orange tommy toe tomato

We’ve been staying at Miss Cindy’s around the clock only taking turns to go home to shower or do what has to be done like feeding the chickens.

Yesterday evening when I ran home, I couldn’t resist taking a quick look at a little of the garden since I hadn’t visited it since last week.

green bean climbing trellis

The main thing I wanted to see up close was the beans. I could see from the car they were beginning to climb up the cattle panels.

I can’t believe some of the beans have already climbed as high as I am tall! Seeing their progress made me want to check on the peas that we planted in the new raised beds on the bank.

I was tickled to see they are also beginning to climb and was totally surprised and pleased to see two ripe tommy-toes. I ate one of them and left the other one hanging for The Deer Hunter on his next trip home.

Miss Cindy is still among the living but fading very fast. Each day brings her closer to death. Even as I type this sitting in her dark living room I wonder if she’ll make it through the night.

I’m amazed by the speed at which she has declined.

Two weeks ago, when I went to Roanoke for the cookbook signing, she was still able to walk to the car and ride over to our house for a few hours each day. Now she is unable to leave her bed.

We appreciate all the kind prayers, words, and cards folks have shared with us. You have certainly made this rough road easier to travel.

Ken Roper’s daughters have finalized his funeral arrangements. You can see them and read his obituary here.

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  1. Tipper and family. I am praying for you and your family at this difficult time, especially Miss Cindy. Know that our prayers go out to you and your family at this time.

  2. I’m going to miss reading Miss Cindy’s post on here. Loving prayers to all the family right now

  3. I am so glad Miss Cindy has all of you to be with her – and with each other as you work through this troublesome time. We are taught to look forward to what’s waiting on the “other side” but it never makes it any easier. All of you are held in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. I’ve been praying for your family ever since you shared the sad news about Miss Cindy. About 5 years ago we lost our little grandson to a tragic accident. He was 14 and it happened the Saturday before Mothers
    Day. Then last July we lost my mother-in-law to multiple myloma. Her situation was like Miss Cindy’s She passed away at home, on hospice. The family stayed with her taking turns doing her care.
    Through both tragedies I was reminder of a song by Wayne Watson titled Home Free. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard it but it brought comfort to me.

  5. I’m still thinking and praying for you all. God will take care of you. Give the deer hunter an extra hug. Sometimes men try to keep it all inside and be so brave while they are hurting. May our Heavenly Father comfort everyone, as only He can do. Love and prayers for all of Ms. Cindy’s loved ones.

  6. Matt, Tipper & Family, We are VERY SORRY about your Mom. It is very difficult to lose your parents. I have heard it said that “We are all child our parents are gone”. I have found there is alot of truth in that statement. We pray that the Lord will look over all of you and take your Mom without any pain. We are Christians and believe that the Lord will take your Mom into his arms and escort her home. We honestly hurt for all of you. I know each of you can say these words. “I Loved You Then I Love You Still I Always Have I Always Will” Heaven will be even a better place when your Mom gets there. God Bless You Everyone. With All Our Love and Respect. Emma Sue & Eddie Fisher.

  7. Tipper,
    I’m so sorry to hear about Miss Cindy. God needs her with Him and He will uphold her with His Righteous Right Hand. There’s no words appropriate at times like this. It’s so hard to give up the ones we love. My late husband had Squmous Cell Carsonma (spelling) and on 8/25/2012 he came home from Emory having had his right ear and so much more removed. Six months to the day he died. The cancer spread like wild fire. It’s been over ten years but it feels like yesterday. Had it not been for Prayers, cards and kindness of family and friends, I would never have made it. God has been my Constant. I pray for y’all every day and will continue to do so.
    I love y’all.
    Jeri Whittaker

  8. My mother made me sing that song many time during the 18 months from her diagnosis until her death. Every time somebody came to visit she made me sing. I didn’t mind.
    She had liver cancer which was supposed to be very painful but if she had any pain she never complained. She did have to have a fan blowing on her because she itched.

