Today’s post was written by Paul.

cross against sky

Today I’m sharing a song Granny and I recorded earlier this week. On the day we filmed it she had a scan to check up on her cancer.

She got up early and drank her contrast. It didn’t make her sick, though it gave her the chills. She said it didn’t taste too bad. Tipper took her for her 10:00 appointment. By 10:16, they were headed home. We are thankful the folks at the hospital did such a fine job. We don’t know the results but are prayerful that it will show no part of the cancer has returned. She has an MRI next week.

This amazing song, “Neither Do I Condemn Thee” tells a beautiful story of our Lord as captured in the Bible. I struggled with the words a few times in this one-take video, partly because Granny knew different words from the original lyrics, and partly because my thoughts were momentarily pierced by Jesus’ profound responses, though I’ve heard those words many times.

Granny sang the song the way she and Pap sang it, and I tried to match her. Granny led the first chorus and I sang harmony. After that, we switched parts.

I think her harmony was much better than mine. I think Pap and Granny’s alternate lyrics are fine, though I tried unsuccessfully to convince her to sing “scorned for her sin” and “proud worshipers” (the original lyrics) rather than “sorry” and “crowd of” because I think the original lines better convey what was happening in that moment.

Some may notice that I deviated from the original lyrics myself when I sang verses 2-5. Some changes were accidental, but one in particular was on purpose. Like many movies and sermons, the song says that Jesus wrote upon the “ground.” Pap believed that Jesus wrote into the stone floor of the temple. He believed that the moment was a repeat of the moment when God’s finger wrote the law for Moses on the stone tablets.

The Bible does not say what Jesus wrote, but Pap believed that Jesus wrote the law (10 commandments). He believed this for several reasons, one being that the Bible says that Jesus was inside the temple. According to some historians, the floor of the temple would have been stone, not sand or bare ground. Also, the pharisees reference Moses to Jesus: “Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?” Pap believed that Jesus writing the law (in stone no less) was His way of showing them, you can’t tell me about the law; I gave you the law. Pap believed that Jesus writing in stone in front of the woman’s critics, along with His call for one without sin to cast the first stone, caused the critics to depart. What else could they do at that point? Like every other attempt they made to find fault, this attempt failed completely.

I believe Pap’s interpretation is most likely correct. That’s why I sang “floor” instead of “ground.”

In case any modern listeners might be confused by the word “pray” in verses 3 and 5, please know that this is an older English usage, which means, “please tell me.” Verse 3 captures the arrogance of the group. They weren’t going to “let Him off the hook,” but it didn’t go like they wanted.

This song’s use of heavy inversion might also confuse some listeners. Inversion is when a poet deliberately alters the normal word order of a line, usually to help achieve end rhyme. For example, we would normally say, “He sat unheedingly,” but the song says, “Sat He unheedingly.” There are several examples in this song.

If you find any of the lyrics confusing, the best remedy is to read them several times, bearing the inversion in mind.

I know little about Linda Keck who wrote the song, but I have great respect for her lyrics.

Lyrics below:

By the proud worshippers, Scorned for her sin, Was the poor wanderer Rudely brought in. Scribes came and Pharisees, Eager to see, What the meek Nazarene’s, Verdict would be.

“Neither do I condemn thee,” Precious words divine! Falling from lips of mercy, Like the sweetest chime. Wonderful words of Jesus! Sing them o’er and o’er, “Neither do I condemn thee, Go, and sin no more.”

Told of her wanderings, Marking each flaw, Spoke they of punishment, Quoting the law. Sat He unheedingly, Head bowing low, Writing the ground upon, Sadly and slow.

Still cried the Pharisees, “Pray, Master, pray, What shall we do with her What dost Thou say?” Spoke He rebukingly, “Let the first stone, Come from a sinless hand, And thence alone.”

Cheeks flushing red with shame, Turned each about, And from His presence went Silently out. Then saw He standing there, Head bending low, Her whom the world despised, Saw her tears flow.

Spoke He most tenderly, “Pray, woman, pray,” “Hast thou accusers none?” “Nay, Master, nay,” “Neither do I condemn, Soul sick and sore, Go, for I pardon thee, Go, sin no more.”

Granny and I hope you enjoyed this important song. Due to Granny’s age, we sang song softly and quietly. If you’d like to hear a version with more vocal power, check out the Turner Family Band’s version on YouTube.


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    1. I can’t tell you how much this meant to me. It takes me back to the times when my great-grandma and my grandparents were still here. I miss them so very much. we are so blessed to be descended from such amazing people. What a wonderful heritage.

