Today’s guest post was written by Don Casada.

Pictures of our people and place

This will be an introductory piece of what I hope Tipper’s readers will enjoy well enough to make it a series – sharing of photographs taken of people, places and events in the first half of the last century by three men who are buried in the Bryson City Cemetery, on a hallowed hill overlooking the place that they and I call home: Bryson City, Swain County, North Carolina. The images reflect a sense the nature of the people and the time of the early 20th century, not only of southern Appalachia, but small towns and rural communities across the fruited plain.

Over the last few years Friends of the Bryson City Cemetery (FBCC) has helped facilitate the donation of the photographic collections of Frank Emmett Fry (1877-1939), Irving Kip Stearns (1895-1942) and Kelly Edmond Bennett (1890-1974) to Western Carolina University’s Hunter Library Special Collections. The three photographers knew one another and I suspect exchanged insights on photographic matters with one another. They are buried in a triangle which occupies less than a tenth of an acre.

The donors of the Frank Fry, Stearns-Grueninger, and Kelly Bennett Collections at Hunter Library include two of FBCC’s members, Jean Douthit (granddaughter of Frank Fry) and Carl Grueninger III (great nephew of I.K. Stearns). The Bennett collection was donated by Dennis Anthony, honoring the request of his stepfather William Jay Swan, a grandson of Kelly Bennett who takes his rest in a plot near his grandfather in the Bryson City Cemetery.

I believe Tipper has in mind to do a little piece on the work of FBCC later this year, so I’ll not delve into our overall efforts here other than to say that our role in getting these and well over a thousand photographs into the public domain, and providing annotation support in the process, is one of the most important things we’ve done as an organization.  

Introduction out of the way, let’s get to the photos. The group covered here is centered in and immediately around Bryson City, NC. Captions under the photos from the three collections noted above provide links to the full-size images at Hunter.  

There are several features of note in this Frank Fry photo of the bridge across the Tuckasegee River in Bryson City.  Steel truss bridges were fairly common in the late 19th and early 20th century, and were installed in other communities throughout the area and state. They eliminated the need for understructure support and were relatively inexpensive. There had been a wooden bridge previously installed here; I’ve found no records to confirm or refute my suspicion that the wooden structure was lost during one of the floods which sporadically ravaged the river bottom. It might be noted that the bridge is about seventeen feet above the normal water level. In August 1940, a flood reached several feet above the base of the bridge.

Bridge in Bryson City

Everett Street Bridge and multi-owner Grocery & Dry Goods Store

A sign at the right end of the bridge is outlined in red. Although the wording can’t be made out, even at the full size image level, we know exactly what it said. The reason is that in 1897, the North Carolina General Assembly passed a law which began “That if any person shall willfully ride or drive any Persons ride or drive a horse, mule, or other animal faster than a walk over the Iron bridge across the Tuckaseegee river at Bryson City, Swain county, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days.” However, the law stated that there would be no prosecutions for this until a sign had been posted for thirty days “embracing the following words, shall be written or printed in large and plain letters, to wit : “All persons are hereby forbidden to ride or drive over this bridge faster than a walk.” Interestingly, there had been a similar law passed in 1885 which applied to the previous wooden bridge.

Anyone who has ever walked across a swinging bridge will immediately grasp why the law was established. The same type of statute was applied to other bridges.

The building on the right side of the bridge was built around 1897, and as the full-size image shows, was home to a Grocery and Dry Goods store on the ground floor. A few years after it was built, it was acquired by Charlie Wilhide, and became known as the Wilhide Building. Author Horace Kephart rented an office space on the second floor of the building. I don’t know what the rental rate was, but when he died in a car wreck in 1931, he owed the Wilhide estate $212 in rent; that is equivalent to almost $3900 today. The Wilhides, like Jenny Angel who ran the Cooper House where Kephart lodged and owed $551 in room and board, apparently cut him considerable slack.

The next photo was taken from near the south side of the Everett Street Bridge, near the right end of the bridge in the previous picture and has as a central element the original First Baptist Church structure, erected in 1890. Frank Fry, a Methodist, and Mattie Pender, an Episcopalian, were married in the church in 1900. Perhaps the Baptist Church was something of a geographical compromise. The Methodist Church stood a couple hundred on the south side of the Tuckasegee River (seen in the photo, which is looking to the northeast). If you ran a line from the Methodist Church to the Episcopal Church, the Baptist Church would be at almost exactly the half-way point. 