  9. “Trusting Jesus every day.
    Trusting through life’s narrow way.
    Trusting Him what e’er befall.
    Trusting Jesus that is all.
    Trusting as the days go by.
    Trusting as the moments fly.
    Trusting Him what e’er befall.
    Trusting Jesus, that is all.

  10. I think someone else commented about being a winner. A lady at my church sings a song that says no matter what happens I will be a winner either way, the words are “if I go or if I stay, I’m winner either way”. This is so true for anyone that has been “saved” as us Baptist say. You wrote of Miss Cindy telling you at the beginning of this journey she knew where she would be spending eternity. As a dear older friend at my church tells me, it’s the ones left behind that suffer, we are the losers. Soon there will be no more pain, suffering or sorrow for Miss Cindy. This man will often come and talk to me about my wife and just say I wanted to check on you.

  11. Tipper,
    We are praying for Miss Cindy, and your whole family. May you find comfort in God’s love and knowing you are not alone. We’re sending hugs

  12. o my heart breaks as I read your post Tipper. I sent her a card today, I just hope it reaches her in time. I’m praying for you all. I know what it’s like waiting on the death for someone taking care of them because that’s my job. Little woman I’m caring for now is 98 1/2 yrs old. Bless Miss Cindy,s heart. God I pray in your sweet loving name, comfort and give her peace and no pain. So sad.

  13. Your mother gives you life,
    you give that life to Christ.
    He gives you a new one.
    That new life is perfect because He shares it with you.
    That life has no end but the corrupt body must be shed in preparation for the incorruptible one.
    Death is when the body has to return to the soil and life has to sleep until Christ has your new place ready.
    Death is necessity. The life your mother gave you must end. But the moment you give your life to Christ you get the one that lasts forever. Forever is one day that never ends.

    Is is almost impossible to do but, when one of God’s people falls asleep for the last time, we should rejoice. We shouldn’t raise our eyes to the sky and look for them. We shouldn’t look for signs from them that they are OK. We shouldn’t pray that God send us a sign. They are OK! They are asleep! Don’t try to wake them!
    Instead of looking for a loved one we think we have lost, we should be looking into our own heart and making sure we will be ready to rise up with them when Christ returns.

    Sorry for the sermon! Sometimes the preacher in me takes over and I lose control!

  14. Matt, Tipper, and family –

    May our Heavenly Father give you what you need right now : peace and the knowing for certain that you will be with your loved ones ( Miss Cindy, Pap, Granny Gazzy etc ) when your time comes to be called home to the Father.

    The quickness is a blessing for both Miss Cindy and you all. I am sure that she never ever wanted to be a burden to any of her loved ones [ even though it would never be a burden to take care of your loved ones ] and she probably prayed to her Lord to not let her be one for you all. She would want you to remember her in her wellness and quickness of mind and her loving her family as she did to you all.

    My mother, only at the end of her life, accepted God’s gift of salvation after she had a visitation from Him to as where she would be going if she did not asked for forgiveness for her sins. She accepted His free gift, repented of her sins, and was brought into His family of sinners saved by grace. Praise God!

    It was not too long after her salvation that her health began to wane. I took care of her in her home [ next door ] every day and it was never a burden to me at all. But she had always said that she would never be a burden to any of her kids and it would pain her to think that she might have a stroke and not be able to be ‘with it’ in her thinking.

    By the time that she asked for Hospice and they came over and brought her the nurse and electric hospital bed – we did not know it was very close to her time. She was able to talk to some of her grandchildren in her chair – she was ‘fine’ and able to move well enough. The next day she was only in her bed and could not move to the chair anymore. My older sister and I were able to have a three hour conversation with our mom and then she was too tired and needed to sleep. She almost never woke up after that. From the time Hospice came to the time of her going home to the Lord was under one week. She got her wish of not being a burden [ in her eyes ] to her family.

    I still miss her very much – and feel blessed that she allowed me to care for her in her last days on earth. I am so thankful to Jesus that He called her unto Himself and she came to Him in repentance. I know that I will see her later when it is my time to go home to the Lord.