  1. There is such sweetness that comes from your song together. The reverence can be felt along with the song’s message. I love Pap’s interpretation and can fully see it. As always I especially love to see and hear granny. Thank you for all your videos.

  2. Loved the song and you two sounded great! Granny has such a sweet voice. The harmony was great! You need to do more songs together! I continue to pray for Granny and pray test results will be good. May God bless you all!!!

  3. So sweetly sung~ What a treat to hear this Lord’s Day evening. The music and lyrics are so touching! Thank you both!

  4. So Beautiful!!! What a blessing!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us all !!! Lots of love to you all !!!

  5. The song is just beautiful beautifully sung and so eloquently strummed on the guitar. I’m struck by how you say “your thoughts were momentarily pierced by Jesus’ profound responses” as well as the analogy Pap offered to Jesus writing on a cement floor. I love y’all’s love and devotion to family and love and praise to our Lord and Savior ❣️ God continue to bless each of you as together we look to the blessed hope and appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Continued prayers for our beloved granny

  6. I have listened to this a few times. I really like it, you both did well!
    It is so wonderful to see Granny doing so well! I continue to hold her in prayer. God bless you and yours.

  7. Just beautiful! Granny and Paul’s voices blend together so well❣️Prayers for your Mom’s tests to have a positive outcome!

  8. Granny has such a sweet, pitch-perfect voice. That is a great hymn that treats a subject that we too often neglect.

    Thank your Louzine and Paul for such a beautiful treat.

  9. I loved this! Granny has such a sweet voice and it’s always good to hear her and Paul sing. I pray all goes well with her tests.

  10. Dear Paul,
    I always enjoy your posts and your videos, especially duets with Pap, and today with Granny was no exception! Such a beautiful song and one that I’ve never heard before. It’s quite an emotional song, and I found myself getting choked up by the end. You and Granny are amazing together! I don’t know how many times I’ve listened to I LOOKED ALL OVER HEAVEN FOR YOU, but it never gets old, and it’s one of my favorites! Thank you for being so generous to all of us with your musical talents. Please know that you and Granny are both loved and appreciated for sharing your time, talent, and especially your Faith, with the Blind Pig and the Acorn family. It was so nice to see Granny looking and sounding SO GOOD!
    Love and Blessings,
    Jackie(from Maine)

  11. This was so good I love that song! Beautiful harmony! so glad granny was able to sing with you. I wish I had some of your tapes. This brought tears to my eyes seeing your granny reminded me of my grandma when my sister would play the piano she would always sing along and most of the time would start to cry herself. She was such a a good and kind grandma who never said anything bad about no one. I miss her so much!
    Thank you for this!

  12. What a precious duet! Thank you Granny and Paul. It is so wonderful to see you and hear your lovely music! I especially love the message of this song. Please, do some more!!!

  13. Happy Sunday! I watched your video when you posted it on YouTube with you and Granny singing “Neither do I Condemn You”. It was beautiful! Love hearing you and Granny sing together. Her voice still sounds beautiful and she still remembers every word of the song. What a blessing you both are to us all! Thank you!

  14. Thank you so much what an uplifting song for a great Sunday. Thanks for the reminder of our imperfections and God is a merciful God who always forgives. Granny has such a remarkable voice! Very strong…love reading your stories and especially those about Granny.

  15. What a blessing to hear that song today! Granny’s sweet voice, hope all goes well with her tests.Always enjoy listening to Paul. I have a word of wisdom ,guess I will just put it here. As you go through the sea of life and sometimes you feel as if you are drowning,remember our lifeguard walks on water! Have a blessed day.

  16. Wishing Sweet Granny tests come back clear as a bell. Beautiful song. I love hearing Granny in anything. When I go to work tomorrow, the Kady I take care of, I’m gonna play and let her hear this. She also is battling cancer. She is 95. I read her devotions to her everyday. She loves that.

  17. Loved the song – a musical Bible story. I hope Granny passes her medical tests and is feeling better. I don’t know what Granny’s favorite season is but Fall is a comin’ and it’ll be grand!

  18. Thank you for this beautiful song to start the day. I had never heard this one before and I love how it speaks of God’s wonderful compassion, love and mercy to us all. Praying for good results from Granny’s test. Paul, you always do a great job with back stories on songs & think Pap is correct in his interpretation of this songs words. Granny has such a beautiful, soothing voice.

  19. Wow! I’ve not heard of this song before, but reading the lyrics gave me chills. It is so good to be reminded of our Saviors love for us sinners and how He does not condemn us anymore!

