man sitting on porch

Today is Pap’s birthday. If he was living he’d be 86 years old.

While I think about Pap often, there are times I really study on him and what he meant to our family. April 19 the day he died, his birthday, Father’s Day, and holidays always set my mind to whirling with memories and longing.

This year his birthday seems more poignant because of losing Miss Cindy and because Granny’s not feeling very peart.

She’s been struggling with a pesky infection since back in March and after receiving results from a recent test it looks as if it’s something much more serious than that. We will have a better understanding of what she’s facing after an appointment at the end of the week.

Granny was feeling much better yesterday when I took her the first beans from our garden. I knew the beans would tickle her and they did. Granny set right into stringing and breaking them. With a twinkle in her eyes she said “Oh this will be enough for two messes of fresh beans!” Granny loves green beans more than anyone I’ve ever seen.

Pap teased Granny a lot about her love of green beans and crocheting.

Here’s one of my favorite videos of Pap. We filmed it way back in 2008.

The old gospel song “Oh I Want to See Him” is one I grew up singing in church. Since it’s a peppy tune it was always one of my favorites to sing with the choir.

When I researched the song I was surprised by how old it is.

Here’s what I found from the hymnstudiesblog site:

“The text was written and the tune was composed both by Rufus Henry Cornelius, who was born on Jan. 24, 1872, in Blount County, AL. The son of Joel and Martha Cornelius, he married Macon Burleson in 1895 at Ellis County, TX, and they had seven sons. For much of his life he worked in the music publishing business and compiled the songbook Harvest of Light in 1913. His most famous hymn, “O I Want To See Him,” was first published in 1916 and was later owned by the Rodeheaver Co.”

Another site,, offers a little more insight into Cornelius.

“R.H. Cornelius, known as Rufus Cornelius by his friends, was born in Blount Co., AL., January 24, 1872. He was educated in the public schools of Oneonta, the county seat. He began teaching in the public schools at an early age and at one time was associate Principle of the Oneonta High School. It was while teaching in the high school that he became interested in church music and began to study with some of the best teachers of the time. His first major teacher was the late A J Showalter in one of his normals at Eden, AL. He continued his study with this well known teacher until he had finished the courses a second time. He soon felt that the study of harmony was his first love in his study and soon became one of the best harmony teachers of his time.

Near the close of the century, he moved to Texas and settled in Midlothian, Ellis Co., where he established a publishing house and published many fine gospel song books that sold by the thousands. However, before coming to Texas, he was associated with The Showalter-Patton Co. who published his first compositions. Soon after coming to Texas, he devoted much time to teaching singing schools (Cornelius Normal Musical Institute) and soon became one of the best known teachers of that great state, often having many more calls for schools than he could have time for. In many cases his schools were dated years ahead. He had possessed a beautiful tenor voice and was of a very pleasant personality. This caused him to be loved by all who knew him. About 1914 he was called to Southwestern Baptist Seminary as head of the music department. After several years in the Baptist School in Ft Worth, Texas, he felt he was more needed back in the field of teaching and songbook publishing. Soon after coming to Texas, he married Maycon Temperance Burleson, who was a fine singer and musician and wrote many songs. During the first 32 years of the 20th Century, this couple of musicians blessed the State of Texas with their singing and teaching. Of all the fine songs written by Mr. Cornelius, “Oh, I want to See Him” will carry his memory for years to come. The Cornelius’ were members of the Baptist Church and were devoted Christians.”

Cornelius sounds a little like Pap: he had a great love of gospel music, sung with a tenor voice, and had a good personality.

There’s many reasons why this is one of my favorite videos of Pap singing.

  • I love Pap’s lead singing on the verses
  • I equally love the harmony with Paul on the chorus
  • I love hearing Pap’s tapping foot, I could often hear it all through the church house when there was singing
  • I love that Pap’s rhythm fits perfectly with Paul’s flat-top picking making for a full sound, my nephew Ben was also there adding his licks to fill the song out

But most of all I love the way Pap sings the lyrics. Even though the song was written well before Pap was even born, the words fit his outlook on life perfectly. He always felt the Lord was a real friend to him, a friend who would lead him through this world of woe while giving him much to sing about along the way.

When in service for the King dark may be the night,
But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light;
Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside;
But my Lord goes ahead, leads what’er betide.

Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,
There to sing forever of His saving grace;
On the streets of Glory let me lift my voice;
Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.

As I travel through this land singing as I go,
Pointing souls to Calvary– to the crimson flow,
Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within;
But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win.

When before me billows rise from the mighty deep,
Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep,
And He leads me gently on through this world of woe;
He’s a real friend to me, oh, I love Him so.

