sun over mountains

One of the best gifts Pap ever gave me was the ability to be thankful for the smallest things and to be able to know it could be worse when troubles surrounded me. He’d say “Tipper all you got to do is look around you to see somebody that’s worse off than you are.”

I’ve surely needed Pap’s teaching during this year of 2023.

I dreamed about Miss Cindy last night. It was the sort of silly dream that don’t make sense with the gist of it being a group of her old friends were looking for her and I had to tell them she had died even though she was standing nearby.

Taking care of Miss Cindy during her time of death was simultaneously one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to do and also one of the most rewarding. What a gift we were able to give her: to allow her to die in her own home among those she loved most.

Even before the dust had settled from losing her we learned the hard road of cancer Granny is facing.

Somewhere in between the two Katie discovered she was pregnant. Being an unwed mother is certainly not something she wanted nor the path we would have chosen for her.

She is three months. Those months have simultaneously been full of tough times and extreme happiness for the new life she carries.

Katie and Nick are no longer together, but they both want the best for the child that will come sometime next March.

“Keep on the Sunny Side” is a song Pap, Paul, and me used to do. It’s a cheerful toe-tapping song that clearly shares the message of hope Pap raised me with.

There’s a dark and a troubled side of life
There’s a bright and a sunny side too
Though we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way
If we keep on the sunny side of life

Oh, the storm and their fury breaks each day
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear
Storm and clouds will in time pass away
The sun again will shine bright and fair

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way
If we’ll keep on the sunny side of life

Let us greet with a song of hope each day
Though our moments be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in the Savior always
To keep us, every one, in His care

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way
If we’ll keep on the sunny side of life

I’m beyond thankful for the lessons Pap and Granny taught me and I’m excited to welcome my first grandbaby into this beautiful sunny world I’ve been blessed to live in.

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  1. November!!!
    I watched todays video and realized this is THANKSGIVING WEEK!

    We have had a horrible month, my hubby and I lost our best friend this past week. (We lost his wife two years ago).

    We have been so busy taking care of him through Hospice, and taking care of his kids & grandkids while we all walked through this past month together!

    I was flipping through your blogs and came across this song.


    Boy! Oh, Boy!
    I needed this today!

    I’m not even sure the date on this blog, so not sure you will even see this but, yalls song put my heart right!
    I have been sad all day as yesterday was the final burial service and today it is hard to know where to pick up and start…

    I did NOT realize this is Thanksgiving week!! So, I really needed this boost!

    Thank !!

  2. Congrats on your grand baby! People make love but God makes life. He makes everything work out for our good and it will be a blessing!

    I was wondering if you could tell me if you can can in the big 1. 1/2 quart jars for like soups and how long would you pressure can it for. Some say you can’t but I can’t imagine what the jars are used for if you can’t can in them.

  3. I wish I could wrap my arms around Katie and tell her everything is going to be alright. 33 years ago, I was in the same boat, unwed and pregnant. When I found out, I sat in a corner for hours, crying, trying to figure out what in the world I was gonna do, how was I gonna make it, how was I gonna tell everyone. But, in my deepest fear, God showed up and wrapped ”his” loving arms around me and showed me what a blessing this was gonna be to our family. she has brought so much joy to me, I couldn’t imagine my life without her. God bless you all. I’m praying for a easy pregnancy, a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

  4. My youngest granddaughter, 24 yrs old, is unwed and expecting my first great-grandchild on March 6,2024.
    The situation is sad and the father wants nothing to do with the child; but, we are so very thankful she chose life instead of ridding it as is so common today and was the response of the father.
    Like you, we will love and care for this little life and ask God’s divine protection over them
    both. Praying for your family as well as mine!

  5. Bless you all! Good times amd bad times, family staying together is the most important thing along with your faith. Lots of love from this NS girl. Congratulations on the new little Pressley! I welcomed my first granddaughter this year and she is such a blessing to all of us.

  6. I continue to thank God for your precious family. Jesus told us that we would all face trials, tribulations and suffering along with our victories and joys and celebrations. He always promised to be with us in the midst of everything we go through here. The very nature of God is love so we should love as He loved us. I am so ashamed when I fail to love. I have a prodigal daughter whom I haven’t seen in 5 months now. She has blocked us. She married an unbeliever and refuses to have anything to do with us. I am so grateful that you are embracing your precious daughter, Katie, when she needs you the most.

  7. Life is full of twist and turns for sure. I wanted to welcome you to the best club in the world, the Grandparent club! I have a granddaughter named Ivy (5)and she is the light of our lives. She is loving and funny and such a blessing to me and her Grampaw. May God bless you all!

