When god dips his love in my heart

Cleavant Derricks, who was born in 1910 in Chattanooga TN, wrote gospel standards like: Just A Little Talk With Jesus, When God Dips His Love In My Heart, My Soul Is Satisfied, and We’ll Soon Be Done With Troubles And Trials.

Derricks was also a well known pastor and choir director. In 1936 We’ll Soon Be Done With Troubles and Trials was published in a Stamps-Baxter hymnbook. Just A Little Talk With Jesus was published a short time later in another singing convention song book. Like many other songwriters of the day, Derricks received little compensation for his songs.

In the mid 70s Derricks met Aaron Brown who worked for Canaan Records. The story goes-Derricks entered the recording studio and told them he had some new material if they wanted to look at it-then he told them he was the man who had penned Just A Little Talk With Jesus. Once Brown realized what a treasure he had been introduced too, he signed Derricks and his family to a record deal. The Derricks family recorded 2 albums for Canaan Records, with the second garnering an emmy nomination.

Several big name entertainers have hit the billboard charts with songs written by Cleavant Derricks: The Oak Ridge Boys became almost synonymous with the song Just A Little Talk With Jesus during the late 70s and Otis McCoy had a hit with his performance of When God Dips His Love In My Heart.

When Brown realized Derricks had never received any royalties from his songs, he contacted BMI, an organization that represents songwriters, composers, and publishers. Brown convinced BMI to pay Derricks a lump sum of $14,000.

Although I never knew who wrote them, I grew up singing Cleavant Derricks songs in church. For the last several months, the Blind Pig Gang has been doing their best on the toe tapper When God Dips His Love In My Heart. Take a listen and see if you don’t feel the need to tap your toes and sing along.

Did you tap your toes? Did you sing? Hope you enjoyed the history and the song!


Sources used for this post: http://www.sghistory.com/index.php?n=C.Cleavant_Derricks; http://www.southernedition.com/RevCleavantDerricks.html

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  1. Beautiful! Definitely toe tappin’ and reminiscing of hearing this and many more great oldies growing up.

  2. Yes, yes, and yes! I’m glad Rev. Derricks finally got some recognition for his music- so unfair back then!
    I would like to second Stephen A’s request, if ya don’t mind.

  3. I beg y’all’s pardon for coming in ate but it’s the best I could do.
    Yes, I tapped my toes, and I played every note that Paul picked in my mind It took three times before I got it near to right…

  4. I never mastered the art of toe tapping but I am one of the best foot patters in the country and almost as good a leg slapper. Today’s music selection has been a fine one for showcasing my precussive talents especially after Ken uncovered “When I Looked Up and He Looked Down.” I thought Pap did a wonderful job singing the lead in it. The mainstream music world missed a wonderful talent there but, Thank the Lord, we can still listen to him.
    Who belongs to the knee on the right side of the video?

  5. Tipper,
    I enjoyed this toe-tappin’ gospel song. Pap and Paul like always did a great job on the song. I always love the harmony. How does Pap get those changes in harmony?
    Practice, practice I suppose and experience.
    You know some days you just need a joyful song of praise. A standup toetapping, hallalulah song…
    Thanks Tipper,
    Our sunset is orange and red tonight, just beautiful…I just hope the morrow will bring the folks up north sunshine and bring some hope in their souls…

  6. Tipper,
    The Blind Pig Gang did a good job
    on that song. After the song played, I noticed another great
    one by you all: When I Looked up
    and He Looked Down. Somehow that
    one got by me. I love the sounds
    and the Beat of your music…Ken

  7. Toe tapping – YES! I didn’t know the words, so I couldn’t sing – you wouldn’t want to hear me anyway. Great listening to music! I am slowly learning the enjoyment of gospel muscic. Such a talented family!

  8. I have known all these songs since childhood. My daddy sang bass in a quartet and I loved it when they sang Troubles and Trials. Loved the history. And yes, my toes were tapping.


  10. LOVE IT. I listened to Hank Williams sing this yesterday as I went down the road. Glad to hear yall sing it this morning.:)

  11. Amazing! Yes, I was toe tapping with the volume turned way up. Wonder how many of us will play that song more than once today?

  12. Isn’t it amazing how music can join people in a common bond, never met any of you but it’s like we have shared so many of the same songs down through the years, along with a lot of other interesting things, Love this old song, the Blind Pig Gang just has a way of making you tap your toes no matter what they’re playing…

  13. Tipper,
    In answer to your first question,yes I found that I was tapping my foot to the song. As far as singing along I didn’t know the words so I hummed along. After a few more times of listening I should learn the words and sing along. I will make sure I close the window tight so the neighbors dogs don’t start howling .
    I have never asked but do yall take requests on the music and if so i would love to hear the group do the song “Just a little talk with Jesus” It was my favorite gospel song and sang every Sunday morning at Hightower Church. Wishing you and your family a great day and week. 🙂

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