matt and the girls

Corie, Matt, and Katie

On Father’s Day I always think about Pap, but truthfully I think about him pretty much every day of the world. I still miss him terribly.

I am beyond thankful for the other good fathers in my life. Once I met The Deer Hunter I inherited Papaw Tony’s fatherly influence. My brother Steve is an amazing father as is both of his sons and his son-n-law. The Deer Hunter has been a wonderful father to Chatter and Chitter and that has truly blessed me.

I’m grateful for all the father figures who influenced my life when I was growing up. Many of the men at church come to mind as well as uncles and other family members. Some of them are still here while others have already left this ole world.

We wish all the fathers who read the Blind Pig and The Acorn a happy Father’s Day. The world is a better place with you in it!

You can follow the links below for Father’s Day goodness from the Blind Pig and The Acorn archives.


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  1. My word, Matt was a good looking young man. I can see why the two of you saw each other and were like, “Yep, this is it.” And you have aged together beautifully. No wonder y’all’s children, and I expect, grandchildren, are attractive as well. Good on all of you. You deserve it.


  3. Happy Father’s Day, Matt & Austin

    Matt’s first Father’s Day as a Grandfather, what a milestone!

  4. I have already commented too much, my oldest grandson just came by to visit and spend a few hours with me. He is working 7 days a week on one job and about 4 mornings a week on a part time job before going to his main job. I am 70 years old and have every tool or about anything else I will ever need or be able to use now because of my health. I have tried explaining this to him and my son, I appreciate the gifts they buy and give me, but the best/most enjoyable gift they can give me is time to spend with them, or just a short phone call or text. I spent a few hours working and trying to help my son yesterday. I got more joy out of this time with him than from anything he could have bought and gave to me. I encourage everyone that still has their fathers living to contact them in someway today.

  5. My Pa was born in 1894 and passed in 1964 a few months shy of his 70th birthday. He raised 9 children, none of whom ever served time or divorced their spouse, five were married for over 50 years and 3 of us have passed 60 years with the same spouse. All of that is testament to how good a man our Pa was and the lasting influence he had on our lives.

    Tomorrow is my Grandpa Hutchins’ birthday. He was born in 1858 in Rutherford County and died and was buried in Swain County in 1899. I never knew him but am told that he was a religious man and loved his neighbor, so much so that he caught ‘consumption’ (TB) because he read the Bible each evening for a sick neighbor.

    My daughter is the only person I’ve ever known who can say that her grandparents were born in the 1800s and that her paternal great grandparents were born before the US Civil War started. She and her husband are bringing dinner for us to celebrate Father’s Day.

    Happy Father’s Day to all those who raised children.

  6. Happ Fathers Day to Matt ,Austin , Steve and all the fathers whose reading this. Blessings to everyone! H.H.

  7. My dad grew up hard, was one of eight children, and his father was killed building a church in Ohio. His mother at that time had just given birth to her eighth child. From then on, they lived very poor and never had enough food. She eventually remarried, and my dad was always grateful for him and said he was a good man. My father did not talk very much and was soft spoken, but he always welcomed me to do what he was doing. He built most of our furniture and allowed me to help him and, over the years, I learned a lot. I also treasured raking and burning with my dad and making flower beds. But my most precious memories involved our breakfasts and my beloved pets. As a kid, I kept turtles, chameleons, gerbils, fish and anything else I could get my hands on. My dad and I ate breakfasts together because he took me to school before he went to work. Every morning, while me made us eggs, cereal, and toast, I cleaned my critter cages and fed them all. When done, I always took one of pets over to my dad at our dinner table, and no matter the critter, he would stop and pet it or hold it. He never said anything; he just treasured them same as I did. I, too, have missed him most of my life. Happy Father’s Day to Matt who, in many ways, reminds me of my father.

  8. What a trio of BIG BLESSINGS in that one small picture. You four have always made for such a beautiful family and now with a good son in law and dear sweet Ira and the other little one coming soon, you have more to add to it. HaPPy Father’s Day to the two daddy’s in it…. such good men an hard workers they are!

