Appalachian Vocabulary Test 56

Take this month’s Appalachian Vocabulary Test and see how you do!

  1. Fuss at
  2. Fruit 
  3. Freeze out
  4. Founder
  5. Foreverlasting

Appalachian Vocabulary Test 56 2


  1. Fuss at: to scold. “Just don’t fuss at me. I’m gonna do it I just ain’t had time yet!.”
  2. Fruit: stewed apples; applesauce. “Sit down and eat dinner with us. We’ve got some soupy potatoes, cornbread, and fruit.”
  3. Freeze out: to freeze. “Gosh it’s cold out there. I froze out and had to come in.”
  4. Founder: to overeat and become sick. “I foundered myself on greenbeans when I was young and I can’t eat them to this day.”
  5. Foreverlasting: always. “I’m foreverlasting stumping my toe on that old junk! I wish he’d clean it up!”

I hear all of this month’s words on a regular basis-and use them all myself except for fruit. I would more likely say applesauce or cooked apples. But Granny and Pap-they say fruit.

So how did you do on this test?


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  1. Hello,
    I just subscribed to your blog. I had read your granny post (mine was gongie) and now this one.
    I have four more vocabulary words for you:

  2. I’ve heard them all and use them all except for “foreverlasting”. I usually say “fuss out” rather than “fuss at” but that depends upon the severity of the fussing; if it’s really severe, I say “cuss out” cause sometimes that’s just what severe fussing sounds like.
    What in the world is “soupy potatoes”?
    God bless.

  3. Used founder only this morning..I had food sitting on the table for the kids and papa was eating it all..I told him he was gonna “founder”. I have heard of all of the words.
    Love the Appalachian vocabulary test.

  4. Tipper,
    Back when mama made those stack or
    layered applesauce cakes, we called
    them fruit cakes.
    I knew and use these words often,
    anyway, my dog’s love is unconditional and foreverlasting.

  5. Tipper: All the words are common in the Cove where I lived. We alers worried about the cows getten out into the hay field and founderen! Thanks for a great POST!
    Eva Nell
    p.s. Are you coming to the Friday Night shindig? If so, we’ll see you there – bring the girls!

  6. I hadn’t heard foreverlasting at all or fruit used in this way, but the words make perfect sense after reading your explanations. One thing I realized from these tests is how Appalachian my speech is. And, that’s a good thing.

  7. Wonder if using “fruit” instead of “apple” had anything to do with the Adam and Eve story – just thinkin’. . . . -don’t use it except as a general term.
    We use “fuss” pretty much as shown. We shorten “foreverlasting” to “forever” and “freeze out” to “freeze” although getting “froze out” is used like Ed Ammons described as an expression of exclusion.
    Founder is also more generalized. We not only “founder” on the couch after a heavy meal but could be found foundering in the mud after irrigation or foundering in the sheets when trying to get them off the line on a particularly windy day or a child could be foundering in the sheets after a particularly restless night or bad nightmare; sometimes a youth is said to be foundering after a break-up, etc. – it’s applied as any struggle to get out of a physical or emotional situation.
    That’s my two cents – for what it’s worth. . . .

  8. I’ve never heard foreverlasting, but heard everlasting all my life. It was used in a different way than your example. Mom would say, get everlasting one of them kids out of this house. My older cousin still says, well forevermore when something is hard to believe. I still say founder all the time. I’m going to look that word up because I heard one of the city boys telling someone his horse foundered (died) when it got into an open container of some kind of grain.

  9. The first three words I have heard and probably use myself. Fruit, however, would have been a more generic term for me relating to any fruit. The last two were new uses; I had not used them in this format. Good lessons for me! The sun is shining today; more foreverlasting garden work to do.