I hope you enjoyed the song and we will greatly appreciate your prayers for Granny’s health.

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  1. We, my husband and I, have been praying for your family every morning. We will especially lift up Granny now that we know that there is a special concern for her health.

    Please let her know that many are lifting her up to her Heavenly Father for His healing.

  2. My thoughts and prayers go out to your mother, and your family. Granny reminds me of my mother-in-law who passed awhile back. Hope everything turns out at the doctors. My husband’s birthday is also the same as Paps.

  3. Tipper, even though I’ve never met them, I think of Pap every year when I get the bean trellis ready, and I think of Granny every time I plant another row of beans.

  4. Thanks for sharing this post Miss Tipper, I’m a day behind on this post, but my sister in law Dawn, Robbie Lynn’s younger sister shares the same birthday as Pap. I know the feeling as I think about my mom more and other close family members that have passed when their birthdays roll around.
    Sorry to hear that granny is not been feeling well, but we will be praying for her.
    I love this song and we were raised up in church singing this song in the choir very often as well. Enjoyed listening to Pap singing his version of the song with Paul & Ben efforts to.

  5. Yes, brings back a lot of memories hearing your daddy sing that old hymn! We used to sing this hymn a lot in church when I was growing up! Our church still sings a lot of the old hymns but also sings a lot of the new ones! We have a hymn sing once or twice a year and we usually get a lot of people come from all over! People in general like the old hymns! They have a lot of meaning and brings comfort and joy to your soul! We will be praying for your mama!

  6. Granny and your family are in my prayers. I’m going through some difficult times right now too, with the lose of a loved one and a recent personal health diagnosis. Life can sure be tough sometimes. May God bless you.

  7. My husband passed just two weeks before this past Thanksgiving. Today would have been our 43rd anniversary. I will keep your Dad in my thoughts and prayers today. ❣️

  8. I am such a Daddy’s girl so I can’t imagine how any day is after you lose them. I will be praying for Granny. She is so special and I love to see her on your videos. She always has a way to brighten your day. I’m so glad she got her some green beans! I know she appreciated that so much. Praying for all of you today. Happy heavenly birthday to Pap ❤️ Always love hearing him sing. God bless y’all.

  9. Tipper,
    One of the reasons I love watching your cooking videos is that it reminds me of my Grannie and the things she cooked and the way she cooked them. She too always brought green beans to family dinners; I’ve never tasted anything like them. She grew what she called Kentucky Wonders; they were flat and wide and so delicious!! I’ve never seen that variety of seeds; has anybody there ever heard of them?
    Grannies are so precious to us and we are never ready to let go of them; I’ll be praying for your Mother and the girl’s Grannie; she’s a peach!! I love the respect you and your family show to your older family and neighbors; their wisdom is a treasure and something being lost in the days we’re living through! Bless them all!

  10. Good morning Tipper, as I write this, it is now eleven fourteen in Oregon.
    I totally understand your feelings for Pap.
    I loved the posted song.

    I was a Daddy’s girl, even though my mother was equally important to me. July 13, my Dad would have been 102. It was his Birthday, Mama and Daddy’s Anniversary, and Sister’s Anniversary. Also, original date of Granddaughter’s wedding.

    He had PTSD from WW11, invasion of Normandy, and all that. Sis and I worked around his moods, but always felt loved.
    Redwood Flower was his best guitar piece, back in our good times.

    His love was shown again, as he signed for me to go into Air Force at 18, however reluctantly. He recognized my dream to be a nurse.

    Times spent with those Pap’s, Dad’s, and Father’s are cherished memories, they complete the circle of life. Peace on your day.

    Granny is also foremost in our prayers today.

  11. Thank you so much for posting these great videos. On sundays I go up on hill where my husband is and we listen to it together. Will put granny on prayers list for sure.
    Love to you all!

  12. Tipper-
    You had me in tears. Thank you so much for this post. Like you we have many days without Daddy. He never had the gift of music like Pap and Paul, but he loved listening to it. I played and sang old gospel songs like this one in church while growing up. I thank God for you. You are truly a gift from Heaven. Stay safe.

  13. Tipper, thanks so much for sharing this. Like you I grew up hearing and singing this song in church and it was one of my favorites. I too miss my Mom and Dad. My Dad’s favorite song was “The Solid Rock”. We had it played at his funeral. God bless you and yours.

