My life in appalachia leafed out

Southern Appalachia has leafed out. The rain we had earlier this week coaxed the leaves to finish unfurling on most trees. I’m hoping the big frost we woke up to Friday morning didn’t do too much damage to the plants that bear fruit.

Leafed out at your place? Is ‘leafed out’ even a phrase you’re familiar with?


Appalachia Through My Eyes – A series of photographs from my life in Southern Appalachia.



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  1. Oh we have leafed and are leafing but we haven’t leaft… Okay I’ll stop, but really many of our trees have leafed out and only a few haven’t even thought of it yet. I know they aren’t dead, ‘cuz I used to always think that, then some time in the summer I’d say, “hey ho, you’re alive, I thought you were dead”. Do that enough times and you learn, some trees even of the same species as the leafed out ones, are just late. I’m taking advantage of that and going out to pick cottonwood tips today, probably my last harvest on that, and then on to planting corn! The corn will go in a hoop house. How’s your garden and you green house doing this year?

  2. We’re at that gorgeous many-shades-of-green stage right now and it’s so pretty I just stop and stare many times a day. No frost here for a long time, although there have been some chilly nights.

  3. I’ve heard of “leafed out” and most of the trees near abouts are in some stage of it right now which is a HUGE blessing cause with the coming of the leaves is the leaving of the pollen (at least on THAT tree). Yipee!!!
    God bless.

  4. Things are just starting to leaf out here in northeastern Ohio, but what a wonderful sight! The daffodils, hyacinths and forsythia are in full bloom. Don’t plant tulips around here because of all the deer. My weeping cherry tree is dropping its blossoms already and the leaves are ‘leafing’ out. Hoping for lots of apples here in Ohio this year.

  5. All leafed out is about the most self explanatory term I could use. I used it yesterday when I told Alex what it looks like at home. Remember I married a city boy but he knows what it looks like in our part of the woods. Leafedout is good.

  6. Is that a sweet gum tree you used to illustrated “leafed out?” Is that the mother of “What is it 4?” from back in Sept of 2011?

  7. That’s a new phrase for me, however, just about everything here in the foothills have leafed out. Yesterday, at Biltmore, the tulips were in full bloom as well as the Azaleas bushes. It was a outlandishly gorgeous. Itwas a perfect day!

  8. Yep, everything’s leafed out and greened up here. Have done mowed the yard twice and getting ready to do it again. It’s mostly weeds and coastal, but better than dirt.Am glad to see spring green for a change instead of winter brown.

  9. Tipper,
    Does grass count? Seems like
    everything’s coming along just fine
    now. After just 10 days my green
    beans have busted thru, some are
    lifting their seed just like they
    scored a touchdown. I noticed
    lots of blooms on my cherry, peach,
    and apple trees this year. Hope
    the frost is all done…Ken

  10. Odd that you should choose that particular phrase just now..I was looking out our side window just this morning and as I looked at the trees, I though that they are all leafed out. Guess that I learned to say that in North Carolina as a boy.

  11. Spring has come to southern Connecticut. Can’t say we’re “leafed out,” but the trees have gone from reminding us of skeletal witch fingers to fuzzy clown hats crowned with green buds. Yellow forsythia brighten our byways. Deck furniture and flower planters are in position. Welcome May!

  12. Tipper,
    Yep, the trees are leafed out…some may look umbrellaed out.
    By the time the raised beds were worked, and the signs were right, our Oak leaves were way past the size of mouses ears. A sign that it is time to plant regular garden plants…Well, they could be the size of the famous mouse ears…I don’t know if that counts…as a sign!
    I got one for ya…There has been a few sightings of a cougar, painter or catamount around the lake close to here. Also, some fellows pigs were killed and some say it twern’t a bear..which would be a little strange here as well, they aren’t seen too often. On occasion one is spotted between the Smokies and South Fork..A bear was traveling on our ridge a few years ago. Mainly when they are moved and/or the mast is low.
    Have a great day, rain here today.
    Waiting on the dancing video.
    Thanks Tipper

  13. Certainly know the phrase and use it, and we’re about 90% there in our area, in spite of frost and even snow within the past week.

  14. Mostly leafed out here in Brevard, NC. Moved here from Jupiter, FL on Thursday. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom here, as are a lot of the dogwoods. Life is good.

  15. We’ve had a couple of cold nights here in Ky. Hope it wasn’t cold enough to hurt the blooms on my apple trees. Old tree is loaded with blooms, it has a lot of dead wood in the top that I need to cut, and my young trees have a few blooms for the first time. So far it has been a beautiful spring.

  16. Everything has been completely leafed out here for a week or more. We had frost two mornings this week and the daytime temperature has been high 50s and low 60s for several days. The frost caused little or no damage. The fruit trees are still loaded and the grass keeps growing…and growing.

  17. Leafed out and green as a gourd around here. The last few days the leaves have really opened up fully. I love spring time except for the pollen!

  18. I’ve heard “leafed out” all my life, and how we looked for the “leafed out” time at Choestoe–time to get those crops planted for the new season! We “leaf out” much earlier here in Middle Georgia–so our “leafing out” season bears nearly full-grown leaves at this time.

  19. We’re not a 100% on this side of the mountain, but getting there. I ‘m sure this rain will speed up things. Hickory’s seem to be lagging behind. Fortunately we missed out on much frost the other day. Thankful for that.

  20. O yea,, everything is pretty much leafed out, gotta sharpen those lawnmower blades, giving rain here Saturday and Sunday and small chance each day next week. Most folks here haven’t been able to plant any in their gardens because it has been so wet, we’ve been getting rain at least once a week since March, may have to invest in a boat..

  21. “Leafed out” is a common expression here, but it sure hasn’t happened yet! The maples are flowering though, so leaves are not far off.
    I don’t know if it’s a common expression, but I’m also familiar with “leaf on” and “leaf off” – but that’s from years of interpreting aerial photographs. Photo-taking flights are often scheduled during “leaf on” or “leaf off” depending on whether information is needed about the forest cover, or the ground features, which are more apparent during “leaf off.”

  22. I don’t think I’ve heard that term before but I certainly know what it means. Yes, we are leafed out here in Black Mountain.
    I went by Saleh’s yesterday and he gave me box of fresh kale. While he was cutting the kale I inspected the blueberry bushes. They are covered with buds, some opened, and I mean absolutely covered! He will have a bumper crop of blue berries this year. Last year the late frost killed them. He didn’t get more than a handful of blueberries last year. So, no, the Friday cold did not bother them.
    You have a birthday at your house this week, right?

  23. Yes, I have been lucky enough to be at my cabin during this time. So Beautiful and a welcome change to the landscape.

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