    We are still praying for you all.

  15. Praying for your whole family, and especially Miss Cindy. God bless all of you as you go through this trying time. The one hope you have is in Jesus who is our best friend in time of need.

  16. Tipper and Family
    Y’all are continually in our thoughts and prayers. May God give you all peace and comfort during this very difficult time.

  17. Prayers for all of you as you walk Miss Cindy to the shore and prepare to let her cross the river.
    John 16:22

  18. This was sent to me when my sister and son passed away last June and July and still sustains me.

    Lean Hard

    “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee” (Psalm 55:22).

    Child of My love, lean hard,
    And let Me feel the pressure of thy care;
    I know thy burden, child, I shaped it;
    Poised it in My own hand, made no proportion in its weight to thine unaided strength;
    For even as I laid it on, I said
    I shall be near, and while he leans on Me,
    This burden shall be Mine, not his;
    So shall I keep My child within the circling arms of My own love.

    Here lay it down, nor fear to impose it on a shoulder which upholds the governments of world.
    Yet closer come; thou art not near enough;
    I would embrace thy care so I might feel My child reposing on My breast.

    Thou lovest Me! I know it. Doubt not then;
    But, loving Me, Lean Hard.”

    ~Octavius Winslow~

    “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7)

  19. Tipper, we are praying for Miss Cindy and all of you during this time preparing for her home going. Cherish every moment with her. God’s grace and love will comfort you now and in the days to come. All our love going to all your and Miss Cindy’s family, especially the Deer Hunter.

  20. Such precious precious time for you and your family. Surrounding your dear Miss Cindy with love speaks to her life and of the tremendous relationship you have had. It is an honor to be cared for in such a beautiful way.

  21. Whoever were the obituary for Ken, did an outstanding job! Didn’t know hm, but feel like I did. You can sense how he would be if you met him. One of the best obituaries that I’ve ever read. Came across with feeling and warmth and caring.

    Tipper, im so sorry. Know that it means so much to Miss Cindy that y’all are by her side. I don’t know if anyone will be there for me, or by my side when it’s my time. It’s means a lot. Also, she is home. I don’t want to be in a hospital. The Tommy toes and beans running up high are a sign from Gos thst life goes on. The circle of life will never stop. We y day and every season are gifts to be cherished. Y’all sure pack it in every day and every season! You are a great example and encouragement to many. I love y’all. It will all be okay.

  22. When I was praying for Miss Cindy yesterday as well as each and every one of you a song came to me that says so much, “Celebrate Me Home.” I enjoy hearing the gospel group, the Perry’s sing it. Praying for peace, strength and comfort today and in the days ahead. God be with you all. Cancer may take Miss Cindy’s body, but Jesus Christ will have her soul.

  23. Tipper–As you well know, listening to one of Paul and Jerry’s CDs in the final steps of his earthly journey brought considerable comfort and inner peace to Daddy. I wonder if the same might be true for Miss Cindy, although I imagine you’ve long since thought of this. Still, I thought I’d mention it since several commentators have mentioned conversation or music being helpful. I know, as is true of all our family, that Wilson-made music made Daddy’s last moments more meaningful, and the same was true of the wonderful music offered at his funeral service (not to mention an unexpected but heartfelt bonus in the form of a sort of sermonette from Pap.

    Please take comfort in knowing you have a world of support, from family, friends, readers, and viewers, in this time of trouble.

  24. My dad also declined quickly and during the last days as he lay with his eyes closed we gathered by his bed and talked about people and different things that happened – mostly funny…. old times, and played his favorite music – bluegrass.

  25. (((((Tipper)))))
    May God comfort you all in this transitional time and in the time that follows Miss Cindy’s leave-taking.

    P.S. The following true story may be worth considering. My young adult son became rather simple-minded because of a disease process that eventually killed his body. In his simplicity, he occasionally spoke great wisdom. One day he said, “I don’t know people say, ‘I’m sorry for your loss when someone dies. The person is not LOST.”

