walking my lord up calvary's hill

Photo by Trevis Hicks

We learned a new song for Easter, but didn’t get it put up on youtube in time for me to share it with you last Sunday. Wilma Lee and Stoney Cooper had a super hit with Walking My Lord Up Calvary’s Hill back in the day. Over the years a lot of other folks have performed the song too, including bluegrass star Rhonda Vincent.

Ruby Mae Barber Moody penned Walking My Lord Up Calvary’s Hill along with many other gospel songs including the very popular southern gospel song My Real Home.

We’ve taken to playing on Granny’s back porch lately. She likes it because she can hear us from her chair where she sits crocheting. If we get to talking or stop playing for some other reason she’ll come to the door and say “I’m coming out here to see what the hold up is.”

Hope you enjoyed the late Easter song!


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    1. what a beautiful song. This singing made my day
      love your YouTube channel and the Pressley girls also. I watch your shows everytime a new one come on.


  1. Wonderful setting and a beautiful performance. Reminds me of my brothers and sister who could all play and sing! BUT NOT ME! Don’t know how I missed out in a family of eleven kid! TEN WERE TALENTED and then me!
    Eva Nell

  2. I learned about your blog from Jim Casada. I moved to Bryson City 8 year ago, fell in love with the mountains and the people and haven’t left. Being new to the area I love what you post.
    I talked the Swain County Chamber about the girls performing on Saturday night this summer. Have they contacted you? If not, please call them. 828-488-3681

  3. Tipper,
    That’s the best one yet. Chitter really bellows it out and they all have such pretty voices. Paul is an asset to their singing, and his playing is the best. It’s good of you and very thoughtful to do this on Granny’s porch so she could listen. …Ken

  4. I remember hearing that song in church back in the 60’s but had not heard it in a long time.
    I think of hymnals as whole books full of inspired words and melodies. Anyone looking to see if God inspires people need look no further. I expect a few sneak in without heart behind them but I suspect they fade.
    The world is getting more vocal about heaping scorn on faith. Blessed are those who can remain steadfast.

  5. The only thing I could think of that could be better, is to be right there on the porch. But I might have the urge to sing along and end up getting rocks throwed at me. I think it would be worth it though.
    Does that youngin have the lyrics in her cell phone? She keeps looking and swiping at the end of every verse.
    Maybe I could sneak upinunder the porch and sing up through the cracks.
    Naysayers take heed! Upinunder is one word!

  6. Great job on one of my favorite Gospel Songs. Truly listen to the words and you have a wonderful sermon of how Jesus sacrificed to pay our debts and fulfill the plan of salvation for those who will repent and accept his gift. Thanks.

  7. Lovely. Harmony has a warming though mournful touch to it which fits the song perfectly.
    Granny’s porch is a nice setting for singing. What appears to be a foggy day adds to the song as well. I’m looking forward to other songs throughout the seasons on that porch.
    . . . and you used the phrase “we’ve taken to” for “we’ve begun to” or “we now” which is a phrase I use and my northeastern son-in-law and daughter-in-law tease me about. (~oh, where did I go wrong with my daughter and son?~ and the other son married a girl from northern Italy! – no wonder my granddaughters don’t have the good earth in their bones!! – – well, actually GD5 – now 1 – has taken to eating dirt – maybe that counts for something – – but ooh boy! do I digress!!)

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