Today’s post was written by Paul.

cross against sky

For years, I played gospel music with Pap and his brother Ray in NC, GA, TN, etc. On quite a few occasions, we crossed paths with a talented group from Georgia called the Marksmen Quartet. From talking before and after shows, we became friends.

Pap was flattered when the Marksmen performed/recorded some of his songs. It was an honor because the “front man” of the group, Mark Wheeler, is one of the most talented writers of gospel songs of the last decades of the 20th Century.

Although Mark was much younger than Pap, Pap was impressed with the depth of Mark’s lyrics. Pap especially loved Mark’s songs “Mercy and Grace” and “He is I Am.” He told me once that he thought “He is I Am” was possibly Mark’s best song. It would be hard to pick his best song, but this one is deeply insightful.

It opens by presenting how Jesus fulfilled the prophecy that He would ultimately be rejected by his own people, and soon after, it captures the inability of the disciples to comprehend Jesus’ mission/Kingdom while he was still among them. We are carnally minded and struggle when it comes to understanding spiritual things.

The second verse jumps back to Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush. “I Am” is the English translation of the Hebrew word/name that God gave Moses, “Yahweh.” This is such a profound answer to Moses’ question, that it cannot be fabricated. Can you imagine how this name stirred the hearts of the Egyptians, including Pharaoh, when they heard it? It would have struck the very core of their inner voice/conscience. They were busy playing around with false gods and idols, but knew inherently that there is a real God, though they did not want to face Him or deal with that reality.

In addition to singing gospel music, Mark is a preacher. This song shows that he is very familiar with the Bible as a whole. The third verse references Jesus’ words to Lazarus’ sister, “I Am the resurrection.” This song lists many of the things that Jesus is, causing an attentive listener to mediate on His allness, for lack of a better word.

The song is an all around masterpiece, but the deepest part of the song is the chorus. There are so many ways to take the title line, all of them true. I exist only because God exists; I would stop existing without Him (Mathew 4:4). There is and can be no me, without Him. He is not only my way of coming to exist but is my only way of continuing to exist. He provides me a place to exist. He provides me reasons to exist. He literally is everything, and it is only because of Him that I am not literally nothing.

This song also features a very interesting note. The first “am” of the chorus is too high to hit while still being in the main chord. If you just hit the note while strumming the chord, you will be sharp. It will sound like you’ve gone to the high chord with your voice but not your instrument. This almost drove me crazy till I discovered that the note will work as long as you’re making the descending run on the A string. Just as you sing that note, you’re hitting the A string in the same spot you would depress it in the G major position. It is only this fact that allows you to hit that note while still being in the base chord.

I don’t know if Mark planned it that way or if it was a happy accident. Either way, it’s very interesting, and rare.

I thought about doing another Stuart Hamblin song for Pap’s birthday earlier this week. He certainly loved Hamblin’s music; but much of Hamblin’s music needs strings or large accompaniment to really sound right. Maybe next year, I’ll do one of Pap’s own songs for his birthday, Lord willing.

For this year, I thought “He Is I Am” would be perfect. Pap loved it, and it aligns with his view and understanding of our Lord, our Father.

“He Is I Am”

He came unto His own, but they received Him not; The Word inside a body; The Lamb without a spot. He tried and tried to tell them. He said, “I am the way.” They couldn’t understand how that He could say: I am the Son of God. I am the vine. I am the Good Shepherd, And I know which are mine. I am the life, and with you I will be. When they asked if He was Jesus, He said, “I am He.”

He is I am. He is I am. He is I am, And I am nothing without Him.

Moses on the mountain questioned God the same, “Who shall I say sent me? What is your name?” The Father said, “Go tell them I am sent you. Know that I’ll be with you, and I’ll show you what to do.”

He is I am. He is I am. He is I am, And I am nothing without Him.

He is the Resurrection. He is the way. He said that He’d be with us, and He still is today.

He is I am. He is I am. He is I am, And I am nothing without Him.

I hope you enjoyed the song. You can find both a studio version and live version of Mark Wheeler (the writer) singing this song on YouTube with the Marksmen Quartet.


Original singles released on Spotify.

Original singles on YouTube.

Shepherd of My Soul (Album released in 2016).

Find our cds here.

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  1. Paul, I have never heard this song before, it is a beautiful song, and you sang it well. I loved it so much, I had to listen to it twice, and will listen to it again and again. I hope that you will decide to put these recent songs that you have sang on a cd. God bless you, and all your family.

