Each year-the closer it gets to planting time the more excited I get. Seems I’m doubly excited this year since Hometown Seeds has signed on to sponsor my garden. I’ve been studying what I want to do this year-changes I want to make, new things I want to try, and trying to remember the things that worked last summer.

Some of you may remember, last year, we put a load of chicken litter on the garden-and for the first time in many years I started most of the plants we usually buy-from seeds.

The litter-greatly improved the gardens-I think I had a bumper crop of most everything. The seeds-were only a partial success. I enjoyed making the newspaper cups-and all of the seeds sprouted and grew-but only the green peppers made it too produce in the garden. I was still getting green peppers when the final killing frost came last fall-but not one of my tomatoes started from seed made it.

I knew going into my seed growing enterprise I’d be fighting one main problem-light. I live on the North side of the mountain where there isn’t enough natural light shinning through my windows-and I don’t have any grow lights. This year-I’m starting my seeds just like I did last year-but with a little more hope-since after they sprout-they’ll be traveling just a few miles down the road to finish growing in a green house.

During these cold snowy winter months, I’ve tried to read up on some gardening subjects that I want to incorporate in my garden this coming summer.

  1. It’s no secret I’m fascinated with the theory of planting by the signs. This year-I’ve made an easy to read calendar of the right planting days-and I’m determined to plant my entire garden by the signs.
  2. I realized last year-I don’t really know the difference between all the seed types-hybrid, heirloom, organic, open pollinated, etc. I asked Dean, a farmer I truly respect, to explain it all to me in simple terms-he did better than that he wrote me an article. I’ll be sharing it with you in the coming days.
  3. Last year, WKF told me I should check out companion planting. I got the book she suggested and after reading it-I want to try planting veggies that like each other together and see if it makes a difference.

What about you-got any new plans for the garden-or maybe you tried out something new that worked great last summer? I’d love to hear about it-leave me a comment.



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  1. I didnt know where to put a comment sooo….yea. I am putting it right here! i read your article about the MFF and it was very interesting! If you guys are coming to the dance tonight, let me know! i plan on coming too! I also subscribed, so i hope to be getting the emails soon!

  2. I discovered your blog after you left a comment on mine…Not till after I began to look at the pictures of your girls did I reconize you and your family from the “dance studio”….I LOVE your blog…I too enjoy gardening and am also an artist…so great to have found you….

  3. Nope, no new plans–the daughter always tries something new, but as long as I have tomatoes and basil, I’m a happy gardener!
    Oh, yes, composted chicken doo is some great growing stuff. The neighbor’s cows have been hanging out up by our fence this winter, so we’ll be picking up some chips for the compy pile.
    And by “we,” I mean the kids . . .

  4. We have been companion planting for several years…since basically moving from a very large garden to raised gardens after the children were grown…we also plant for ultimate growth (hopefully)and to save space…so if you plant vegetables/fruits that don’t like each other or don’t compliment each other then one or the other fails or doesn’t yield well…we still forget sometimes and make mistakes…but if we’re not sure we try to look it up before planting…My favorite way to remember companons is by the recipe that the vegetables make…or the majority of the use of it. For instance, homemade spaghetti sauce: tomatoes, onions, basil, parsley,and peppers…
    Early summer Salad: Radishes, lettuce,onions,cucumber, and tomato…or Thanksgiving meal: green beans, potatoes, corn pumpkin (pie), and one of my favorites memory devices: The
    Forrest Gump movie quote, “We go together like peas and carrots.” LOL

  5. Tipper: I surely do have plans. 1. Let the deer know that the feeding season is over and they can move back to the woods to feed. 2. Get rid of all this snow off the garden and let the ground dry. 3. Prepare the soil. 4. Wait until the last frost. 5. Plant and wish for the best. I think that is my plan, Happy Gardening.

  6. How great that you have a sponsor!! I have not had good luck when I try to start my seeds early indoors. Our weather last summer was not very cooperative, so hopefully this year it will be better. We had some nice weather this weekend and that has really put me in the mood for gardening!