  9. “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.” This is to all the father’s in my family and your’s, Blind Pig readers and friends. Daddy has been gone since 1997 but it seems he is here with all his wisdom and care he passed on to all 7 of his children, those still here and now gone on to their rewards in heaven. I still love and miss him too and probably always will.

  10. Thank you, Tipper, for posting about the lovely men in your life. You are correct, the world is a better place because of them and because of men everywhere who, like your men, love, protect, guide, provide for and teach their families.

  11. Also, want to especially wish Austin a very 1st Happy Father’s Day. May the Lord God bless you and watch over you and keep you safe and well. AMEN

  12. What a beautiful story Tipper. That is a wonderful and treasured picture of Matt holding Corrie and Katie. I want to wish all the dad’s out there, and on Blind Pig & the Acron a very Happy Fathers Day. God bless each and every one of you fathers. God bless America. AMEN

  13. Tipper, make sure to tell all your men folks, that r fathers, Happy Father’s Day, Happy Father’s Day guys, God bless you, God has delivered me from taking methamphetamine, I have been free for 5 years now, God has been working with me for the last 17 days, I’m quitting smoking cigarettes, today is day 17 praise God, thank you God for my Deliverance,

  14. My father was a troubled man, but he was made me know by the time I was a young teen what kind of man I did and didn’t want to marry. It must have worked since we just celebrated our 50th anniversary, and my husband was everything as a father that mine wasn’t. Thanks be for good men. My nephew is another good one. I love watching him with his three kids.

  15. Matt’s a handsome, and talented man.! Happy Fathers Day Matt. I feel as if I knew your Pap, because you talk about him so often. Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there!

  16. Lovely photo of Matt with Corie and Katie :). Happy Dad’s day for all US Dads and those great Fathers no longer with us. (ours is first Sunday in September).

  17. It is such a blessing to be around wonderful, Godly men. Happy Father’s Day to all out there who are reading Tipper’s wonderful post today. That’s such a beautiful picture of Matt & Corie & Katie. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one in all my readings of your posts & videos.

  18. Happy father’s day to Matt and all the blind pig followers! May you all be blessed today and everyday

  19. I had a wonderful father who passed suddenly from a drug reaction to his diabetic meds on June 26, 2000. He had lost his parents when he was 8 and 11 and he and his seven siblings grew up without a real family. So, family was important to him. I miss him so much. He was a good Christian man and loved people. He passed out tracts and spoke with people about salvation while he worked part time at his and my brothers-in-laws store. When viewing services were held at our very small-town funeral home there were so many people who came that they had to park up the streets. I didn’t know most of them, but they told me how they had come to know dad and how much they liked him. My husband has been a good father too. Both of us had prayed for Christian mates when we were teens and God put us together. Our children love and respect him and especially our daughter who is very close to her father. I am blessed to have had a loving father and have a loving husband.

    1. Tricia, I mentioned in my first comment about my Daddy only having an eight grade education. He never had much money but was the most common salt of the earth person you could ever be around. At his viewing on a cold 20 degree January night in 1991, the mortuary could not hold everyone that came, the line of people that came went outside into the parking lot. Proof of how you treat people being more important than your amount of money or success in life.

    1. Randy, Daddy had a 7th grade education and taught himself plumbing and some electrical. He worked at a chemical plant in Ohio for almost forty years. Then he and my sister’s husband went in together to buy a store. He loved working there a few days a week and meeting people. He encouraged his five children to get an education and help others. You and I were blessed with wonderful fathers.

  20. One of the things my dad instilled in me was to respect your elders and your mother. He died Christmas Day 1976 and I still miss him terribly.
    Happy Father’s Day Blind Pig and Acorn readers and especially Matt!

