Gussied up

The girls got gussied up on Christmas day for me to take their picture in the sweaters Granny made them. Hopefully winter will hurry up and get here and it’ll be cold enough for them to actually wear the sweaters.

gussied up = dressed up



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  1. Such beautiful girls! Granny spent a lot of time making those! Love them!!
    My mom used to say, “getting all gussied up”.
    We had a handmade Christmas around here this year…mermaid blankets, shark blankets, flat/curling iron holders, bowl cozies, eye pillows, cornhole bags…. I worked around the clock…LoL

  2. RB-thank you for the great comments! Yep primping is still common in my neck of the woods : ) Especially in a house full of girls! Happy New Years!

  3. Look like triplets wearing those gorgeous sweaters.
    I don’t remember our Dad saying gussied up much, but I do remember – “Quit’yer primping!!!”
    Anyone else every hear that phrase? LOL
    God bless.

  4. The girls look beautiful with their new sweaters from their grandmother. And, I sure enjoyed all the stories about the three princesses. I, too, have many wonderful memories of spending time with my cousins exploring through the woods picking flowers and enjoying little creeks. Pines in MS and woods in IL provided the backdrops for making a treasure chest full of childhood memories and probably are still, although in my 70’s, the reason I LOVE being out in nature and around creeks. Thanks for all you great posts.

  5. My word, it’s cold (burrrrrr) here in Kansas (near Joplin, MO)!! The sweaters are stunning and those young ladies are gorgeous too!!! Hope y’all had a very merry Christmas this year. I do still get gussied up to go somewhere. I don’t hear the word much anymore. My Momma used to put me in a beautiful new dress at Easter to go to church and told me I was ” all gussied up”.

  6. My Mother, Lona Helen Cordell used “Gussied Up” she was born in the Smokey Mountains and taught school at Oconolufee in the early 20s. I would love to hear from people whose ancestry is similar.

  7. Your post reminds me of my Grandma. She kept a cow when I was a boy and bought feed in the cloth feed sacks. She would save them up and make shirts for the grandsons. (Guess I was too self-centered to notice if she did something similar for the granddaughters.) I think she rotated the families year by year and, in addition, had to have two for us when our turn came; one for my brother and one for me else neither of us got one. Looks like from the picture Granny does very nearly the same. I was baptized in a blue-and-white gingham shirt she had made for me. There has been a lot of water gone down that creek since then.
    I think the girls will discover in years to come that they have fond memories that will include within them the memory of things Granny and Mom and Dad and Pap made. I know from your posts they have been blessed with a great start in life.
    Sometimes your posts are like meeting an old aquaintance. I remember that I know them but cannot remember who, or where or when. So with “gussied up”. I can readily say I know it but not where, by whom or in what connection I heard it last. But the memory is still good.

  8. That’s what I say, I’m “gettin’ all gussied up” when I’m putting my suspenders on, when I’m gettin’ ready to go to the store.

  9. Tipper,
    Those 3 little Indian Princesses look awfully good in their new Sweaters granny made for them. And I noticed Chitter is sporting some new glasses. It’s good to see cousin, April, the other beautiful Indian Princess. Then there’s the guitar player, Chatter with her gorgeous smile. I bet you and your older brother, Steve are so proud of those girls.
    Soon as all this rainy weather stops, we should be able to have some Snowcream too, and those sweaters will come in handy…Ken

  10. The sweaters are beautiful and the young women are too! I haven’t heard “gussied up” in a long time and havent been gussied up in a long time either!
    It’s a little colder here in middle TN but we are absolutely rain-soaked and we all still feel bogged down by having eaten ( and still eating) so much rich food. I wish I had gotten around to planting some lettuce in the big flower pots–a salad with “real” lettuce would be so good.
    Happy New Year to you and to all the family. Please tell Miss Granny that the sweaters are a work of art!

  11. I’ve heard and used “gussied up” for as long as I can remember. The sweaters are gorgeous and the color is so festive! To have a sweater made by your Granny makes it extra-special.

  12. Tipper,
    Beautiful ladies….I assume these are the same (three princesses) that we saw pictures of when they were just toddlers, etc.
    How blessed they are! Just wonderful that Granny got them all “gussied up” and waiting for the Winter snow that will probably arrive by March 1st….
    Great work on the sweaters Granny!
    Thanks Tipper
    Does anyone remember any of our folklore predictions for this winter…We didn’t get any ‘persimmons’ this year and, well… I lost count of August fogs by September. I do remember ‘one’ heavy August fog!
    The “wooly bears” around here that I saw, ranged from pure black to pure auburn, with a few banded… auburn, black and auburn. I think they were as confused as the winter weather forecast!

  13. Have you been hiding the third Presley girl? They Gussie up right well but hopefully they can wait a while longer to get to wear their sweaters. Do you have your Collard greens, Hog Jowl and Black eyed peas ready for New Years Cuisine?

  14. Looks like a new Acorn gang face; unless you’ve been hiding a daughter. Pretty sweaters. Also, note some family(?) photos in the background, and wonder if the sword is a family heirloom or of some historical significance.

  15. I haven’t heard that phrase for a long time, but I knew what it meant. The sweaters are gorgeous; they are a wonderful keepsake. Great color! And the third person was none other than …………………… Happy day!

  16. Well Tipper, it doesn’t take much to confuse me! How can a SET OF TWINS suddenly become a set of triplets? And by the way, those sweaters are simply lovely! Lucky girls!
    Eva Nell

  17. Granny sure does some fine crocheting and the three princesses look lovely in their new sweaters! Granny can crochet anything.

  18. What beautiful girls! And what lovely sweaters! The red is my favorite shade of red, and you can imagine all the love that went into every stitch! Yes, I have always heard and used the expression gussied up. I’ve also heard dolled up — and, for dressed up men and boys, duded up. I wish I could send you some of our New Mexico sweater weather — it’s 16 degrees here this morning. Outside is a blanket of 20 inches of snow, with drifts as deep as ten feet in parts of our county. My yard looks like a scene from the movie Dr. Zhivago! Very beautiful! There are drifts on both my porches, so I can’t open the screen doors, but I did manage to get one open about six inches — enough to reach out and get clean snow for snow ice cream yesterday!

  19. Not only – “what gorgeous sweaters, but what gorgeous young ladies!” Thanks for sharing this with us. BTW, please list the names as they stood. Thanks. Hazel R Carr, West Palm Beach, FL

  20. Good old Australian term as well but rarely used these days. I remember my Mum and and aunties talking about getting all gussied up to go out. I think grandmothers the world over knitted sweaters (we call them jumpers here) for all the grandkids too. My Mum must’ve knitted and crocheted a thousand of them! Here in Australia its summer at Christmas so not much call for them right now, more shorts and T-shirt weather.

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