Fergus County Jail

Jim and I had a wonderful day in Roanoke, Virginia yesterday. The book signing was a huge success. We enjoyed meeting everyone who came out and the folks at the Mast General Store couldn’t have been nicer to us.

Chatter tagged along to help and she served as my chauffeur which I really enjoyed.

As we made our way up to Virginia on Friday I enjoyed looking out the window and seeing the scenery whiz by. The rolling hills of Virginia are different than the mountains of Western NC but still very pretty.

I was reminded of one of my favorite songs about Virginia. Well the song isn’t actually about Virginia but about a cowboy who gets in trouble and wishes he could be back on the farm in Virginia.

I wish that I was home in old Virginia on the farm, whippoorwills singing on the dale

The name of the song is “Fergus County Jail.” We learned if from the band Front Range and it was written by John Lowell.

It’s a fantastic song! The tune is one you can’t get out of your head, the story the song tells is so real it makes me feel like I’m a bystander watching as someone yells “even up the score” and the shot rings out as the cold wind howls just outside the door.

The lyrics are filled with strong emotion. Hearing them makes me feel mad, then worried, and then a great sorrow for the man who though longing for home will never be back on the farm in Virginia.

I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I do. We uploaded it well over 10 years ago. I’m still blown away by the song, Paul’s amazing playing, the harmony, and the feeling that was captured on video there in Paul’s kitchen so many years ago.

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  1. God bless Miss Cindy . prayers for her. I’m sending her card off Tipper. I also have already sent for my cookbook. I’m excited and can’t wait. Hiw I wished I could come to a signing and meet you.

  2. I’m so glad y’all had a good book signing in Virginia. It is a beautiful place but you are right their mountains are not like they are here in NC nor like they are in West Virginia. When we moved down to NC back in 1985, I always felt like we had not left WV because NC looked and felt like home to me.
    I keep putting off buying a cookbook in hopes I can come to one of your book signings and buy one there, but it’s not looking like that’s going to happen so I best go ahead and buy one.

  3. Thank you so much for signing my book after the designated time to sign books. The universe seemed like it was against me getting there! It was lovely meeting you and Corie. Glad the day was a success. And we love our mountains here too!

  4. Loved the video. They were great. Also glad that the book signing went well . I’m still holding out that you both will come to Burnsville at Plott Hound books for a signing. Tried your cheese potatoes last week and loved them. But I love potatoes in any form , even eat them raw sometimes!

    1. Karen, my wife and I would come and stay two nights in mid Oct. at the NuWray Inn. I would always get me one those big baked potatoes at the Western Sizzling restaurant. This was about 20 years ago.

  5. I do hope you came up Fancy Gap mountain by Mount Pilot. It’s worth a look to drive atop Mount Pilot too- awesome views! When I’m in NC and heading up the Gap, the air feels cooler and more airy, and it somehow changes to say Welcome to Ole Virginnie. Not long ago, I came up the Gap from Wilmington, to find trees smushed down and it looked just weird in a small area. When I got home, I found a small plane had landed there…. I’ve seen fog so thick there, it would literally kill if a car attempted to drive through it. If you’d have had more time, perhaps you could’ve took a tide on the Blue Ridge Parkway right above the STAR City. I’m scared of driving so that’s why you didn’t see me yesterday. 100 miles is out of the question for me, girl. Loving the song and yes, Virginia is an EXCELLENT place to go to jail. My cousin and his friends don’t play much…

  6. Enjoyed the song today! It sure says a lot. Paul’s playing and the harmony is great! Thanks for sharing. So glad you and Jim had a good turnout for the book signing. That sure was nice of Chatter to drive and it gave you a chance to enjoy the scenery. Have a blessed Sunday and continued prayers.

  7. Hello dear Tipper, thank you for signing my book yesterday. I would have loved to have been able to meet you in person too. A piece of my heart is in those rolling hills you described, I’m glad you got to see them. Thank you for uploading such a beautiful song; I’m listening to it as I wait for church to start. Hope you have a blessed day ♥️ Ellie

  8. I’m truly happy about the success of ur book and the book tour. The success not only is a tribute to ur & Mr. Casada’s hard work but also to the spirit of folks searching for solid common core values in this ‘reversed valued’ world. The book harkens back to a much simpler and kinder time. It’s strangely comforting to know that, w/ each book sale, there r folks like me that appreciate and value solid moral core values….and great food!

  9. I am so sad we had to miss y’all. Our daughter is slowly feeling better and we really appreciate your prayers! But I’m so tickled that y’all enjoyed the trip up here and it was a good turnout. Continued prayers for Miss Cindy and all of y’all!

  10. Virginia sure does have some beautiful mountains. The guys did a wonderful job putting music with those sad lyrics. God bless Miss Cindy!

  11. I have never heard that ole song until this morning. The guys did a fine job picking and singing it. You’re right, it is fantastic!

  12. It has been a dream of my adult life to visit the state of Virginia and especially drive through the Shenandoah Valley in the fall of the year. Pictures of hunting and fishing in the outdoor magazines and scenes from my all time favorite tv show (the Waltons) have helped to create this longing to visit. The scenes could have been from somewhere else, after all it is tv. I have two friends- brothers- that have relatives in Virginia who are outdoorsman that they will often visit. They stories they tell about fishing for smallmouth bass in the James River and other places or things they do drives me crazy with envy. It seems from the stories and songs I have read or heard over the years, there is a lot of nostalgia among some of us for the state of Virginia.

  13. Good Sunday morning Tipper. So glad your book signing yesterday was successful! I always enjoy the videos of Paul and Pap.

    Have a great day and as always prayers for Miss Cindy, Granny and the family. God bless.

  14. My goodness Paul can pick that guitar and I might add sing too:)
    I LOVE Virginia!!! Even though I have a signed copy of your beautiful cookbook, I would have loved to have been able to meet you and Katie in Roanoke. I have traveled down that road (81)past Roanoke for at least 40 years going home to NE MS to see Mother and Daddy. Note: I love my home but “home” also was where ever my Mother and Daddy were living.

  15. I used to hear from you every day, and then suddenly it stopped coming. I DO enjoy it, and would like to receive it again, please.

    (We ALL had fun with riddle # 44!)

    Thank you!

  16. God bless Ms Cindy with healing and health in Jesus name, God bless you Tipper, God bless your family in Jesus name

  17. Wish I would have know you were here in Virginia. I would have come over to see you. I live south of Roanoke 35 miles.

  18. Such a catchy tune and I love the pickin’. So glad your trip was a success. I can image yours sales are great, did you have any idea it would be so successful??..I am sure a lot of your followers that are close are pleased that you guys are out there and surprised by being able to meet Chatter. As entertaining as both girls are, it had to be a great surprise getting to actually meet either one. Prayers for sure for Miss Cindy, Granny and all you guys. Stay well.

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