lightning in night sky

I still haven’t got any snow to amount to anything. One day last week we had a skiff of snow, but it melted quickly once the sun came out.

Lots of folks across the US have received ample amounts of snow over the last few days, but so far none has fallen in Brasstown.

About a week ago we had some storms come through the area. One clap of thunder was loud enough to bring Chitter up out of her shop wondering if she had really heard thunder in January.

I assured her she had and thought to myself I hope the old folklore thunder in January brings snow rings true. Maybe it did since we got a small skiff of snow.

I remember Ethelene Dyer Jones sharing another piece of folklore about storms in January.

Lightning in January, snow in April.

Even though I surely want a big snow I really don’t want one in April. By then I am in full gardening mode.

Here’s a few other’s from Ethelene.

Thunder in the fall, a cold winter withal.

Flowers abloom in late, late fall, A cold bad winter surely will call.

Fruit trees blooming out of season in fall, a cold hard winter is certain to call.

Thick ice in November to bear a duck, The rest of the winter will be slush and muck.

Cobwebs spun upon the grass, Fair weather will surely come to pass.

When leaves fall early, fall and winter will be mild; When leaves fall late, winter will be severe and wild.

If a cool August follows a hot July, it fortells a winter hard and dry.

If squirrels gather nuts in a flurry, Snows of winter will gather in a hurry.

I haven’t given up on the snow yet, there’s still plenty of winter left for the moisture and the cold to align just right and bring me a big snow.

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  1. I am shocked you don’t have snow yet.
    I want to thank you for the cookbook page number in the video last night. I got so excited!! You made my night!

  2. Sorry to hear you haven’t gotten any snow yet. This winter has been a weird one. I’m west Texas our winters really start last January into February. But it usually only gets as low at the 20’s. This year’s we have been very close to the Negatives. It’s about 5 degrees every month I wake up for work. But…same here no snow or moisture. Just Dry cold that cuts to the bone.

  3. Don’t recall if was in January. As a pre-teen and teenager (1950s) I carried the morning newspaper in Raleigh. I recall delivering in a deep snow – over a foot- with blinding blizzard conditions – and hearing thunder. Thunder in a snowstorm is an eerie thing because of what snowflakes do to sound waves. If lightning accompanied that thunder, I don’t recall seeing it; but the snow probably so diffused the light that I didn’t notice. The thunder clapped more than once that morning.

    Here in central Texas we are at about the same latitude as Jacksonville, FL; yet we’ve had temps at 12 and 13°F the last couple of mornings with a skiff of snow yesterday. Even in mid afternoon, it is still only 21° outside. We haven’t been above freezing since Sunday, I think. This is very unusual for this area.

    One of you folks up North must have left the South pasture gate open.

    1. Yes! Thunder snow is rare! Here in NW Georgia, we had it during the Blizzard of ’93, in March, after we had temps in the 70’s! Storm of the Century, I think it was dubbed. Daddy who was 65 then, said he’d never heard it. Sadly the blizzard caused numerous deaths.

  4. We had a winter storm this past week in southeast Michigan and we heard thunder during the storm. It’s always strange to hear thunder in the winter!

  5. We had a beautiful snow yesterday but its all gone now, I would like a big snow as you do I love the snow. I live in Millers Creek NC we just don’t get the snows we used to when I was little we used to walk on top of the snow and it would stick around for a long time and we would go to school with chains on the tires of our school bus. I love the snow I think GOD is cleaning this old dirty world .They used to say that a good snow would kill the germs . We also made snow cream and my Mama made the best.

  6. I thought for sure we’d get at least an inch or 2 from this front but it was mostly rain for Waynesville. It did snow pretty hard for about an hour and a half but then it turned back to rain so we ended up with a thin layer of slush. Hope everybody over that way is staying warm…it sure is cold! Brrrr

  7. I remember my mom always saying something about thunder in winter, but sadly have forgotten exactly how it went. It’s good you have posted these old sayings because if you or someone else hadn’t then they would be forgotten. I wish I had written down some of the old wives tales or old sayings I heard my mom and her people say that her dad taught them. Some I remember because I say them too, but more of them I’ve forgotten because I just never picked up using them. It’s raining today and we’ve not had any snow, just heavy frost. I do remember as a young child it snowing on Easter in WV. Us kids were all dressed up in our Easter clothes and new shoes to go to church. Us girls had on them frilly shot sleeves spring type dresses and our white patented leather shoes. We all like to froze to death even though mom had our pretty light weight matching coats, white cotton gloves and matching spring hats on. My brothers had on their light weight suits on with short sleeves shirt. They were cold too. Mom rushed us in the car she warmed up and then we all ran into the church once we got there. Easter that year was in April. We laughed about that just about every year after that. I don’t remember it snowing on Easter after that, but I’ll never forget that year. It was also the year we didn’t get our picture made before we left the house since this was the first year we all had gotten new clothes to wear for Easter. It was just to cold and snowy to get us outside for an Easter picture that year.

