mountain view of wilson holler

Yesterday seemed more like March than February. I guess it don’t make much difference since March arrives next week.

The clouds were like giant wads of cotton scuttling across the deep blue sky. The whistling wind pushed them faster and faster but kept to the sky only coming down to shake the trees ever once in a while.

Photographers talk about the golden light that is perfect for making pictures. Some believe late evening is the best time to find that magic light others say it’s more easily found of a morning.

I’m not sure it’s the same golden light, but on days when the clouds form like they did yesterday the light somehow makes the mountains seem even more real than they are.

As I drove to the post office to ship cookbooks I found myself staring at the familiar scenes as though I had never seen them before. The evergreens were greener, the pastures browner, the mountains sharper and somehow larger.

I’ve experienced that same feeling many times when the clouds are just right in the sky and I’m always amazed by it.

Last night’s video: A People and Their Quilts 9.

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  1. Thanks so much for the beautiful clouds, Tipper. I wonder if my cookbook was one of the ones that you were mailing? It came today and it got here awfully fast. It is exactly what I hoped it would be and I love it so much.

    Pam in Virginia

  2. Tipper,
    I heard numerous times growing up, when we got weather that seemed more like March weather than February weather, that February had borrowed some days from March.
    Beautiful picture.

  3. My Momma taught us early & I’ve passed it on tol my children & grandchildren to appreciate the natural world all around us. I often find myself getting lost in our beautiful sky. From the brightest of blue with white fluffy clouds, to the rich blue of twilight, to the deepest of night, with it’s bright stars & full golden moon, it never ceases to amaze me.
    Hard to believe there is anything more beautiful, yet too many never seem to stop what they’re doing to appreciate this glorious gift that we’ve been given.

  4. Tipper, the picture is beautiful. I remember when I was a young girl many times lying on the ground looking up at the clouds. There was always something so magical and calming about them. I love the way you described what you saw yesterday. You really have such a way with words and last night’s reading was great too! I wish so much I had learned to quilt. Have a great day everyone!!

  5. Tipper, the picture is beautiful of God’s glorious creation of earth and sky. Your words describe the beauty of it all and that is just one of the gifts God has blessed you with. I’m thankful you share your God given talents with us through your writings and through your music as a family. You are a blessing to us all!

  6. The Easter lilies have been blooming for a week here on the old college and graveyard across the lane. It’s the first time I have ever seen them bloom in February! No pretty white clouds are showing themselves in the gray snowy sky here in KY. The weathermen say we will hit 70 degrees on Monday and Tuesday, followed by severe weather on Wednesday. February is confused!

  7. I thought yesterday was just beautiful- the sun was so warm that it was a relief for it to be covered by a cloud as they made their way across the sky. On the way home from picking up my grandson at kindergarten, I asked him if he had ever seen more fluffy clouds in the sky before and he considered it seriously before saying no.

  8. Yesterday driving on the interstate the sky was filled with the most beautiful cumulus clouds I’ve ever seen. The clouds were so low it was as though I was driving right through them. An awesome sight indeed.
    Signs of spring are appearing around my house with crocuses and sinuses showing themselves!

  9. Yes, we were out & about yesterday and the clouds were beautiful; cotton ball white in dark blue sky. And the mountains were several shades lighter blue. I’ll be remembering yesterday for a long while as it was already a special day. You certainly are a noticing person. Reckon what makes a body thataway? Living close to nature, interest in most any and everything, or both? Or maybe just a lifeway of looking for things to be geared pup for?

  10. I liked that you wrote “since March is next week it makes no difference!” That’s exactly what a hillbilly would say in my opinion! If you didn’t describe a perfect late winter/very early spring day in the mountains, then I’m a monkey’s uncle! (I know I’m a monkey’s mother. Lol yet serious as a heart attack.) Your thoughts are put into beautiful words like fine poetry, Tipper! I really like to read your thoughts and ideas! You’re a cult of personality for sure!!! You’ve got a million and one things always turning in your mind like a hand held sifter and I love it!!! Painting now for 5 days and almost half the house is painted white inside. I live in drab woods and it’s got to be bright in here. Oh-I got painters and they dearly cost, but I’m too old, can’t see too well, impatient and it’s just too much to do by myself. I had to face the facts and they ain’t PURTY!!! Lol Have a blessed day all. Blowing snow here, but it’s a sputtering and not much…

  11. Here on the Piedmont, winter is gone. Maples are swelling with red freckles. The vining forsythias are finishing up. Birds are changing their drab winter garb for more colorful wear. Finches are usually the first teasing with sun-yellow feathers. In the early morning, even before the sun, bird song echoes through the dark woods. Birds are pairing up. The other day I watched two hawks on their sky-date playing tag with each other. Yep, it’s spring!

    1. Tipper that’s exactly what we saw on our late,before sunset bike ride yesterday ,blue sky more blue as the background for those clouds too. It’s what made the ride. We’re so fortunate to see what God makes.

  12. I love this post. I love that feeling that comes with the early Spring and you feel things are more vibrant and real. Thanks so much for sharing this. Continuing prayers for all y’all. Much love from SC, Jane

  13. In contrast, here in Florida, on a white sand beach in mid morning the sky and the water can be so blue with not a cloud in sight that it is difficult to see the horizon. The blue of the water and sky are identical. It is rare but when you see it and hear the waves you wonder how anyone could think there is no God.

  14. Thanks for the image, it brings a calm and happiness this morning, It will be a busy and taxing day and this feeling of calm was a great start.

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