Man and woman singing earnestly with guitar and fiddle

For the last several month’s Paul and Chitter have been doing the old song “Who at my Door is Standing?” also called “I will Abide with Thee.”

Pap taught Paul the song.

We knew it was an old song, but neither Paul nor I realized exactly how old it was.

Mary Bridges Canedy Slade (1826-1882) wrote the song. She was from Fall River Massachusetts. She wrote other songs, but we’re not familiar with any of the ones listed on

Who at my door is standing,
Patiently drawing near,
Entrance within demanding?
Who is the voice I hear?

Sweetly the tones are falling;
“Open the door for me!
If thou but heed My calling,
I will abide with thee.”

Lonely without He’s standing:
Lonely within am I;
While I am still delaying,
Will He not pass me by?

Sweetly the tones are falling;
“Open the door for me!
If thou but heed My calling,
I will abide with thee.”

I hope you enjoyed the song as much as I do. It’s become one of my favorites. Paul’s voice on this one reminds me of the Glaser Brothers.


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  1. Tipper , Miss Julie (my mother) and I when I was a young teen sang this song, who at my Door is Standing sure glad to read it author . Thanks Tipper

  2. absolutely awesome they sound so great together maybe the girls and paul should do a cd or dvd together have a great week

  3. This is a good one to right click on then click loop. It helps get you through your morning chores. You would think it would get boring after a while but it don’t. It just gets better and better!

  4. Beautiful! Chitter gets such nice tone from the fiddle and is right on with the harmony. And how does Paul play in A without a capo and make it sound like he’s playing in G with one? He’s something else!

  5. This is a really nice video. I love that it is unstaged with the Deer Hunter working in the background. It seems their voices get sweeter and better every time I hear them.

  6. Good harmony. Was fascinated by deer hunter’s focus on the chicken dish. Maybe he should work with you on the cooking course.

  7. Looks like Sweet Baby Ray’s going on the chicken. That’s gonna be good but it will have to be awful good the reach the level of Paul and Katie’s singing. I just wish they had sung the whole song.

  8. Chatter filled well for Pap. How i miss his easy tenor on these kitchen sessions. He must be smiling down.

  9. I like this song especially because it is scriptural and also because it calls to the lonely in heart. To recall even snatches of it distant in time and place from where last heard aligns one once again with Christ’s heart. I have no doubt the words were inspired.

  10. I’ve heard the song but it’s not one we sing at church. Chitter done a wonderful job. Song has beautiful meaning.

  11. Good job on that song, Chitter and Paul got that one just right! Also looks like a good chicken the Deer Hunter is preparing in the Instapot!

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