  8. thankyou for your Acorn post and the music. so uplifting!! you spread joy around the world even though you have had a tough time of it. Blessings from NZ

  9. Tipper, y’all have certainly had more than y’all’s share of heartbreaks & worry with Miss Cindy & now Sweet Granny. But, Matt being able to stay home now & a new little Pressley soon to join your family, these are 2 God given blessings for you all. I kinda hope the baby will be a boy so Matt will have a little fishing & hunting buddy, but a healthy little girl or boy will be a blessing. 54 yrs ago when I was in college I got pregnant by my high school Sweetheart. That was back in the times when you were “almost stoned to death” for being pregnant before you married.
    My high school sweetheart & I did get married because I was forced to by my parents. The marriage did not last long. My son was so precious to me & I had little support as I raised him by myself. Katie is so blessed to have a loving & supportive family & I know everything is going to be just fine. Thank y’all are including your YouTube supporters in your next journey with this little bundle of joy coming soon. I was thinking, “I wonder what Matt & Tipper will want the baby to call them?” I always referred to my self as Missy to my dogs, so my granddaughter calls me Missy, too. Have y’all given any thought to what you’d want the baby to call y’all? Love & prayers to all your family.

  10. I’ve been following Blind Pig for so long that I can hardly believe Chitter and Chatter are old enough for marriage and babies. It seems like they should still be running around barefoot playing in the creek. Congratulations on the new grand baby! I’m excited about watching a new generation of the Acorn gang grow up. 🙂

  11. Babies are such beautiful blessings!! This precious child will be loved beyond measure for sure and what a beautiful place to grow up in!!! Pray for God’s blessings on all of you’ll as life as always constantly changes!!❤️

  12. Dear Miss Tipper and your beautiful Girls too. I watched the episode of ‘The Pressley Girls’ where Katie announced her pregnancy. I too was an unwed Mother at 18. My family, even the staunchest ‘Church Ladies’ came to my side and my shower. One of them offered to adopt if I felt like I couldn’t handle Motherhood at a young age. All of us who watch and read your Family are no doubt convinced of the Love and healthy environment this child will be brought up in.
    I have come to love your YouTube channel and the Girl’s too. You have inspired me as a Widow now to expand my flower gardening to vegetables and try new things like making Kegir water. Please keep up the good job in this ever more darkening world.

  13. What a lovely song, so uplifting! Tripper you all are still in my prayers. God is always there for you all. Katie is already a step ahead keeping Christ in her life. Everything will be alright. I still love you guys and always will. You’ve all have been such a blessing to me.

  14. So many wonderful, understanding wishes have already been expressed so eloquently. You all are in my thoughts and prayers as I think about dear sweet Granny, the sweet little baby that’s on the way, and the decisions and emotions that all of the family is going through. God is with you all. May God be your constant Companion, Friend, and Guide. He loves us all so very, very much.

  15. There’s nothing I can add that hasn’t already been said. Congratulations to you all on the baby – a baby can heal wounds you didn’t even know you had. The circumstances of the birth are nobody’s business and don’t mean a thing, especially to a child of God. I look forward to watching your beautiful family grow. How very blessed we all are for being able to be a part of this.

  16. Tipper,
    You and your family are in my prayers. There’s not a family, a mother, father or person who has not gone through hard times, difficult decisions, and heartache. What separates them all are the ones who choose to be better rather than bitter. You and your family’s strength and faith have kept you better. You and your family are a blessing to so many. Thank you for keeping it real and being true to who you are in Christ Jesus. It says a lot about Katie that she chose to share her news with us. It took strength and the confidence in knowing she’s a child of God and with him she can face anything. God Bless you all.

  17. So many kind wishes for Katie and her family, Tipper! I can’t add anything better than your other followers, but I can say a new life is such a wonderful event. I can see all of her family lending her a helping hand and wanting to hold that new beautiful life. I wish her a safe and healthy pregnancy!

  18. I have a question…Did you ever turn Cories bedroom into your office? If not, you’d better hurry up before it gets turned into a nursery! Lol I’m just kidding! I don’t know why that popped into my mind. I was thinking of you becoming a grandma and how Corie moved out and you talking about making that room an office. Congratulations! I know this year has been a rollercoaster. Really, life has been changing for yall since Corie got married and moved out… that’s life though, you’re in a season of your life. It’s a beautiful thing. I so glad Matt is home now. He will build you an office addition.

  19. I am just so excited for all of you about the baby. Oh, and I am jealous too…..hahaha. I want grand babies so badly. Please share everything with your BPATA family so we can share the joys and tribulations with you all. Sending our love and prayers to all of you and Granny too. I remember a song from my growing up:

    Oh the pitty pitty patter of little bitty feets gonna pitty pitty patter through our house.

