Today’s guest post was written by Ed Ammons.

I have smut in my corn. Want to see?

corn ears

Ain’t it pretty? Ain’t it sweet? Sweet Sweet corn! That was my hope anyways but this is what I got. The crows didn’t pull it up for the seed. The deer didn’t have it as a late supper or early breakfast. The wind blew it over in two different directions at two different times yet it managed to tossel and grow ears. 

open ears of corn with smut

Ain’t that yummy looking? Some chefs in Central America call it huitlacochea and declare it a delicacy. Me? I ain’t eatin that smut!

unsightly smut on corn ear

Do you eat corn smut? Are you epicurious? I’ve been throwing this stuff as far out in the woods as I can get it. But, if you would like to partake of this elegant cuisine, just send me your address and I will send you all you want for free. All you pay is shipping and handling. I can’t guarantee what it’s gonna look like when it gets there but it can’t be good if it starts out this bad! 

—Ed Ammons

I hope Ed made you smile 🙂


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  1. Jus’ read “Corn Mushrooms” or “smut” sells for up to $8 a pound; as you Ed, I see nothing appetizing about eating the corn pictured! I’ve eaten a few unusual foods in my lifetime and others I’ve drawn the line on! Smut certainly falls into the latter category! It may be a delicacy in Mejico and even canned as well, but I will stick to good ol tasting roasting ears of silver queen or field corn without blemish. ……

  2. I somehow missed the first line , where you said that this was written by Ed Ammons ! So I was thinking that this had happened to your corn !!!!
    I’m so glad that I was mistaken!!!! Hope that your corn is perfect !!!! 🙂

  3. Tipper, for your consideration:

    The link tells how to make comments to posts appear in reverse order to what we see here. The way they are presented now, if I read them from top to bottom, I don’t have the benefit of what earlier posts contained. Reversing the order would fix this.

    Maybe you could poll your readers for their preference.

    I don’t know if it’s possible, but the best solution would be to allow readers to choose the order of posted comments.

  4. Employees in professional kitchens are given blue-colored band-aids (plasters for any Brits here) for cuts and scrapes because if they come off they can be easily seen before being served to customers.

    There ain’t no blue food!

  5. Growing a garden is kind of like being self-employed and growing a business …. everything is set up to make you fail … But you have to persevere and the profits are wonderful.

  6. Wow, Tipper, did your post today ever give me things to think about! Thank you!
    The idea of “corm smut” also sent me on an online search that eased my mind and taught me a couple-three things. Thanks again!

  7. I’ve seen that creepy fungus once, and I had no idea what it was so I threw out the whole crop. As I recall, that was the driest year I’d ever had, and we were watering daily to keep everything going, but that blue monster grew on my ears of corn!

  8. Oh no, that’s terrible. I wouldn’t eat it either. I know he’s disappointed since all he wanted was some fresh, sweet, beautiful ears of yummy corn. Maybe it will grow right next year.

    1. Christine,
      Ed has since passed on.
      He left a lot of amazing posts on the BP&A
      God’s blessings

  9. Oh My Goodness Tipper! When I saw your title for this mornings BP&theA I wondered if you had gotten into some moonshine or something and where in the world were you taking us! Ha ha Glad it was only to a corn field. I have never heard that term used in this way before, but it sure doesn’t look like anything I would be putting close to my mouth! May your & Matt’s corn stay clear of this! May the rain continue to be a part of your evenings and your days be sunny & the gardens remain producing. Blessings on y’all.

  10. When I gathered corn yesterday, I found smut on several ears. That was the first time I ever saw the fungus and thought it was fat worms. Either way, I wasn’t about to find out and threw the stuff as far out in the woods as I could.

  11. No I don’t think I care for smut corn:)
    Just caught today’s vlog of the Pressley girls and it was so sweet. My sons love, love ponds. One has a pond and the other one wants to buy a piece of property with one or build one. I love ponds too. Oh, Katie someone has probably told you by now, but the tall plants you saw on the one side are cattails. Loved the picture of Granny holding Woodrow, just precious! Corie your flower arrangement looked beautiful!! One tip I have learned is make sure you pull off the leaves that would go down in the water as they die fast and smell yucky. If you remove the leaves, your flower arrangement will last longer.

  12. There is a Smut Eye , Alabama. And I have heard the expression “
    Here’s smut in your eye” but don’t know its meaning.

  13. Ick! That is Ugly, ugly stuff. Even at that you spared us the pictures of when it turns black. I am not “epicurious” enough to taste it. (Who recalls when “smut” was the term for pornography? We’re past that now I reckon.) Anyway, even the sound of the word is off-putting. Big disappointment for you but looks like you are making lemonade from the lemons, or comedy from the smutss anyhow. You are a better man than I am I think.

  14. When I saw the word smut, I thought “Lord have mercy! Has the devil crept up on ‘em in NC?!” I am somewhat relieved to know smut is on the corn and not in your life! Lol Now I must say that corn looks hideous and deformed. It’s gonna be a resounding big “no thanks” for any smut up my way! I’m sure the devil has plenty of smut in these hills as it is…I have never in all my years seen smut on corn so it’s a new thing for me and I appreciate the photos. I say send it off (smutted corn) or go out there and stomp it plumb into the dirt… but that’s just me. Lol have a great day and if you got to fight tooth and nail to find some good corn, we’ll so be it!!! Wheres heirloom corn? That’s the ticket to health! I only wish y’all well and good things to come your way this fine day! It’s all in good fun and learning so pay this empty cabbage head no mind… lol I’m always stirring the pot… lol

  15. Over the years, I have had few ears of corn with smut but never had much trouble with it. We would just throw these ears away. I have never known what caused it. I know you were being humorous, but during the last two weeks of cloudy cooler weather we only had one good rain and a couple of showers, totaling a little over 1 inch of rain. Starting today, the temperatures are forecast to be back in the mid to upper 90’s with only a small chance of rain. Between the weather and deer my garden is done for this year.

  16. I think I’ll just leave the corn smut eating to someone else, but Ed did make me smile this morning.

  17. I wonder what would possess a person to make them want to try eating smut. Then again, I wonder what would make a person look at a crawdad or an oyster and think “I believe I’ll just eat that.”

  18. I am sorry about Ed’s corn. That looks so gross…made my stomach turn over a little this morning. Lol. My mom and dad always grew lots of corn. Sometimes the ears would have a worm on the end, and we would just cut it off and keep the rest; but I have seriously never seen anything like these pictures this morning. The only smut I have ever heard of is something bad in a movie or book that you wouldn’t want to watch or read about. I surely hope all of your corn doesn’t look like that. What a tragedy.

  19. Throwed me for a real loop there for a moment. Ha! Ha! Thank you for your humorous post, Ed Ammons. Hope everyone enjoys your Tuesday 7-30-2024. God bless each one of you.

  20. LOL That was the most disgusting (like smut) looking corn. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I like the part where Mr. Ammons said he threw it as far into the woods as he could. LOL! Another good story. Miss Tipper I hope y’all Have a good day and God bless y’all too.

  21. I have not seen very much of this smut, but when found, we just cut the end off and went about our business. We have harvested about100 ears from out first attempt to grow corn. I cut both ends off, put 3 to 5 in a shrink bag, I did not remove silks and husks. When we would like to eat an ear or two, I thaw them, and micro about 8 minutes. So much easier to remove silks and husks and it tastes fresher. I bet you have a much better way to preserve. Prayers for Granny and God’s Blessings on you guys.

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