  8. Oh my goodness, did I wake up to some snow? Yes, I did, about 2″ maybe 3″, and I shore wish I could send it to you Tipper:) When I was younger, I really didn’t mind it when I could use the snow blower but now I’m not so agile on my feet so I have my driveway plowed. I will have to wait on the guy who does the plowing for he has to do his commercial jobs first which is o.k., with me as I’m retired. It looks like a winter wonder land scene outside but brrrrr it is cold here in SC PA. If you have snow or icy roads and don’t have to go out, stay in and be safe. I worked for three hours yesterday cutting up vegetables and cooking chicken thighs in stock pot making home-made chicken soup, about 6 quarts to freeze and left one for me to use today and tomorrow. Looking forward to a big steamy bowl of that delicious soup for supper.

  9. We’ve always heard, “if you hear thunder in the winter, it will snow in 7-10 days.” I do remember that actually happened one time to my knowledge and if we hear thunder this time of year, that’s what we immediately think about. I always enjoy hearing the “sayings” about the weather.

  10. Here in NW Alabama we have 6-8 inches of snow! Unusual for us but so very beautiful. I thought about you several times yesterday and hoped some of this would get to you. Be careful sledding if it did! Have a great day!

  11. Here in the Tennessee valley, thunder last Friday, 9 1/2” snow yesterday, 17 degrees this morning. Thankful for heat, water and shelter! No matter the circumstances God is good!

  12. I read this a few years ago and gave a copy of it to a dairy farmer friend. A bus load of visitors had came to tour a dairy farmer’s farm. The farmer thought he would have a little fun with them and told them you could predict the weather by watching the cows, if they were standing up the weather would be sunny, if they were laying down the weather would be stormy. One of visitors spoke up and said some of your cows were standing up and some were laying down, what does that mean? The farmer thought about it and said that just means some of them are right and some of them are wrong. Sounds like of today’s weathermen!

  13. Our governor has called a state of emergency mostly due to the frigid temperatures and the wind chill factor. We got about an inch of snow the last two nights and every flake stuck to the cold roads. Eastern KY looked like they were getting hammered on the weather radar all day and evening. I went to the weather channel’s radar and checked to see if any snow from that storm was headed to Brasstown since you are not that far away. I hope Friday’s storm will find the Pressley family eating snow cream.

  14. I’ve heard someone say “Thunder in January, snow in June”. That’s a little extreme I think. After a severe drought last year here in eastern Kansas, I guess we’re making up for it now. Three inches of snow Jan 5 followed by 10″ on the 9th and 2 more yesterday(15th). Winds over 20mph to boot. Sub zero and single digit temperatures the last five days (-15° here this morning).
    I hope this winter blast isn’t as bad for y’all but maybe you’ll get some snow soon, Tipper.

  15. I am sitting here looking out the windows to a full 4 inches of snow covering the yard. It is beautiful. I walk out and it is pillowey soft! I have video and pics on my instagram if you would like to see and live vicariously through me for your snow! lol!! @ontheporchwithjackie

  16. We usually don’t get snow in Hawaii. Only in the Big Island on Mauna Kea. One year we got a hail storm and big hail stones came falling down into our yard and did some denting on the car. Never had another one since.

  17. I live in middle southern TN. We got hit with 7 and half inches of snow yesterday! It’s the most we have had here for some time. The snow was sooooo pretty coming down. Huge big globs of snowflakes. I could hear them hitting the ground! It’s beautiful this morning. Quiet, still and frozen. No one is out because the roads are just covered with snow and ice. I did get out yesterday to get a big bowl of fresh snow for snow cream. Gosh, I love that stuff so much! I’m not much of a cold-weather person, and I like the snow for a little bit, but eventually I’m always ready to get out and get warmed up!

  18. We had thunder and lightening a few days ago. But here in NE Arkansas, weather is very unpredictable. We got maybe an inch and a half of snow in the last two days. Some of the pipes froze, so I am hoping for warm weather. Yes snow is wonderful to look at, but 6 degrees is too cold to wake up to. Hope you get your snow Tipper. Everyone stay warm and safe.