  20. That song & seeing Pap, Paul and you made my heart happy! Everything about it takes me back ( even the paneling on the walls.) My Daddy played the guitar and would have loved this so much!
    Tipper, Katie’s baby will be so loved as I’m sure he or she already is. I got pregnant with my first daughter before my husband & I married. I’ll never forget my sweet Mama knew I was pregnant before I did! I was throwing up bad and that’s how she figured it out.
    I know this is hard, but Gods love will help y’all through everything.
    Congratulations Katie.
    All my love & prayers,
    Nannette ‍⬛

    1. I was reading these responses to Tipper’s post and ran across this post and it kinda startled me. I thought, I don’t remember replying to Tipper’s post… my name is also Nannette Baker! I’ve met very few Nannettes in my life but never one with the same last name! Baker was my maiden name but it was funny seeing my name that wasn’t MY name! Lol

  21. Families who rally around and support each other in all circumstances are blessed. You all seem to do that and it is wonderful to see. Looking forward to seeing what God has planned for you all.
    Thanks for being willing to share with others how blessed you are.

  22. Tipper, I have been where you are with a daughter who chose to go against what she was taught and how she was raised. But I’m thankful that she also chose life and chose to accept responsibility for her actions. Our grandson turned five this summer, and we can’t imagine life without him. Parenting our grown children is far more difficult than parenting them when they’re little. Prayers for you and the. Deer Hunter as you continue to parent your daughter through this stage of her life.

  23. Thanks for sharing, when you care about someone you want to be kept informed about their lives. The baby will be born not only loved by the Presselys and Wilson’s but by thousands in the BP&A family.
    Please remember that everyone of your brothers and sisters in Christ love yall.
    God is always with us to care us through.

  24. Congratulations to you Tipper and Matt and to Katie and Aunt Corie and Uncle Austin. Katie will be an awesome Mother. Katie is so blessed to have such a precious, loving and supportive family. Being Grandparents brings so much Joy to your lives. We have 5 precious Granddaughters. Y’all will be wonderful grandparents. Enjoy this special time. Life goes by so quickly. Continued prayers for sweet Granny and all of your family. God bless each of you. Sending love. My oldest Granddaughter chose my name for me when she was a year old. My precious girls call me Grammy!❤️

  25. Congratulations to all. We are praying for a full term pregnancy and safe, healthy delivery for Katie and child.
    You may have heard this quote before but it is very helpful for me in many circumstances.
    “God is using the struggle I am in today to develop the strength I will need tomorrow.”

  26. Dear Tipper, I watched the girls video yesterday and plan to send Katie an email with at least part of my story. I was the child of a 15 year old unwed mother in 1961. Katie will never face what Mother went through because 6 decades ago, things were very very different, especially in Mohawk, TN. My mother & I braved much scorn! Sadly, I lost Mother bout the same time your family lost beautiful Miss Cindy. As I said to Katie, “Allis well in the sight of God.” Despite everything, I feel blessed and so did my mother! Blessings to you as always,

    1. One of the most loved, finest girls, now woman, distant cousin, and best friend I have ever known was the child of an unwed mother born in 1952. I talked to her at church this morning. To some this may be considered bragging(so be it) I will put my two grandsons born of an unwed mother up against any other young men. I hesitate to write this, but I will always believe my daughter was sexually molested when she was about 12 years old, she never would tell or talk about it and took it with her to her grave. She died from an accident. She had problems having a relationship with any boy that was decent to her. She told me she knew she should have been married but she believed God gave those children to her for a reason, I think it was to keep her from committing suicide. I may as well go ahead and say this if I could prove it on who I think it may have been, I would either kill him or hurt him so bad he would wish I had. He is a family member by marriage, no blood kin to me or my late wife. I wonder if this is the reason she wouldn’t tell about it.

  27. I waited to post this morning to see what the trend of posts was today. Just as I expected the BP&A readers (acorns?) had only words of kindness.

    Katie, you have begun in just the best way. You did the one thing we all find the hardest thing in life to do. But in doing so you laid a sure and enduring foundation for the future. Your hard decision to share will be bread on the waters returning blessing again and again as can already be seen here today. And you did even more in keeping everything about yourself only. What you did showed a commendable strength of character. I have been a prodigal son myself, admitted fault, apologized to the church and was forgiven. I have a scar of regret for lost years but I also have that experience to share as I do here.