  20. This song fits so well with the adult bible class lesson today; from Mount Sinai to Mount Sion. You and this song together set me to re-thinking that whole event. I don’t know exactly what and how Jesus did but I’m confident He used the law they sought to misuse to condemn them. Just which ones of 10 each were guilty of we can’t know and part of His grace was not to say but only show them that he knew. (Such a relief to confess the worst of ourselves to Him even though we be ashamed.) And as to messing up, Paul, my feeling is that mistakes also have their value. For one thing it shows the fearful that mistakes are not as fearful as we make them in prospect and I think they can be encouraged by it. Better to mess up once in a good cause than succeed every attempt in a bad one. I can sense your all’s worry while you wait and I understand. Who knew but God when BP&A began one outcome would be a prayer net spread across this country reaching to – and spreading from – it? I have felt before the effect of nameless ones praying for me. I pray each of you would feel that now and in each step on this journey.

  21. So thankful for the gifts your family brings to those of us who watch from afar. You remind us everyday how to be better. What a beautiful Sunday morning song – and we always love hearing a song from your family and especially special from Granny and Paul – such sweet voices. With my husband’s family ties to both North Carolina and TN in your area of Appalachia, being part of your “world” for this Indiana girl makes me so thankful to have a glimpse into life there.

    God’s Blessings to your family and we enjoyed meeting Tipper and Matt yesterday and hope you can relax today.

  22. Thank you Paul. loved it when I watched it on YouTube. made me choke up. Have heard this song many times but this is the best I have heard considering your narrative and because you sang it with dear granny

  23. Oh my goodness, Granny and Paul, that was absolutely beautiful!!! Praying for Granny and ya all!
    Such a blessing to hear that softly sung to start this Sunday morning.

  24. That was an absolutely soul stirring song you shared this fine Sunday morning! Granny can sing like a dove and what a surprise it was to me since she has been in a health battle! The words of this song really touched me and the way I say it there’s ME BC ( before Christ) and ME AD ( after devil) and ain’t I rich now indeed?! Thanks for a lovely start to a cool rainy morning! Thank God for you Wilsons and Pressleys who bring a lot to the table!!!! Granny looks really good BTW! Praise the Lord!

  25. Thank you so much for this touching post about this powerful song, Paul! I was very moved by your words. I believe Pap would be mighty proud of what you wrote here. Prayers that Granny’s scans come back clear.

  26. omy Paul! what a beautiful song. That would be a hard one to learn or remember. Granny is still sharp as a tack. Thankyou for keeping her involved in the videos. Being active with family is so important.
    Lots of prayers that her scans remain clear. We want her to enjoy her golden years.
    And again, love your unique voice Paul & style of picking.
    God’s richest blessing on you all. Thankyou for sharing your family with us. hugs!

  27. Loved the song. Both of you did a great job. Praying that Granny’s scans are clear of cancer. Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

  28. Paul, Tipper, and sweet Granny, thank you for this lovely entry and for introducing me to the song! In 50 years, I’d never heard the thoughts on whether or not Jesus wrote in dirt or on stone but it definitely makes sense! I’m commenting before I listen to you sing but I know I’ll love it. Thank you, and have a beautiful blessed Sunday with the ones you love most.

    Please keep our family in your prayers. Our son’s wife has left him and wants a divorce. He is standing on Jesus and praying for a miracle. Their daughter, Daisy May is caught smack dab in the middle. The enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, doesn’t he. Jesus said He OVERCAME this world so my husband and I covet your prayers for forgiveness, her salvation and a new, Christ-centered marriage. Through this pain, God SAVED OUR SON, CALEB! Hallelujah! Thank you, from Rogersville, Tennessee.

    1. We see this over and over from the enemy. My brother’s wife left him after 18 years because of his blindness. our sons wife left him some 20 years ago. They have 2 beautiful children. Our grandson came through it though not unshaved, our granddaughter destroyed our lives. My son could fill an ocean with tears and prayers for her. Our family holds to the hand of our dear Savior. I pray every night for her to have a truly retentive heart, be saved and turn back to the good life she once had for herself and her 3 children she has now. God is a merciful God. Don’t give up and keep knocking on heavens door. No prayer you pray will go unanswered. We pray for his perfect will. God bless.

  29. Perfect way to wake up on a wonderful Sunday morning and be met with this ‘gem’. I do have to say her voice is so sweet and tender I could never imagine her raising her voice to yell and you kids. Thanks for sharing and in years to come, this will be a memory you will fall back on over and over. Wait til the ‘Grands’ hear and see it. Prayers for Granny’s test and God’s Blessings on you all.

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