  19. I’ve noticed something this fall and winter I had not before in our 31 years living here. We have had multiple nights at or well below 32°F yet we had not had frost. The air was too dry to reach the dew point so there was no dew to freeze and make frost. So my fall garden plants are undamaged though I never covered them. However, we have lows below 20°F this week and I think that is going to mean hard frost. Plan on covering the broccoli today.

    1. My experience has been the polar opposite of yours this fall and winter. I’ve seen the heaviest frosts I can remember. Many mornings I’ve looked out and seen what appeared to be ¼ inch of snow. Frosts so heavy that, when the sun got high enough, I could hear water falling into the gutters and downspouts.

    2. I have had some big frost in my area oh Greenville County, SC this year, some looked like a “dusting “of snow. I have noticed if the wind is blowing, even a little bit of breeze, it seems to not frost. I use to say I liked cold weather better than hot weather, but now that I am older, I have just about changed my mind. More so because now I think more about the danger or damage caused by cold temperatures.

  20. At 11 degrees and with 15+ inches of snow on my patio and car, I’m praying some of it heads your way and STOPS where I live. This fall we had some wild bouts of thunder and lightning, but surrounded by Lakes Michigan and Huron, we get some wild weather and serious winters. In truth, I love it all.

    1. We live almost at the tip of the mitt here in Michigan and joke that our road is the snowbelt of the snowbelt. Wish we could have sent our 31+ inches of snow down to you Tipper! Blessings to all. Prayers for the Blind Pig family.

  21. the Atlanta weather man said it would be in the single digits, I’ve been praying friends thank you for praying for us

  22. It snowed all night here in Central Eastern WV, and we are still under a winter storm warning for the rest of the day. I love the snow and winter, but I do worry about my children driving to work this morning. Schools are closed in most counties today because of snow-covered roads, and also the wind chill temps. I feel so blessed to have a warm, cozy home. I am gonna bake my mama a birthday cake this morning. She’s turning 82, and we are gonna brave the weather and go celebrate with her this afternoon—they need a few groceries too. Keep warm and safe everyone and God Bless you all.

  23. We had some January thunder last week as well and had the same reaction as Katie. We’ve had some odd weather and really strong winds here lately. It’s dropped down to about 4 degrees at night with highs of around 17 but still no snow for us and in typical southern Ohio fashion we’ve got a high of 50 coming up in a few days. I remember we used to get tons of snow this time of year when I was little. We don’t get near as much now.

  24. One of my city carriers faithfully said “rains before 7:00 end by 11:00”……I think he was willin the old wives tale to be true…..haha

  25. oh they are calling for snow a few days. we had sleet yesterday over off 294. Burr. the week ahead looks miserable with the low temps, looking forward to it getting a tad warmer

  26. Well, another morning & no snow here either. It was like the clouds just divided and went below & above us. I thought for sure I’d wake this morning to snow, but nope. I’m not looking forward to these falling temps today and down in low teens tomorrow morning. Y’all stay warm.

  27. We have had two snow days and a today is a cold weather day. I really love it. Now I like winter, but like you, I don’t want it in April.

  28. I love that…gonna have to print it out and share with others. I do think I have heard most of them and thinking back over the past, they do hold true. Actually in Blue Ridge, several years back, I had a Japanese Magnolia bloom three times in that Spring. I am not too sure of all the hype about global warming, but sometimes the seasons are a little off. I guess though, we will take what He gives us and be Blessed with whatever that is. Praying for Granny and praying that she is up to whatever she needs to be up to. Do we have a target date for Chitter and Chatter yet. I know you guys are excited. God bless and stay warm and well.

  29. It’s interesting how we associate certain months with certain weather. The worst tornado we ever had was in January. It took off half of our garage roof, but thankfully our mobile home was untouched. I never knew a tornado would happen in January, but I’ve learned through the years weather is no respect of the seasons.

  30. We have had two storms so far in January of this year that had thunder, lightning and strong winds. One caused a few tornadoes in the lower state of SC. Last Tuesday we had 7 inches of rain in one day. The creek on my property did come out of the banks but caused no problems, unlike the creeks flooding and causing problems in Greenville and some other places were most of the land has been turned into either a housing development, cement or asphalt. It is raining now from the same system that brought snow to NC and other areas of the country. It is suppose to turn cold with nighttime lows in the teens and wind chills in the single digits through the rest of the week before warming back up. I will be happy if Tipper gets her snow but even happier if she keeps it for herself.

    I have heard some of the above “sayings”. My Granddaddy would watch his chickens or the birds and tell by the their actions if bad stormy weather was on the way. Many times he would be right.

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