  28. Well, reproductive biology is what it is. Unplanned pregnancies happen in the best of families. It is a given that this baby is in for a heap of Appalachian loving. Now, let’s pray for an unremarkable pregnancy and delivery. I’m hoping for a boy who will someday sing tenor.

  29. I’m really happy for you all and SO glad that Katie has the support system she’s got. What a blessed child that will be, to come into a family full of love, laughter, music, creativity, and one that lives their lives in a way that’s worthy of the gospel of Christ. When I had my son, my husband and I weren’t married, and I would change it if I could, but I think the Lord can work through absolutely any situation for His glory. A big congratulations to you on your first grandchild! With love from all of us!

  30. As I watched the girls video yesterday tears came to my eyes. What a wonderful gift from God♥️ Congratulations on becoming a grandma!! I have 7 grand daughters!! No grandsons yet There’s nothing like it in the world Prayers for your precious family

  31. so happy for your first grand baby, all things work for our good…perfect peace He will give thee whose eyes are stayed on Him….Lord bless you tipper and all your family.

  32. Congratulations to Katie and your entire family. A new life is a blessing! I also found myself in Katie’s shoes many years ago. What I thought was the end of the world, turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me. That baby is now 30 years old and I can’t imagine a life without her. Unplanned doesn’t mean unwanted or unloved. Excited for the blessings and joy this new addition will bring to your family.
    Keeping Granny in my prayers.

  33. So much of the things others have said in today’s comments are true. I know Katie is probably scared and worried but with the love of her family and faith in God, she will make it through this. I am proud of her choosing to go through with this and not taking the other route. I especially like John’s comment “easy to say but hard to do.” And I think it was Glenda of wishing God didn’t think she was so tough, I say this in a teasing manner, God don’t put more on you than you can carry, but I feel like He sometimes has my bumper dragging the ground This is easy to say but hard to feel sometimes especially for me, God promises to always be there with us and He always keeps his promise.

    If my grandsons are not spoiled rotten it is not because of me not trying. I once heard a grandmother say “if I knew my grandchildren would be such a joy, I would have had them first.” I have also read this “grandchildren are God’s reward for us/parents not killing our children!”

  34. So glad to hear that Miss Granny’s cancer may be treatable. Katie and her baby are so blessed to have a loving and supportive family and yall will be blessed too–a newborn is a wonder (remember how amazing their little heads smell) . I miss my son’s growing up years and look forward to hearing about your grandbaby’s life. Love to all!

  35. Congratulations Katie and family! I was also an unwed mother…I had my first at 18 and my 2nd at 19. They’re both grown now but I wouldn’t change anything. We grew up together and I ended up with 2 best friends. Katie is lucky to have the supportive family she has, as was I. What an exciting adventure y’all are embarking on!

  36. It’s been said that when we dream of death of a loved one, it means a happy family event is coming. God is in control of all that has happened and is going to happen. While He took Miss Cindy home with Him and is preparing Granny and you for the road ahead, He is giving you that hope in a new life that’s coming to you here. God bless and keep you and your family.

  37. Congratulations to each and everyone of you. Babies bring such joy to our lives.You need a little light shining in your alls lives. Tell Katie to have that baby on March 7, or 10, or 20th. we gotta lot birthdays in March. lol I bet Granny is excited. Tell her hi and we love her.

  38. I learned years ago that it’s not what happens to us but how we choose to deal with what happens that’s most important. Your family continues to amaze me. Several readers have posted my thoughts better than I could. Yes, look at the positives and embrace them. My question now is, you have The Deer Hunter, Chitter and Chatter, so what will this little one be called? I’m looking forward to learning its name. A baby squirrel is a kit or pup. I’m sure you will all think of something appropriate. After watching all of you react with Olive, it’s going to be even more fun watching you react with this baby. Another chapter in your lives has begun. Thanks for allowing us to share your lives.

  39. Dear Tipper I’m praying for all of you. Yes, you have had a trying year, but the new baby will take some sting out of it. As another song says, “there’s no sorrow on earth that heaven can’t heal.”
    You and Matt will be amazing grandparents. ❤️

    What fun you all are going to have.
    Katie will be a wonderful Mom.
    My wish for you is that Granny will be
    around to love this little person.
    You know I have always been told ‘GOD has a plan’ As hard as this is sometimes
    it’s true.
    Stay safe and healthy.
    Love your girls and kiss your guy.

  41. Congratulations and love to everyone. Katie’s baby will bring so much joy and happiness. Being grandparents is a whole new kind of love. Blessings to all and hugs for Granny.