Bryson City NC

Looking across the Tuckasegee River to the original First Baptist Church of Bryson City

The photo illustrates that Frank Fry had a fine eye for photography – picking a location which framed the church nicely while capturing reflections in the river and the surrounding homes and other structures. I suspect that this photo was taken in period between 1905 and 1910. One indicator is the steam rising on the left side of the picture, which I’ll discuss in a bit below. Several of the homes and outbuildings have hand-rived shingles for their roofs, even though this is in a town which had been served by rail since 1884. Other than a couple of clusters of pine trees, the hill in the background (which my father and others of his generation told me the hill was called Pine Hill in their youth) is bare. The side of the hill below the large home is fenced in for pasture. Although it can’t be seen in this photo, much of that hill top was used to grow corn at the time; later, there was a 9-hole sand green golf course there. The Leatherwood home was built around 1890 by attorney Robert L. Leatherwood and his wife, Fannie. It is still there and was carefully restored in recent years by a young man who grew up next door to us and is himself an attorney, Jonathan Mattox.

The donor of the Frank Fry Collection, Mrs. Jean Sandlin Douthit, who taught business classes at Swain County High School when I was coming along, prepared a biographical sketch of the Fry family; it is posted HERE on the Friends of the Bryson City Cemetery website.

The steam seen in the photo above came from the Bryson City Pump Works plant, originally located between the train depot and the Baptist Church. One of their product lines was upscale models of the lever-operated hand pumps you see in old westerns, as shown at left below, and of course that’s the source of the company’s name. But by far the largest portion of their early business came from manufacture of turned porch, or veranda, columns like those shown at right below. A principal factor in locating the plant in Bryson City was the availability of native tulip poplar trees. The plant in Bryson City shipped these throughout the country according to newspapers of the time.  

Pumps and columns

Hand pumps and porch columns manufactured by Bryson City Pump Works
Source: Pump Works catalog, personal collection

Poplar logs were first hauled to the plant by wagon. In the first photo below, the wagon, drawn by mixed tandem teams of mules/horses and oxen, is crossing a bridge at the mouth of Deep Creek, about half a mile from the plant. The lad who is sitting second from the left is young I.K. Stearns (1895-1942). The large building in the background was the Bryson mill, built by the namesake of the town, Thaddeus Dillard Bryson. In the second photo below, taken at the same location, I.K. appears to have a bow in hand, with the mill dam and flume just behind him. Further in the background are the Smoky Mountains. The two noted peaks are both on the boundary line of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Kelly Bennett Peak was named for the same Kelly Bennett whose photographic collection is currently being processed by Western Carolina. Both photos below will eventually be a part of the Stearns-Grueninger Collection at Hunter Library.

Wagon full of logs and men

Load of logs on the bridge over Deep Creek, headed for Bryson City Pump Works
Source: Carl Grueninger III 

small boy in front of dam

I.K. Stearns and the Bryson mill dam and flume
Source: Carl Grueninger III

A couple of decades later, Kelly Bennett would take the photo below from near his house on Bennett Hill in Bryson City, showing the lower Deep Creek drainage, providing a nice frame of reference and sense of the area – cleared in and around the bottomland with forested hills and mountains. This also gives some perspective to how far the wagon load of logs was likely hauled. Juney Whank Branch, which is where my father grew up (Tipper wrote about a visit to the home place) and is now in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, is a little under three miles from the mouth of Deep Creek. As can be seen, most of the land below that was cleared and used for crops or pasture, so it would have been a haul of several miles to bring the load to the BC Pump Works plant.

View of Deep Creek NC

Lower Deep Creek drainage and the Smoky Mountains from the east side of Bennett Hill

Although they’re a little fuzzy, by zooming in, the mill dam and mill building can be seen below. The bridge that is seen is actually a rail trestle; the road bridge over Deep Creek is behind it.

river and mill with houses

The logs were debarked, turned on lathes, hollowed using a boring machine patented by EJ Wheeler, allowed to air dry for several months, and painted inside and out. The plant in Bryson City shipped these throughout the country according to newspapers of the time.  

