The pressley girls have big teeth

The girls inherited my big Wilson teeth. I’ve known that since their first adult chompers came in.

Theirs seemed even larger than mine, because instead of their top front teeth coming in together or at least within a few weeks of each other, the girls each sported one big tooth on top for a good long time. The one large tooth hanging down in front of their smile looked so comical The Deer Hunter took to calling them The Tooth.

The subject of teeth has been the most popular topic of conversation around the Blind Pig house over the last few weeks. The girls had their wisdom teeth removed…yep that’s 8 wisdom teeth. The removals went mostly well and the girls are on the road to recovery.

As we marveled at the speed of the procedure-under 45 minutes for each girl’s 4 teeth, I was reminded of a story Pap told me about one of his friends. The incident took place many years ago.

One of Pap’s friends went to Asheville to have his teeth pulled and be fitted with dentures. On his way home he had a flat tire. As he was bent over changing the tire someone came up behind him and pecked him on the shoulder. When he looked up a gentleman asked if he knew how to get to the apple orchard.

Having all your teeth pulled can cause quite a bit of bleeding and not wanting to spit blood by the man’s feet, Pap’s friend just shook his head no instead of trying to explain he wasn’t from the area and didn’t know where no orchard was.

The gentleman went back to his car and Pap’s friend got back to fixing the flat. A few minutes later the man came back and pecked him on the shoulder wanting directions to a different location. Pap’s friend couldn’t hold it in any longer and the blood spilled down both sides of his mouth as he tried to spit it out. The gentlemen started backpedaling and qickly ran for his car.

Later, as Pap’s friend told him about the incident he said  “Why Jerry he thought I was one of those vampeers.” Pap’s friend was upset, because he’d worn his best white shirt and kept it perfectly clean until the man came around asking questions.

Drop back by in the coming days and I’ll tell you more about the girls and share some tooth related Appalachian things with you. Oh and my statement about the girls having big teeth has now been verified by a professional, in the dental surgeon’s words “They both had unusually large wisdom teeth.”


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  1. I have the unlucky combination of big teeth and a small mouth. The “small mouth” part was pointed out by the dentist who removed my wisdom teeth back in the Dark Ages, but he kindly said nothing about the size of my chompers. And now, many decades later, I’m finding out that teeth can shift around and get all crooked when your mouth (not to say the rest of you) gets old! My dentist confirmed this recently when I said maybe I’m crazy but I think my bottom teeth are getting crowded together and crooked. Age is bringing a lot of surprises. that’s for sure!

  2. I have a small mouth and the Dentist hates to work on my teeth, (not any more than I do). My Sister-in-law is a Dental assistant and she said I have one of the smallest adult mouths they have come in, I told her well I can say I’ve never been accused of having a big mouth..

  3. When your nicknames are Chitter and Chatter, and when you have a duo who sing like angels but who can also talk the ears off a Georgia mule, they obviously need to have big teeth.
    Why? Because if you’ve got a big mouth (i. e., are prone to be vociferous or loquacious—and they can look those words up and add them to their vocabulary if they are doubtful as to the meaning) sizeable teeth are required to fill it up in order to generate engaging smiles.
    There, I’ve gone and done it and produced my bit of prodding for the day.

  4. Tipper,
    I think both girls are just beautiful. Our Radio Station just played “Angels Rock Me to Sleep” by Chitter and Chatter, another of my Favorites. …Ken

  5. The gentleman, as you described him, who wanted directions was lucky he escaped with all his teeth. If I was down changing a tire and someone tapped me on the shoulder, I might do a little dental work on him with the lug wrench before I could stop myself.
    My uncle Wayne got him some of them pearly whites down in Florence SC. Only $100.00 got you the extractions and your new masticators in one swell foop. Problem was, when his mouth healed up the teeth didn’t fit. It was 600 miles from Lauada to Florence and back. He had spent all he could spare to get his new teeth so he decided he could fix them himself. Now uncle Wayne was a handyman’s handyman. He could make anything or fix anything he set his head to. Except teeth!
    When I was a teenager I spent as much time at Wayne and Muriel’s house as I did at home. Many’s the time I can remember after supper the boys would be watching TV, Muriel would be in the kitchen doing dishes and Wayne would be in his spot over by the heater whittling, rasping or sanding on his teeth.

  6. Mine were called “big butter teeth”. I can’t imagine where that came from.
    We’ve had a lot of hilarious stuff happen when people were getting wisdom teeth out. I was about to go under for mine. I always had a horror of tooth pulling and am pretty vain of my teeth. Anyway, I remember asking the dentist if he was sure which teeth to take out. the last thing I remember is him having a good laugh.
    My husband had teeth pulled and was told he could have a milkshake afterward. We had to stop (our son was with us) afterward to pick up pain medicine) but my husband had become absolutely obsessed with the milkshake and was determined to get one. I had to rush in & get the medicine while our son guarded his dad in the car. I half expected to get back to find him trying to escape on a milkshake run.
    The girls are beautiful and so are their teeth!

  7. I’ve always told my girls to take care of their teeth, the one feature can change your looks completely. My friend met a nice looking single guy who stopped by to look at property when we were realtors in the same office. He asked her to dinner and she made excuses as to avoid losing a client. She was quick to tell us how she changed her mind as soon as he smiled.
    You and the girls have beautiful teeth!
    That is such a funny story about Pap’s friend. In this day and time we would whip out the cell phone and call 911. Poor guy probably kept on driving.

  8. Well, I tell people sometimes they look more like themselves than they do anybody else. Then if they look unsure how to take it I add, “And that’s a good thing.” I should probably say that is a very good thing.
    Your girls are beautiful young ladies. I had never noticed big teeth, which is a way of saying they are in proportion. My teeth aren’t big enough and I have a split right in the front. I think I’d rather have the bigger teeth. But one of the lessons of life is to make peace with ourselves. It isn’t necessarily easy.

  9. They are two beautiful, talented and caring young ladies. I can see it in their eyes and smiles and hear it in their music.

  10. Those don’t look like large teeth to me …. just rather normal. And anyway, those girls are lovely, very lovely, in all respects. Tipper, they do you and the Deer Hunter proud. Eleanor L., Columbia Station OH

  11. Did you get a discount for 8 wisdom teeth at one time? Hope the dental work doesn’t “impact” the music gigs.

  12. Your girls are just beautiful and so are their chompers! They look like movie stars in this photo. I have big chompers too.

  13. They are both Beautiful including their teeth! They also have Beautiful eyes but they are hidden by the sun shades .

  14. Tipper,
    Both girls have beautiful smiles and beautiful teeth. I really don’t think that smaller teeth would fit their beautiful facial features either. Did I mention that they are very beautiful young ladies in all respects. ha
    Thanks Tipper,
    PS I really felt sorry for Pap’s friend! One should never ever bend over after having teeth removed,
    and you are supposed to stay out of the heat as well. No wonder the poor guy started bleeding more!

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