squash pie on green towel

Our squash and zucchini have been pitiful this year! I’ve made fried squash exactly once and someone gave me the squash or I wouldn’t have had it to fry.

So far we’ve grown two zucchini…well I thought we had until I went to get one of them to make a squash pie with. The first one I came to was liquified from the inside out. When I went to grab hold of it, my hand went clean through it. Thank goodness the other one was okay even if it was on the small side.

The recipe I’m sharing today is from mine and Jim Casada’s cookbook “Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food – Recipes & Stories from Mountain Kitchens. If you haven’t picked up your copy of the book you can get one here.

Summer Squash Pie

If you have squash (or zucchini) in such abundance the neighbors hide when they see you coming toting a suspicious-looking bag, here’s a dessert option.

2 cups grated raw squash or zucchini
1½ cups sugar
3 eggs
½ stick butter, melted
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon lemon flavoring
1 teaspoon coconut flavoring

Mix well and pour into two unbaked pie shells.  Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees or till done.


If you try the pie I sure hope you like it. If you don’t have the flavoring on hand or have an aversion to it, the pie is still really good without it.

The recipe is great for those summers when you have so much squash and zucchini you can barely use it up, but it’s also good if you only grow one zucchini and want something sweet and easy to make 🙂

Last night’s video: Starting the Fall Garden & Why Matt Never Liked School.

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  1. My zucchini got started slowly.
    …But I have had 5 really big ones, grew when I turned my back on them, or went out of town shortly It’s always surprising to see how fast they will grow, when not watched. The yellow crookneck are very slow, but I have had two meals of them, hopefully more. I love the yellow squash casserole similar to your cookbook recipe. Trivia: 100 degrees, and rising here in Oregon as I write. Low humidity fire start weather, supposed to top out at 109. 107 and 90% humidity where daughter is visiting in Florida!
    I sure hope it cools off, as we will be traveling in September. Thank you for all your blog’s Tipper, and we wish Granny Blessings, and are sending prayers

  2. Tipper thanks for the recipe but I get zucchini from friends who grow or buy at farmers market and share with me.i usually make zoodles with my zucchini but will try this

  3. We love squash and zucchini. I like the zucchini bread best. I will have to try this one. Say hello to Granny for us. Prayers for her.

  4. I didn’t grow squash or zucchini this year because I had so much of it in my freezer from last years garden. Plus I’m the only one in my immediate family that likes it. My son in-law will eat some if it’s fresh, but even he has his limit on eating it. That’s why I just didn’t bother to try to grow any. I’m sorry yours did do as well as you had hoped, but I figure next year you will have so much you won’t know what to do with it. The pie recipe sounds good to me, but if I made it, I’d be the only one eating it. I might have to try it the next time we have a church potluck.

  5. This pie sounds delicious, but I can’t get any fresh squash or zucchini now. I was only able to buy squash 3 times this summer. Folks in my area didn’t have good luck with either one this year.

    Tipper, I went back last night and found the song that Granny and Pap sang together, Time Has Made a Change in Me. It’s absolutely beautiful! It brought tears to our eyes because it’s so touching. I’ve heard it sung before but never like that. Please tell Granny how much we enjoyed it, but we always enjoy hearing any of the Wilson or Pressley families sing. Prayers to all of you and have a blessed Monday.

  6. Ha. I don’t really grow as garden, as it’s just me and I suppose I’m lazy. I do have some tomato plants. When my brother questioned why I didn’t at least plant some zucchini I laughed that people are always trying to give me their extras. You know, now that you mention it hasn’t been the case this year. So take heart you’re not the only one with a skimpy squash season. I went to a family reunion yesterday and not one squash casserole!! I love zucchini bread…maybe next year.

  7. My squash has done well, and we are drowning in cucumbers this year. The tomatoes have been producing, but they are being so sloooooww to turn. We won’t talk about the beans; they are just pitiful.

  8. Tipper it is just the opposite here, have been trying to get rid of the zucchini for the last 8 weeks, my wife had to pick them starting when I was in the hospital having open heart surgery and are still giving them away, the climbing zucchini have been heaviest producers, the regular squash and the Trombetta have been producing really well also. Also like the striped Italian zucchini.

  9. I have a refrigerator full of yellow crookneck squash and no one to give it to. I gave some away when it first started coming in. Now when I ask if they want more I get “I’m good!” I’m old and out of touch but to me “I’m good!” means I’m not bad. Apparently though these days it means “Take your old squash and get out of my face.”

    This has been the best year I’ve ever had for squash and the loss of friendship is minimal so far. What I need now is a way to preserve yellow crookneck squash. Freezing, dehydrating and canning hasn’t worked.

    To me squash is and will always remain a savory dish. Fried squash and cheesy squash casserole are about the only ways I’ll eat it.

