Today’s post was written by Paul.

Pig with scroll

Happy Easter! I uploaded the video I’m sharing today as our last story song for the 2024 series. When I can, I like to upload a song for Easter. Last year, I uploaded a song from a live radio broadcast from Pap and his brother, Ray, on WKRK back in the 80’s. The song was “I’ll Wear the Banner.” On the B-side of that same tape, I found Pap and his sister, Carrie, singing “His Tomb is Empty Now,” also very fitting for Easter.

I searched a little online to find out more about this song. I saw that the popular bluegrass band, Balsam Range, recently recorded it, and a group called the Cathedrals recorded it back in 2004. It appears that the Spencer Family recorded it in the late 1970’s, which is most likely where Aunt Carrie learned the song. She lives with her husband and family in Canton, NC, about an hour and a half from where we live in Brasstown.

On special occasions, or just when she could, she would come visit and sing a little with Pap and Ray. I’m sure this recording comes from a weekend when she was in town to visit.

When she came to visit, she often brought a few songs with her that she had been singing in her church or around her home in Canton.

There are cues in this recording that indicate that neither Pap nor Ray were very familiar with the song. Listen closely at 26 seconds, and you can hear Ray whisper, “What are you going to sing?” A few times, Pap was slightly behind Carrie in singing or perhaps even changed his word in the middle to match what Carrie sang.

This song goes immediately to the high chord at the start of each verse. It’s somewhat unusual for the first note of a song to fall in a chord other than the main chord/key of the song. Ray played a basic turnaround after the first verse and chorus, a good choice for a song where the lyrics are what really matter. You can tell that he rushed from the C position to the F position to match Carrie’s voice, immediately after the turnaround, to start the second verse.

A couple of people online seem to have debated about the title of this song, with some saying that it’s actually, “He Rose.” That issue is complicated by the fact that there are other songs by that same title and other songs called “The Tomb is Empty Now.” Both Balsam Range and the Spencer Family used the latter title. I did not find who wrote the song.

Because the quality of the recording isn’t very clear, I had the lyrics appear on the screen as Pap and Aunt Carrie sing. I copied and pasted from Balsam Range’s lyrics online and changed the words in a few places where Pap and Carrie sang slightly different words. Aunt Carrie was probably going from a memory of hearing the song on the radio or at a singing.

There are a few places where the words don’t rhyme. For example, the original lyrics in the first verse appear to have been “for Crimes He had not done,” which rhymed with the later line of “redemption for us won,” whereas the altered tense/wording that Pap and Carrie used doesn’t rhyme there. However, I don’t think those slight variations hurt the song.

The narrative of the most important moment in the history of the world (Jesus’ resurrection) is still told with simplicity and beauty. As I typed the lyrics and listened to the singing, I had to stop myself from crying multiple times. That’s unusual for me, but I’m more likely to get choked up over something that is moving or powerfully poignant, than I am over something sad or tragic. When I was a kid, I could not understand why grownups would cry or even shout when hearing a certain gospel song. Now, I understand.

As with last year’s Easter upload, I took the lazy way out and just filmed the cassette player as it played the tape. The Tascam wouldn’t fire up, so I dug out this little cassette deck that I bought back in 1998. Isn’t it cute? It’s 2/3 the size of a shoe box! I apologize for the poor lighting and shaky filming! As with last year’s upload, I included a few words of ministry from the broadcast, this time from Uncle Ray. His words explain what Jesus’ resurrection means for us. With last year’s upload, I mentioned that I hope to one day create a separate YouTube channel and upload all of these old WKRK broadcasts in their entirety. Because I’m a master of procrastination, I haven’t even started! Lord willing, one day, I will. In case you’re wondering, Aunt Carrie sang lead on this song, and Pap sang harmony. I included a photo of Carrie standing behind Pap and Uncle Ray, with their father Wade.

Thank you for watching and I hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s Story Series!


Original singles released on Spotify.

Original singles on YouTube.

Shepherd of My Soul (Album released in 2016).

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  1. Paul never heard this song before; they did an amazing job singing it. I love the words to the song. So beautiful. Please do upload all of the older songs to a separate You Tube channel. I would enjoy hearing all of them. God bless you and your family. Prayers for the Wilson and Pressley family and Granny.

