See what we’ve been eating from the garden-well I should say see what I’ve been eating. I’m the only one at the Blind Pig house that likes radishes-and that’s just dandy with me since it means I get to eat them all. Due to the generosity of Hometown Seeds-I got to try my hand at growing white Hailstone Radishes for the first time this spring. The white variety did really good-and I’m happy to report they are as tasty as the red ones-with a little more of a peppery bite to them. In addition to the radishes we’ve been dining on lettuce and onions from the garden. How about you-got any fresh veggies yet?


Appalachia Through My Eyes – A series of photographs from my life in Southern Appalachia.


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  1. My boyfriend didn’t like radishes either until he tried my sautéed radishes! Now he asks me to make them! Just sauté in butter and season with salt and pepper or other favorite seasonings.

  2. My husband loves radishes! We don’t have anything from the garden yet, in fact we just finished planting it a couple of days ago. The lettuce is peeping through the damp ground!

  3. My radishes are a few days off. Everything is growing good, but I am way behind you! I like to butter some bread, layer on some thinly sliced radishes, some salt, and TA DA! Radish sandwich!

  4. Happy Friday the 13th.
    The spring garden I am happy to report is doing exceptionally well due to the abundance of rain sunshine and warm (80s, too warm I think) weather. We are having green onions (red, white and yellow) green garlic, radishes, peas, curly kale and lettuce.
    Up but not mature enough yet are turnips, beets, fava beans and cabbage.
    This weekend if I do not get rained out I want to get the cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers planted and perhaps put in second seedings of radishes and lettuce even though the moon is not right for all it will hopefully be close enough.
    BTW we have two nests of doves with us this year, they love to nest on two of our pillars on the front porch. The young ones have been flying for a week or so and are fun to watch and the adult cooing is a peaceful sound. My mother, who was from Sand Mountain AL always called them rain crows as they coo constantly when it is going to rain.

  5. I don’t care for radishes myself. Wish I had a garden of lettuce and onions. I have plenty of weeds though! Maybe they go good with ranch dressing. Nana

  6. I’m with you, Tipper. I love fresh radishes. Don’t know what is the matter with those others at your house.
    When I was there last weekend you gave me some radishes to bring home……I ate them all as soon as I got home. I don’t even put them in a salad. I just wash them and eat them!!!

  7. Rule of thumb for where I live, plant after Mother’s Day. Well, it’s come and gone and we’ve had rain & can’t plow… SOON though. My mouth is watering from all the posts of garden goodies. We are using the Weber for grilling come rain or shine. I also canned pineapple and mangos today, got to take advantage of those sales now.

  8. Have plenty of radishes. Also have broccoli, English peas, and new potatoes. Noticed a tomato about the size of a half dollar. Weatherman says large hail possible tonight. I don’t need that!

  9. wow tipper… i so admire all you talented and energetic gardeners. and those radishes look so delicious.. i love them and dont really get to have them much as my husband doesent like them either… ohh slice them up and put into salted water and in the fridge.. and just eat as a snack.. mmm
    im so happy your seeds turned out into a bountiful harvest..
    much love and ladybug hugs

  10. Tipper,
    Enjoy and have fun with those red
    and white radishes, they were my
    first choice when I had an early
    garden, but I didn’t plant any this year. I’m just now getting
    started on mine, but last year I
    had everything planted by the last
    of March. I remember one of your
    earlier blogs where you were
    determined to plant the hailstone
    radishes, I’m glad for you…Ken

  11. Being as our garden was so wet for so long, I got frustrated and planted lettuce in a flower planted on my deck, and we’ve been eating it.

  12. Tipper–Lots of stuff from the gardens already (some here, some in Bryson City). Things “in” include asparagus, new potatoes, chard, lettuce, spinach, mustard greens, turnip greens, and broccoli. Peas and cabbage are just around the corner. Best of all, I ate the first 2011 raspberries yesterday, and we have early blueberries (rabbit-eye ones) turning.
    Jim Casada

  13. lot of tomatoes here, we are eating them hot off the bush like apples. I love radishes and eat them like apples to, but mine are store bought.

  14. WE’ve been eating red radishes and fresh lettuce too. In fact I even picked a “mess” of lettuce for my sister in law. Now where do you think that word mess came from?
    Our white radishes are weird, some chinese things that are going to seed before making a head. My mother in law just yesterday told me I should buy the white hail stone seeds. she likes her radishes with butter bread. How about you?

  15. Tipper,
    Radishes and onions here…When we could plant lettuce, the ground wasn’t right so we are short a salad ingredient….but what we have is good…Grabbled a handful of small potatoes yesterday.
    Your radishes look so pretty and perfectly round…sometimes ours have a a rock got in the way! ha…Rocky Top radishes!

  16. Little bit of lettuce and chard for us..I need to move to a warmer climate! 🙂
    I’m very interested in those white radishes- anything with a peppery bite sounds wonderful.

  17. I saw somewhere on FB, someone was pickling radishes and canning them, want to find that recipe and try my hand at that. I too am the only one that eats radishes in my house.

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