July 4th

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the republic for which it stands

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all

In my elementary school days I recall saying the pledge each morning-in some grades-but not all. In high school-I don’t ever recall saying the pledge-unless is was at a special assembly.

Chitter and Chatter tell me their 4th and 5th grade teachers led the class in saying the pledge every morning-but since they hit middle school they don’t say it at all-unless it’s at a special event.

On this day, July 4th, my thoughts are of the flag-of what it stands for-of those who fought to give birth to our great nation. I believe I should dwell on these things more often.

Did you say the pledge in school? Do your kids?


p.s. Hope you have a wonderful July 4th!!

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  1. My DIL packs very healthy fruits & veggies for the kid-lings. She is VERY conscious about nutrition & healthy eating. They do very well with this.
    Have a safe & beautiful holiday weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Yes, we said the Pledge of allegiance every morning and sometimes a prayer for the day over the loud speaker, when there was one!
    I even had one teacher that required each student to memorize and recite a chapter from the Bible. I think that was 7th grade and the Bible Chapter was First Corinthians 13. I still remember most of it and it has remained my favorite.
    I am afraid that one of the significant ways we fail our children is not teaching them values!

  3. I said the pledge all through high school. Every morning we said it with the principal who recited it over the loud speaker. My kids say it now though I do not know what happens in middle school.
    I think it is a good thing. I suppose the kids don’t think much of it now but in time I think they will remember facing the flag and taking part in the tradition. I hope they get that some now…

  4. In the “Old School,” we said the Pledge until I graduated. I never thought much about the words until I was a young mother sending my own children to school. I remember thinking, “What do all those words mean? What is a republic?”
    The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a Baptist minister in 1892, the year my grandfather was born. It was first published in a magazine called “The Youth’s Companion.” In his original manuscript, Frances Bellamy did not include “under God.” That was added in 1954.
    I love history!

  5. We said the pledge every day in school. But that was before everyone got crazy. I know my kids did in elem. school. I’ll never forget the shock and disgust I felt (as an adult) when I saw a guy leave the room during the pledge at a PTA meeting. I never looked at him the same afterwards. I will always be a “love it or leave it” person.

  6. I remember like it was yesterday (I wish) saying the pledge of alligiance and my son say’s it in school still.
    God Bless America!

  7. folks try to make the pledge a bad thing,
    but,we ALL should be proud that we are free
    enough to be able to say it!!

  8. Good thoughts. I actually wondered just now if my girls could recite it as we don’t school and the two youngest at home now were not in a large 4-H club like their older sisters.
    Thankfully Bet just now rattled it off as if she had said it every morning like I did.

  9. I remember saying the pledge every day in grade school (California). Junior high (5 different schools, 4 in California and 1 in Washington state) – not sure. High school (Texas) – pledge and prayer.

  10. Said the Pledge of Allegiance all the way through High School and even at our commencement at the Civic Center. It still remains my favorite right next to the Lord’s Prayer. Long may our flag wave! Happy 4th to you and the family. xxoo

  11. My daughter’s class says the Pledge of Allegiance every day at school, and if they stop, I will probably say something to the teacher/principal about it. Since she’s at a Public Charter School, they do things a little differently anyway. I also remember saying it in elementary and middle school… not after that though.

  12. My littles say it in elementary school but once they hit middle school they didn’t. Sad really.
    I love Chimney rock!
    Be Blessed

  13. We said the pledge in school, every morning and the Lord’s Prayer. In some places they don’t even want you to say “One nation under God” I think you are right. We all need to dwell on these things.

  14. Appropriate, worthwhile thoughts. I think we all need to think about it more.
    My daughter’s class is in charge of the flag raising every morning at school. (1st and 2nd grade–she’s in 2nd this coming year.) They raise the flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance and SING the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Quite a feat for kids so young, but I’m glad for it.

  15. I remember the same as you.
    Boo said it in elementary, but the same as us in middle school.
    I believe we should all say it every day!

  16. I’m an oldie. We had prayer and pledge in home room before class started over the intercom. It was natural as breathing. There was a diversity of religions in our community and none took offense, everyone was just glad for their opportunity of right of assembly.
    Today I shared with my grandchildren their heritage of three Revolutionary soldiers. One a minute man, one in Valley Forge, and one who fought on the Canadian border and was captured. I take seriously their sacrifices for my freedoms today. I speak out regarding the fact my grandchildren do not have pledge or prayer in school.

  17. I said it every day in school until I reached high school. Then the rush about overwhelmed the day.
    My homeroom this year was full of kids who just wouldn’t say it. They drove me nuts. Then, the day of the 8th grade moving up ceremony, there they all stood in their caps and gowns, saying it. It was strange and wonderful, and the sound of those words came as a welcome relief.

  18. In our elementary school the pledge is said every morning, as a schoolwide activity. It is also said at the middle school, but I can’t say that it is routine at our high school. I hope your family has a wonderful 4th.

  19. I remember saying the pledge of allegiance in grade school. I can’t remember if we did it in high school or not (it’s been a long time) I just asked my 27 yr old son, and he said “yea,we did it all through high school.” Have a happy 4th.

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