Corie and Katie

The fiddle tune “Maiden’s Prayer” is said to have been heard by the great Bob Wills in his barber shop in New Mexico when he was cutting hair back in the early 1930s. He recorded the song with a western swing flavor in 1935 and it became one of his most popular songs.

According to this page the tune is of Polish origin and in 1893 John Stowell Adams wrote the first English lyrics for the song. I’ve never heard the lyrics sung with the tune.

Bob Wills ensured the song was popular in many places. Although its thought of as a Western Swing type of tune it is alive and well in our neck of the woods.

The girls first learned the song from a bluegrass playing boy over in Jackson County NC. They’ve been playing it on and off ever since.

I hope you enjoyed the tune!

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  1. I just LOVE this!!! It could be because it speaks to my Polish Heritage. —Barbara Jaworski Parker
    I would LOVE to hear the words too. My Daddy was Polish and fell in love with his Appalachian sweetheart when they met in 1945. Daddy was in the Army, Mother was working as a Rosie the Rivetter in Marietta Ga. Daddy loved the mountains as much as Mama did. I wouldn’t trade my Appalachian Heritage for anything.

  2. I had forgot about that tune, but when Chitter cut down on dem horse-hairs, it all came back. The gals did a jam-up job on it!

  3. Have heard this tune before never with words, often at Polish family get togethers. Beautiful…girls did a wonderful job.

  4. The history of Maiden’s Prayer is indeed very interesting. Composed by a young Polish lady, Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska, and published (sheet music) in 1856, it was initially panned, for the most part, by the classical music “literati” and critics of the day, as being overly sentimental schlock for the culturally and musically illiterate. Yet so popular did the piece become, there was still a great demand for the sheet music 60 years after the composer’s death.
    Then Bob Wills got aholt of it many years later, and, adding his unique touches to the piece, ensured it’s continuing popularity for year to come.
    I’ve always loved the tune, with or without the lyrics, and was one of the first I taught myself upon acquiring a fiddle and usually play it first anytime I pick the fiddle up–either that or Stephen Foster’s Beautiful Dreamer, my other all time favorite fiddle tune. Beautiful job by the girls. Thanks.

  5. Good job as always, even if I do say it as one completely unmusical.But I can tell what I like anyway.

    That looks like they are standing beside a church, at a guess.

    But I’ve just gotta ask; it is Katy (Chitter?) who plays the fiddle and Cory (Chatter?) who plays the guitar, yes? One of these days (maybe I need a round tuit) I’m gonna get it straight and keep it straight, I hope.

  6. How about that in a medley with Faded Love and Tennessee Waltz? They would have to slow down a little bit and play in waltz time.

  7. I love hearing the girls play (and sing). I enjoyed this song on their you tube channel a few days ago, and enjoyed it just as much today. I love to watch all their videos on their you tube channel from the time they were starting this music journey to now. Katie and Corie are a blessing to the world with their musical talents, their keen sense of clean humor, their teaching videos, and their fun other videos. I pray many other young people follow their example of living for Christ, and following the dreams God has given them. What a better future this world would have if many others lived as the girls choose to live!!!

    Donna. : )

  8. I listen to the girls play it on their YouTube channel the other night. I turned up the volume so my hubby could hear it too. We both enjoyed enjoyed it very much! I’d like to hear the lyrics with it some time if the girls knows the words to it. Thank you for sharing the origin of the tune, I always like that type of information.

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