  7. Instead of expensive grow lights you can buy those $7 medium sized silver metal clamp lamps from the feed store or Lowes, and 100 watt equivalent compact florescent bulbs. Keep the seedlings two inches from the bulbs. (CF bulbs don’t get hot.) A few dollars later, you have thriving seedlings!
    We live in a suburb but we have chickens and a garden. I love planning my garden each year! It’s a fun challenge to fit everything into a small space. Last year it made way more food that we could eat!

  8. Tipper, I don’t make a garden but I get excited with you about yours. I sure do get excited about warm weather coming. I love that I live in the mountains where the changing seasons are dramatic….however this year I am really looking for spring!
    It’s really good that Hometown Seeds is working with you this year. Sounds like they have quality seeds.

  9. Hey from a small town NC gurl.
    We dont do much gardening any more, but I remember as a child helping my papa. Man did he work us.
    Loved visiting your blog, will visit often.

  10. Tipper,you said you were trying to remember what worked and didn’t work last year and it reminded me that I used to keep a gardening journal.
    Everytime I planted something new, I wrote about it in my journal and put the date, weather conditions, etc. As much as I thought I needed to write.
    I did this by months of the year so I could remember when I planted each kind of plant. It was very helpful to go back to each year. I wonder how many of your readers keep a gardening journal.

  11. We don’t plant veggie gardens, Tipper, but we do have flower gardens. We have about 50 rose bushes, but we also have Daffodils, Crocus, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies, Daylilies, Iris, etc….. We try to keep things blooming all spring/summer –and into the Fall.
    Have a great weekend.

  12. I don’t think we will have a garden this year. A couple of years ago, we had a garden that we spent a lot of money on and got one or two tomatoes and a lot of collard greens. Nothing else. I would like to have some herbs, we seem to do well with those. I am anxious to hear all about your gardening. 🙂

  13. The newspaper cup is a new one to me. It sure sounds like you have your work cut out for you and it sounds like your looking forward to it.

  14. Looking forward to hearing about your gardening successes! Even the failures are really successes you know.
    Well on my way already this year, trying to keep up with the moon and signs for planting. Doin’ pretty good for a spontaneous sort.

  15. How exciting it is to plan your garden. I have also taken the cold months to plan mine.
    You mentioned companion planting, which is what I will be doing. I will be planting the Three Sisters, which are corn, beans and squash. First plant the corn, when it has grown up about one-foot, plant the beans (the cornstalk serves as support) and once the beans are growing, plant the squash (the squash acts as ground cover.
    I am looking forward to hearing more about your garden.

  16. Hey Tipper: Last year I bought pepper, squash, tomatoe plants from Wal-Mart. Sorry! But they were in fertilize-pots which I just planted in the garden. All did well except the LARGE tomatoe plants. Those little tomatoes were so delicious – right up till frost!
    EMWike – Your Tennessee/NC Hillbilly Friend!

  17. Looking forward to that article. And I’d love to know the name of that book.
    I have a stack of Organic Gardening magazines that I have been trying to get time to read. I thought when I can get to them, I would pick a subject from each magazine and write a post about it.

  18. We are going to grow some things that are more delicate or that we need fewer of, in a small square foot garden right at our house instead of in the big garden…stuff sometimes gets lost in there…I can’t wait though. It will be nice to have “just a few” of all sorts of new things!

  19. I love your newspaper cups for seedlings Tipper. I’ve never thought of that and we recycle our newspaper here. Maybe I’ll give it a whirl.

  20. We have sunshine and the promise of high fifties today–I am soooo in the mood for gardening! I have just a small area, so I have to be very selective in my planting. I always plant peppers, herbs, and tomatoes (Mine didn’t do well last year, either), then throw in a few more things if there is room. Today, I’ll have to settle with cleaning up winter’s detritus!
    Love your blog and the music.

  21. sure wish i was able to garden again.. i would love to garden alongside of you and see what happened… i like the idea of those paper pots too… i hope you and yours have a great growing season this year.. 🙂
    big ladybug hugs

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