Workers by logs

BC Pump Works employees, raw material and finished product
Source: Heritage of Swain County

The photo above was taken around 1910 at the original BC Pump Works plant; it shows logs as received (bark on) at the far left, after debarking in the foreground, and with the final product, a turned porch column being held by Bob Warren and Jim Buchanan. Several of these fellows worked for both BC Pump works and its successor, Carolina Wood Turning, for decades. Sam Wiggins, at the far left above, was one of those men.

About three decades later – in December of 1941, Carolina Wood Turning Company President IK Stearns took the photo below of Sam Wiggins and his wife Ellen Kirkland. I.K.’s affection for his employees and the people of the community in general are clearly manifest in his color photography, which was rare for the period outside of the professional photography domain. The character and strength of this Appalachian couple reach out of the picture and take ahold of your heart.

Man and woman by barn

Ellen Kirkland (1888-1982) and her husband Sam Wiggins (1880-1967)

Porch columns turned by BC Pump Works are still found at many homes in the area, such as the one below. It is the Ditmore place, located just southwest of the town square. The roof, windows and siding aren’t original, but the Pump Works columns, now over a century old, continue to serve.

Older house in snow

BC Pump Works columns still support the porches of many older homes in the area. 
Source: personal collection

Bryson City Pump Works and its successor company, Carolina Wood Turning provided direct employment to hundreds for over three-quarters of a century, and indirectly provided work for others who cut the timber and hauled the logs. The plant, along with Daddy’s garden, put food on our table; he worked there from the late 1920s when, in his words, he was “the greenest hand that ever was” until retirement in the mid-1970s. I worked there one summer while in college; it was hard work and made me more fully appreciate the strength and dedication of folks like Daddy and Sam Wiggins.

I hope these photos and my rambling have provided Tipper’s readers some insights into a part of the life and people of this place we call home. If you and Tipper will have me back, we’ll move outside of town on the next photographic excursion.

I hope you enjoyed Don’s first post about the photo collections as much as I did! The few photos I’ve seen from the collections are beyond amazing. The subject matter is mesmerizing, the frame of the photo is interesting, and perhaps best of all to me the photographers grabbed a visual image of the people who called Appalachia home.

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  1. Excellent post ! I’m not from your area but do enjoy photos of times past & reading about local history of any area of the country.

  2. Tanks for the delightful pictures. I wish all the pics of my coal camp. Ward,

    wv town of 4000 miners and was totally torn down at the end of Valley Camp Coal lost their 99 year lease. I tell 40 min.on StoryCorps (archive section) Thanks for starting the n.ext book about Doorie

  3. I very much enjoyed the photos and the stories behind them. Having visited Bryson City a few times, they are especially intriguing. Thank you so much!

  4. Tipper, thank you for giving Don this opportunity to tell of old Bryson City. Don, thank you for the article and for your work with FBCC.

    This article is of great interest to me because my dad always called Bryson CIty his home. He was born in Swain County in what I have come to know of as the Needmore Community in Nantahala Township on the Little Tennessee River in May, 1894. If my understanding of the geography and place names is flawed, please correct me. His father, Franklin P. Hutchins, died in 1897 and was buried at Maple Springs Baptist Church. He was only 40 years old and died of ‘consumption’. Daddy told the tale that he would visit a sick (with TB) evenings and read the Bible with him. That family lore might have stretched the truth; I don’t know, but my daddy’s mother, Mary L. Tabor, was a devout woman who read her Bible daily. When her husband died, she was but 36 years old and had 6 living children and one who had lived but 6 months and died the year before my grandpa. That youngest brother of my dad’s was named William Tyson and is buried at Maple Springs Baptist Church beside his daddy who was buried there the following year. Mary Tabor was the daughter of James Sharpe Tabor and Lydia DeHart and sister to Dr. George Tabor who lived and practiced medicine in Alexandria, VA.