    He paused for a moment, then said, “They are not lost. They have just moved away. Going to Heaven is like going to Boston – only better!” Then he smiled.

    P.P.S I wrote the following in response to another day with my son:

    The Winner

    I held you as you cried. Everything had been said. All
    the wishes
    cruel woulda/coulda/shouldas wrung dry.
    Only tears remained.
    And a question.

    do you think about dying?

    You had not smiled in days.

    Pain and nausea, acolytes of a nameless horror, had whittled you to bone and carved a fierce beauty into your face.

    do you think about dying?

    Can’t lose. Trembling hand to bloody mouth, you whispered, defying the monster.

    Go. Stay.

    Can’t lose.

    And then you smiled.

  26. I am so impressed by the beautiful condolences that have been sent to you and your family. Yes, that is the way we speak and pray over our people and those we love especially when they are in situations like you are in now. I pray God will show all of you His wonderful mercy and grace.

  27. Good morning Tipper, we have been and will continue to pray for Miss Cindy and for y’all. Y’all have been on my mind a lot lately. We have been with my momma and mother-in-law in their final days/ hours and know it’s so hard. My heart goes out to y’all.
    I’m glad you were able to check your garden.

  28. When my dad was in the same state that Ms Cindy is now, the Hospice Lady told me to talk to him even though he wasn’t responding and his eyes were shut. She said he could hear me and it was comforting for him. I told him how I would take care of things for him and we played Christian Music Recordings for him. I also enjoyed reading the Bible to him. He was ready to go and went peacefully. He was a minister and brought many to the Lord. It was a peaceful transition and a blessing to us to know he was ready.
    I will never stop missing him.

    Don’t stop talking to Ms. Cindy while she is still with you…

    1. Teresa, we did these things when my mother in law was dying and in similar shape as Miss Cindy. In the days after she got sick but was still able to sit up , she wanted her Bible and would try to read it. Her Bible stayed in her bed and by her hand so she could touch it until she passed.

  29. God bless the Roper family, God bless Ms Cindy and her family with peace and comfort and strength to endure in Jesus name, God help! God help
    please! we ask in Jesus name

  30. You are ALL in our prayers! This is such a hard time for each and every one of you. Hospice is such a good decision. You all have taken such good care of her and she is blessed. Hugs for all of you!

  31. My heart breaks for you all. It’s so hard watching a loved one slowly slip away. You’re torn between not wanting them to go, but not wanting them to suffer or finish out their life in the declined state they are in. It’s even a struggle to know what to pray at times. At least that was how I felt as I watched both my parents decline in health before passing on to eternity. It’s been 22 years since my father passed and 7 years since my mom passed on. I miss them everyday, but knowing they no longer are in pain gives me peace and knowing I’ll see them again one day gives me comfort. I’ve been praying for God’s will to be done for Miss Cindy and your family, asking God to please give you all strength, peace, comfort and acceptance of His will. Sending hugs and love to you all.

  32. Tipper, I have been through this several times with members of either mine or my wife’s family. I also know from my experience there are no words I can say to you that will truly bring any peace or comfort to you or the family during this time, but for most of us words are all we have to try to help ease the pain. A few weeks ago I wrote about hearing someone sing a song at church and immediately thought of Miss Cindy, after reading your comments about something Miss Cindy had said to you when she found out about her sickness. At that time I did not know the title of the song but Ed and some others told me what it was. It is “My Mansion In The Sky”, I believe the words of this song are words Miss Cindy would say to her family if she could. I like true old time bluegrass music and like to listen to Melvin Goins’s recording of this song. I pray for God to not only hold yours and the family’s hand now but in the dark days to come later on. Right before my father in law died and none of us thought he knew about anything going on anymore, he spoke up and told us and the doctor that happen to be in the room, not to be worrying about him, he was not going anywhere until Gods was ready for him to come home.

