dreary mountain landscape

We’ve had so much rain this February that I’ll be glad to see the month leave.

I’ve often heard Jim Casada say his Grandpa Joe allowed February was the shortest month of the year because no one could stand more than 28 days of what it offered.

Thankfully I’ve never been one to get down in the dumps or suffer from depression. Oh I’ve certainly had my share of bad moods and times of grief, but I’ve never suffered like some folk do from depression. My heart goes out to those who do combat the darkness.

This time of the year it is natural for us all to feel a little weary. The excitement of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years seems a distant memory and spring of the year feels like it will never get here.

Melancholy, sad, mournful songs are among my very favorite types of music and the dreary days we’ve been having this month have had me singing one of those old songs.

The song “Some Dark Hollow” has been recorded by too many people to count. Everybody from The Grateful Dead to Dwight Yoakam has taken a go at it. And there’s about that many verses for the song as well. Its one of those tunes that fit nicely to just about any lonesome words you choose to sing to it.

I like Mac Wiseman’s version of the song, but I’m pretty partial to the one The Pressley Girls do too.

I hope you enjoyed the old song and I hope March brings sunshine for us all.

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  1. my husband Michael is also a very versatile musician and he plays along with the girls, Paul and yourself all the time. His main instrument is fiddle, he also plays mandlin, banjo, mandola, guitar and button accodian. We love the girls version of this song. we also call Corie and Kate ‘our girls’.

  2. I really enjoyed the song. We need the rain in central Virginia because we have a shortfall. I would love to see one snow before it’s all over. We had a little bit earlier this month, and it was melted and gone by 10 a.m.

  3. Yes ready for spring. Just when I think winter is over the cold come back. The redbuds are in flower here the peach trees are blooming. It thundered the first week of month so my mother in law always said it will freeze or come close in April at same time. The girls make beautiful music

  4. over here only 2 days left of february then we are into autumn what you over there call fall as we are opposite seasons to you have a great nwe week its monday morning 6 39 am her in new zealand

  5. I swear I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a wet rainy winter as this year. C’mon spring time! I love that old song too. It’s a good one

  6. But I wouldn’t want to miss the first flowers to bloom and the smell of the tea olive or lemon tree blossoms. I wouldn’t want to miss the first loud buzzing of the bees nor the happy, flappy flights of the first butterflies. It gives me strength to get through the month. It gives me the inner strength to delight in my dead, dreary garden and begin the hard work of bringing it back to my favorite place to be. I begin the dreaming in cold January but February brings seedlings popping up on my window sill and the beginning of spring warms my heart. At least in this neck of the woods. The February dreary days makes me so thankful for what is coming around the corner quicker than I can prepare for. I’m blessed by the dreary days, also!

  7. We just love your posts and YouTube presentations. Your family feels like ours. Right now it is brrr cold here in the southern Adirondacks. Out one window it is snowing and out the other the sun is shining, reminding me it’s not all miserable. Just finished blueberry pancakes made from flour we milled. Good eating in our neighborhood and I’m sure you’ve got good eating in your neighborhood accompanied by beautiful music. Blessings today and in the future. Sandy

  8. The girls did a wonderful job with the song. Here at home, we’ve always looked forward to February because we have so many birthdays to celebrate in the month with my husband’s being today. We do like that it is a short month, and we know that Spring is on the way. March to me, is a very unpredictable month, as they say,” comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb.” Seems like we just never know, could end up with a March snow. Have a blessed Sunday everyone!!

  9. February has been a mild month for us, my flowers are coming up, my daffodils are blooming and the deer ate my tulips so no flowers from them……but I have planted my onion seeds, carrots, and 3 different types of peas. With this month being so mild I thought why not try and seed if the seeds will come up. If they don’t I can try again next month! We’ve had some rainy and cloudy days but that doesn’t bother me, but I do know people who suffer from SADS and it be really rough on them when the winter months are here. I love all of the seasons.

  10. This February has been the most miserable I can remember. I bet you could count on 1 hand the days it has been sunny and dry. I will certainly be glad to be shut of it.

  11. I agree that February is a miserable month and this year it has been exceptionally dreary. It has been warm and for that I am thankful. The windy, sunless, dark, dreary, and wet days outweighed the good the warmth offered. We have an alert day for tomorrow’s weather with wind speeds expected up to 55 mph. I’m glad to see February go.
    The girls did a good job on the old lonesome song.

  12. That Jim Casada hit the nail on the head with what he said about February and I couldn’t agree more than I do at this moment with the good man! I can’t wait to see February TURNED OVER in my calendar- geesh! “Rain, rain go away! Come again some other day!” (or week.) HEY NC- WELCOME TO MY RAIN FILLED WORLD SO MUCH SO I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE RAIN ANYMORE!!!

  13. Truly this February has been mizzily, drizzly, cloudy, foggy and drippy; more so it seems to me than any other I can remember. As Randy says though, hot and dry are likely along about May here in between the winter polar air giving way to the summer thunderstorm pattern.

    I have a question for you Tipper. Do you all use the word “trifling” in your neck of the woods? I have not heard it in a long time. It was my Dad’s word for a lazy person or for slipshod actions. I guess it is one of those words fading out.

    1. Are you trifling with us, Ron? I used to tell all the boys coming to court my daughter that they better no trifle with her. Some of ’em understood and those others were afraid they might and not know it. 🙂

  14. It’s been a strange February this year with temperatures reaching up to 81 degrees in my area just this past week then dropped back down to 45 degrees two days later with very little temperature change in between. According to the weather person on our local news we haven’t had this kind of flexing temperatures reaching up in the 80’s for over 30 years. But it’s possible March might bring in cold weather too, but who knows what’s in store for us in March. One thing I do know and most of us laugh about it that live here is that North Carolina can have all four seasons in the same week and a few times it’s even been in one day…lol….but nothing could be finer than to live in Carolina! Song was different this morning. I’ve never heard it, but the girls played/sang it well. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Christine, I spent the first half century of my life in NC. I’ve spent the last 30+ in Texas. Trust me, Texas weather can change faster. I think I’ve seen all 4 seasons between noon and 3 in the afternoon here. The saying in Texas goes, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a half hour.”

  15. Well, it’s that time of year when everything just seems dark and flat outside. I console myself that it will pass, and it always does!

  16. I am thankful for your sharing so much insight and joy of everyday living. And I am thankful for the mud and the muck, every day, in each moment. We are SO blessed to live here in this part of this great country.

  17. Love that song. They sing that song perfectly. Thank you for the invitation to listen to your girls. They are marvelous.

  18. You must have read Jim’s newsletter for February. He emailed it to the subscribers yesterday and it went right along with you on bemoaning February. Don’t worry about the wet weather, according to the long range forecast I read, it will be hot and dry again by summer. I always thought it was the month of March that was suppose to be miserable. February has been wet with above average temperatures, except for a few cold mornings, in my area too.

  19. That mournful old tune certainly seems appropriate for this time of the year. I find myself anxiously awaiting Spring and all the beauty and promise it brings.

  20. Short month indeed, however, March around the corner?? St Pat’s Day, Easter, and on and on. But to be so Blessed with good health, I am ready for summer, loving the sun and A/C…Have a Blessed Sunday you guys.

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