  42. What a lucky/blessed child to be born into such a loving family. Regardless of the circumstances, just think of the joy it will bring to your family (and your BP&A family, too, I hope). It’s our job to love, not to judge, and if we do that, the rest will take care of itself. (Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13:7-8)

  43. Congratulations to Katie and all of you! I believe this precious little one has been placed in your family’s life at the perfect time. The death of Miss Cindy, now the upcoming birth of a new life and it gives Granny even more reason to keep on fighting. It’s the circle of life. What a wonderful blessing. Give Katie an extra hug today. She’s going to make a wonderful mom and this baby is already loved by so many. Tipper and Matt, welcome to the grandparent’s club!! Nothing like it in the world!

  44. Your grand baby is already so loved by your family. That is one fortunate, blessed many times over baby. God’s blessings on each of you.

  45. 2023 will be a year you won’t forget – the sadness and the joy. What God allows in our lives only make us stronger when we keep our focus and eyes on Him. Welcoming this new precious baby in your family will bring much joy and happiness. The love you and Matt will have for this baby will be incredible. There is nothing like having a grandchild. Congratulations! Prayers for all. Take care and God bless ❤️

  46. The Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away. A new baby is the very best kind of blessing. Every good & perfect gift is from above. Your sweet grandbaby is blessed to have y’all & Katie. Granny is still in my prayers. Love to all of you.

  47. What a true blessing God has given y’all. This precious baby is already so blessed to have all of you as family. Congratulations ❤️

  48. You and Matt will be such great , Grandparents, there is a love for a grandchild that is so much different, even tho you love your children , grandchildren are just different, and I know it’s aunt and uncle are thrilled, love to you all , prayers for granny,

  49. Katie’s child was meant to be, and being born into as loving a family as possible, this child is already blessed beyond measure. I pray for Katie and for Nick, and I pray for all of you and for granny. You and Matt are going to be grandparents!! Corie is going to be an aunt!! Best of all, Katie is going to be a mama and experience what that kind of love means and brings!

  50. Katie’s news reminded me of my first child 44yrs ago. My husband and I were going thru the door to the hospital when the phone rings. My mother in law had died. I can’t describe the feeling I had. I was afraid to look happy, it might seem cruel. How can I be sad? My first baby, a beautiful blond angel. My husband had 6 brothers and sisters. No one was comfortable. We were happy then someone would hide tears. We all looked guilty for being happy. Now 44 years later I think back at how dumb we were. There is nothing wrong with being happy and sad at the same time. As my mom says in her cold way “God gives, God takes away”. I am sure she means “God gives us what we need, not what we want. I hope Katie will start to be just happy. Sure a husband would make things a little easier. Mine ran off when the pre teen years came. I guess his alcohol problem and their puberty was too much for him to handle. I managed, raised them without their father’s help. I have a family. They helped. It all turned out alright. Katie shouldn’t feel guilty if that is what she feels. A baby is a blessing to your family. Maybe easing some of the pain of losing Miss Cindy. Not replacing the pain. Just easing it a while. This is a time for celebrating. And bring your loyal viewers along. I want to see the next generation of growers, singers, artists, bakers and cooks. Jewelers, dog lovers and story tellers. Or maybe the little one will be totally different. Wouldn’t that be wonderful. Prayers, kind thoughts and happiness for your growing family. Anna from Arkansas.

  51. that song was my paternal grandmothers favorite song…I am 68 she died when I was two so of course I had to learn that tidbit of info from an aunt…my dad told me once that my paternal grandfather (papa) use to say ‘the grass will turn green again’ when someone was going through a hard time…I just had the thought that after the sickness and death of your mother in law and now this road with your mama ==your grandchild could be the ushering in of ‘green grass again’ for you and your family

  52. Tipper,
    Here is Southern Maryland, maybe in Appalachia, too, there is a saying that when God takes a family member you are about to gain another. I hope Katie will be easy on herself. I can see she is struggling and I just wanted to hold her. Blessings are just exploding around her and I know (from experience) that everything is going to be just fine.

  53. Tipper,
    Here is Southern Maryland, maybe in Appalachia, too, there is a saying that when God takes a family member you are about to gain another. I hope Katie will be easy on herself. I can see she is struggling and I just wanted to hold her. Blessings are just exploding around her and I know (from experience) that everything is going to be just fine.

  54. Tipper it has sure been a bumpy road of a year but such a sweet little start to next year for sure. Good thing Matt’s a home worker now it will be a busy time. Hopeful for granny and praying that dr is right about her. Katie is a tough strong girl and gives 110 % to the things she does and this will be no different I’m sure. Y’all are just going to be the best grandparents! And Corie is crocheting little things already I bet. I know as a mother like you, you worry of coarse but it will work out because you have a great family of support at home and in your blind pig and CA family. Blessings on your whole family. ❤️

  55. Your grandbaby will grow up surrounded by love. Maybe the baby is a boy and Matt can teach him to fish and hunt!! New adventures.

