The Pressely Girls are Chasing Their Dreams

A few years back I shared one of Chitter’s original songs Where the Wind Blows with you. Its still one of my favorite songs from their ever growing list of original songs.

Since the girls graduated from college they sometimes feel bad when somebody asks them what they’re going to do with their lives.

They both have part-time jobs (actually multiple part-time jobs) and each of them are passionate about their personal enterprises of jewelry making and natural beauty products-not to mention their music. I say “Tell those folks you’re chasing your dreams.”


Where the Wind Blows written by Corie Pressley

Just because you know where you’re from doesn’t mean you know where you’re going. I guess my dreams are to big for this small town.

I gotta run I gotta go I gotta see where the wind blows I gotta get out of here. I gotta follow my dreams even if they’re not meant to be I gotta run I gotta go I gotta see where the wind blows.

We collect pieces of life as we go, to make the puzzle fit as a whole, but even then we loose pieces and have to start all over. There’s a good road and a bad road one’s paved with gravel one’s paved with gold but sometimes you gotta follow the wind and not what you’re told.

I gotta run I gotta go I gotta see where the wind blows I gotta get out of here. I gotta follow my dreams even if they’re not meant to be I gotta run I gotta go I gotta see where the wind blows.

But you can’t live for the past you gotta live for the present cause there’s no promise that we’ll see another sunset and that’s why…

I gotta run I gotta go I gotta see where the wind blows I gotta get out of here. I gotta follow my dreams even if they’re not meant to be I gotta run I gotta go I gotta see where the wind blows.



When the girls first started singing Where the Wind Blows it made me think back to when I was their age. The world seemed stretched out before me with an infinite number of paths all of which lead to my dreams which were filled with unlimited possibilities.

The great thing about life is you’re never to old to dream and although my dreams may have changed from the ones I had in days gone by, I still have a few worth chasing.



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  1. Your girls certainly have talent! They play their musical instruments beautifully and their voices are lovely, too!

  2. Debbie-thank you for the comment and for supporting the girls!! Hopefully Corie will have her shop back up and running before long!

  3. I love the things the girls sell. I just ordered three pair of earrings for my daughter for her birthday. I miss being able to buy the beauty products.

  4. Really nice job on the song. Just be true to God first then yourself and don’t worry what others think.
    Life is to short to follow others wants and wishes.

  5. Tipper,
    Both my girls are in their forties but like you and the Deer Hunter, I’m so proud of ’em. Ever since they left home to make their own way in life, I’ve tried to support them. They both live hundreds of miles from me, but the phone rings quite often. And if I’m lucky, I get to see them and all my grandgirls about every six months or so. Life has some sharp edges. …Ken

  6. I still love the song as much as I did the first time I heard it. An old song comes to mind when I think of what the girls are going to do with their lives. “Our Day Will Come” has a romantic edge but the title says it all. “Our day will come and we’ll have everything…”

  7. Chase those dreams, indeed. The mythologist Joseph Campbell said that life was about finding the balance between individual dreams and the impersonal demands of the machine (society and other people). All great stories, from Joseph in the Bible to the Navajo Nightway, start with dreamers. So, dream big and find that balance.
    Just as a peice of personal reflection, the biggest mistakes I have made in my life have been made when I listened to those impersonal demands and decided that my dreams were silly. Dreams are pure possibility. Never stop chasing them.

  8. Hey, Tipper. The song is great. Your young ladies have talent! It is hard now for young people to figure out what direction to take. When I was 20 years old, it was easier to pick a direction because there were fewer possibilities and at the same time more career jobs available in this area. Now, you can get a job locally, but most are seasonal or tourist related and have low pay and no future growth attached. So, it is hard for our youngsters to stay in the area. My own children are at the same point in their life as your girls. My daughter graduated from University with a business degree last December and she is waiting tables at a local restuaraunt, this Summer, buying herself some time to try to figure out what direction to go in. We both know that she will have to leave our small hometown to get a career job. The only option if she remains in our hometown is to start a business of her own and that comes with its own risk and hardships. My Son is a YHC Graduate with a BS in Biology. He has been doing construction work by day and mowing grass and cleaning windows by evening in order to live in our hometown. He is just beginning his dream of fishing as a pro in the bass fishing world in 2018. Say a little prayer for him. That is a tough road, too. I don’t know what the answer is. People say that you would not have wanted your children to work in a manufacturing plant or mill and maybe that is true, but when we had local companies that made things it at least allowed some of our young folks to stay in the area.
    I just keep praying for mine to find their way to where the good Lord wants them. I’ll add Chitter and Chatter to that prayer, too.

  9. Where our children go, our heart goes with them. I hope for you they do not go so far away. Soon our two will each be about 900 miles away in opposite directions. We dread it.
    But physical distance is not the biggest concern. Rather it is that the life chosen be the ‘right’ one that will not ultimately prove to be a disappointment. As to that, the rooting and grounding our children have received will have to suffice going forward. We parents will just live the adage ‘heart in our mouth’. I reckon our parents did to.

  10. The girls do seem to be busy, following their dreams and other odd jobs! Chitter’s jewelry selection is really expanding as she is beginning to work in silver and Chatter makes the best bath soap in the world. I’m spoiled now, I don’t want to bath with any soap but Chatter’s.
    I can hardly believe that my little granddaughters are all grown up, I am a happy and proud grandmother!!

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