My life in appalachia it snowed on halloween

It snowed on Halloween. Although I remember a few chilly Halloweens, I don’t recall it ever snowing. Most of the snow that fell throughout Appalachia over the weekend didn’t technically make its appearance until after midnight which truthfully means it snowed on November 1.

According to the 5 inches of the white stuff that fell in Asheville, NC broke the record for the earliest recorded snow fall-which was November 11.

We only got a skiff of snow here in Brasstown. The back deck was white as were the steps in the yard-but most of the ground was too warm for anything to stick to. It was rather strange to see hydrangea and hosta leaves with a layer of snow laying along their green lengths.

My pepper plants finally succumbed to the cold temps and biting winds-but not before I gathered one last bucket full.


Appalachia Through My Eyes – A series of photographs from my life in Southern Appalachia.


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  1. Born and raised in BIG snow country in NW PA. I remember many Halloweens when it snowed, and what a grumbling that set up, with kids whining cause they’d have to put snowsuits on over their costumes. LOL
    God bless.

  2. Tipper,
    “Wait until the snow flies before you rob wild bees.”
    “If you scrub your wooden floors with water from melted snow they’ll turn black.”
    “Dry snow scattered over a dusty floor and quick swept out will beat any carpet sweeper ever you’ll buy.”
    ~James Still~ from
    The Wolfpen Notebooks

  3. We got less than an inch at our place on Saturday morning in Brevard and that was gone by shortly after noon. Roads were clear because the temperature was right at freezing or slightly above.

  4. Holding down the Alt key while typing 0176 gives ° symbol which we will probably all be using for the next few months.

  5. Tipper,
    We got 3 or 4 inches depending on
    where you looked. But it was very
    strange lookin’ to see that much
    snow and most leaves still on. I
    heard they got 8″ in Maggie Valley,
    21″ in Maine.
    Looks like Gary Powell and I have
    something in common. My oldest girl was born Nov. 4th of ’68.

  6. Nary a flake here as I predicted. I love to look at the snow (in pictures) and watch it fall (on TV).
    Snow has not been my friend since childhood days when it kept me home from school and made me go on Saturday way up into June. In 1976 it broke my leg and put me out of work. We survived that winter on friends and food stamps. On Dec 12th, 1989 it almost took my life and left me permanently scarred, physically and mentally. I kept a mustache for 25 years because of the scars on my lip. When gray began to intrude into my mustache and made it look like I always needed a kleenex, I decided to shave it off. The scars don’t look that bad. In fact I can’t even see them unless I look in a mirror. So far nobody has looked at me strange or made any comments. If they do, then I have something terrible in store for them. I’ll make them listen to the whole story. I might even make them look at the scars on and in my nose and inside my lip.
    I hereby officially donate my share of snow for the 2014-2015 season to you and your family. Some of it I will have delivered to you free of charge but the rest you will have to come and shovel up out of my driveway. If you like what I give you this season, you can have first dibs on next season’s accumulation.

  7. Wow we do have extremes. Here in England we have just had the warmest Halloween on record with 23 degree C in the South East of the country.

  8. I drove home from work in steady snow flurries and when I got home in Young Harris, GA there were big flakes floating down and lightly covering the deck. That was at 11:30pm; so it did snow on Halloween here.

  9. When it hits the 40’s in central Fl. it is cold! I kept putting on another layer of clothes until I looked like a clown so I finally turned on the heat to get the chill out!

  10. I covered my bell peppers; I will be peeking at them shortly. They were too small to snap off the stems. In the foothills of Caldwell County we had some winds and cold temps, but none of the white fluff. We lucked out.

  11. We didn’t get any snow but I heard we got a few flurries around midnight. I don’t remember it ever snowing on Halloween. It’s just way too early. Maybe the persimmon seed is giving us an accurate warning.

  12. Tipper: We have a bright but chilly morning with temps about 40 d on the back porch, where the rising sun is hitting. So it is plenty cold out in the open – which will keep me inside this morning!
    Eva Nell

  13. No snow out here on the edge of the plains either (we could have used the moisture) but got our first hard freeze Friday, which put an end to our last batch of tomatoes which had been coming along nicely.

  14. Here in the woods it was like fairyland. So beautiful. It went away too quickly and then it was a day of cleaning up leaves.

  15. Tipper,
    When we got home from our Halloween visit, my better half took the flashlight and went to our raised beds and picked all the
    peppers. I have a big pan of Marconi’s, Yum Yums, Gypsy, Bell, Jalapenos’ etc. to do something with. I probably will just cut them up and freeze them. He wants me to stuff the Jalapeno’s,, bake and freeze those to take out later to go with soup and sandwich’s. I hate doing those ’cause I have to wear gloves to take most of the ribs and seeds out that cause most of the heat! They sometimes make me sneeze too…
    We have a big bowl of white turnips that his brother gave us. My purple tops are not making turnips, but lots of greens. Let me tell you those white turnips are tender and delicious. I like to peel mine, cook or steam in a little water and mash with s/p and a tad of butter…better than mashed taters…well, somewhat, but love turnips cooked that way!
    The heavy frost/freeze got everything in our garden. My gourds are now visible hanging on the tall wire fence, with wilted vines and leaves all around. I think I will let most of them dry naturally. Some say it is better that way. I did pick a few and have in a dry airy place. I’ll see which I like better.
    I hear there is a chance of the white stuff again this weekend?
    Maybe winter is coming early!
    Thanks Tipper, stay warm!
    PS..the birds continue to flock around the feeders. Don’t know if they are being lazy and taking advantage of a quick meal or trying to fatten up early against these forecasts of a cold snowy winter. Once in a while one will sing a Fall song very soft!

  16. It was cold here in FL on Halloween, we almost drove up for Halloween, but decided to wait for Christmas.
    Stay warm

  17. Did not have any snow where I live, but Hall’s Gap, KY had about 2 inches of snow on top of the ridge. My daughter was born Nov. 4th 1966. It snowed 16 inches of snow 2 days earlier. Flurries were forcast. It flurried for about 24 hours continuous.

  18. We had snow here as well..but that’s not unusual for us. It is 23* this morning. I’m glad you got your peppers!

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