arthritis joints don’t like the cold wet weather we have been having anymore. Congratulations to Chatter and Austin, I hope they have many happy years together.

  18. I remember watching the posts on their wedding and I was so excited to see the big event. I am waiting for the first blooms of new plants. Isn’t it a wonderful time of year. I am praying for everything to be peaceful and whole. I do love and cherish the bygone days…God Bless and please say Hi to Granny.

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