collage of photos of tipper's family

Today I’m sharing the last winners from this year’s Thankful November Giveaways. If you see your name please send your mailing address to me at blindpigandtheacorn @ and I will send you your book or cd.

The winner of Mountain Voices written by Warren Moore is who Regina said: “I carry some sentimental things in my wallet that mean more to me than money! 🙂 I guess maybe it’s because they can’t be replaced like money can.”

The winners of the flawed copies of Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food written by Jim Casada and Tipper Pressley are:

Jerry Brooks who said: “Such a happy time! We have another grand coming in June, too. Let’s keep our running shoes in good shape!”

Kelly Holifield who said: “Congratulations again on another sweet addition to your family! How exciting that both girls will be able to raise their children so close together. Our boys are 17 months apart and they have been so close through the years. They are now 25 & 23. My husband and I have been watching your channel for a few years now and are so happy to enjoy good, clean, family-oriented “tv”. At this point, we feel like we are a part of the Appalachian family! We love the mountains but live in the DFW area until our future retirement takes us away. I love to garden & bake desserts & my husband loves to cook. We would love a copy of the flawed cookbook to enjoy recipes from the Appalachians! Prayers for Granny & the girls & blessings to all!”

Tommy Goff who said: “Congratulations! Praying for the girls and the family!”

I have not heard from two previous winners so I’m sharing them again.

The winner of another copy of Appalachian Values is Nancy Johnson who said: “Congratulations to all the winners thus far. I definitely want to know more about Appalachia. My daughter and family live in Charlotte and when I come to visit, I really like to head to the mountains to enjoy the environment and the people who live there.”

The winner of Mommy Goose Rhymes from the Mountains written by Mike Norris is Susie Murphy who said “If she said his place is a mess, I’m glad she can’t see mine!!”

Congratulations to all the winners! Don’t forget to email me your mailing address.

I’m sending out a big thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s Thankful November series by reading and commenting!

Last night’s video: The Homecoming 2.

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  1. I am so happy for you reaching 250k! That is amazing…….and so much fun for us! Congratulations to all the winners, enjoy your things. Love and prayers to all of you and Granny and Little Mamas 1&2.

  2. What fun this has been! Thank you for your kind offerings and as always, Tipper, for all you do! Congratulations to all the winners!

  3. Congratulations to the winners. Tipper so happy for you and your family in reaching 250K subscribers on your YouTube channel. My sister also has a channel on YouTube and she has shared how much work is involved in the production of just one Vlog. As a subscriber of yours thank you for all you do to bring pleasure to your followers, whether it be The Blind Pig & The Acorn or Celebrating Appalachia ….. or both.

  4. Congratulations to all the winners!
    Although I must say each day I open my email I feel like a winner! Thank you for sharing your family’s life with us and keeping Appalachia alive!! So glad you hit 250k on your channel!! Praise the Lord!!
    Blessings to all y’all! Prayers that Granny will get good news!

  5. Congratulations to all Thankful November winners! I’m sure you will enjoy the prizes! Tipper, Matt, Katie, Corie, and Austin — Big congrats on the 250K milestone. You guys brighten my day and I read and view everything you put out there for us. I want to send something for Katie’s baby boy. Feel free to email this to me if you prefer (remgazer @, but can you please tell me what he might still need?

  6. Congratulations to all of the winners and congratulations to you Tipper for reaching 250,000 subscribers on Celebrating Appalachia!! All your family works so hard to bring us so much joy and I thank you. The live was great! Can’t wait to find out what Corie and Austin are having. It’s such an exciting time for all of you with the babies coming, Matt’s retirement and Paul retiring. What a blessing that is! Praying for Granny to get good news and that she will continue to improve and feel better each and every day. I am blessed with having found this blog and all the u-tube channels with you and your family.

  7. Thank you, Tipper. May God reward you for your generosity in sharing the beauty of Appalachia through this site and through the words of others. Truly, we readers are blessed because of you.

  8. My husband and I enjoyed watching your decorating videos. Is there a way to allow your followers to share photos of their Christmas decorations? It would be fun to see everyone’s different styles. Is there a photo option for responses that can be added to one blog post?

  9. It’s terrific that 250,000 people have discovered your YouTube channel and subscribed! All of us subscribers have found our “spot” and just love your family and “Celebrating Appalachia”. Thank you for all the effort you put into it and into “Blind Pig and the Acorn”. You all have become a reliable source to watch and read about things of value.

  10. Congratulations to all the winners of Tipper’s generous giveaway. I bought the cookbook when it was first released and hope the winners find their copy as much loved as I do mine. I have been dying to try Jim’s fudge recipe but I know how hard it will be to cut and eat small pieces like you did in your video.