  2. Thank you, Paul! What a beautiful meaningful song. Sadly, I had never heard it before that I remember. Your singing and playing was so good! I always look forward to hearing how things are going with you! Have a great week!

  3. Happy Sunday! I listened to the song on the YouTube video this week. Paul is so talented and the song is so well written. I love hearing praise songs to our Lord. Thank you for sharing the information about the author of the song Mark Wheeler.

  4. That is a beautiful song. Thanks for posting. I love old time gospel but I didn’t know this one.

  5. Beautifully done, Paul. This world today complicates so much. I am thankful that God never changes and He never complicates anything. “I Am!” All that we need or should want.

  6. I believe Bill Shaw was the Blackwoods’ first tenor in those days. He lived in Anderson, SC.\, and was a gifted singer beyond southern gospel.He sang the tenor solo in Handel’s Messiah in the mid-fifties in Anderson.

  7. Paul, thank you for such a beautiful song this morning. You truly honor God with your beautiful voice & musical abilities. Thank you so much for sharing this with us today. Prayers for you, Granny, and everyone in your family.

  8. Incredible song, just incredible. It brought tears to my eyes, and your voice; glory to God. He is I am.

  9. I liked today’s song. Glenda mentioned Gospel music and the Blackwood Brothers. Sixty years ago I was 10 years old, I remember on Sunday morning when getting ready for church, Daddy would have our old black and white tv turned on listening to Gospel music. After the church service we would drive to Due West, SC to eat and visit my Grandparents. After eating, the adults would play Gospel records on a table top record player. Some other groups I remember were the Chuck Wagon Gang, and Granddaddy’s favorite, Naomi and the Sego Brothers. Naomi sung a song titled Sorry I Never Knew You that really touched me back then and I have remembered all of my life. It is about a father dreaming he was dying and his children and wife telling him they couldn’t go with him because he had not been “saved” like they had. It can be found on YouTube. How sad it would and will be to not spend eternity with your family and loved ones. For me today’s Gospel music can’t compare to the old Hymns and Gospel Music. My church still sings the old time Hymns.

  10. Paul, I needed to hear this song this morning. Yes, he is my I Am, and I am nothing without him. Have a blessed Lord’s Day!

  11. So much depth of meaning in the four words “He is I am” both personal and universal. The “I am” states ever-existent outside of time. He is from before time (which He created) and will be after time (when He has ended it). You also remind me of what Paul told the Athenians, “in him we live and move and have our being”. Each of our lives have descended from the life of Adam and his life came directly from God’s “breath of life”.

  12. Thank you Paul for posting this, I read it over and over. Jesus is my everything and I Love him with all my heart! I love to hear you sing and play guitar you are very talented.

  13. “The Great I AM” tells us all we need to know. This is a lovely song indeed and I know Pap is looking down proudly on you from his heavenly estate this fine day! THANKYOU, Paul, for a song about the only God whom I serve! It was just lovely!

  14. Paul that was beautiful! I don’t think I’ve ever heard that song but it sure speaks the “word”. Like Glenda my memories go back to some wonderful all night gospel singings with the Statesmen and the Blackwood Brothers. God Bless!!!

  15. good morning Paul and Tipper and family, he is I am, to me that means he is everything, God bless you friends God bless granny, praise God we got a little rain here in the last few days, today I’m celebrating 52 days of deliverance from smoking cigarettes, praise God hallelujah

    1. I think you’ve got ‘er whupped Norman! I ain’t saying you won’t get a cravin now then but you have it under control. I quit in 1987 but still have this crazy dream about lighting up a cigarette for somebody else and hoping that isn’t counted as a relapse.

  16. Paul, truly an amazing song and you sang it beautifully. If you’re familiar with the group Hillsong listen to their song Who You Say I Am. It’s also powerful just like the Gospel of John.
    Have a wonderful day.

  17. Paul,what a beautiful song. I always enjoy your singing and what better way to start out the day giving praise to the Father. Continued blessings to you and Granny.

  18. Paul, I really enjoyed this song. Thanks for posting it. I thought of John 14:6 where Jesus says, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No man comes unto the Father except by me.” I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.

  19. Nothin’ better than Gospel music…my memories go back to the Blackwood Brothers…maybe 70 years ago…yes 70. LOL. The topic, lessons and insights are without a doubt amazing. Some of today’s stuff is ok, but the old stuff is beyond. Prayers always for Granny and love and affection for you guys.

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