Shadow of woman

It has been hot and humid in Brasstown. The sort of weather that makes you feel like you’re swimming to the car instead of walking.

We’ve still been getting rain here and there and the gardens are really thriving, although it’s strange to see the green lush growth during the month of August.

Typically August brings death in the form of brown shriveling plants.

When we were discussing the oddity of this year’s August garden The Deer Hunter said he wondered if when things start dying back if they will go quicker than the usual slow slide.

Even though the garden is bustling like it should have been back in late June there are signs of the coming change of seasons.

For the last several days I’ve heard crickets no matter the time of day chirping away in the shadowy parts of the backyard. Those shadows are getting longer and wider as the sun changes its path across the sky by the slightest of margins. The bees are frantically trying to do all they can before it’s too late and the squirrels are scurrying up and down trees and to and fro as they prepare for the coming change.

We’ll still have plenty of warm days before fall of the year, but the signs of it coming abound if one will but look and listen.


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  1. I really don’t want to wish my life away, but I’m looking forward to those cool crisp Fall mornings.

  2. It’s seems to be hot, sticky and very humid all over NC. I know it is our neck of the woods of NC. I know you all are missing Miss Cindy and our hearts are with you all. Sending hugs from across the state.

  3. From my porch swing all summer I have watched the sun slowly progress north in its setting. Now I’m watching it slowly slide south again. The sign I’m really listening for is the morning that I no longer hear birds; that’s when you know the change is officially upon us.

  4. There’s a certain tree or 2 around my house that always begin changing much earlier than the others. I’ve been taking note for the past several years and each year those trees have been starting their transformation earlier. 3 years ago it started in September, 2 yrs ago it was August, last year it was about this time- very early August, and this year it started towards the last couple of weeks of July! There are yellow leaves allover my yard now. Also the nuts started dropping here for the past few weeks…not alot but I’ve heard them hitting our metal roof here and there. I’m looking forward to fall!

  5. here in Shawnee Ok at my home I have had absolutely no rain in months….the sun is rising later every morning so instead of the sky turning from dark to light at 5:30am it now is closer to 7 which to me seems unusual for it to be that drastic this early in August. Happy belated birthday Tipper happy heavenly birthday Ms Cindy….I turn 69 on the 17th—how did I become this old, it is unbelievable to me.

  6. I love the changing seasons ! Thank you for sharing your corner of the world & your thoughts with us ! And Happy (belated) Birthday to you ! I hope you had a lovely day !

  7. As I looked out over the yard and small garden I have I thought, “I’ll need tomow this week but I’ll probably be blowing more leaves than mowing grass. In our county we’ve had about one forth of the rain we usually get. This county was once designated as a rain forest.

  8. Our family has a saying: It’s so humid you have to grow gills to breathe. Our house AC has just quit again. It’s 90 in the house and we don’t have a window that will hold a window ac. We’re waiting on the repairman to come replace the entire unit.
    The brand new car battery quit.
    We’re having one of “those” years.

    1. JC – I hope the repairman comes today..know what you’re going through..been there done that and got the t-shirt for it!

  9. We had a foggy August morning already, which is supposed to predict snow this winter! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for that snow.

  10. Hey Tipper, it’s also changing in northern Alberta as well. It was only 9 Celsius (48 Fahrenheit) here last night, cold enough to get the wood stove going. Our gardens are really behind because of the cold spring we had, we are now just starting to eat a few of our veggies (swiss chard, beets and peas). I’d say we are at least 2-3 weeks behind in what we normally get this time of year. We have no control over the weather so…we’ll just enjoy what we’re getting from the garden now. This week I’m going to try making your kraut in quart jars, wish me luck! Have a great day!

  11. We’ve been experiencing Summer’s heat here in Southern California. But the days are getting shorter, little by little, signaling Fall’s approach. Looking forward to those cooler temperatures.

  12. “The Shadow” returneth! Run in fear of my life for the ground on which “The Shadow” falls will soon become my grave!

  13. Fall can’t get here quick enough to suit me, it is my favorite time of the year, especially the month of October. I haven’t noticed much change around here, it is still hot and humid but not quite as dry as June and July. Call me crazy, I cut a lot of grass -weeds, one sign of fall that I look for is when the crab grass begins to change. I can’t put this change into words but I know it when I see it. It is still several weeks away, usually toward the end of August. I cut a couple of acres of grass yesterday and the crabgrass is still fine and dandy, showing no signs of slowing down. By the way, I would consider calling me crazy a compliment, I think I would have to get smarter before being considered crazy!

    1. Crazy infects all intellectual levels. There are more crazy geniuses than there are crazy dummies. I wouldn’t call you crazy by any stretch but you might ought to consider wearing a hat when you are out there mowing.


      1. Papaw, I was blessed with a thick head of hair and have not lost any of it in 70 years. It has changed colors, instead of being brown it is now mature blond! Do you think a hat would help hold in the few brains I think I might have?

  14. So interesting to think about. I don’t think we have any signs here (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia), but maybe I need to pay closer attention. The season changes fascinate me, and the way you think about them (greening of the year, the slow dying to brown) have really influenced how I think about them.

  15. I noticed the change in weather because the Chinese Tallow trees were beginning to drop their leaves. I don’t hear any Cicadas singing their songs in the day anymore either. It’s funny how little subtle things like that tell you that change is on it’s way. Looks like you might be getting rain from Hurricane Debby soon. Stay safe.

  16. Tipper, I’m sending belated birthday wishes. I hope your birthday was a good one. Things are greening up here again in southern middle Tn. I’ve mowed grass last week and yesterday. Need to spray weeds to find my driveway. Seems the grass and weeds have made up for the 5 or so weeks of dry weather when I didn’t mow. Don’t think gardens have fared very well around here. Huge corn fields show more green as I drive but some may be beyond help. It’s hard to believe schools have “taken up” as my parents a would say. Keep those interesting posts and videos coming. I especially enjoy the wisdoms and the book readings.

  17. Crickets were the first thing I heard when I opened the door this morning. Their song will get slower throughout the month and into September. Such a welcome sound to those of us who prefer cooler temps.

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