    When Franklin, or Frank as I understand he was called, died my grandmother tried to make a go of the farm and homeplace for a year with her oldest son Robert LeRoy, “Lee,” then about 16-17 years old; but it was too much for them. Her oldest daughter, second-born Lydia, later married Tolvin Buchanan (who was probably related to the Buchanans in your photo from the Pump Works. Her third oldest, daughter Amanda Jane, later married John Davis. Both the Buchanans and Davises moved away for other jobs in the cotton mills that were springing up in North and South Carolina. Family lore says that the Buchanans pronounced the name BKC annon, not bue KAN an. You might know more about that from your knowledge of Swain County and Bryson City.

    Grandmother Hutchins placed her 3 youngest, John Henry, James Alfred and Charles Haddon Spurgeon (called Spurgeon, my daddy) in the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville where they lived until they reached their 16th birthdays. My daddy left the orphanage in 1910 and spent a year at Mars Hill College before joining his oldest brother, Lee, in Copper Hill. My daddy had learned the printing trade, at the orphanage we believe, and worked at that trade in Copper Hill. An interesting story daddy told of the times is that he and his brother had the chance to buy land with standing old-growth timber for 50¢ an acre. They had the cash money to have purchased more than a hundred acres, probably in what is now the GSMNP; but decided against it because the land was too steep and too far away to haul timber and make a profit. Oh how I wish they had done so!!!

    I pass along this family lore because it might strike a chord with you or members of your family, Don. I look forward to your sharing more from your trove of Bryson City and Swain County history. The link to more info on Henry Fry didn’t work for me; but I’m curious to know if it was he or his family that built what is now being run as the Fryemont Inn by George and his wife.

    Thank you, again, for a wonderful article. More please . . . .

    1. I know a little bit about Needmore. I was born there and lived there for the first 25 years of my life. I am quite familiar with Maple Springs Cemetery. My great and great-great Ammons grandparents are buried there.
      When Highway 74 crosses the Little Tennessee River going west it has to climb a relatively steep mountain. It doesn’t show as such on the map but we always called it Hutchins Hill. After you got across that mountain and down the other side is where Needmore Road turns off to the left and back up the mountain is Maple Springs. I’ll bet Hutchins Hill is named for your ancestors.
      I would love to hear from you if Tipper could give you my email address.

    2. Robert, the link to the Frank Fry family story which I embedded somehow had a spurious blank in it. Hopefully Tipper can correct my error so that the link in the post will work. But alternatively, try this:

      Regarding the Needmore area – it is indeed part of the Nantahala. One of Tipper’s readers and guest authors, Ed Ammons, grew up in the Needmore section and has written about some of his childhood memories recently, including one just last week:

      Ed is also a wonderful genealogist and has done a tremendous amount of work on the folks of WNC. He would be the go to guy on this, but according to my own extended family tree, you’re a distant cousin to both Ed and me, and I’d not be surprised if you’re related to Ed through more than one line.

      I could be mistaken, but I believe the George Leroy Tabor, Jr who practiced medicine was the nephew of Mary Tabor. His father (George Leroy Tabor, Sr) was superintendent of Swain County Schools from 1891 to 1894.

      There’s a Tabor connection to the house I grew up in – which is where I’m sitting right now. Yet another George Tabor – this one George Henry Tabor, son of Myra Thomasson and Martin Tabor, your grandmother’s brother – lived in this house from 1922 until 1933. They lost it to foreclosure during the Great Depression.

      Finally, if there’s a long “u” in local pronunciation of Buchanan, you’ll need mighty fast ears to hear it;-)

      We all descend from Nathan DeHart and his wife, Catherine Ramsey – as do you. Lydia Jane DeHart was their granddaughter

      1. Thank you for the reply, Don! Or, should I say Cousin Don!

        And, thank you, too, for the link to the Fry’s. That is an excellent family history, but is there a connection to the Fryemont Inn?

        As for the relationship between my grandmother and Dr. George Tabor, I’ll defer to your superior knowledge on the subject. I was but 4 years old when Grandma Hutchins died and have only dim memories of her. I based the familial relationship on my daddy calling the doctor ‘Uncle George’, assuming that meant he was Grandma’s brother.

        The Buchanan name was pronounced BUCH’ anan, with a short or hard ‘u’, rhymes with ‘buck’, according to my dad. I apologize for the typo in my post above. Most folks where I grew up (Raleigh) pronounced it BUCH’ anan (long or soft ‘u’, rhymes with ‘dew’).