    1. Brenda, we were not able to have our normal church service this morning, our preacher and wife had to leave because of a family emergency. One of the deacons spoke and then some of us spoke about our fathers. I not only spoke about my daddy and grandaddy but spoke about the saintly Christian men of our church that were there and now gone on when me and a lot of the other members were children growing up in this church. These older members taught us by their examples and if necessary, a keen hickory switch, the proper way to live Christian lives and to have respect for one another and especially for the elderly people and ladies. In my time children did not disrespect their mothers, a mother and wife were looked upon as being saints. I think our world and the younger generations would be a lot better off if we could back to some of these old time ways and teachings.

  21. My dad and my husband are two great fathers. Dad worked so hard for his family. I never heard one complaint from him. He always had 2 jobs and when he wasn’t working he was in the garden. There were 7 kids in our family.
    My husband is a wonderful father and husband. He was always there for my son and my boy adores him. He is generous and thoughtful. I have been blessed beyond measure!

  22. What a beautiful picture of Matt and his baby girls! I am lucky and thankful to still have my dad to celebrate with today. At 85, he is most happy when we take him some candy and his favorite snacks and just sit and visit—he loves to talk about old times. Some of my fondest memories of childhood are of me and my sister taking rides in a pony cart my dad built. He would load us up on the seat beside him and we would drive about five miles to my grandparents and back. We thought we were big stuff riding around with him. He always kept us a pony or a horse to ride, and I am thankful that he taught us how. We also just took long drives on some Sundays—maybe to have a picnic—or to visit family. My hubby has been the best daddy ever to our two, now-grown children, and now is a beloved Pap for our five grandchildren. He always took us on Sunday drives too—I love that tradition. We would go on a picnic or swimming or to a scenic destination or visiting with grandparents. He played ball with them and taught them how to ride bicycles and motorcycles. It seems there was always a neighborhood whiffle ball game in our yard, and hubby was always out there with them. My son is also a wonderful daddy and my late son-in-law was super dad in his kids eyes. I wish all dads a Happy Fathers Day—you are treasured more than you know!

  23. Happy Sunday and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads here reading Tipper’s blog! May God bless you all!
    Happy Father’s Day to our first Father who created the universes, our Heavenly Father God! Happy Father’s Day to my earthly dad who is with my mom and many others in heaven. I miss my dad and mom’s presents from this earth more than words can say, but I have the assurance I’ll see them one day in heaven. For this I am very grateful!!
    Happy Father’s Day to Matt and Happy 1st Father Day to Austin! May God bless you both today with many more wonderful Father Day’s to come!

  24. Love the photo of Matt and the girls.
    Happy Father’s Day to Matt and all the other amazing fathers out there!

  25. It’s amazing how life comes full circle!! Now Matt will be holding 2 boys just as he was the girls. You’ll have to take a picture with him holding the boys just like this. It will be a precious family keepsake!! Happy Fathers Day.

  26. There are so many father influencers in our lives. I’m so thankful my husband is a good father. I didn’t have that, mine was an alcoholic. God is also a great example of a true Father.

  27. I could have wrote the same thing Tipper has written. I feel like I had the best Daddy and Father in Law in the world, I dearly loved and respected both of them. I also feel the same about mine and my wife’s Granddaddys. I was raised around around many men at my church that I have attended all of my life that had a good influence on me. None of these men were rich or famous, my Daddy only had an eight grade education, but everyone were salt of the earth men. I only hope and pray I have passed some of this influence on to my children and grandsons.

    1. My Daddy had a 7th grade education. That’s as far as school went where he lived. He was born in 1919, so if he was 6 or 7 when he started, it would have be around 1925 or 1926. So he would have “graduated” about 1932. None of his siblings went to high school either except the youngest, Frank who was born 17 years after Daddy.

      1. My daddy always called me his angel. He had brothers, uncles, and sons. When I came along he and my brother adored me. I miss him every day; he died when he was 70, 24 long yesrs ago. Too young. Father’s Day is hard. Please pray for my 17 year old grandson. His mother was an addict and passed 4 years ago. He has so many problems from years of neglect and abuse. I love him but it is difficult.

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