Cookbook cover

Jim Casada and I received our cookbooks! What an amazing thing to see all the boxes lined up in my basement knowing they are the culmination of hard work.

Here’s the blurb the publisher is sharing about the book:

High country cooking fit to grace any table.

Southern Appalachia has a rich culinary tradition. Generations of passed down recipes offer glimpses into a culture that has long been defined, in considerable measure, by its food. Take a journey of pure delight through this highland homeland with stories of celebrations, Sunday dinners and ordinary suppers. The narrative material and scores of recipes offered here share a deep love of place and a devotion to this distinctive cuisine. The end result is a tempting invitation, in the vernacular of the region, to “pull up a chair and take nourishment.”

Authors Jim Casada and Tipper Pressley, both natives of the region, are seasoned veterans in sharing the culinary delights of the southern highlands.


Chicken and dumplings. Biscuits and gravy. Beans and fatback. To any list of wonderful culinary partnerships, add the duo of Casada and Pressley. In “Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food: Recipes & Stories from Mountain Kitchens,” Jim Casada and Tipper Pressley combine wide knowledge, hands-on experience, and a conversational approach into a sure-fire recipe for enjoyable reading and fine dining. Together, they are the helpful neighbors everyone dreams of, presenting recipes across the range of meats, vegetables, fruits, and grains of the Appalachians, with useful asides on everything from greasing the pan and sifting cornmeal to cutting the dough for fried pies.

In the face of the charcuterie board and the over-complication of commodities as basic as coffee, this is a book whose watchword is simplicity. It deals in the basics from an era where most food came from garden, pasture, pen, field, and stream, where the spices were few and the recipes were hand-me-downs, and yet the meals were as mouth-watering as they were belly-filling. This is a masterwork, a joyous expedition into a culinary present that flows from a rich and storied past, and Casada and Pressley help with every page to assure assure it will have a future.

–Rob Simbeck, author of “The Southern Wildlife Watcher”

About the Author

Jim Casada is a former university professor who now is a full-time freelance writer. He is the author or editor of dozens of books and has published thousands of articles in regional and national magazines. He writes a regular cooking column for Smoky Mountain Living magazine. Tipper Pressley has been writing about all things Appalachia since 2008 on the popular blog Blind Pig and The Acorn. Her YouTube channel, Celebrating Appalachia, further celebrates and preserves Appalachian culture.

Both Jim and I are selling the cookbook directly, but it will also be available at bookstores across the country and on Amazon.

I’m using the Blind Pig and The Acorn Etsy store to sell the book. You can find the listing here. If you don’t shop online, you can also mail payment to me. Contact me at for more details.

If you live outide of the US you can purchase the book on Etsy but I would suggest you check the shipping on Etsy and Amazon to compare and get the best price.

If you would like for me to sign your cookbook please make sure to ask. Look for the personalization drop down menu on Etsy just above the add to cart button.

I’m really proud of the cookbook and I know Jim is too. I sure hope folks enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing about our traditional Appalachian Foodways and sharing our favorite recipes.

Last night’s video: Working in the Wind: Spreading Compost & Tilling Beds.

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  1. Hi Tipper, I’m trying to find your cookbook in the spiral bound edition. Do you have any of these left or can you recommend where I can get one? Thanks, Ron

  2. I would like to get 6 cookbooks and get them signed. How do I need to do this?Thank you for all you do

  3. Just received my signed copy through Etsy. We have already made the chicken casserole. Delicious! Can’t wait to try more recipes from your book.
    thank you,

  4. How much is the cookbook with shipp[ng? I am looking forward to getting my copy. I would love it if you would sign it for me. I enjoy your videos very much. I love the one where Granny and Paul are singing together. They both have beautiful voices.

    1. Libby-You can send payment of $29.34 to me for the cookbook. Please put a little note reminding me to sign the cookbook, with payment and also send your mailing address. Thank you so much!

      Celebrating Appalachia
      PO Box 83
      Brasstown NC 28902

      Every good wish,


      1. I was excited to receive my cookbook yesterday. however I was disappointed that all the food pictures in the middle are black and white and not colored as your were in your video. Some of them are on the cover so my mouth did water when I saw the plate of food on the back cover. nothin is better than good ole country cooking like my mom and grandmother’s could fix.

        1. Sharon-I’m sorry! The publisher will replace that book at no charge. Did you purchase from Amazon? I didn’t see your name in my list but I may have missed it. I’ll send you a follow up email, but if you see this first please send your mailing address to me at

      2. The cookbook is out of stock on Etsy. Can I get a copy direct? My wife loves your channel and being a southern bell herself, would love your cookbook.

