great grandchildren with grandmother

Granny with her 7 great grandchildren (and one on the way),
some of their parents, and my brother Steve


Granny with her 5 grandchildren and son Steve

Over the weekend we had a celebration! My nephew Mark (in the hat and green shirt) along with his wife and little boy got to come home for a visit.

Sunday was my brother Steve’s birthday so we celebrated it as well as Mark’s little boy’s upcoming birthday since by the time it rolls around they’ll be back home in New Hampshire.

We also celebrated Granny. She is continuing to do good and we are all so thankful.

Granny has felt well enough to can several runs of beans this summer. Paul’s there to do the heavy lifting but she does the rest herself. She’s also been busy crocheting Christmas presents for the whole bunch of us.

When my sister n law Kim showed her the photo of her and the great grandkids Granny said “Oh my there’s so many of them.” Kim told her “Granny that’s your legacy.”

It was the first time all the little cousins were together at the same time. It was wonderful to see them all running around or being held. Also heartwarming to hear their parents talking about the great journey of parenthood and comparing notes about birthing and raising children.

Towards the end of the day things got a little hectic with the birthday presents. Granny always adds humor to anything that’s going on whether she means to or not.

She leaned over to Paul and said “Paul we better go home things are getting rough in here.” We all got a big laugh out of that 🙂


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  1. Happy Birthday and may the Lord bless you with many more blessings! God sure has been good to you all. And still goes up for all of you. it’s been a true blessing to watch you all! please take care!

  2. A good looking bunch. If they was grapes I’d pick ever’ last one.

    I see the photo caught Ira doing his thing. 🙂

  3. Nice photos there of a wonderful family gathering,lots of kiddos there! A belated congrats to Corie,you and Matt on the new baby and grandchild. I see Granny is still holding up and in good spirits and making handmade Christmas gifts and canning beans too! I know that is a great relief for all the family.
    Happy for you all.

  4. Thank you Tipper for sharing these beautiful family pictures! what a special blessing for y’all to be together for this family reunion! And now the sweet memories to always treasure!

  5. Thank you Tipper for sharing these beautiful family pictures! what a special blessing for y’all to be together for this family reunion! And now the memories to always treasure

  6. Happiest of Birthday’s to Granny, she looks so wonderful and happy to be surrounded by all her Grandchildren and GGrandbabies………Such wonderful memories, they grow up so fast.
    Being from a big family myself, what memories we all made and now those memories are what I hold onto in my heart and treasure. Much love.

  7. That’s a good lookin’ bunch of youngins! What wonderful pictures and I’m sure a storehouse of memories for all of you. Granny is precious. All of you are so blessed to have her and each other. I’m glad you could have this time together.

  8. What a legacy of blessings for your Pap in heaven, Granny and all your families! These pictures will be ones you all will cherish for many generations to come. Next time get a picture of just Granny, Steve, you, and Paul. Then another picture to include the spouses. You will be glad you did.
    Happy Birthday to Granny, Steve and Mark’s little boy.
    Many God continue to bless your growing families!

  9. Beautiful day of celebrating – beautiful smiles, happy faces, so much love, the celebrating of just life itself – wonderful memories to tuck away for the future days of remembering when – a beautiful family Tipper….may the Lord continue to keep His hand of blessings over you all.

  10. What wonderful pictures! I know everyone enjoyed the day especially Granny!! There is just nothing any better than getting to be with loved ones, reminiscing about sweet memories and making new ones. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Granny looks so healthy and happy with her beautiful family! Mark and Paul could never deny their kinship.

  12. awesome pictures .looks like it will get rowdy in the days ahead. looks like boys outnumber the girls in greats..either way ..noisy it will be Happy Birthday Grannie!!!

  13. What a beautiful family. Granny is truly blessed as well as each one of her grands and great grands. Meaning she got to know them all and they got to know her. With these pictures all will have a record of this birthday bash that got a little “rough.” Love your momma, Miss Tipper and her hilarious sayings and beautiful smile. God bless y’all today, tomorrow and always.

  14. What a Beautiful crop of Grandchildren ❣️
    They are Blessing to a Grandmother’s Heart❤️

  15. What a good lookin’ bunch! That had to be a happy day for Granny. I miss those days with my family as all the generations have aged and spread out to different areas. I too had a family reunion of my cousins Sunday. We looked at similar pictures of when we were the little kids and some were hard to recognize if there weren’t names on the back of the photos. Someone made the statement of how we were once that generation of little kids and now we are the white and grey headed generation. My sister is the oldest at 91. We reminisced with stories of our grandmother’s house, ate her tea cakes although they weren’t as good as hers, remembered the wood stove, porch swing (one time when the chain broke when it was full of kids), and sleeping in the feather beds. Someone remembered a cousin who locked our grandmother’s sister, a visiting “Yankee” living in Ohio, in the outhouse then threw a cat in with her. She hated cats! There were other great stories as well. Those days live on with the memories and one cousin has already written some of the stories on paper. Ira and Woody will carry on as our little ones do but Binks had better hide!

  16. Oh what a beautiful picture of Granny and family!!! Getting to can those green beans is showing through in her healthy glow! I too have those glorious old memories of reunions with Grandparents, and family. Even though we had so many then and now the majority have passed on till I have a very few 1st cousins left. I just looked at a really old photo of us all together when I was in my teens and I just welled up with such love that I wished I could step into that photo as I missed them all so much! You are so right Tipper, Granny adds humor, when I read that last sentence of what Granny whispered to Paul I laughed out loud.