  14. Yesterday, I shelled crowder peas (Mississippi purple hull) broke green beans and am giving tomatoes away. I hope to soon have some corn. Like Granny, I can not get my fill of green beans especially if they were cooked with some country ham or hambone in them. When I was a kid, I once ate so many green beans I made myself sick, I did the same with fresh pork liver, but got my taste back for the beans, I won’t even use liver for fish bait much less eat it. I will pray for Granny and I continue to pray for you, Matt and the other members of Miss Cindy’s family. Someone mentioned, if we are Christians we will all be together again, this is true. But because we are humans the ones of us left behind will still suffer, hurt, miss and grieve for the ones that have passed on even though we know they are in a better place.

  15. We sing this song in church. It one of my favorite songs . Seeing Pap playing and singing puts me in mind if my dad. I loved watching and listening to him play and sing. Back then we didn’t have videos where we could video him. I wish we had. I hate to hear that about granny. God love her heart. Prayers for her. We be having Annabelle funeral tomorrow. She passed away Thursday night. Keep her family in your alls prayers.

  16. I have no doubt that Pap is singing in the heavenly choir and celebrating his new heavenly birthday. I always enjoy hearing Pap sing and Paul singing harmony with him. I sang this song in church as a youth and loved it. I too embrace our Lord as a real, trustworthy friend, that is always with me no matter what. I’m never alone with Jesus as my guide. It’s sad that some churches don’t sing the old hymns like they use to or as the tune was written. This song brought back wonderful memories for me, thank you. I am truly sorry to read Granny is not feeling herself. I have been concerned for Granny ever since Miss Cindy passed. I had added her to my prayers back then. I’ll pray whatever is ailing her will be an easy fix from the doctor. I’m thankful the green beans perked her up and she’ll enjoy her mess of beans when she cooks them up. Give Granny hugs from us and let her know she is being prayed over by many.

  17. Happy Birthday Pap from a fellow Marine. Thanks Tipper for the history on Rufus Cornelius. I live just down the road from Midlothian, Tx.

  18. This song blessed me this morning. Praying for all today. The gentleman that wrote the song lived in a city about 10 miles from me.?

  19. Oh I Want To See Him is one of my favorites and Pap knocks it out of the park. Husband and I both enjoy Pap and Paul singing and playing this song, definitely a toe tapper. We love the old-time hymns and always will. I’ll be thinking of you today. Happy birthday in heaven to Pap and I want you to know we are praying for Granny as well as all your family. Maybe those good green beans will make her feel better. When you were talking about jewels this week, Granny is one for sure!! Have a blessed Sunday!

  20. Enjoyed reading and remembering this morning. Enjoyed hearing Pap and Paul sing. Thinking of big pots of green beans cooking on the stove long ago, and of the old hymns.
    Granny has a spirit that has reminds me of my Mammaw (and also her green beans from back in the ’80’s). Will remember Granny in prayer.

  21. I had an uncle who got saved late in life, and this was his favorite song. He would approach the choir director almost every week trying to get them to sing this song. At his funeral, the congregation sang it for the special music.

  22. Pap is seeing him now. We who know him are ever “in a state betwixt two” – going or staying. That, as one of many, is one of our assurances that we have a “lively hope”. Praying for Granny.

  23. If, every time that hole in your heart grows bigger, you let God fill it with his love, you will never have a hole in your heart again. Your eyes will never cease their tearing but from that time forward they will be tears of joy.

  24. Good Sunday morning Tipper. How wonderful for you that you can hear your dad’s voice anytime you want. I have videos on my phone and on you tube of my late son-in-law as he was speaking and teaching at his church. Those videos are so precious to me. Hearing his voice is so comforting. I will keep Granny and you in my prayers. I have enjoyed the many videos you have that include her. I also love cooking and crocheting. Looking forward to seeing her in many more in the future.

  25. Sending a prayer for good health and lots of green beans! Everyone is particular in how they fix their beans – I like them in butter and garlic. Happy birthday to Pap and Avery. 🙂

  26. I will pray in the morning and the evening for granny that she’s back to canning beans crocheting Christmas gifts. Your videos with her are some of my favorites. Please give her my best from her birthday buddy.

  27. I’ve got a good feeling that Granny is going to be fine as prayers for her from across the country will be answered. Let her eat green beans three times a day if she wants to! You know Pap is having a happier birthday than any of us has ever had.

  28. Happy Birthday in heaven to Pap! We share a birthday!
    Praying for everyone today and for Granny to get some better results from the doctor this week.

  29. My baby brother is like Granny about green beans. I have seen him with nothing else on his plate! I’m so sorry Granny isn’t feeling well and will be praying. Sometimes there’s just a time of what seems like constant loss. Last year was such a time for us so I can somewhat understand.