  56. Tipper, thank you for sharing the song, it truly blessed me as did reading all the other postings. What a wonderful group of followers, you are blessed beyond measure. I will add my encouragement to you and your family. Congratulations, new little feet in the holler. Continued prayers for all of you. ❤️

  57. Prayers for y’all . We’ve been through tribulations too and God gets us through the storm. Years ago my wife had miscarriage, in the hospital during snow storm. I had to work but should have said no to my employer but would visit frequently being at same hospital. That same week my brother house burned but he was safe. Then my father in law died and I had to break the news to her while she was recovering. I prayed for God to give me strength and he did.

  58. Congratulations. A new baby….how wonderful. As one of the other people commented, maybe this will be a boy and Mat will have a fishing and hunting buddy.
    Prayers for your family.
    I’ve been a nurse for 54 years and am still working in the recovery room. There is always hope for Granny. As God guides the doctors and surgeons prayers will continue.

  59. I watched the girls video yesterday, gosh I’m so excited for you ALL…… Katie was so emotional, I can only imagine ALL her thoughts, please tell her “we love her!” (she’s gonna be an absolute amazing mom!) Our grandbabies (9mo old Laurel Ann and her brother, 22mo old True Gentry) are our GREATEST GIFT IN LIFE!

  60. The sunny side allows us to see clearly and stay connected to the people in our lives while celebrating the unexpected gifts that come our way, as Pap wisely taught in word and song. Thank you for sharing the life of your family with us so we might better understand and cherish our own. Your first grandchild is already so blessed to be surrounded by such a loving family. ❤️

  61. so glad to hear the promising news about granny.
    Katie’s baby will be well loved and happy, this is all that matters. what a lucky child “she” will be. congratulations to all.

  62. Congratulations to Katie and all of you on your latest blessing of this bundle of joy. Maybe the circumstances aren’t quite how we would have planned them but then they rarely are. This little one will have such an abundance of love and will bring the perfect “distraction” for all the things that have happened in 2023 and will give us all something to look forward to in 2024! Sending prayers of love and good health to all of you.

  63. Good Sunday morning Tipper.
    Congratulations! I’m happy for you all. There’s nothing like being a grandparent! In March, you will be getting the garden ready, smell the daffodils blooming and anticipating a new life. How exciting! God is good. Love you all.

  64. I grieve with Katie for lost love, but I rejoice with her that God chose her womb to shelter one of His precious ones being sent into this world for His purpose. She will be a wonderful mother and that little one will know the great love of a doting aunt & uncle and mercy me, what GRAND PARENTS! JOY! JOY! JOY!

    1. I totally agree with you Rita.
      It is so good to see a family SO happy about an unexpected surprise. Grandma you will be a wonderful granny or what ever your grandchild chooses to name you.
      Our oldest grandchild will deliver her little girl in two short weeks! she has a little boy who is almost three. When he was born, then I understood what being a great grandmother meant.
      Exciting times ahead!

  65. Always love hearing the songs Pap and Paul sing together. Life has so many twist and turns, but thankfully God is always there for us no matter what any of us go through. I know the timing might not be what Katie wanted, but she will be a wonderful mother, just as you and Matt will be awesome grandparents. Katie knows the Lord and He will give her strength. Praying for Granny, you, Katie and all your family. Love and hugs from the other side of NC.

  66. I could write a post as long as your arm about how much I love your family not only as brothers and sisters in Christ but also because your family is genuine and are an amalgam of all that is good in this world . I know Katie will be a fantastic mom; Corie and Austin great aunts and uncles and you, Matt, Granny and all the other grands and great grands will help bring up this sweet baby in the nurture of the Lord and lavish so much love. I love you and pray for you daily.

  67. Good morning Tipper. I read your post this morning and I shed a few tears-not because I was sad- but because I was filled with emotion about how things work out in life. Sometimes it just seems like God gives us just what we need when we need it. Your family is about to receive a new life to love and fill your hearts with joy , and maybe it can replace some of the sadness and sorrow from Miss Cindy’s passing and Granny’s illness. This surprise will turn out to be such a blessing in your lives. Grand babies are the best!

    1. And, Brenda, it will give Granny the lift she needs to learn to live with the cancer, so she can meet her new Great grandchild, and enjoy it as it grows!
      Prayers for all!

