pink lenten rose blooms growing

I’ve grown lenten roses (Hellebores) for many years. Their lovely blooms sometimes start appearing as early as late December.

They are always the first blooms that appear in my yard.

Because they bloom so early there’s been a year or two that I completely missed them or didn’t really notice them until they were looking sort of ragged around the edges.

Last fall I cut all my plants back pretty severely. The plants are evergreen and the previous year’s growth looks rough by the end of the growing season. Mine are on the large side and I decided I was tired of looking at the old foliage and gave them all a good haircut.

Pale cream lenten rose

I was worried that I might not have as many blooms this year because of the drastic measures I took, but I need not have worried. The nodding blooms are as abundant as ever.

Lenten roses come in a variety of colors, but the only ones I have are the pink and light cream/green shown in this post. They are a lovely plant to grow and readily reseed themselves in the right conditions.

Last night’s video: Dorie Woman of the Mountains 6.

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  1. I love your Hellebores. I bought my first ones in November last year and now I’m I love with them. I live in the middle of England, UK and have subscribed after seeing the photo of your Lenten Roses. Now I look forward to learning more about the Appalachians.

  2. Hi,
    My Grandma had Lenten Roses. She lived on a north bank and they never bloomed. Yours are really nice.
    Her first flowers were her Easters (daffodils).

  3. Thanks for sharing… I’ve just recently discovered these little treasures! Do the deer leave them alone?

  4. I’ve never seen a Lenten rose. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy upcoming wedding to those two precious young people!

  5. Here in SW Ohio I’m guessing we are too far north to be able to have Lenten Rose…at least as a perennial. Yours are beautiful! Happy Wedding!

  6. These early blossoms are kind of the ‘assurance warriors’ that brave frosts and pop color that assures our smiles and hollers, Spring is coming! Spring IS coming!

  7. I had to go look at our one lonely little Lenten Rose but it was not blooming or attempting to. It does bloom, usually sneaking up on me until one day I suddenly notice it. Yours are much more luxuriant than our one. Ours must not be quite happy where it is.

    An odd thing this year though with the camelias at the church. They usually bloom starting right about Christmas, one deep red and one pink. But this time they are just now blooming and are a bit past their peak. It’s oddities like that which make us have to watch and notice for years to get the straight of natural behavior. And it is also a reason not to be too insistent that nature behaves in only the ways we have seen. Guess one could say nature is teaching us caution and humility. At least it has taught me that.

    Which puts me in mind of something you just might hear an Appalachianer say. “I wouldn’t say it couldn’t happen but I’ve never seen it or heard of it.” I’ve heard that or some variation with the same basic message. I’m pretty sure I’ve said it myself a few times. When it comes to nature, I tend not to dismiss first-hand accounts even though they might sound incredible. Pay attention long enough and one will see an incredible thing or two.

  8. I have missed lenten roses too because of their early bloom time. They are beautiful. I have pulmonaria (lungwort) starting to bloom now too and they are beautiful as well but they can get ratty looking after they bloom so I cut the dead stuff back and new growth always comes up after that.

  9. I have a pink variety growing as well and its has gotten pretty large over the years. I bought it at our Master Gardeners Garden Fest 15 years ago and now I’m a member of that wonderful group of people. We had our monthly meeting Thursday night and it’s fun to get together with like minded people and talk plants of all kinds. Anyways back to the subject matter, it’s one of my favorite early spring flowers and yours is very pretty!

  10. I never have seen a Lenten rose, but they certainly are spectacular and radiant! What a brilliant splash of color in the most hum drum part of the year! I like them very much and they’re wonderful little flowers, really! Thanks, Tipper, for the share this fine morning!!!

  11. I think I have seen those flowers, but never knew their name. They are very pretty. Their shiny green leaves makes the pink ones even more intense. I think the white ones are glorious, too. Do they have a scent? You said they start blooming in December, when are they done for the year?

    Donna. : )

  12. My daffodils are always the first to show in early to mid February. I’ve never heard of Lenten roses, but their timing was perfect. Lovely.

  13. I also like the Lenten Rose, mine have been beautiful this winter.
    Thinking of your family this week as you prepare for the Wedding. I know it will be beautiful and very special. Remember you don’t loose a Daughter, just adding a Son ❣️❣️

  14. You have such a lovely mixture on your yard including your garden, which is right there with the flowers. They are all trying to get some sunshine on the shady side of the mountain! You do amazing things with the little sunshine you have!

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