  5. Would like to order your cookbook through you please post total cost and your address

  6. Hi Tipper,
    I received the beautiful cookbook that you and Jim did a couple days ago from Etsy. They were
    very prompt. I of course haven’t looked at all of it yet but when I get a new cookbook I always
    go immediately to the Cake section and start there cause I love to bake cakes. I know you bake
    a lot of cakes and have some amazing recipes so naturally I wish you would have included more
    cake recipes.
    I will certainly enjoy reading the wonderful stories and other recipes.

  7. I’m very much looking forward to reading your book and also trying out the recipes in it. I’m sure most of the ingredients can be found here in The Netherlands for most of the recipes. It’s obvious a lot of hard work and thought has gone in to selecting the contents to put in this publication. I simply pre-ordered a copy through, the Dutch Amazon site here in The Netherlands.

  8. Hello Tipper. Congratulations on the new cookbook, and how exciting for you! I think it is wonderful and such an accomplishment! I will be sure to get a copy. I read your post everyday and my hubby and I watch your videos every morning while we have breakfast (breakfast with Tipper and Matt, a great way to start the day), sounds like a new morning show. We love to watch the girls as well. We enjoy watching you prepare your garden and we are getting ours ready as well. Thank you for all you do and God bless you all.

  9. Hello. I have been a long time lurker here for over two years. I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for you to say you had the cookbooks to order. I am so happy I was able to purchase one. I would also like to note that I HAVE to read your blog every morning, or my day just feels off. I can relate to so many things you speak about or share. My family originates from West Virginia and Kentucky. Although, I am from Virginia, and never lived a day in Appalachia; West Virginia is always “home”… Thank you for all you do!

  10. Tipper, I am thrilled to add this cookbook to my collection! Thank you, and Mr. Casada, for putting this together for us! Many blessings!

  11. omg well done Tipper. so proud . you finally got it done. That’s amazing!!!!! I love cook books and I know I’ll have toget one with your signature of course.

  12. “In the face of the charcuterie board and the over-complication of commodities as basic as coffee, this is a book whose watchword is simplicity.”
    I love this statement!
    I’ll be sending a check for a book very soon. So excited!!❤️

  13. I sent you an email about the cookbook.

    I got to looking at the picture, not at the book itself but at the background. That is a piece of spalted maple. That stuff is expensive! Maple wood is on its own ain’t cheap but let it lay out in the weather, let insects bore holes in it, let fungus stain it and you’ve a gold mine. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but it is worth a lot more than ordinary maple.

  14. Shipping charges and taxes on the cookbook thru Etsy totaled. $31.32 , a little high but ok. Thanks

  15. Hi Tipper,
    So excited your cookbook is here. Please give me the dates you will be in Waynesville and in Hendersonville along with the times. Also if by chance I can’t get to one of these how do I
    order from you and what type of payment do you accept. Thanks, Glynda

  16. Congratulations, Tipper!! I couldn’t be prouder of you if you were my own daughter (and I’m old enough to be your mother) I’m going to email you with a request for 2 of your books & also to get the instructions. Best wishes for a job well done!!

  17. Congratulations Tipper and Jim. I’m so excited and happy for you and I’m looking forward to buying your cookbook. I’d love-love-love to buy my book at one of your book signings and meet you and Corie but it’s a bit far for me so I’ll get a signed book instead. Best wishes to everyone and I’m sure they are so proud and happy for you. I am. Take care

  18. I just ordered my book from you. I have jewelry from Katie, soap for Corie, and have bought all your music..because I love and want to support your family in anyway that I can. I can’t wait to get it!!!

  19. Congratulations Tipper! I’m so happy for you!! I just ordered mine on Etsy. I can’t wait to get it. I wish you and Jim nothing but the best on this wonderful adventure!!

  20. Yea! I want one too! I agree with the others, I’d rather buy from you so you don’t have to give the middle man a cut. Of course I would like it signed, after all you’re becoming just like family.

  21. Congratulations on the new cookbook Miss Tipper!
    I plan on ordering Robbie Lynn a copy with your signature of course!
    I know many will order and enjoy it.

  22. Congratulations! You should be feeling very proud, what an accomplishment for you and your co-author!

  23. My grandson wants to come to the Boone book signing but I can’t find the date or location to send to him. I’m very excited to get my copy. Can you please tell me the post that told of the dates? Thanks.

