Although most of Appalachia has been experiencing record high temperatures during the past week-today is the Summer Solstice-the official beginning of Summer.

Our Summer Solstice occurs when the Northern Hemisphere is most inclined or tilted towards the sun. The longest day of the year occurs on the Summer Solstice-as the sun shines longer than any other day of the year.

Interesting Summer Solstice Info:

~Folks who live in the Southern Hemisphere have their Summer Solstice in December-while we are having our Winter Solstice

~Summer Solstice is also referred to as Midsummer-cause it occurs during the middle of the summer

~The Druids celebrated the solstice as a wedding celebration between Heaven and Earth-June is still the most popular month of the year for weddings

~In Ancient times the Solstice Moon was celebrated with bonfires-couples would jump over the fire to symbolize how high their crops would grow

~Flowers and Herbs gathered on the Solstice are thought to have magical powers

~Garlands of flowers were made to ensure good health for your household and to ward off evil

I’ve never gotten over the wonder of knowing-while we are celebrating the beauty of summer-the other side of the world is enjoying the beauty of winter-and vice versa. To ponder how large the Earth is-truly makes me awestruck.


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  1. Happy Father’s Day! You won’t see me hiking naked anytime soon. If I do, you can be sure people will come running out of the woods screaming. 🙂
    I’m already itching just thinking about chigger bites. Hate them with a passion!
    I’m not a real good Summer Solstice person. Can’t wait for Autumn and Winter to come back. Although yesterday was hot, the humidity was low. That was nice. xxoo

  2. Hike naked……get a good sunburn as well as chiggers day?? LOL. loved reading the information on the solstice.. I have woods on around me but not have gotten chiggers yet. I am sure they are around. Have a happy summer time. blessings,Kathleen

  3. Tipper, I looked up Solstice in one of my books and here is what I found:
    ” The Celtic calendar was reckoned by the moon and not the sun. Even the summer and winter solstices–the time of the sun’s change from the point furthest North or from the point furthest South–which we would say belong particularly to the sun calendar, were calculated by the Celts from the moon and were called by the names of lunar deities. Beltane was the summer and Samhain the winter solstice. The festival in each case was considered to begin at the rising of the moon. In the lunar calendar of the East the solstice was calculated from the conjunction and opposition of the sun and moon, which gave a very accurate count”
    My point in recounting this to remember the strong Celtic influence in Appalachia and to look at the solstice as a continuation of the posts on the moon’s influence in our lives.

  4. I know I’m a little late, but tell the Deer Hunter belated Happy Father’s Day for me. Or atleast I hope it was a good one.
    I won’t need to worry about the “monsters on the trail”, cause I won’t be hiking naked. But I may find a few in my yard.

  5. Oh, Man. Worst affliction ever. God must have a mischevious side, putting chiggers on Earth.
    We just came in from the swimmin’ hole. It’s a big pond on our neighbor’s property. Not the same as a creek but when the piano teacher brings her boys over, I get to be a kid again. Great Summer Solstice fun.
    One aside: Our bright politicians up here in Indiana decided we needed Daylight Savings Time. Here we are on the western edge of the time zone and it’s still light outside at 10:00 PM at the Summer Solstice. That just ain’t right.

  6. OK. So you saw the sun. It exists. Thank you, my friend. I have been wondering about this.
    Thanks for the solstice info. It’s a magic time, to be sure.
    I was at a June wedding on Saturday. There was so much rain it came down to swimming or drowning, so late at night many of the party swam!

  7. That was a very informative post Tipper, thank you. It was like I was reading a lot of the indian folk lore that I grew up with.
    It all means something to some of us but to others is is all jibberous.

  8. Thankfully it was too hot down here for any naked hikers. I don’t think the red bugs were out either. Bebe and I have been moving in slow motion since we crawled out of the motorcycle’s saddle last week. We are almost back in normal mode this week. Thanks for the Solstice information. I had a friend who built a very accurate miniature Stonehenge recreation in his back yard to mark to various Solstice events. I’ll be satisfied to just read about it. Pappy

  9. My Danish husband says that the Summer Solstice is still celebrated in Denmark. Folks go to the beach and have big bonfires. There is always an effigy of a witch on top of the fire. After the bonfire they all head home for garden parties. (it’s day light almost 24 hours by this time and the temp is probably in the mid 70’s) I asked if anyone danced naked but he said NO!!!
    I hate chiggers, so no hiking naked. LOL

  10. Chiggers leave big purple welts on me. As far as the naked goes, I only do that in the shower! I hope you get a cool breeze this evening.

  11. Tipper,
    I have never been bitten by a chigger and I think I will pass on that experience. lol We have no-see um’s in northern Ontario. They are a type of black fly, but not chiggers.
    Anyone who hikes naked deserves to be eaten alive. lol

  12. I usually and most miserable in the summer because I’m not very tolerant of heat. I love autumn and winter. But, I was married June 5th and my brother-in-law was married yesterday in Hawaii. Being in our holler is much cooler than being on city streets though. The sun literally comes up at 10am and goes down at 3pm. 😉 One benefit to keeping our mountains as they are… shady, cool places.

  13. have a good father’s day to yours, no I guess I will have to pass on hiking naked. even if I were guarenteed no human contact, there are too many winged, and six legged critters out there! lol Shirley

  14. Hmmm… hike naked. I can’t imagine. Important to stay away from poison ivy!
    (I, too, am awestruck by the opposite seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. Blogging has made this even more apparent to me.)

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