Band standing together before a show

Paul and I have a lot of fun hanging around The Pressley Girls. Along with the good music there’s always a lot of laughter.

The girls learned many of the old songs they perform riding in the backseat of my car for so many years.

The old gospel song, “Angels Rock Me to Sleep in the Cradle of Love” is one they learned from a cd I about wore plumb out.

The version of the song on the cd was by The Bluegrass Cardinals. The girls would sing along and try to do all the parts…including the bass.

According to, Marion W. Easterling (1910-1989) wrote the song. Easterling was born in Birmingham Alabama. He frequented music schools and became a prolific songwriter.

Easterling became the youngest composer ever signed by the Stamps-Baxter Publishing Company in 1938. He was a well-known radio personality as well in those days and had a lengthy stint on WKLF’s America’s Favorites program.

Over the years, other notable performers have recorded the song including Bill Monroe, Johnnie & Jack, and Carl Story.

I hope you enjoyed the laughs and the music!

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  1. I grew up singing out of the Baptist Hymnal, the Broadman Hymnal and the Stamps-Baxter song books. Thank you for the wonderful rendition of this song.

  2. One of my favorite songs. The Council Brothers Quartet, my four brothers down in south Georgia used to sing this song. You mentioned the Stamps-Baxter singing school. My brothers scraped together two hundred dollars in order to go out to Texas and take the singing school for one week. This was in 1949. They got to sing a song while there on the big radio station that was heard all over the country. Your singing the wonderful old gospel songs bring back so many good memories and I love to hear you all sing.

  3. I enjoyed the song and the laughter. You all are so blessed with your musical talent. You could probably buy a gadget that cuts waffle fries.

  4. I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate your musical family and your generosity of sharing your talent. The songs, mostly spiritual in nature, raise my spirits in the difficult times we live in. Thank you.

  5. Sweet and funny and makes me smile. What more could one ask and not be greedy? You all are a blessing, as always.

  6. Great way to start my morning – thanking the Lord for a good nights sleep, having a good cup of coffee, and listening to the girls sing that beautiful song!! God bless!

  7. All I can say is WOW and WONDERFUL!!! You Pressley/ Wilson clan do some serious impromptu jam sessions that are EXCELLENT!!! I’m never NOT impressed and ALWAYS happier after I watch your videos!!! I will be humming this one all day… lol Have a blessed and peaceful day!!! P.S. On a side note, global “warming” is freezing me to death—- sick of the cold!!!!

  8. I just love to hear y’all sing! What a blessing to hear beautiful music on this Sunday morning. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Waffle fries have more surface to crisp up in the oil. Besides crispness that added surface area also have more to hold catsup (or either ketchup) if you are one of those people who only use fries because they think eating ketchup with a spoon makes you look idiotic. Are you one of those people who, when they have only one left, dip their last fry, suck the ketchup off and dip again until all the ketchup is gone? Of course you are! You just don’t know anyone is watching.

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