  17. I’m so glad that Granny got to spend time with all her kids, grandkids and great grandkids. It’s so good to see her smile.

  18. What a beautiful family ❤️ I know y’all had a wonderful time. I’m proud y’all all got to be together I sure hope you can do it again same time next year and see the difference.
    I don’t comment on everything, but I felt I should this time, you have a beautiful family Tipper.

  19. Those pictures are beautiful with all the grands & great grands! I’m so glad to see Granny enjoying everyone & even feeling good enough to can beans this year. When the memories fade over time, you will still have the pictures to bring them back to mind of all the good times you had together.
    Happy Birthday to all who were there to celebrate!

  20. What a picture of joy and heritage! Happy Birthday to Granny and Steve. I pray the Lord to continue to bless you and the rest of your family so richly. Much love, Jane in SC

  21. Great pictures. Beautiful family. So happy Granny was around to enjoy everyone.
    The young lady standing next Katie really looks like you.
    I’m here in central Texas and we got a nice rain last nite. Hope there is more to come

  22. So good for those 7 to have those layers of family. Their depth of time will naturally vary with the three generations before them but they will nevertheless be rooted in them. Those pictures will help give them that and it will add stability to their lives. They won’t know it for some time yet but will grow into the knowledge of the difference it made. I know you all had some worrisome times and Granny’s birthday is a special blessing this year.

  23. What a great day. It takes a lot of work to plan a gathering and even more to get pictures with babies and young children. Tipper, you did good!!

  24. Such a wonderful gathering! I am glad that Granny is doing well, and has been with her children, happiest of birthdays to her! ❣️

  25. Happy 83rd Birthday Granny Louzine!!! You look absolutely beautiful in those photographs! You are the picture of health! I just enjoyed the photographs of the entire Wilson clan! The grandkids are all real lookers and the great grandkids are the cutest ever!!! Congratulations to the Wilson family which is getting pretty crowded at this time. I’m kinda like granny on this one-with a “rowdy bunch” like that is in those photos, “Katie, bar the door!” Lol and May you be blessed to heaven and back all the days of your lives!!!

  26. I love the photos. Tipper how blessed you are to have such a wonderful family. Granny looks so happy to have her family with her and you all are blessed to have her with you still.

  27. Such beautiful photos of Granny with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  28. The pictures are great. You have a beautiful family. I love when we have big family gatherings with everyone eating, talking and enjoying each others company…and yes it can get a little wild sometimes at our house too, with five grandchildren running around and playing. They will only be small for a little while…it all goes so fast! Take care and God bless.

  29. Granny looks great!!! She is doing well to be getting all of those green beans ready to can. That is work!!! What a wonderful picture to treasure for all of the family.

    1. Oh what fun. If the Wilson clan is lively, I’ll bet they get it from Granny. lol
      When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Have you heard the expression, a sight for sore eyes?
      Words of wisdom: believing is the first rung up any dreams ladder.
      Tipper, I am so addicted to Celebrating Appalachia and the Pressley girls. They are my favorites of all of YouTube.
      Thank you all for being so genuine.

  30. What a special day and a forever memory. Thank you for sharing that with us.

    You also are carrying on a wonderful legacy.

    I never met ya’ll or Pap, but I feel like I know him through your stories. It makes me wonder if I will be remembered by many. Will there be stories passed down to the next generations?

    One great thing about Heaven is that we will be there for eternity and get to know everyone from our past and people we never met. I wonder if Pap has a corn field next to his mansion? if so, I bet there is a creek nearby too.

    1. Laura Lee(that’s a beautiful name),your…”one great thing about heaven” comment in your reply is so true but for now as born again/regenerated Christians we are just passing through this world doing the task of the Great Commission Jesus…Lord of All ordered us to do while loving our neighbors as ourselves on the way to the next world,good soldiers of Christ,all connected to each other as brothers and sisters in the Lord by being given and having the same Holy Spirit of God in each of us per believing and obeying the gospel of Jesus the Christ
      The family of God who all have the same Father in Heaven who guides,directs,teaches,provides,protects and yes chastises too as a good Father will do and whose Holy Spirit will lead us into knowing all spiritual truth.
      In today’s world sisters and brothers in the Lord become acquainted through technology by putting themselves on it in order to become acquainted with others of like mind.
      The new heaven and earth that is in the process of being birthed now(per prophesies being fulfilled one after the other) is going to be full of all sisters and brothers in Lord and no sibling rivalry there as it is here on earth,lol for we will all know HIM as we will all be transfigured to be like HIM,and in HIM is peace and Godly love and perfection.
      I see in your comment a looking forward to that,as am I. God is truth personified and keeps His Word, He has been and still is proving that out to all on earth in our time…what some say is the final generation,time will tell as we watch and pray,as He says to be doing. A wonderful reunion is coming,that I am looking forward to as I run my race of faith here on earth.
      Love in the Lord to you Laura Lee.

  31. I’m so glad you were able to enjoy that wonderful family time. I had a family reunion weekend too. It’s always fun to catch up and talk about old times… ❣️

  32. Happy birthday to all of the ones having birthdays. I am grateful Granny is doing so well. This brings backs memories of how it once was in my wife’s family when the 5 daughters and the son in laws along with the grandchildren when they were still very young would all get together at Papa and Granny’s (the daughters parents) home. Now Papa and Granny, two daughters, two son in laws, and one granddaughter have passed on and the grandchildren are grown. Now even the great grandchildren are grown. Things would get hectic but in a good fun time way. Like I said a few days ago, much of my life today is just memories of how it use to be.

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