Collage of 2021 photos

Chitter’s jewelry and rock cutting business is going full steam. The last two years her business has seen exponential growth. On a daily basis she lives the dream she’s had since she was a little girl playing with rocks and wire on her daddy’s workbench. 

stamey creek creation earrings

Czech Glass Earrings with sterling silver ear wires

Since she donated a pair of earrings for me to giveaway I thought I’d ask her a few questions and share her answers with you.

What is your favorite rock to work with? 

Picture Jasper. I like it because it cuts so uniform and smooth and it’s really pretty. Even though it all cuts the same no two pieces look alike. 

Do you have a favorite part of the lapidary process—slabbing, cutting, polishing? 

Now that I have a slab saw I like slabbing the best. Once you cut that first end off you’re the first person to have ever seen the inside of the rock. It’s very exciting!

Are you more partial to making one piece of jewelry over another? 

I really enjoy making necklaces probably because they are easier since they’re not matched like earrings or sized like rings. 

What are you most excited about right now? 

I am most excited about lapidary arts at the moment. I have acquired a nice selection of rocks and know some really good pieces are going to come from them. 

To be entered in the earring giveaway leave a comment on this post. *Giveaway ends November 27, 2021. Be sure to jump over to Chitter’s Stamey Creek Creations shop and check out what she has available. 

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  1. I am so happy for Katie! I loved the video about her making jewelry and finding the creek rocks! It’s just wonderful!

  2. I love your channel and your daughters’ channel too! Thank you for the videos and blog. I look forward to enjoying more of them. Katy’s jewelry is beautiful!

  3. I Love these earrings, so pretty, thanks for the chance to win them. God Bless you and yours. Melissa Faith, Liberty, KY

  4. I would love the chance to win these beautiful earrings! I so enjoy you and your family! Thank you for sharing your life! Many blessings!

  5. I don’t want to be in the drawing, but I do want to say – those earrings are so very, very pretty!! Katie does such beautiful work! I love all the jewelry she makes. She has such a fine eye for detail.

    Donna. : )

  6. Katie’s comment about being the first to see that particular view of a rock when she cuts the slab really struck home with me. I still pick up rocks when one catches my eye and always wonder what secrets it has hidden inside.

  7. She does such beautiful work! Oh I hope I win the earrings! I like the heart shaped rock the earrings in the picture are laying on. <3

  8. Very talented to be able to create jewelry. So amazing!! Rocks are really really neat. Enjoy your day! 🙂 angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  9. These earrings are so pretty. I’m proud of you and your family and the way you all use your God given talents. I’ve already won a prize so you don’t have to enter my name again. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful features on BP&A. I love reading and watching all your features.

  10. So very nice that she can turn her love of the creek and rocks into a business. A very talented young lady. A blessed thanksgiving to you and your family.

  11. I enjoyed the YouTube video in which Chitter talked about selecting rocks for cutting. You can tell when someone is passionate about something, and she is! Hooray!

  12. These. Are beautiful and unique. She definitely has many talents. I would love to win these earrings. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

  13. Those are so beautiful! She sure has grown in her art form very quickly! As I understand, she seems pretty much self taught! You go girl!
    I sure would love to be able to wear these beauties and tell everyone around here about her in Franklin when I’m complimented on them.

  14. I am intrigued by the amazing variety of colors, textures, patterns etc of stones. I think they are more fun to.look for than sea shells. I can just imagine Chitter on a stony or pebbley seashore. I can also (to a lesser degree I’m sure) understand Chitter’s excitement to look inside the rock.

    I so glad also that now Appalachian folks can stay in the hills yet have a nationwide business. It would have changed history if that had been possible 75 years ago or so. You three are such great examples of that possibility realized. You all could write a book about how it came to be and I’m sure you already have a market.

  15. Oh, my! These are just beautiful! I would love to be entered in the giveaway! I cherish the beautiful earrings she sent me a while back. Your dear girls are so, so talented – I know you already know that, but they are just precious! I love all of you and hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day together filled with God’s abundant blessings!