  68. Tipper, I am so thrilled for Katie and for your whole family! Circumstances are rarely “perfect” and often the rockiest roads lead to the most beautiful views.
    My prayer for all of you is this: May the Holy Spirit plant a seed of stillness in your soul so you can rest, and breathe in God’s deep goodheartedness and steadfast love.

  69. Tipper,
    Thanks for sharing. It’s in times like these that your Pap’s teaching comes in handy.
    There’s more trying times ahead so just remember as Pap taught you, now it’s up to you to be the teacher. Sounds like you’re on the right path. Your families will be in our hearts and prayers.

  70. Tipper, thanks for sharing your great news about the baby. I know it will be loved beyond measure. Now for the fun part, we’re going to need to see pictures of that precious baby when it makes its entry. prayers for all.

  71. I love your attitude, Tipper! God has blessed you and your family, abundantly, and will continue doing so. While this isn’t the path y’all had envisioned, I KNOW this baby will be a huge blessing to everyone! (We’ve been where you are, so we know!)

    You all have some big decisions to be made….as life always dictates…so I’m praying for God’s perfect wisdom to be very clear to you. Keeping you all in prayer! (((HUGS)))

  72. Y’all have had a boat load of things to deal with this year, but you’re dealing with and being an example to a lot of others on how to deal with what life sends your way. We see the edited version I know, not the nights of staring at the ceiling or the tears. So many times when a family has a great loss it seems new life comes along. Sorta like the woods after a big fire has gone through. What a family this baby will come into and all the love and talent that will be there. Hope it’s a boy. Matt needs a new experience he knows how to raise girls. Maybe HE will be born March 27. Thinking of you all.

  73. Tipper, from my own experience, there is nothing in life that keeps us down unless we let it. Someone provided me with this song by your Dad and Paul last August when things were crazy and tough for me, and just the beginning of more that was to come over this past year. God never lets me fall so far that I can’t get back up. And with His arms around me, I have been able to do so much in my life. So many people have told me all my life that I am the most strongest, resilient person they have ever met – that most people would not have been able to conquer what I have, they’d still be laying on the floor for years, dazed, from being broadsided. I just know that through Christ as my strength and shield, I can do all things. Just when we think life is going good – there comes a slew of troubles to upset our cart. Whenever trouble slams into me, I count it as a necessary step to make my life, and my heart, even better. I don’t do sad, or doom and gloom, for very long. I catch my breath, grab my Savior’s extended hand, and run forward with Him. I am always here for you! You are in my prayers. God is very good!! The world may not be, but God is always very good! (I sent Katie an email yesterday. I hope she gets it.)

    Donna. : )

    1. Beautifully said, Donna Sue. That was my life in spades in the past decade. One of my favorite phrases throughout the Bible is, “But God …” I kept my eyes on God and He guided me and taught me through it all. And that is so hard to remember to do. But God is still leading me.
      Tipper, I am 76 and can assure you the gift you were able to give to Miss Cindy of keeping her home was HUGE! Those are my wishes also. Thank you for sharing your family so willingly. Things don’t often turn out the way we want them to, but God’s hand is guiding and teaching us through it all, and we will be blessed and comforted beyond measure.

  74. Congratulations on your first grandbaby! I know it’s not the path you would’ve chosen for her or her for herself. I watched the girls’ video yesterday and could simultaneously see the happiness and apprehension on Katie’s face about announcing it. You have a brave daughter! She’s going to be a wonderful mother. Pap sure was smart! There’s always something to be grateful for and always those we are worse off. I’m continuing to pray for Granny and will be praying for Katie as she starts this new chapter of her life.

  75. Dear Tipper, I love to watch how God writes stories in our lives. LOVE is always His motive. Watch is our job. For many years now I have noticed not just in my family ….but in others, when there is a death in the family there will be a birth in the family. Now I try to remember the two and connect them with a song I have in my heart: The coming in and the going out. Sometimes but not always God waits and gives the birth after the death and the loved one who is gone never gets to hold the baby that fills all that space in the heart where love had no where to go. But who are we to say that loved one didn’t hold that child in heaven? They certainly stand by as Granny did in your dream. Spirit is so strong in those who nurture it. Thank you for sharing and know how happy I am for this new baby!

  76. I am beyond excited for your family welcoming the first grandchild! Life is hard – parenting is hard….but if the Father allows it, we can find joy in every situation. Pap and Granny taught you some very important life lessons, which you have passed on to your precious girls. Everything will work out! Congratulations to the entire Pressley family! Continuing to pray for Granny and the family as you help care for her. And continued prayers for you all as you grieve and miss Miss Cindy.