  33. May God bless all of you and your families during this trying time of release and peace for Miss Cindy.

  34. I have been thinking about Miss Cindy
    and all of you and wanting to tell you how much I care and try to give y’all some comfort, but so many have given such awesome prayers! All I can say is Amen, Amen, and come Lord Jesus!
    I am a sinner and have been involved in cults but praise God I have the opportunity to turn my life to the true God and Jesus Christ.
    You and your family have helped me see what faith in God looks like as a family.
    Love always,

  35. As I listened to my friend singing on the CD in my car, the one song that made me think of Miss Cindy is I’ve Never Been This Homesick Before…”This world’s been a wilderness, I’m ready for deliverance.” My heart is breaking for your family as I read how her health has declined so rapidly. Praying that God will wrap His loving arms around each and every one of you during these difficult times.
    Ken’s obituary was surely written by someone who loved him dearly.

    1. My mother made me sing that song many time during the 18 months from her diagnosis until her death. Every time somebody came to visit she made me sing. I didn’t mind.
      She had liver cancer which was supposed to be very painful but if she had any pain she never complained. She did have to have a fan blowing on her because she itched.

  36. Praying that the peace that passes all understanding will be yours. You will be blessed for the love & care that you have shown & are showing to Miss Cindy.
    Praying that her suffering will be brief & her home going will be swift.
    May God comfort each of you.

  37. My thoughts are with you and your family. I’m sure that Miss Cindy is comforted by your warm and steady presence and feels your love.

  38. Having been a caregiver for my husband and parents, I know how hard it is to see a loved one get weaker and weaker. I’m praying for Miss Cindy and your family Tipper. May the Lord hold you all close.

  39. One of the hardest things about living in a broken world is that the blessings of great love are accompanied by the pain of watching loved ones suffer and the grief of loss. I’m praying that whatever time here in the brokenness is left to Miss Cindy will be filled with the sure knowledge that as she steps out of the broken body, she will experience the fullness and wholeness of our Father’s love for her. The pain, the loss, and the grief are real and the reality of eternity does not erase their impact on those who are left without her presence for the rest of their lives here on earth – but God (two of the most significant words in the Bible!) in His mercy has given us the hope of eternity with Him and the comfort of the Holy Spirit to make that loss a little easier to walk in. As 1st. Thessalonians 4:13 reminds us, “we do not grieve as those who have no hope” and Ps.116:15 tells us that “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.” May God comfort you all.

  40. Every time I think about the difficulties of growing older, especially when dealing with the death of our loved ones, I wonder why God designed it this way. I’ve come to believe that our acceptance is a test of our faith and our dedication to loved ones as they pass is a test of our loving hearts. I think it pleases God when we do all we can to help others. Prayers continued for your family and everyone else who loves Miss Cindy.

  41. Still praying for all of you and especially for Miss Cindy. I pray God will take her soon for all of your sakes,

  42. Your garden looks so nice and green, a lovely quiet peaceful green place to wonder through. So refreshing for you.
    God Bless and keep you and your family

  43. Miss Tipper,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this most difficult time. Please know that I am praying for y’all. Peace and strength, Lord. Peace and strength!

  44. Tipper, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I had a special sister-in-law who went through the same experience a few years ago. I hope the words of the Blind Pig family help to give you peace.
    I have enjoyed my little Aussie grandsons the past two weeks and have one more day. We finally were able to have my husband’s memorial bbq Saturday with close
    to 100 family and friends. It was bittersweet but a wonderful day with some special attendees. I haven’t forgotten you but have just simply been busy.
    Take care.

  45. My prayers for all of you and Miss Cindy as she walks into Jesus arms. I am praying some extra prayers for him.

  46. I know Miss Cindy is comforted by having her loved ones near in this time. I hope your ripening garden will continue to give you joy. Mama loved the garden. She visited us in her old age and saw a cayenne pepper plant full of peppers. I was going to let it go as we had plenty. Mama couldn’t stand to see it wasted and sat on a folding chair beside the plant and picked off all the peppers. We made pepper sauce out of it together. It used to make me cry to think about this but it is now a precious and sweet memory. I know it’s nearly impossible to see that time coming when a dear one is dying. It will come!! Praying Miss Cindy has a pain fee and peaceful death.