  11. Congrats to all the winners! This is a lovely, hardworking, growing, family that brings us all good clean entertainment, laughter and sometimes tears.
    I am so happy I found this Blog, Celebrating Appalachia YouTube (love that they just made 250 subscribers), The Pressley Girls, and the Blind Pig and the Acorn YouTube channel.
    Also Congrats to Paul for his retirement from the School system. Prayers for Granny!

  12. Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you Tipper for sharing your talents of writing, cooking and storytelling with us. You have such a kind, loving and generous heart, thank you!

  13. I really enjoyed yesterday’s live video great job working together as a family should what a wonderful example for all to see your love and support fro each other
    I am so happy Matt will have a little man to teach all the ways of the great outdoors it will be so much fun can’t wait to find out what sex Corey and Austin’s baby will be such blessings to all of you and prayers for healthy little ones and granny’s diagnosis is clear of cancer

  14. Mornin’ Tipper – I’m fairly new to your blog and YouTube channel and have been deep into videos and reading for weeks now. You and your BP&A followers have taken me so far down Memory Lane that I may never find my way back to the present. Actually, maybe I would rather not!

    I am so enjoying you, your family, your cooking and gardening and the kindness you show others. Thank you for all the effort your put into these programs and for sharing your life with all of us.

    Hope all of you are healthy and happy and refreshed this morning. I pray as do so many others for the improvement in your mother’s health. It’s so good to see your devotion to her and how much you cherish her.

    Could go on and on but just know that you’re appreciated so very much. Myra

  15. First of all, I want to tell you how excited I am for you to have reached another goal of 250k subscribers. Your channel and the girls channel is mostly all I care to watch on tv anymore==I just really really love them! You have to preview everything else on tv, especially if there are children in the house—Your channel is good for everyone. Thank you so much. I am so happy I found you and this blog to read each day. I hope you and your entire family have a joy-filled Christmas. Congratulations!! PS- yay for all the winners too!

  16. Today we are most thankful for Celebrating Appalachia reaching 250,000 subscribers and wish you continued success. We are likewise grateful for Granny’s recovery and continue to keep her in our prayers. May God bless you and your growing family. We cannot wait to welcome your grandchildren to this world and the wonderful life you so generously share with us through your blog and channel.

  17. Another wonderful Friday’s chapter. We watched the LIVE Chapter yesterday. We came on late so we were not able to ask questions, but gosh was it entertaining. God Bless Corie, she did an outstanding job of answering questions in the chat and feeding the questions to you two. Matt is such a good sport to put up with everyone. Just to see some of the questions about his ‘haircut’ etc was entertaining in itself. I am not sure if you can go back and look at the offers for him to go hunting with so many or not, but, if you guys are not aware of what your followers think of you all, this posting is absolute evidence. I do think we have all adopted you guys and especially Granny. I don’t have my ‘Grands’ any longer, so even though she and I are the same age, we have adopted her as our own. Give our thoughts and prayers to her in the wonderful season…and God Bless you all.

  18. Congratulations to all of the winners! My bad luck held true, so I have bought several of the books. I just finished reading and looking through Appalachian Valves and realize it describes much of who or what I am . I have now started with Dorrie and have The Tall Woman waiting to be read.

    Hope this brings a smile to some , I have been laying here in bed with my iPad for the last hour reading some of the old blogs along with the comments. I read the one from May 2012 about white spots in finger nails and agree with someone else’s comment- white spots don’t concern me, it’s when the air and my finger nail starts turning blue after hitting it with a hammer that causes me a lot of concern!

    Sadie, I like the your names of Pitter and Patter for the babies but Trouble and More Trouble might be more appropriate when they get about 2 years old. No matter the names, I bet they will be dearly loved and spoiled rotten. I tell everyone if I didn’t succeed in spoiling my grandsons, it was not because I didn’t try. I know this sounds bad toward my children, but only a grandparent can understand what I mean, I did’t know there was a love like I have for my grandsons.

    1. I hit a thumb or finger once when my wife was helping me with a project. I paused, shook that hand and looked at her. She said, “Don’t say what you’re thinking”. I said, “I was just wondering if Jesus ever hit his finger when helping Joseph in the carpenter shop and if so what did He say'”

      1. Me too, reckon we could ask when we get to Heaven? Seriously until my cataract surgery this year I had perfect “close up” vision but couldn’t see at a distance, now it it totally opposite. I couldn’t see paying about 5-6 thousand out of pocket dollars for implants that would act similar to bifocal glasses or at least that was the way it was explained to me. I just bought me a bunch of the dollar tree $1.25 reading glasses and put them in my cars and other places. It has taken some getting use too. I normally didn’t wear glasses anytime I was reading or doing any close up things. I may beat my fingers off now if I have to wear glasses when using a hammer. In the past, Daddy would called me “lighting” and tell me you never hit in the same place twice. I reckon I will have to practice saying “Oh that hurts ”! I try to proof read my comments but will see after it is posted I missed a lot of my mistakes.

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