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  1. I’ve never seen “yonder” used as a plural (yonders) or a possessive (yonder’s). Yonder, in my lexicon, is one place, seen yet unseen. Fixed yet fluid. Anywhere yet everywhere. But that is yonder not “yonders.” This one has me bumfuzzled!

    1. I thought death too at first but “yonders lot” throwed me for a loop!

      Yes, spell check it “throwed” me!

  2. I’m no good at riddles, heck I get lost going Mall shopping and it’s the same one we’ve gone to for years, but put me in the woods and I’m good, but I like Ron’s answer I vote for Ron.

  3. Hmmm not sure whether the riddle is about the lot, the cup or the drop. But I am going to guess the lot is the cemetery and the cup is death. I am thinking maybe the use of the word “cup” is an intentional allusion to

    JOH18:11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

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