  47. I look on those little tomatoes as God’s promise that life with Him is eternal. No matter what He brings your way, He’s always got gifts for you in His bounty. My deepest prayers for peace for Miss Cindy, your wonderful family, and for all of us who have so enjoyed her fellowship through “Blind Pig & The Acorn” throughout these years. God be with you.

  48. The day, my dad passed, he was coherent most of the day, wanting to kiss my mom all day long, hug her, hold her hand, etc. He wouldn’t sleep, even though he hadn’t slept in nearly 3 days. The doctors told us it would be soon, even though it was hard to believe, seeing him this way. By noon he was starting to not interact as much, and by 515 he took the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ, and followed him! I cherish the fact that I got to be by his bedside with my mom and my sister as he left this life. We prayed over him, asking the Lord to work a miracle if He didn’t have to take my dad. And asked that He would take him ever so gently, if Hr must take my dad. Amazingly I had my wits about me in the morning and I brought my phone charger with me as I left work for the hospital. That charger allowed us to listen to Alan Jacksons gospel album, the entire day, and now we have those songs to cherish too. I am praying the same prayer for you, that the Lord would work a miracle if He doesn’t have to take Miss Cindy soon, and that He will take her ever so gently if He must take her soon. Thank you for sharing your life with us, I read your blog and watch your videos every day, even though I haven’t posted on here in a while I read it every day…… May God cover you in his strength?

  49. I’m so sorry your family is going through this. I lost my dear brother n law to bladder cancer last week. You’re so right, once it starts spreading, it sure goes so fast. He was like Ms Cindy, no treatments for him. His children got to see him walk into Heaven peacefully. I’m so thankful for his salvation. My heart and prayers are with your family. If we never feel hurt, then we’ve never loved. God Bless.

  50. I prayed for her and all of you last night. I prayed for a peaceful passing and peace to all of you!

  51. Love and prayers to all of you Tipper. I know how fast it goes. I saw my late partner on a Friday, heard that unmistakable rattle in his breathing and he was gone by the Sunday. May your garden bring you solace in the weeks to come

  52. Tipper, hearing of Miss Cindy’s rapidly declining health sure does break my heart and although there’s not a thing I can do, I will continue to pray for you all as you maneuver through this experience. Let what you shared serve as a reason to get saved in Jesus and make certain you know that you know because there are absolutely no promised tomorrows for any of us! That’s a fact! I got no answers, but I can assure that we will all understand these things better in the by and by. Rest assured people love and are praying for you and your family at this time. I hope your garden goes completely wild with bountiful harvest this year! Tipper, it’s like God tells you by way of the garden “you take care of your beloved Miss Cindy and I will take care of your garden.” I’d like to recommend a song that lifts me up. “ Waiting on my Ride” written by Ronnie Hinson and sung by the Hoppers. I do know of a lady who passed just last year and she told her family she was just waiting on her ride and she surely took it straight on into heaven! Hallelujah to Jesus!!!

  53. Tipper, my heart goes out to your whole family. I know watching Miss Cindy slip away is so hard. But having a family who loves her so much and is there for her is so comforting to her as well as comforting to each family member. Knowing that she is in God’s hands and that soon she will see our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, brings peace to the heart. I know she will be missed tremendously, but you will all see her again one day and what a joyous day that will be. May you feel the presence of Jesus and feel his loving arms embracing each and every one of you, comforting you and giving you peace.

  54. Dear God, we don’t know the exact hour when You will call your servant home. Please give this person a sense of Your presence. Relax their breathing and calm their body.

    Please watch over the family during this time.


  55. This is not goodbye for The Christian believer, but just a “SEE YOU LATER’.
    Y’all know where Miss Cindy is going. That old song says, “ This world is not my home”
    Miss Cindy is going home. A home HE has prepared for her. When HE calls we answer.
    Praying that y’all feel the Comforter wrap you in his peace.
    Praying for y’all.

