growing corn

A few weeks ago, I mentioned having a test to see whether or not planting by the signs did indeed make a difference in the way vegetables grow. I had several folks sign up for the fun:  Becky of Twisted Fencepost fame, Nancy from Southern Blessings, Rick M., WKF, The Reddirt Woman herself-Helen, Martina, Warren who lives Among the Hills and a few other who want to remain nameless-(I think they’re afraid we’ll become famous for our discoveries)

The test got under way this week-we planted the first batch of corn on the 23rd-which is the best time according to the signs. We’ll follow up by planting the second batch later this week when the signs have changed to barren unsuitable days.

If the weather will cooperates the corn should have enough days to mature-most of the participants (including me) live in the south-so it shouldn’t be a problem-unless Jack Frost decides to make a very early appearance. I’ll be comparing the growth of the different batches as we go along. (check in at Twisted Fencepost to see how Becky’s test got started-Sign Experiment)

Corn variety is a hot topic around our mountain holler-seems everyone has a favorite and an opinion to go with it. Our favorite-Silver Queen-which is a sweet white corn. Not only does Silver Queen have a superior taste-it freezes great-and seems to hold that sweet fresh taste better than other varieties we’ve tried. Nothing better than corn fresh from the garden, boiled on the cob and served with butter-yum.

What about you got a favorite corn variety? What is your favorite way to eat corn?


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  1. Silver Queen is the only way to go when you’re in Maryland. Goes great with everything including steamed crabs. 🙂 I like mine boiled on the cob or on the grill. Both are very nice smothered with butter. Can’t eat it right now, but will as soon as the stitches come out. I can’t wait. I can smell it already. xxoo

  2. Tipper,
    I am looking forward to the results of your test. Grandpa always planted by the signs.
    My favorite summer vegetable is corn on the cob with butter. Mmm! Can hardly wait until August when it ripens here. I’ve tasted a sweet, white variety. We no longer can get Seneca Chief here, which is what Grandma always planted. It was yellow, but sweet and delicious.
    Enjoy your garden truck. We’ve had leaf lettuce and green onions from our garden and the tomatoes have already started to form.

  3. Tipper,
    Mama and I plant Silver Queen corn seed, the yellow seed. We prefer it to the white Silver Queen. The yellow corn is sweet and very, very good. Mama does not plant her corn during the full moon because it will grow so tall you’ll have to get a ladder to harvest it. She plants her corn seed when the danger of frost is gone and when the moon’s not full. Good luck with your corn!

  4. i totally would have signed on for this!
    sorry i missed it . . .
    fresh corn salsa is my fave, but the family is all for roasting ears.
    do you call it corn on the cob, or roasting ears? is that a regional thing?

  5. I don’t grow my own but I did put up 72 ears of Esau’s Corn this week. I have no idea what that mean’s…it’s just what I’ve always heard it called. We get it from a farm in Dumas, Arkansas about 3 hours away from us. It’s a sweet yellow corn and oh so good. blessings, marlene

  6. I can hardly wait to see the results of the corn experiment. My favorite corn is Silver Queen, too, but I do love the sweet taste of Kandy Korn.
    Grandma used to slice the corn off the cobb, take the back of the knife and scrape the cob, put it in a cast iron skillet, add butter, salt and some water and “fry it down” as she called it. I still like to fix it this way.

  7. Hi Tipper, we liked Seneca chief corn.We haven’t grown it in a few years, we used to grow lots and put it in the freezer. I love corn on the cob!

  8. The best corn I’ve ever eaten was called Kandy Korn. I see others like it as well.
    We like ours on the cob, with a little butter, primarily because I’m too lazy to cut it off. It makes such a mess.

  9. We enjoy Peaches and Cream, Silver Queen, and whatever our neighbor plants.
    When I plant sweet corn, for nostalgic feelings, I plant the heirloom corn known as Golden Bantam. It is prolific and makes “sweet enough” corn.
    I enjoy heirloom vegetables such as Marglobe tomatoes and Brandywine.
    Our neighbor plants a five-acre plot of sweet corn for the neighborhood and the flock that has a church just beyond these fields. Because there is so much corn from his planting, I haven’t planted my own for a couple of years.
    What a fun experiment; trying the signs. I wish I had joined. Maybe there’s another crop coming up, like turnips or second harvest green beans, that I can lend to lunar or zodiacal persuasion.

  10. I like silver queen I also prefer white cornmeal for cornbread.
    I’m your doing this experiment. Everyone needs to put up signs announcing that your a Corn Crop Experimental Station so your friends and neighbors you are participation in this trial. I mean–the government does it so why can’t you guys!!!

  11. I really enjoy Kandy Korn. I like to fry the corn, with a little butter and sugar, and let it scorch just a tad. YUM, or put corn, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, and cajun spices in a skillet. Cook it down til it is almost dry, the cajuns call it macshoe. I EEEEEEEEE

  12. I planted mine on the 23rd. I will plant again on Friday, I think it is. Then I will do a post to tell about it. I hope it does grow so we can try some homegrown corn.

  13. I’m interested to see how your experiment turns out! We are always behind on things and don’t plant by the signs, though I know a lot of people that do and they really ‘swear’ by it.
    Hope your a/c is fixed. It is too hot to be without it right now!

  14. We like silver queen. The other day I was thinking how did she get that name?(blind pig and acorn) Now I know. Ya’ll have a good evening.

  15. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ll get a good crop of local corn this year. Sometimes we don’t get enough rain and it’s too dry. I’m not crazy about the sweet, sweet corn though.
    I just made cornmeal pancakes with fresh corn kernels and that’s one of my favorite ways to use corn. I also like to saute it with sweet red bell peppers and, at the last minute, throw in a splash of cream and some chopped fresh basil.

  16. My favorite is Peaches and Cream variety. It’s like eating sugar. I didn’t plant corn this year. I can go to the farmers market here and buy it fresh 3-5 for a dollar. The first year I planted we were enjoying it so much when one morning I discovered a terrible black fungus on a couple of ears. I freaked and chopped down my stalks and threw them away so not to spread on my other garden plants. How stupid I felt when I learned the fungus was huitlacoche (a mexican delicacy).
    Good luck on your garden. Mine is slow this year due to late snow then lots of rain and not enough sunshine. Hopefully we will start seeing some produce.

  17. I’m happy that you have so many assisting with this experiment. I can’t wait to see what we discover.
    My favorite corn is the same as yours…silver queen. It was also my Grandfathers favorite. My Grandmothers was yellow. So they always had two different corn patches. One for him and one for her.
    My favorite way to eat corn is on the cob with butter and sometimes salt. But only if I have a toothpick and plenty of napkins. Can’t help getting butter all over your face when you eat it like that.

  18. I actually prefer field corn to sweet corn. Sweet corn is, to me, too sweet. I like the savory flavors better. My favorite variety is Hickory King. It’s what Sugar (granddaddy) always grew.

  19. We love the ‘butter and cream’ variety. I think it goes by several names. ‘Silver Queen’ is great for freezing though. It’s what my in-laws use for their freezer corn.
    I have a handy hint for you. My MIL says to keep corn worms off, put a couple of drops of mineral oil on the silks before they start turning brown and it will keep the worms out. She never ever has worms on her corn!

  20. I MISS growing corn. I grew it here one year, and it was spectacular, but my garden is so small, it’s not worth using the space. I’ve always planted “Candy Corn,” and I love it. But I never have enough to freeze. Maybe someday I’ll live where I have a little more space again and try your Silver Queen.

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