  10. I have never heard of this pie. I saw a video the other day and the lady made zucchini pineapple. She said zucchini takes on the flavor of whatever you add to it. We love zucchini roasted in the oven with onions. Enjoyed last night’s video. Prayers for all, especially Granny! Take care and God bless ❣️

  11. Thank you for sharing the picture, Tipper, of your Summer Squash Pie. I was hungry and eagerly began to read the recipe. My mouth all set for a quiche.

    I was practically drooling as I read the first ingredient. The second ingredient stopped me cold. Sugar? In quiche? I blinked, then read it again. Yep. The recipe called for sugar. In quiche. I read on. Eggs? Yes. Eggs are quiche-y. Butter? Nope. Not needed in a quiche. Flour? Nope. Not needed. Lemon flavoring? Nope! Coconut flavoring? Nope! Nope. Nope. Nope.

    Where was the cream? Where was the cheese?

    I read the recipe in its entirety again.

    Oh, dear.

    I would not be having quiche for breakfast. No, indeed.

    I was so disappointed.

    I was disappointed, that is, until I realized that I could have a sweet pie for breakfast! Pie is, after all, my favorite vitamin, and is an essential component in every well-balanced diet.

    Thanks for the opportunity to laugh at myself, Tipper.

    If you will excuse me now. I have a pie to bake.

  12. I’ve never heard of a sweet zucchini or squash pie before. It does sound delicious and since I’ve lots of zucchini I will try it soon.
    Watching you and Matt eat a popsicle after your hard work, I really wish I could find them in Alberta Canada . They look so good!
    All my best to Grannie!

  13. That’s just like the squash pie I make, and it is delicious. I use my yellow squash. I call it lemon squash pie and that way it sounds a little better to people who might not think a squash pie would taste very good.

  14. Oh, and Tipper, I forgot to add that I made your recipe of baked hash browns with our trout supper last night. The kids loved them!

  15. My neighbor keeps me supplied with fresh veggies so I’ll be making the pie. Squash is so good anyway it’s fixed.
    Have a wonderful Monday. Continued prayers for the family.

  16. Gee, sorry for your garden trials. I know very well how that is. I reckon gardeners just can’t ever give up the hope that next time will be better. And sometimes it is! Leastwise we know summer and winter, seedtime and harvest shall not pass as long as the earth remains.

  17. This sounds delicious, I’ll have to give it a try!
    I have made the zucchini pie recipe from the cookbook multiple times this summer and we love it!
    You have to think that all of these recipes using squash and zucchini were created in self defense by some poor cook who was overrun with the summers bounty.

    Lots of prayers for Granny.

  18. My daughter-in-law gave me a big zucchini the other day. I was gonna shred it for zucchini bread but there’s plenty, so now I think I will also try your pie recipe. We have a busy week planned with canning tomatoes, freezing peppers and harvesting honey. Two of our grandchildren have visited for a week before school starts. We took them fishing, picnicking, and just having fun playing with their cousins that live here. Their fishing resulted in our yummy supper of fresh trout last evening. They love to help me bake, so maybe we can make your pie this morning to take home to their momma. Thanks for the great idea.

  19. I was expecting this to be savory and come to find out it really is a pie! Same problems up here in NJ the bugs this year ate every one of my plants. I was able to glean about 5 or 6 total off of 8 plants!! Bad year for zucchini, but apparently a good year for the bugs! Sending prayers to you and your family

  20. looks delicious! luv the “toting a suspicious bag” yes,lol ! At our church I’ve heard ..come out to my car …cooler nearly slam full of squash & zucchini. I’m learning workable solutions to an egg allergy and may try applesauce in this one.

  21. The squash pie almost could be a quiche if you add a few more eggs your video last night inspired me to plant some kale spinach and some lettuce oh yeah some garlic for next years garden I will keep granny in my prayers she will be fine she’s a tough old bird as Matt said send her lots of love to granny and all of your family

  22. Wow a great time to get this recipe…I just checked and I have both that look like they need to be used today…yeah you. Watched the video yesterday from Friday and even fiction does hold true in some places. While my hubby does not like fiction, we both agreed, this almost seems to fit in with that era as though it was one of your auto or bio reads. Give Granny my best and hope the cards make her feel better. God Bless

  23. We threw away a good many squash this year and they did not hold up very long during those hot, dry days. We will have to try the pie. I only like squash that has been sliced, breaded in cornmeal and fried.

    The old post of white sweet potatoes reminds me of my daughter. She loved them. She would take Cherokee Purple tomatoes to one of her coworker friends and this friend would bring white sweet potatoes to her. Her friend’s family lived near Johnson City, Tennessee.

  24. I’m sorry that your squash crop was disappointing this year. That zucchini squash pie recipe sure does sound delicious.

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