  10. Tipper,
    How important is a word missin’!
    The word was tobacco worms! Not just ‘baccer…however I’d say those big green worms were full of ‘baccer juice, soooo, I guess you could say the rooster foundered on ‘baccer as well as the worm protien!
    I am loving your tall Phlox, take a picture when it blooms…
    Some colors of it are neon like!
    Thanks Tipper,

  11. Tipper,
    The first time I heard founder that I remember I was feeding a very young calf something I should’nt have. It was a mixture of my candy, some kind of grass, etc. Of course it loved me and bawled when I would leave. When my Grandmother found out what was going on she scolded me and said, I know you love that calf, but you are goin’ to founder it ant it might get sick and die!
    She went on to say she had a neighbor that got into some kind of meadow grass, foundered herself and died. So, I try not to eat grass, candy etc. together!LOL
    Foreverlasting, don’t use but have heard. The rest we use around here often!
    It must have been a bad thing for the farmer to have an animal that foundered!
    Remember the story I told you about the old rooster on my Dads family farm. The one that would follow them up and down the rows when they were working ‘baccer and run hisself “silly eatin’ ‘baccer. “He finally ‘foundered hisself’ and died right there in the row”, my Dad said.
    Thanks Tipper,
    Love the readin’ and word testes!
    My old friend says she just hates to have to take testes! LOL

  12. Yep, I know all these words and am very likely to use fuss at and founder.
    Now about #5, not about the word but about the statement. Why is it always a ‘he’ that we’re wishing would cleanup his junk? LOL

  13. I can’t say that I have heard freeze out and forever lasting used that way but I do know the others.
    In addition to founder we say I ate myself sick or I ate a bait of something. I ate myself sick on that naner puddin last night and I ate a bait of greens the day before. I’m gonna be big as a cow if I don’t lay off on this eatin so much.

  14. Founder: Bust a gut!
    I used to get frozen out by girls in my younger days. Nowdays I can’t recall why it bothered me.

  15. I’ve heard and used all except foreverlasting. Raising livestock I have been very familar with founder since most will founder themselves if you over feed them, one exception to this is the mule which is smarter than a horse and most humans (me included) in this respect.

  16. Wow…only have heard the first one. My mom still says that. Foreverlasting is about the only one that I’ve seen here that is longer than it has to be. Most of the other terms you put on these tests are shortcuts.

  17. Tipper–Those words and phrases are all commonplace to me from both a speaking and writing vocabulary standpoint.
    That being said, I’ll add that I don’t think I’ll ever founder on two things–watermelon and tomatoes
    Jim Casada

  18. Used and heard all these.
    If you were around the older
    people in Western North
    Carolina you would hear these
    words used often today.

  19. Never heard “fruit” or “founder.” There is something homey and comfortable about words like these, it makes ya jus feel good….

  20. lol Appalachia runs in my blood deep so those words are ones I heard a lot growing up. Sadly, the old words seem to be dying out, even here in the Appalachian Mountains or at least they are were we moved to almost 16 years ago probably because the words are going the way of the older generation.
    Hugs on this beautiful July morning, “cuz”.

  21. The first four I know and use commonly. Founder gave me a little trouble until I realized I was reading an L into it. I kept thinking “What’s flounder got to do with Appalachia?” Maybe I wuz foundered on flounder.
    Number 5, I don’t think I’ve used or ever heard, but I think will now. When somebody trips on my junk, I gonna say “You are foreverlasting falling over my junk. You know it’s there but you keep tripping over it so don’t fuss at me.”

  22. I passed with 100% on this month’s Appalachian Vocabulary test, for we used all of them as you indicate in definitions in Choestoe where I grew up. But I’ve become more specific now, and don’t often use them. It’s been a long time, for example, since I’ve heard or used “foundered” meaning over-eating. We nearly always got “foundered” at church homecomings–dinner-on-the-ground–not literally served off the ground, but at tables set up under shade trees on the church grounds. Remember those great “founderings”? And also, we got “foundered” at family reunions, the likes of which I’m attending this Saturday, July 20, at Choestoe Church, Blairsville, GA. Why don’t y’all just come on over and check us out? We’ll have on display the working model of Micajah Clark Dyer’s “Apparatus for Navigating the Air” which he built and got a patent for in 1874! Be worth coming to see and wonder at (not to mention “the foundering”).

  23. Did well. Foreverlasting wasn’t one I had heard, but it’s pretty self explanatory. When I was a kid, fruit was universally used in place of apples.

  24. We use fuss at and fruit all the time. My Mom and Dad never said apples. It was always cooked fruit. Never knew they had a name until I was grown and moved away. The other two I have heard but don’t really use, Barbara

  25. Yes, I use fruit to mean all fruit not just apples. As to founder, we say we liked to hurt ourself we ate so many of those beans. And say forever instead of foreverlasting.
    But, fuss at and freeze out used as needed.

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