sisters holding babies

Hard for us to believe our babies have babies.

Twenty-eight years ago today The Deer Hunter and I were sitting in a Gainesville GA hospital awaiting the arrival of our daughters.

Twenty years ago gainesville ga birth

Every time I see the photo above I remember how scared we were.

Not that we weren’t happy to be expecting parents, but twins? We didn’t even know if we were ready for one child and somehow we were about to have two.

Even though we were unsure about twins, they turned out to be the greatest blessing of our lives.

The girls certainly didn’t plan to have children at the same time, but they have really enjoyed it. From being pregnant together to being new mothers they’ve loved every minute of…well except for those middle of the night feedings 🙂

The Deer Hunter and I have really enjoyed being grandparents. We love the boys so much!

Seeing them together reminds us of the girls being babies and makes us wonder how in the world we handled two babies.

Last night’s video: Trips to Town & Appalachia is a Family Centered Culture.


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  1. Happy Happy Birthday Corie and Katie! You are both beautiful mothers and have beautiful babies. May your day and year ahead be filled with much joy and many blessings.

  2. Happy birthday girls!!! Tipper, you and Matt raised beautiful, inside and out girls! They are great Moms! Thank you! God bless you and yours!❤❤

  3. my heart over flows and my eyes fill with tears of joy for you as I look at the pictures and read your words–the feeling both pictures and words give me I know is not even a thimble full of the love, the gratefulness and the blessedness you feel from your girls and your boys….Happy Birthday girls–and happy birth day Tipper and Mat, you may have been scared and had many many pregnancy issues but you two raised a couple of awesome girls.

  4. Tipper, you and the Deer Hunter truly are blessed! You both have done an amazing job raising your girls. Now your blessings continue on as you both get to see your grandsons grow. Life just doesn’t get any better than that on this earth.

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