Cushaw growing in garden

Planting is about done for this year. I do hope to sow turnips, kale, and mustard greens this week. I’m contemplating trying some beets too. I’ve never grown them in our fall garden, but am tempted to try.

We still haven’t harvested our cabbage. I feel guilty and slightly scared every time I walk by them. I hope they at least made something. We want to harvest near the right sign for making kraut. It just didn’t work out in July, so we’re aiming for this month now.

The tomatoes are about played out, but the new ones we planted are looking good so I’m hopeful we’ll get at least a few tomatoes from them.

Our succession planting of beans and cucumbers are looking good too. Although I’m wishing they’d hurry up and start vining 🙂

Okra and peppers are coming out our ears. That’s typical for August at our house.

Here’s the best planting signs for August 2022.

Taurus: good for all root crops and above ground crops 16, 17, 18
Cancer: best for planting above ground and root crops 21, 22, 23
Scorpio: best for flowers and above ground crops 4, 5
Pisces: Good for planting and transplanting above ground crops, trees and shrubbery 12, 13

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  1. If August 4 and 5 is best for flowers I better be getting my irises in the ground. And, I’m going to sow my turnip and mustard seed in my containers as I pull out tomato plants. And, some collards.

  2. Donna S Augustine: Isn’t it crazy? I felt the same way as you do! Once I moved to North Carolina 6 years ago, I have had so many people tell me their cousin or sister is named Donna Sue, too. I grew up in San Diego, and I was the only Donna in my school until high school, and then I think there was only one other Donna. I hated my name back then, I wanted a popular name. Until I moved to North Carolina, I only knew of a handful of Donnas, but none with my middle name. But now, with so many Donna Sues, sometimes I find myself wishing I had a one-of-a-kind name!! I do like my name, honest, I just wish I had allowed myself to enjoy it more when it was unique and the only one around!! Of course, I am being mostly silly here, sort of ….. : ) (!!) It is nice to meet you, Donna Sue Augustine!

    Donna : )

  3. My mind is having a hard time with summer is winding down to fall planting in the garden already! In San Diego, August and September can typically be your hottest months, and October is pretty warm still, too. It is taking me awhile to mentally adjust to North Carolina cooling down sooner. I bet your cucumbers are nice! I had ordered a cucumber with my grocery order yesterday and I got one very small cucumber, more the size of a pickle. I had planned on making a cucumber salad for tonight and tomorrow night for my sister and I. I don’t think that small cucumber is going to do it! I am making fried fish, corn on the cob, and cucumber salad for supper.

    Donna. : )

  4. Let us know how your tomatoes do . I’m going to plant okra and radish this fall. I live in Florida and there is a fall planting season. You have inspired me to plant vegetables. I haven’t grown anything in over a year. My gardens have been small. I got discouraged from planting because my cucumbers were infested with bugs. Florida summers are tough on plants with the scorching heat and bugs. We won’t get relief from the heat until October. My least favorite season living in Florida is summer. When I lived in New England it was my favorite. October through May are my favorite months in Florida. I can’t complain too much because we do have many months of beautiful weather.

  5. Beets will do well in fall garden. They like cool weather. I waited to harvest my cabbage till this past week. It was good but when I cut into it I noticed some leaves where bad on the inside. I cut them out and the rest was fine. I haven’t made kraut yet from the second head, but plan too with half of it. I’m the only one that eats kraut so there is no reason to make a lot of it.
    I’ve never planted by the signs. I don’t remember if my mom ever did or not. I think I would have remembered it if she did.
    I’m not sure if I’m going to do a fall garden this year. My summer garden struggled so much I think I’ll give it a rest.
    I think yours will do great! You and Matt work together so well and the girls come help too. The older one gets the more help is greatly appreciated in a garden. You are blessed with lots of good helpers!

  6. How do you plant your mustard and turnips? My mother used to broadcast here seeds when she as sowing for greens. At the end on the garden season she would sow the whole garden with mustard or turnips. They supplied food for the family as well as serving as a cover crop.

  7. Goodness! You wake me up. Fall planting has slipped up on me. It is time. Thanks for the signs calendar. Guess I’d better dig my potatoes and plant something back where they were. I have been away and will have a lot of catching up to do when I get back.

    You all sure do manage to get a lot out of your farm stead against all the odds. That’s real gardening.

  8. Tipper, although gardening can be enjoyable, it’s a tremendous amount of hard work and sometimes all that work pays off and sometimes it does not. To say I’m frustrated this year doesn’t really describe the way I feel. All this rain is geoengineered (and what better dark cover than denying nefarious powers drive excess rain to some places while totally striking other areas with intense drought) while you propagandize climate change and proceed to attempt to destroy all organic life. It’s been so cold this summer and cloudy every day up until noon. “No sun for all day for you. It’s allotted now in increments.” Last year there was morning sun but little afternoon sun. The lack of morning sun is definitely the more effective destroyer. This “brilliant defiance” could only come from hell itself. Sometimes I’m sitting on a clear day and watch what looks like rain coming down but it is not. Those pentagrams drawn in the sky really don’t exist. Believe me? I don’t expect to even be heard muchless not ridiculed and scorned. It’s a different world than it was even 20 years ago and the wars we fight EXIST IN THE MIND. The end game will not be for those who won’t admit they’ve been duped and fell for it all hook, line and sinker… it will be for strong, courageous

  9. Good to know about the signs. Will for sure keep track. I am gonna put turnips and beets in, or try to, in a few days. Hope to see some success. For some reason the tomatoes didn’t do well…gotta read up more about that…the You Tubers, Hollis and Nancy, have good info usually. Stay well, cool and safe. God Bless.

  10. You all have had a very productive season and its very kind that you share your bounty with me, I really appreciate it all of it but most of all the wonderful tomatoes you grow.
    It may be winding down a little but there is still more to come!

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