  2. Thank you Paul for a perfect message post. Christ paid it all. We need to be reminded daily. Your posting was that perfect reminder . Easter is a joyous time for believers

  3. Paul it seems that every year I start crying on Maundy Thursday off and on then on Good Friday I cry almost all day…on Saturday tears let up as I think of what Jesus was doing to the devil and for the dead in Christ and by Sunday morning I have peace and the tears have slowed some but now the tears are not for the suffering Jesus went through but for what His suffering did for me–so these tears are tears of joy because I have a way to God because of Jesus…loved the song, I was able to sing it mostly from memory but I have no clue how I know it…be blessed in all you do and know that your efforts are very appreciated

  4. Paul,
    What a beautiful song! It’s not so much how it was delivered but the message . You have a Blessed Easter Sunday along with the Wilson and Pressley families. I continue to pray for Granny Wilson. Hilary

  5. Thank you, I love the message of hope brought by Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection!
    I look forward to that great day when I go home to my heavenly home. God bless you and yours!

  6. I’m so thankful for what Jesus did. He loved us enough to die for us. Bless his Holy name. Happy Easter everyone.

  7. Paul, I used to joke that I could cry at a K-Mart opening. Now that they folded, I guess I could pick some other chain…but I am sometimes suddenly an emotional guy. A song can do it.

  8. Amen, briefly occupied but now forevermore empty. Only borrowed from Joseph who surely must have thought he had given it forever. You have set me to thinking Paul.

  9. Beautiful, Paul. It seems I cry whenever I hear songs like this about Jesus. I guess I am moved to tears. God bless and have a Happy Easter!

  10. Thank you Paul. This song was beautiful and moving. Your aunt has a lovely voice—must be in your genetics—all you good singers and musicians. I wish everyone a blessed Easter. It truly is a joy to celebrate that Christ is risen…today and forever!

  11. Yes! Jesus promised to do many things: die in our place, to rise from the dead, to leave again for while, and to return again one day.

    Why? Because He loves us.

    Read for yourself the words of a person who witnessed what Jesus said and did: . The whole purpose of John’s book is this: “Jesus did many other miraculous signs that his followers saw, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you can believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Then, by believing, you can have life through his name” John 20:31.

    Happy Easter, Everyone!

  12. When a performer changes something, isn’t that considered, creative license? Sometimes to make a part their own, the singer or actor needs to do just that. I find our language has so many words that at times changing a word here and there makes it easier for me to talk about it.

  13. What a wonderful song Paul! The words have so much meaning. Happy Easter to you and all of your family and also to everyone here. He is Risen!!!

  14. looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy (JOY!) that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2. Thank you for your continuing encouragement. And I rest assured, while “maybe” a procrastinator, you are VERY GOOD under pressure; where it really counts. Happy Resurrection Sunday, paul

    1. Thank you for doing this God Bless you and your whole family. You all are such a blessing in my life. Happy Easter He is Risen

  15. What a precious song about our precious Savior. Thanks so much, Paul, and have a blessed Easter Paul, Tipper, and all of the rest of the family.

    Pam in Virginia

  16. Paul, that was a wonderful song! I’m not sure I ever heard your Aunt Carrie sing but, wow, she did a beautiful job singing lead on this song with her brothers! How precious for you to have it recorded!! Happy Easter to you all! I got up this morning singing “He A Rose.” Heading to church but thank you for the wonderful music.

  17. Thank you Paul for sharing! Beautiful song! I love that old time singing and the words to the song was awesome! Thanks for sharing! Happy Resurrection Day to you and your family!

  18. Paul, this was a true blessing on this glorious day. I’ve never heard the song but, praise God, now I have. Happy Resurrection Day everyone. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus.

  19. Great harmony on a wonderful song with a timeless message! Thank you Paul for taking the time to bring back this “oldie”. A blessed Easter to all the Wilson and Presley families.

  20. This is wonderful Paul. Do so love the old family harmonies. Just keep doin what you’re doin & we’ll listen. Those bygone times are real important to pass down to kiddos coming up.
    I know the girlies have been o so busy of late but do make time to get together & keep your music alive. Happy Easter to you & Momma & the whole crew!
    He is risen!

  21. Beautiful story Tipper. I love listening to the music too. May the Lord bless you and your family, and have a Happy Easter .

  22. To me it’s the message of the song that’s important not how it was delivered. I remember when I was a child going to see and eat dinner with my grandparents at Due West, SC after every Sunday morning church service, this was during the late 50’s and early 60’s. After dinner the adults would sit around in the afternoon and play gospel records on a cheap tabletop record player by the southern gospel groups of that era. The Cathedral’s were one of the groups. Happy Easter to everyone, without Jesus’s birth, death and resurrection there would be no hope for us, at least that is my belief. Leaving to go to a sunrise service.

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