Photo of Pap courtesy of Ed M.

I’m always happy when I hear the girls singing one of Pap’s original songs. Lately they’ve been fooling around with “I Twice Belong to Thee.” It’s a great song Pap wrote many years ago.

The song tells the story of a small lad losing a boat he made and then finding it much later and feeling that he would pay what ever the cost to get it back.

Pap was inspired to write the song after hearing his father use the story in a sermon.

I hope you enjoyed the song! Hopefully once the girls get it down pat you can hear them do it too.

Paul has finished the cd he’s been working on for the last few years. It is a compilation of some of Pap’s original songs. It has truly been a labor of love for Paul. I’m so thankful he put in all the time and effort to make sure Pap’s songs can be shared with others.

Be on the lookout for more details about the cd. You can hear some of the tracks at the first two links below.

Original singles released on Spotify.

Original singles on YouTube.

Shepherd of My Soul (Album released in 2016).

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  1. Absolutely love this song. I am going to share this with family and friends. God bless you Tipper and all of your family!

  2. I enjoyed today’s song and tune but because of my bad hearing, I could not understand all of the words. Nothing wrong with the video, the fault lies with me.

  3. Always a blessing to hear Pap and Paul sing. I know you and all your family are thankful for all the videos you filmed of Pap singing with y’all. We are thankful you did too!

  4. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you, Tipper and Paul for sharing these amazing songs with us. Look forward to finding out about the cd. Hearing this song made my Sunday complete after seeing our 10-year-old granddaughter get baptized at church this morning.

    Prayers for Granny, her doctors and all of you.

  5. Oh my goodness I loved this song! Tipper, my cat was listening too! She’s the black cat ( I emailed you about with a picture) that likes to watch your channel! ‍⬛

  6. Beautiful and meaningful song. Without Jesus we would be so lost! Enjoyed the girl’s video at the pizza & ice cream shop. The girls are so fun! Prayers for all! Take care and God bless ❣️

  7. At our age we long to hear the old songs. Ones that lift your spirit and praise our Heavenly Father.

    You were speaking the other day about boot prints of Pap and Matt in the garden and it made me remember an old saying, “the finest fertilizer on the gardener’s ground are His Own footprints.” We as gardeners don’t walk the same path each time we tend to our garden. We make sure the entire garden is taken care of. This reminds me of how Jesus moves tenderly and carefully over every square foot of our heart. He knows each and every thing in our heart and by His tender care, He loves us and wants us to have abundant growth and be fruitful.

    Prayers for Granny and all of you during this uncertain time. Praise God for His tender care.

    God Bless,

    1. Shirley, I really liked your comment and the comparison you made. I can’t speak for everyone, but at my age I only listen to the old time hymns. I no longer turn the radio on in my cars or listen to ANY of today’s music.

  8. During a summer when I was in college I was at home in a small town where my parents lived.
    I had a weekly story time at church. This was a flannel board story I found and told to the children.
    Love the story. What a precious song. What a memory for me over 50 years later.

  9. I love listening to all of the songs you post on Sunday. I look forward to hearing the girls sing it. God Bless you and everyone in the BP family. It’s gonna be a beautiful day here in the mountains of WV.

  10. You are truly blessed to have these 2 men in your life. Your dad is with you everyday.
    Lucky enough to have a brother and daughters that are carrying on his wonderful gift. Enjoy your Sunday. Enjoy and love each other.

  11. I thought that was a beautiful song and the way the fellas harmonized together as well as professional quality guitar playing made for a Sunday morning DELIGHT for the soul! I thank you, Lord, for saving a worthless wretch like me! Lord, watch over Granny and all the flock of your pasture this beautiful Sunday! You could sell ice cubes in winter cause you’re wonderful and good folks!

  12. Thank you for sharing your family’s songs on Sunday mornings. Such a joy to listen to.
    Everyone have a great day and stay cool. Continued prayers for your momma.

  13. What a wonderful legacy for your family!
    You are truly blessed I hope the girls let us all hear and enjoy the song

  14. What a pretty song. Enjoyed the guitar pickin too. Looking forward to this cd and the Christmas cd and hearing Katie and Corie play this song too.

  15. A good one for a wonderful Sunday morning. You have such a treasure trove of wonderful memories and music. I am so appreciative of your sharing. God Bless Granny and you guys.

  16. Thank you for always posting these wonderful videos! I enjoy hearing all of your Dad’s original music. The words he wrote were definitely inspired by the Holy Spirit, and they are applicable to everyone no matter the calendar year. Yay!! Paul has put in a lot of time and very large pieces of his heart into making this new cd. I have loved all the videos he has made describing the process of how the songs came to be, and the work that he did on them. The completed songs are beyond wonderful!! Fantastic job, Paul!!

    Donna. : )

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