        I’ve asked Tipper to share my email address with both you and Ed as I would like to correspond with you about Swain County history, et al, if you are so inclined.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing. The pictures are excellent and the article so informative. Even though I was born and live in central North Carolina I am loving learning more about Appalachia!!

    1. Leslie, that’s sort of a done deal. See the links below. You’ll find photos and obituaries for all three men, photos of their gravestones, and links to other materials on the Friends of the Bryson City Cemetery website

      Links to photos of the cemetery grounds can be found here:

  6. This was a wonderful post, thank you Don and Tipper. While it is certainly up to Tipper, I would love to see more pictures and commentary.

  7. Thanks, brother Don, for sharing these photographs and detailed info. It’s great to refresh my memory of my beloved “home” in Bryson City.

  8. FUN FACT: Did you know that Clingman’s Dome, the highest point in Smokey Mountains National Park and the highest peak in Tennessee is roughly 11 miles due north of downtown Bryson City?

  9. This was a fascinating post. I can remember visiting Bryson City as a boy of about 10 years old (~1966). Still one of my favorite towns in the area.

  10. Thank you for this wonderful and informative article. I love to look at old pictures. I look at the faces & eyes and try to imagine what they were going through. I have pictures of my Mother when she was young. She & others were never smiling. One day I asked her about this & she said there wasn’t very much to smile about! I visited Bryson City a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more articles from Mr. Casada. Take care and God bless!

  11. Pictures add so much to history and makes history much more interesting. There used to be an old saying, “Pictures do not lie”, but our generation and beyond can’t say that anymore with Photo Shop and other programs being available to alter pictures?

  12. I loved today’s post, and look forward to others like it. There is nothing like having pictures to go along with stories of history. I do have a question that maybe Tipper or Don can answer. More than fifty years ago I used to ride my horse over (what I think was) a steel truss bridge near my house. It always made me so nervous because there was this huge, knocking, echo sound that reverberated all over the bridge. People said if you rode too fast across the bridge that sound would cause it to fall down. I was just a teenager so I believed what they said, but I’ve wondered since if that was a bit of folklore. Could that have anything to do with walking your horse or mule over the bridge, or is it even true?

  13. Tipper–As Don’s more handsome and older sibling I’ve watched with distant pride the work he and others have done in creating Friends of the Bryson City Cemetery. Although he’d never say it, Don has carried a sizeable portion of the load, physically in terms of cemetery upkeep as well as in the organization’s functioning. One result, and these images are a strong testament to that, is the preservation and perpetuation substantial and important elements of local history (and the cemetery is now a quiet, restful place of loveliness).

    As for Kephart, you won’t find me cutting him much slack, and as a student of the man’s life who has written quite a bit about him and researched his life in considerable depth, I think I’m on solid ground. He wrote well but in “Our Southern Highlanders” he stereotyped mountain folks in a fashion I find far beyond the pale. Still, for all his many and varied faults (literary distortion and shaming of mountain people, deserting his wife and six children, financial irresponsibility, alcoholism, and much more), he clearly had a certain personal charm.

    Attesting to that is the fact that two of the three photographers represented here were good friends of his. Doc Kelly headed up the Kephart Memorial Association (which accomplished very little in terms of raising funds for a memorial) and in the late 1920s contemplated going into business with him while I. K. Stearns ended up, after the untimely death of Jack Coburn, serving as executor of the Kephart estate.

    Setting aside my personal views of Kephart for a moment, I suggest anyone who thinks highly of him read the material on the man found in Judge Felix Alley’s memoir, “Random Thoughts and Musings of a Mountaineer.” Alley, who knew Kephart well and was a highly respected jurist from nearby Haywood County, lambasts “Our Southern Highlanders” in telling fashion.

  14. Re: The picture of Ellen Kirkland and her husband Sam Wiggins.
    The iconic masterpiece by Grant Wood, American Gothic, immediately came to mind upon seeing this.
    Appalachian Gothic, maybe.

  15. Very interesting! I so enjoy seeing pictures from the past, but to have the stories about the photos, who took them, where and when just makes looking at them even better. Thank you for sharing!