  77. That little life didn’t make a choice how it was to enter this life but I am sure your loving family will be so proud and happy to welcome him/her to your family that is very exciting news God doesn’t plan life as we do He works in mysterious ways what if Katie has twins
    WOW that would be a double blessing!

  78. Huge hugs and love all around. As i have always said, “This too shall pass”. (the pain and hurt that is). But congratulations to Katie and the to be soon grandma, grandpa, aunt Corrie and uncle Austin.

  79. Your comments are an excellent reminder to me that life can bring challenging times, and they often arrive when we least expect them. An individual very near and dear to me was an unwed mother. The child she delivered was the cutest baby, and he was truly loved by our family. That baby is now 42 years old, went to college, has a wonderful profession he enjoys, a lovely wife, and is one of the most compassionate people I know.

    The loss of and/or illnesses of loved ones brings sorrow and bittersweetness. My father passed in 2005 from cancer. The last two weeks of his earthly life provided my family with wonderful memories. Our family often reminisce of those two weeks and the laughter and joy we shared with our Daddy.

    PLoved the song. It is an old tune with a positive message. Thank you for sharing.

  80. I know that the new life that Katie is carrying will be welcomed, loved, and spoiled rotten by Grandma and Grandpa both!! Congratulations to the whole family and prayers up for all as well.

  81. Goodness, has God tested you guys. And look at your Blessings…Miss Cindy, the Beloved Granny, and she is a Gem, and now Katie. Just look at you. I am sad, sad and happy, kinda in that order. AND, you gonna join us in the Golden Girls section, a GRANNY yourself. Matt gonna be a Pap himself. I have to remember the old saying, so to speak, God never gives you more than you can handle…well, I sho nuff wish he didn’t think I was so tough. (Just trying to lighten the post) I have at times wondered what I have done to have the times and tribulations that I have faced, and then I have thought, my Blessings are far better them lots and I will take them anytime. In my case, all I have to do it go sit in the waiting area of most hospitals and/or doctors offices and walk out Praising my Lord for my troubles compared with ANYONE else. Now for the fun part, whatcha gonna be called??…Gran, Grams, Gramma, Grandma. Come up with something, as you will love anything he or she calls you. In my case I am a, G’Ma. Different but endearing. Hope Katie will include us admirers in her journey. and relay how we are praying for her too. God Bless you guys.

  82. Thank you, Tipper, for letting us be a part of your family – as we pray for you all each morning to our Heavenly Father for His will in your lives. We now will add your new grandchild coming to your family list.

    We will continue to lift Katie up to the Lord through her pregnancy and delivery of her child.

    Granny up to the Lord for strength, grace and mercy through this season of her life in dealing with the cancer in her body. That she would not have to be in pain too much.

    Heavenly Father, we lift up the BP&A family to You and ask for Your perfect will through their whole family. Guide them through all they will need to go through in the coming days, weeks, months and years to come. Give them the ability to draw nearer to You through it all. Give them the wisdom, grace and mercy they need. And please bless them as You work through their lives showing Your love to them. Amen.

    Your family has blessed ours and we enjoy being a part of the BP&A family.

  83. Life can change in an instant. I was also an unwed mother at 28. It wasn’t not an easy road, BUT God had a plan. He sent my husband all the way from Nova Scotia, Canada to Florida. When he walked into my church God spoke to me as clear as day and said “there’s your husband”! I’ll never forget it. He is always with us, even through the unplanned, and He will never leave us.

    God bless ya’ll!

  84. What a wonderful way to begin this Sunday! Everyone has troubles in this life and it’s easy for me to get down about circumstances I find myself facing. You and the whole family help lift my spirit with your content. God bless you and thank you for sharing your lives so openly and honestly. Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! How exciting! Children are truly a blessing from God. I will continue praying for all of you.

  85. My father in law sung a gospel song that was about someone always having it worse than you . I don’t remember the title. Because of a reason I don’t want to write about on here, my daughter had problems in her relationship with men and had both of our grandsons out of wedlock. I was upset but realized it was not the baby’s fault. Now both of them are grown and I didn’t know it was possible to love anyone as much as I love them. I think you have to be a grandparent to understand this. I dream almost ever night, including tonight about my wife. Now if I compare my days to the weather most of my days are cloudy to partly cloudy. Very few sunny days. During the last 10 years between mine and my wife’s family we have had 10 family members to dir and I can’t count the number of friends.

    Matt was right in the video a few days ago about there being more hot weather, the forecast for next 7days in my area is for the 90-95 degrees each day.

  86. You ar.e loved beyond measure God will continue to bless you as only He can.You and your family have brought joy into my life. Thank you May you and your family always walk in the knowledge that you bring sunshine into MANY lives

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