Merry Christmas from the blind pig and the acorn 2012

A few of the regulars wanted me to pass along their Christmas wishes to you:

*The Deer Hunter said: Merry Christmas and tenderloin to all.

*Chitter said: May all of your Christmas Dreams come true-God Bless You.

*Chatter said: Thank you for all the support-Merry Christmas!

*Pap said: Merry Christmas and don’t bust your belly eating too much like I’m going too.

*Granny said: Christmas Gift! Stay by the fire where it’s warm.

*And I say- On this special day I hope you’re able to hush the noise and hear clearly the song of love which sings all around you and yours.



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  1. Sorry I didnt see this yesterday Tipper.Busy day.Hope it was a great Christmas! Always enjoy the posts.Getting hit with snow here in Northrn Ky.Cincy is getting it worse than us.Take care!

  2. I’ve had a long and happy day listening to that beautiful song, hope the Blind Pig Gang and all your readers had the same! God bless us, every one.

  3. I LOVE today’s music selection. Thanks for the sweet wishes. Hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and has a happy and healthy 2013!

  4. Merry Christmas to you all. Thank you for the wonderful music and messages each day! We have been without power most of the day. We had our meal cooked before it went off, but had to eat and open gifts by candle light. You know I really have enjoyed it. So peaceful!

  5. This time of year does so much to restore us and our fond memories of family and friends and all things dear to our past.
    The Blind Pig and all the names I have seen here that write in from day to day, are like that dust of snow that crow shook down from the Hemlock in Robert Frost’s poem, “A Dust of Snow.”
    Christmas Day is sweet but, Christmas Night is the dearest. MERRY CHRISTMAS all my friends, you are the best.

  6. Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2013. God bless all of you and your efforts to help us learn and enjoy the Appalachian life and traditions. To all your readers and responders – I enjoy reading it all.

  7. I’ve been reading The Blind Pig almost daily for 3 or 4 years. Being originally from the northwestern part of the state Blind Pig is like a taste of home.
    Finally decided what better time to comment, and say ‘Merry Christmas and, thanks for Blind Pig and the Acorn’.

  8. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all the Blind Pig followers. And a big Amen to Ethelene’s post.

  9. Merry Christmas to all the Blind Pig Family and all the Acorns everywhere! Thanks for all the joy you bring throughout the year. I’ll leave you with this: It’s hard to get your prayers answered if you don’t pray…but incredibly easy if you do. Best,

  10. Tipper,
    Merry Christmas to all…
    There’s music in the sighing of a reed:
    There’s music in the gushing of a rill:
    There’s music in all things, if men had ears:
    There earth is but an echo of the
    spheres. __Byron

  11. My grandmother is the only person I have ever heard to use the term “Christmas Gift” on Christmas morning!
    She always told us the tradition came from Ireland and was passed down thru all of our generations.
    Nice to hear someone else use it too!
    Merry Christmas to all of the Blind Pig Gang!

  12. Tipper,
    As I was setting here unwrapping my 5 pound Hershey bar that I got for Christmas I remembered that I had missed wishing some very special friends a Merry Christmas. I might not leave a comment everyday but that doesn’t mean I am not near by and reading.
    Tipper,Chitter,Chatter,Deerhunter,Pap,Granny,and Paul I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. That wish also got out to anyone reading this post and remember that Christ is the reason for the season.God Bless you all and I am looking forward to another year of great music,recipes,etc.

  13. Dear Blind Pig Gang and all those who read this blog:
    Christmas is God with us,
    the Eternal Truth incarnate, alive, vibrant
    in the lives of those who claim Him as Savior, Lord and King.
    And as the star of long ago heralded His initial incarnation,
    may the joy of Christmas again
    call us to renewed awareness
    of our daily denial
    and death to self sot that we can
    truly celebrate the constant newness of His miracle of incarnation in us!
    “O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, shine on!”–through us!
    A joyous Christmas to all!

  14. Merry Christmas to all the Blind Pig gang and all the other Acorns out there! Wishing you all many blessings in the New Year.

  15. wishing you a very special Christmas — I’m sure there will be some pickin’ before the day is out and it will sure be a Joyous Noise. xoxo

  16. Merry Christmas , to all the gang at the Blind Pig and Acorn blog , God Bless you and stay sweet and love like never before and be kind to strangers for some have entertained Angels unaware.
    Malcolm and Ciejay in Thailand

  17. Remember the reason for the season! Gifts and sharing time with family is great, but share time with Our Father. Remember him and he will remember you.

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