  30. I love that song and singing it. This past Friday would have been my Mother’s birthday. If she was still here she would have been 107. I miss her so much, but I know she is in heaven, a far better place than here. Praying for Granny, I knew she was a treasure many years ago when you first introduced her to us.

  31. I am praying, Tipper! Your heart and mind are being tugged in so many directions today. Sometimes it feels like more than one person can bear alone. But you are not alone, and you know that beyond a doubt!! Jesus is alive! His promises are real! He carries us tightly in His arms, through thick and thin. I am praying for your Mom, for the doctors, for you, the girls, Paul, and all the rest of your family. Always.

    Donna. : )

  32. Enjoyed listening to your father (Pap) and Paul sing this wonderful hymn. Thank you for researching a tidbit of history on the gentleman writer of this song. It rounds out your “story”.

    Prayers for your mom (Granny). I can only imagine the concern you and your loved ones are having with her not feeling top notch. My mother is 93 and physically is doing well for her age. However, she is showing signs of increasing dementia. This change is disappointing to our family, but we are grateful for the years we have had with her.

  33. Oh, dear Tipper, I think your wonderful father would be surprised by the breadth of his influence. This beautiful hymn has filled my heart with joy — a perfect beginning for a Sunday morning! Thank you so much! And your dear mother is definitely in my prayers, along with your entire family.

  34. Smile today when you think about memories of Paps birthday Don’t worry about Granny, the Lord will take care of her. HE’s her friend! Everyone will also be praying for her.
    Always enjoy the videos of the family singing.
    Have a great Sunday as we prepare for Sunday school and worship✝️

  35. I can see why that song became so popular. It’s a toe tapper for sure! What a joy to hear Pap and Paul sing and play it. Love the story of Granny and being excited about the first green beans. She’s so cute. I’ll definitely pray for her health, asking God to heal her.

  36. Love this song. It has been a favorite of mine all my Christian life. I hope and will pray that the doctors will figure out and help Granny. She is treasure.

  37. God almighty in Jesus name comfort my friend Tipper and her family I ask in Jesus name, my dad
    was born July 31,he been gone 30 yr, God bless granny!!!

  38. Wishing Granny the best. she is a very strong lady. I think Pap is missed by his entire community of friends.

  39. Oh I want to see Him is one of my favorite old time hymns! I grew up singing this one as well as many others in church. It’s sad that they are not sung more often as they still pertain today. Thank you for sharing and bringing back the memories of this song!
    Praying for your mother as well.

  40. So beautiful and one of my favorites too! Happy Heavenly Birthday, dear Pap. You’ve touched our lives with your music. No doubt a great gift from the Lord!

    We will pray for precious Granny! We’ve adopted y’all in our family and prayer time. May our Sweet Savior be gracious and merciful!

  41. Praying for God’s comfort to you and remember as a Christian you’re going to be together again one day. I look forward to your daily posts, although I seldom respond. Thanks

  42. Yesterday, July 15th, would have been my mom’s 96th birthday so I can relate to many of your feelings. The song video was great. It’s interesting that Mr. Cornelius was from Oneonta, AL which is about 30 miles from my home. Thinking of your mom and your family and thanks again for your dedication.

  43. Such a great video, you are so Blessed. Please give Granny my best and I will be saying prayers for her and prays she has a good Doctor visit. God Bless.

  44. Tipper, in that last 10 years, there has been 12 family members to die, most of them in my wife’s family, most of my family members have died earlier. Each time one dies, the hole in my heart gets a little bigger. Unlike with some, all of my wife’s family was just as close and was loved by me just as much as my blood relatives. Only a few nights or days pass, even last night or early morning, when I don’t wake up around 2-3 o’clock during the night thinking of them, especially my wife and daughter. Often I have trouble going back to sleep. I still think of my daddy and he died on Jan. 21, 1991, I remember exactly what I was doing at work at 1 o’clock AM when I was told. Last night, I went to bed at midnight, and I have woke up several times between then and now 5:30 thinking of the past and of the joyful memories I had with mine and my wife’s love ones that have now passed on. When I say family members I mean all members. I am glad to have the good memories, but in some way I can’t explain these memories or even looking at pictures of them are painful for me. I think it’s because I realize there will be no more memories made with them. One of things I now enjoy doing is listening to Pap, Paul and the other ones of your family singing the good old time hymns on you tube or wherever it may be. Sometimes I will do this for hours and often cry as I listened to the hymns. Today’s religious music does not mean the same to me as the old hymns I grew up singing and are still are being sung at my church. Tipper, I wrote these words trying to say I understand how you feel.

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