  56. As the suffering of Christ abound in us ,so our consolation also
    abounds through Christ 2 Corinthians 1:5 NKJV. Those words tell me that only God our Savior can bring true comfort . My words ring hallow but His do not. Praying for comfort that only He can offer . Miss Cindy is going home leaving behind those that love her but leaving them with hope .

  57. I woke up with your family on my mind and heart this morning. I prayed for God’s grace, peace, and comfort for all of you. (((hugs)))

  58. May the peace of God which passes all understanding bless you and keep you during this difficult time.

  59. There is nothing I can relay to you guys that has not already been said. You guys will look back on these days with memories that you will hold dear and that will be a comfort in the future. These days are not easy for you nor her but if you know where she is going, then we have to be comforted knowing the peace that is coming for you guys. Some time it is harder for a boy to lose his Mom than a girl, but it is some time the same for a girl to lose her Dad. Hold good thoughts and know that God is in control. He has blessed you guys with the time Miss Cindy has had on this earthly home and is headed for her Heavenly home soon. God Bless

  60. You are all doing what good families do, as you hold your loved one dear as they cross over from death into life eternal.
    Your readers hold you all in their hearts as you go through this. God is very near!

  61. Thinking of all you with love and prayers. Praying Miss Cindy has a peaceful transition from this world. You have family love and faith on your side and that will carry you through this hardest of times.

  62. You’re all doing the most important work in this world- holding space and being present with a loved one at their end is more difficult than anything else there is. You can rest easy when Miss Cindy eventually does, knowing you did all you could for her. I’ve sat with my own family, as well as being a Hospice volunteer for years and I can’t abide the thought of people dying alone. Your presence is full of love and that is as important to Miss Cindy at her end as it’s been for the entire time you’ve known her.

  63. I continue to pray for Miss Cindy and your entire family. It’s so hard to see a loved one suffer. I’m so thankful she has a legacy with so many memories your family will cherish.

  64. Lots of prayers for all of you!!!!
    Watching a loved one near the end is difficult on all. May Jesus’ loving arms wrap each in comfort and peace.

  65. In 2014 when my daddy was dying of cancer hospice told us he would fight hard, but once he gave in it would go quickly. I remember him being so bad, but he wouldn’t lay down. I asked him why he wouldn’t lay down and he said “once I get in that bed I’m never coming out”. My brother carried him to his bed on Friday and I heard his last heartbeat on Sunday when he went home. Cancer is hard on everyone. May the peace of God be with you all!! Miss Cindy is getting ready for her reward in Christ Jesus. What a wonderful gift He has given to each of us through His death. God bless you all! Love and continued prayers!

    PS I believe when we plant a garden we are living in faith of a great harvest. The garden is beautiful. It not only gives us bounty, but it encourages us with hope!

  66. I think my big thumb deleted what I just wrote before it was posted. I had my first of the year tomato and sandwich over the weekend. The deer got into my green beans last week and ate the leaves off a good many of them, I hope they will comeback- the beans, not the deer. My sweet potato friend told me about a fertilizer he scatters around the edge of his fields that has a strong odor the deer do not like. I am trying this. He only planted 26,000 slips this year down from the past years of planting as many as 40,000. He can no longer find anyone willing to work and help him when taking them up. Tipper, we have sit with some of our family members in their final days and know how hard it is and how it takes a toll on you. I think these loved ones somehow realize it is family with them and it helps comfort them. Tipoer, am praying for God to be with you and all of Miss Cindy’s family during these hard times.

  67. oh Dear Family , it is so difficult to hold a
    refiners plate . My heart aches for you all , but in this sorrow Jesus is closer than a Brother ,
    Life is so fast , and death can feel
    so final , but their is victory as we know it is just awhile before the circle is complete.
    May he hold you close , May you know Our Fathers perfect peace

    With Love , from
    one of your many friends who
    enjoys the “ Blind Pig & The Acorn “
    God Be with you All
    Candis Castorani

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