  16. I have several pieces of her jewelry and so do my daughters. They’re some of my favorite pieces. Please leave me out of the drawing and let someone who doesn’t have any of her jewelry win these.

  17. Thank you for the opportunity to win a pair of very unique earrings. Tipper, never having been to Katy’s ‘Esty store I’m going back to your post and go to the Stamey Store you posted. Gracias one more time.

  18. Your daughter is following so many Appalachian people that just are able to really SEE the beauty in common things….then, because we are a creative culture, she fashions the things she needs from those things she has in front to her. A wonderful talent.
    I loved her comment of being the first to see inside that rock. I was reminded of a thought I had when I was a ridge running , hill climbing , feral child in these old mountains . I was determined to set my feet on odd , sloping pieces of mountain soil or rock . I remember being proud to go where I was so very sure no other person, including my four ugly brothers , had EVER stood before! I thought I was the very first …and remembering some of my treks, maybe I really was!

  19. I’ve watched the video of Katie cutting rocks and making beautiful jewelry. She is multi-talented with musical abilities too. So happy to hear her business is growing!

  20. I would like to see pictures of the stones she has, uncut, and then see how they look when she’s finished turning them into beautiful jewels.

  21. Chitter is so talented when it comes to making jewelry and music. I’ve always heard that a person runs a more productive business if they enjoy their job. As much as she loves rocks, it would have to be rewarding to see your own unique design take shape in the form of jewelry.

  22. Love all her jewelry, but since I’m an earring nut, I’m especially drawn to them. So happy for Katie that her business is doing well.

  23. That is the Appalachian way. It is wonderful when one creates a job out of something they love and have the talent for. This is very unique, and I have followed her love for rocks when she was just collecting them from the creek. I would love to win this. I would be soooo proud of that child, Tipper. I know you all are just busting with pride.

  24. 2 questions for Chitter:
    Do you sell your jewelry at your musical shows?
    Do you do anything with fairy crosses?

    1. Oliver-Chitter’s answers: I only sell at musical performances if invited to by the organization and I would love to try working with fairy crosses but don’t have a large supply of them.

  25. I can attest to the quality of her work. I’ve bought pieces for my wife and for my daughter. The video of her making a pendant just made everything more special.

  26. I am so proud of Chitter’s creations and how she has progressed from learning to more professional. It has been amazing watching and reading about the growing up of both girls. I would be proud to own and wear a pair of her creations. Got my fingers crossed!

  27. Thirty years ago I had the chance to take free jewelry classes and decided I was too busy to take on another hobby. I’ve wished many times since that I had. Go Chitter!

  28. “Lapidary process” is a new one on me but I’m actually in awe of Stamey Creek Creations. That’s artistic, creative, personally satisfying and beautiful no matter how one looks at it. It’s a wonderful thing to incorporate one’s dreams, abilities and art into a way to make a living. As my favorite chef/ former model says, “It’s a very good thing!”

  29. I’ve watched your video’s you’ve posted of her working in her jewelry making process. The work she does is amazing and she has quite the talent and know how when it comes to picking her rocks out. The earrings you’ve pictured are beautiful!!!

  30. What a special giveaway for today! Thank you Tipper and Chitter for the chance to win a piece of your handmade jewelry.

  31. I love Chitter’s jewelry. Keep on making it and I’ll continue buying!! So happy your business is doing well!

  32. Katy is one talented girl! I love to watch her working, especially the necklaces. She lays the parts out on her bench for several necklaces at a time and begins placing them together before she start the actual part of forming them together. She works quickly and efficiently! Then she attaches the pieces together to form one necklace at a time!
    It is amazing to watch her create! She makes a Grandmother proud!

  33. I love her work. I have ordered from her a couple of times! She is the best not just in design but quality and customer service well!

  34. I had no idea Katie made jewelry as we are fairly new to your channel! I looked at her etsy page, and some very nice items pictured there. You have quite a talented family, and we are so enjoying learning about Appalachia! We live in East Tennessee for just over 2 years now, and love it! A blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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