    1. I’m not Tipper, but the dates were posted on the 23rd, [url=]here.[/url]

    2. Well, my first attempt didn’t work at all . . . and I got the wrong post date.

      Here’s the list as of April 17th:
      Mast General Store Book Signing Events

      May 6, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Waynesville, NC,
      May 13, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Hendersonville, NC
      May 27, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Knoxville, TN
      June 10, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Roanoke, VA
      June 17, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Boone, NC
      June 17, 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Sugar Grove, NC

      Other events

      June 1, 6:30 p.m. Swain County Genealogical & Historical Society – Bryson City, NC
      July 1, 3:00 p.m. City Lights Bookstore – Sylva, NC

  24. Update:Tipper, I just did pre-order the Cookbook on Amazon. I sure am excited about getting my copy and I can only imagine how thrilled you and Jim must be about this amazing accomplishment. Have a great day down in Carolina. It’s exciting indeed and the talk of the folks in the loop…

  25. I’m so excited for you Tipper and Jim, congratulations on this book. I’ve been waiting for it to come out so I can order it through Amazon. Sadly, living way up in Canada I won’t be able to get a signed copy. Still, I’m anxious to get your book!

  26. So happy for you, Tipper! Today is my birthday so this is my birthday present to myself… ordering now!

  27. Tipper, I’m thrilled for you and Jim but also for your readers and subs because now we too will get the opportunity to entertain with hillbilly flair and prepare scrumptious country meals fit for any king! I don’t see how to order but I want to. If I make it to a signing- great, I’ll bring my book to have you sign it, but if not I will have my personal copy at the ready. “Go ahead make my day.” I’m looking so forward to getting the cookbook and its sure to be the highlight of my spring!!!! Congratulations to you and Jim because I know you’ve worked hard to make the cookbook happen! It’s a wonderful accomplishment and I think YOU ARE THE BEST! Btw, lil Zipper is a sweet baby cat. I named her kind of after you… you’re Mrs. Tipper. She’s little Kitty Zipper… lol

  28. Reading things both of you write, I know the gems will be the stories that will be there as well as the recipes. I went to High School with Jim a year behind and actually was on the basketball team with him and was surprised with I found one of his best works in fly fishing shops in the area where he and I grew up. It is the book about fly fishing in the Great Smoky Mountain Park. Like most of his books the discription of the history and the conditions of the stream is as valuable as the fishing quality. I am sure you and he have added similar supplimenal information in this work.

  29. Congratulations on this accomplishment!!! I’m sending you an email to get the details to order directly from you.

  30. congratulations on the release of your book. I have already ordered one through etsy. I did not know that I could get it signed. If you can figure out which order is mine, I would love you to sign it. It will be going out to Australia. My address is 20 Heathland Ave, Wondunna, Queensland 4655 Australia.

  31. Tipper, I ordered the book! can’t wait for it to arrive. I didn’t see the Dropbox before I submitted my order..could you please sign it ? Thanks so much and congratulations!!!

        1. Brenda-you can purchase a book at the Mast General Store event or you can send payment of $29.34 to me for the cookbook. If you want me to sign the cookbook, put a little note in with payment and also send your mailing address. Thank you so much!

          Tipper Pressley
          PO Box 83
          Brasstown, NC 28902

  32. Congratulations! What an accomplishment and how exciting! I wish you all well and am glad I (recently) found your channel and blog so I could know about your book, as it is released even; I look forward to getting a copy too!

  33. Just ordered one! It can’t arrive soon enough. I am so excited and I will definitely be visiting at one of the general stores! Congratulations on this huge accomplishment

  34. I would like a book and plan to come to your Knoxville book signing. You are an inspiration to many!

  35. Excited is an understatement. I’m like
    “Miss” Glenda. I would rather order from you as I would like for you to sign it. What an accomplishment, Tipper!! You are amazing.

  36. Congratulations! I just ordered through the link to Etsy, but now wish I’d ordered through you so more $ headed your way. How exciting this is for you and Jim. All that hard work culminating in your hand-held, colorful pages cookbook. Wow. Just TREMENDOUS.

  37. YEAH….I know there is shipping charge, but I would like to order through you, not Etsy. If you would please let me know the charge plus the cost of the book, I will send a check for the total to your address. Watched the post yesterday, but was really so interested in Friday’s read. I do hope this book lasts a long time. Of course, I know that the next one will be as interesting. Take care and I am so proud to, through this medium, to read all about your area of the country and your family. Please pass my thoughts on to Granny and God Bless.

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