  16. I enjoyed Don’s post, I grew up in Ela, just outside of Bryson City, but went to High School in Bryson. I was on the basketball team with Don’s brother Jim, who was a year ahead of me. I took typing I with Jean Douthit as the teacher. My mother grew up on Juney Wank Branch, at the head of the creek. I also worked for Cherokee Furniture part of Carolina Wood Turning, while in college. My grandfather was a logging engineer in Sunburst. The area where Tipper met the Deer Hunter. This blog is part of my daily enjoyment.

  17. I like ‘old information’ of whatever kind. Thanks for the trip around old Bryson City, Mr. Casada and to you also Tipper. I especially liked the information about the Pump Works and Wood Turning companies. I never realized porch columns were ever made by boring a whole poplar log instead of gluing pieces. It does make me wonder all over again though why yellow poplar is not used in modern millwork. The 100+ year old porch columns prove – if proof were needed – that it would be a good choice. And it would be a great industry for Appalachia. All those fields reverted to woods since about 1940 or so are growing lots of poplar.

    I’d be interested to know why Carolina Wood Turning went out of business. But I think I can guess some of it; competition, loss of raw material supply, freight costs maybe? and so on.

    The time period of these photos overlaps with the 1902 ‘Report of the President … on the Lands, Waters …. of the Southern Appalachians’ (title not exact). It was a report compiled by Gifford Pinchot and the folks at the old US Bureau of Forestry (which became in 1902 the US Forest Service). The report was signed by President Teddy Roosevelt and transmitted to Congress. The report also includes similar photographs ans well as maps. The report was a foundational document for later Federal government action of various kinds and also private investments.

    Speaking for myself I’d like to see more such photos. Guess you all can tell that?

      1. Magnavox had a big production plant in Green County TN, and they also went out of business. They apparently could not compete with the prices of imports.

      2. Gee! Magnavox was in Greene County, TN but is now just a name owned by a Japanese company. There is a room dedicated to Magnavox in the Greene County History Museum in Greeneville, TN.

        1. Ron,
          Thank you. I mis-spelled Greene County. Magnavox employed many people in its heyday. Some people employed there lived in Carter County TN and drove back and forth, daily, while working at Magnavox.
          I believe they had their own Credit Union which I understand was sold to some individuals.

  18. The photographs and narrative are very interesting. I would love to see more. Thank you, Don and Tipper for sharing this with us.

  19. Oh my gosh, I enjoyed this article and these pictures so much! I hope Mr. Casada will continue to share these with us. I’m very thankful for the kind folks who cut Horace Kephart some slack; I love his writings.

  20. Excellent post and history. Love the stories and associated pictures. Tis great to see the people and places of the past, but also sad to see what we have lost. Thankful that this information has been preserved.

  21. Thank you, Don! I thoroughly enjoyed this bit of history. My family roots are not far from this location in Haywood County, town of Canton, Paper Mill Town.
    Ellen and Sam look just like the people in my family photo album. They were working people. My grandfather worked in the paper mill and my grandmother milked the cows, worked the garden, took care of the kids, and put-up food for the winter. It was a hard life for both of them.

  22. I so enjoyed these wonderful photographs and their back story. I sure hope this becomes a regular feature!

  23. What a wonderful collection of photographs.
    Truly a picture is worth a thousand words.
    Our community also has numerous bridges ( one is a swinging bridge that is in a state of disrepair down the road from our house) all of which I know stories that have been told about over the years. Here to was a factory that was the common employment for most families. All communities should be so lucky to have a pictorial history. Great post !

  24. This article was so very interesting, and extremely well written! Mr. Casada’s detailed descriptions of the photos, and the history of why various things were so, was captivating. I am one of those people, who when showed a picture, asks about everything appearing in the background of said picture, too. I am excited that this article will become a series!! Thank you for including links to further read about people (or places) in a photo. I enjoyed this post so much, and I will be reading it again! I find the work involved in researching these photos – each person, building, street, plus so much more – truly amazing. Thank you for this excellent post! I wish every photo ever taken, received as much carefully preserved information. I can’t say it enough – excellent post!

    Donna. : )

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