full moon

Another thing I’ve enjoyed seeing out our new windows is the moon. Now I can actually see out the largest window in our bedroom and sometimes when I awake in the night I can look out and see the moon.

The other night it was lightning I was seeing out that window.

I don’t recall what time it was but we were sound asleep when The Deer Hunter’s phone went off with some sort of alarm. It woke us both up. As soon as we got settled back down mine went off.

We leave our phones turned on at night in case someone needs us. We no longer have a land line.

When Pap was sick I worried about whether or not my phone would actually ring during the night since our service isn’t the best. But on the night he needed me before he died it did indeed ring.

I fumbled around in the dark trying to see the alarm on my phone and accidentally deleted it before I could read it.

Since I was fully awake I got up to go to the bathroom, when I come back The Deer Hunter said he figured out what it was: a flash flood warning for the Topton and Andrews sections of our county. I said “It’s not even raining here.” He directed my attention to the window where there was lightning going nonstop along with rolling thunder that my awake ears suddenly heard.

As I laid in bed praying for those suffering up the road from us I stared at the window in awe of the lightning, but also amazed that I could see the trees so clearly through our new window.

Although there was much damage from the storm that decided to park itself over one area for a long period of time, thankfully I haven’t heard about any injuries. My heart goes out to the people who lost homes or had severe damage. The Deer Hunter said several roads were completely washed away.

My new clear view of the moon has reminded me of the old Delmore Brothers song “Southern Moon.” Pap and Paul did a fantastic job on the song.

Hope you enjoyed the song! Pap and Granny loved to tell a story about my brother Steve. He is five years older than me, so he got to be an only child for a while. Every time Steve would see the moon he’d start crying “Daddy get me that rock. Daddy I want you to get me that rock.” 🙂

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  1. I keep my bedroom winder tightly covered with blackout curtains. The neighbors across the road have those horrible purple outdoor lights that shine right into my bedroom. The lights are behind trees so it’s not bad enough that it casts shaders (shadows) on the wall and reflect off the dresser mirror, the shaders of the trees move around when the wind blows. Makes me think I am in some weird nightclub. Duke Power is replacing all the outdoor lighting with them obnoxious things. Luckily I have the woods behind my house and nobody on my side of the road have any kind of lighting. I can step outside and look at the moon unimpeded whenever I want to and which I often do on summer nights.

  2. We’ve been known to wake our kids up or stay up late to see a special moon like a strawberry moon, harvest moon, or comets, planets, star showers, etc… One time we were lucky enough to view the Aurora Borealis and we woke our girls up in the middle of the night to see it. They were too young to remember it – we’ve asked them. It was beautiful! We really dream of owning a telescope, but never have had the money for a good one. I live where there are no street lights, & in the middle of pastures hemmed in by woods, so the stars are very visible. My favorite is a frigid January night, still, lots of sparkly snow on the ground & a full moon shining through the stark, bare branches. I like to look out our bedroom window & once in a while I can see a tiny field mouse scurry across the snow, illuminated by the moon glow. It seems like a magical happening. I like to take the time to view the wonders that God has put in front of our eyes. Don’t be too busy, folks! Also, prayers for your ‘neighbors’. don’t be too busy to pray either!

  3. Of all the things on this earth, I find most exciting thunder and lightning, and of course the moon. I go about my days and nights, and the moon never crosses my mind. On the rare occasion when I am outdoors at night and see a full moon, I am newly amazed at its beauty and mystery. We romanticize it in songs and no wonder. Just one of the many beautiful things our creator made. Great song by Pap and Paul.
    My sis has often laughed about being told her macho husband cried for the moon when he was a little fellow.

  4. Tipper, I REALLY enjoyed your writing from the heart and your own experiences. It was so vividly worded, my mind could see the lightning and see out your big, new beautiful window!!! Maybe folks don’t think of windows as pretty, but I sure do after getting nice new quiet ones!!! I pray too for the folks flooded out near you! “As long as there is life, there’s hope.” That’s my saying… If you ever saw the movie Moonstruck ( which I adore) the old folks stand in the full moonlit window of their bedroom talking about love and how the moon brings love. The wife comments smiling her husband looks like a young man in that light. He says “ oh yeah?” then scene cuts with giggling…

  5. My husband and I are moon, sunrises & sunset watchers. God has given us beautiful things to enjoy on this old earth. Just imagine what Heaven will be like. Really enjoyed Pap & Paul’s song. Nothing like family harmony. Take care and God bless ❤️

  6. Glad you are enjoying the new windows.

    So like you to lie awake praying for others. We know that and it is one of many reasons you and yours are dear to us. The world will never know the benefits it receives from the prayers of complete strangers but it is wonderful to think about. I have felt the effect of prayers and I knew that was what it was without any idea of who or what.

  7. That’s some mighty fine picking and singing! When I was a kid, I wondered who made the moon and what held it up there. The simple answers are God did and He does. A full moon on a clear night is an amazing sight.

  8. I enjoy looking out windows at night, the star filled sky with the moon so bright sometimes is just breathtaking. One never knows what shape or brightness the moon will be at different times of the night. Your new window will bring years of pleasure as you look out at God’s glorious creations.
    I did indeed enjoy Pap and Paul’s song. I’ve never heard it before, but now I’m glad I have. Thank you for sharing!

  9. I have been listening to Pap and Paul’s music for a long time and I don’t know how I missed Southern Moon. They did an amazing job on that one!
    Thunder, lightning, and rain are all welcome to come and hang around my house for a few days.

  10. Love how your older brother saw the ‘rock’ he wanted so much. Don’t blame him, when it’s full it is hypnotic and what a grand rock that would be.

  11. I understand your worries about the phone calls and Pap needing help. Back during the 80’s my daddy also had bad health and I worried about getting one of those calls from mother for help. I would not turn the phone off even when I was trying to sleep in the daytime after working the night shift. I never was able to sleep more than 3 hours and then I would wake up and not be able to go back to sleep. Many times I got woke up from what is now called robo calls. The call I was fearing came on Jan. 20, 1991 at 1:18 am while I was at work. It was on a Saturday night or early Sunday morning. I still remember exactly what I was doing when my supervisor came to get me. I told him what he wanted before he could tell me, somehow I knew.

  12. I’m surprised that when Chitter was old enough to talk that she wasn’t the one that said Daddy get me that rock. I love the rain and thunder.

  13. Wonderful memories again, and as always, I enjoy your take on them. There is something about seeing the moon and the wonderment of the universe itself. Wonder what it will be like when we get to heaven. God Bless and thanks again.

  14. Pap had such a sweet voice! Tipper, I don’t live that far from you, but I slept right through the storm. Your new windows are beautiful from the outside too!

  15. This has been a favorite song of mine that your family does since you posted it it in 2008! The melody sticks in your mind all day. Paul and your Dad always do a fantastic job! I often wonder if I am the only one who has those crazy nights of no sleep. Your post this morning assured me I am not! I am sitting on my bed, looking across the room through the blinds on my bedroom windows, at a little before 6 a.m., and I can see the silhouette of the tall trees at my neighbors, as the sun is beginning to light up the sky with the first rays of dawn. Your post reminded me of how we take for granted, and tend to look past, so many things we are use to seeing. Our minds block out the world around us. Thank you for reminding me to open the blinders on the windows of my life and really see what God has given me to enjoy.

    Donna. : )

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