Kale and squash recipe

The winner of the Rada Cook’s Knife is Marylou Sweat who said:

“When I open my silverware drawer, the Rada knife brand is almost all I see. My late mother in law used to order from this company and donate them for sale at our yearly church bazaar…which is right around the corner! (Nov. 14th!) Just got 88 pints of bread and butter pickles in jars for that! Whew! Would love to have that knife as it is one I don’t have…Marylou in Dover, Fla.”

granny's hat
The winner of Granny’s hat is Ed Ammons who said:

“Way back up on the right fork of Wiggins Creek, just below the gap that crosses over to Wesser Creek, there is an old house site. Off to the right of it is a well worn narrow trail that slopes around the side of a small but deep ravine. At the end of the trail is a little cliff with a two foot wide ledge you can walk out on. At the middle of the ledge on the uphill side there is a tiny waterfall, it’s stream about the size of a child’s pinky finger. It falls about three feet into a little plunge pool that sits on a smaller rock ledge. The little pool looks like an oblong bowl with a v-groove cut into it and holds about a quart of water at most. The pool is about thigh high to me. Just a reach above and to the right is a tiny ledge just big enough for a glass dried beef jar. The little jar was there when I first discovered the place. It disappeared and had to be replaced but with another little dried beef jar. You can scoop water from the bowl if it don’t have leaves in it which is most of the time or catch water from the waterfall. I used to cock my head sideways and let the water run into my mouth. I couldn’t do that now because my neck pops and cracks. I’m afraid it might lock up on me. I grew up on gravity fed spring water but have been on well water since except about 6 months when we had city water. I couldn’t drink it and it burned my eyes in the shower. I hardly drink water any more except in juice and buttermilk. And I have a machine in the kitchen that I like to use that filters it through some dark drown granules and a fluted edged round piece of thin paper. This imparts a color and flavor to it that I really enjoy. The water filter I bought was on sale at Wally World for $9.99.”

Christmas Music from the Blind Pig Gang in Appalachia
The winner of the first issue of the Songs of Christmas cd is Annette Casada Hensley who said:

“It’s hard to pick a favorite because I love them all. However, if I have to pick, at least for today it would be ‘Sweet Little Jesus Boy’.”

If you’d like to check  out our cds visit this section of the Blind Pig and The Acorn Etsy Shop by clicking here.


Winners-email your address to me at blindpigandtheacorn@gmail.com and I’ll get your prizes in the mail!

I’m hosting the giveaways as a way of saying THANK YOU to Blind Pig and The Acorn readers-who happen to be the best blog readers in the whole wide world!



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  1. Tipper,
    Before playing “My Heart’s in Brasstown” by the Pressley Girls, Donna Lynn requested prayers for Joey and Roy, one is now in Hospice Care. I love their song
    “A Bible and a Belt.” …Ken

  2. Today is Friday the 13th! A day noted for bad luck? The Blind Pig has proved that wrong. At least for three of us.
    We are all lucky, every day, to have place to go where we can be transported to a more simple and sane lifestyle. Thank you for the beautiful crocheted hat.

  3. Tipper,
    Congradulations to Marylou, Annette, and Ed on their win. I’m sure you all will love the gifts. And I think Cindy got it right, talking about our favorite blog the “blind pig and the acorn.” I wouldn’t be anyplace else!
    I had to scrape ice off my windshield Tuesday, but I suppose it’s about time.

  4. Oh yay!! A new, awesome knife for chopping! Thank you SO MUCH Tipper!! When I use it I will think of you! Which will be probably everyday! Marylou

  5. I love Ed’s story about a special place he found in times past. It reminds me of the many special places I discovered many years ago. As a young person I walked many miles without problem, and exploring the woods was a wonderful pastime. The mountain spring water on our way home from the bus top was so refreshing, and we would sometimes walk out of the way just to enjoy. We had learned to fashion a cup out of a sheet of note book paper. If I recall correctly there were sometimes little creatures all around the little catch basin. This did not deter us, as we mountain kids had become accustomed to life less than perfect.
    Later life became very busy with the cares of life, and I put off going back to enjoy some of the old treasured places. Unfortunately now I can no longer walk the miles to see again what once seemed so easy, and progress has changed the landscapes to some areas.
    You seem to always take time with your family to appreciate all that nature has to offer, Tipper. Meanwhile I am comforted by the memories– thanks you for a renewed appreciation daily of all the blessings of Appalachia.

  6. Tipper,
    Congratulations to all the winners! Marylou, since she already knows these knives, will love the big one too. Annette are you lucky or what? Winning the first issue of Songs of Christmas cd, just in time for the holidays! Ed, you just may need that hat by the weeks end. It is frosty here this morning and we may have East TN area freeze by tomorrow night! Weather is changing again fast! In Mother Natures time to whet our appetites for that big old gobbler a’waitin’ round the corner!
    Thanks Tipper for all you do.
    Would you have a recipe for a spicy pumpkin dip for a fruit tray or do you know if there is such a item? ha I was trying to think of another twist that I might use up these sweet little pumpkins for Thanksgiving…Wonder how pumpkin (just a bit) mixed with cream cheese/sour cream with a bit of vanilla/sugar would taste and dipped with fresh sliced apples and pears or whole ripe persimmons?
    If I wasn’t such a tight wad and hated to waste food, I would give a mixture of it a go!

  7. Tipper:
    Reading your post makes me realize how far away I am from the mountains. Even though I live right in the middle of some beautiful ranges of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
    For example yesterday we took part in a BIG celebration of a new WORLD WAR II PARK ! The PARK has just been built right here in Oak Ridge, TN. Lots of ‘important folks’ attended the EVENT and presented brief statements. But during the presentations ‘THE OAK RIDGE GIRLS’ sat quietly at the edge of the gathering and listened politely to the fellows. However these OAK RIDGE GIRLS were the important workers who help MAKE THE BOMB that ended the WWII conflict.
    You probably know that my dear friend, Reba Ledford, was an OAK RIDGE GIRL from the Matheson Cove!
    Small World!
    Eva Nell

  8. Yes Tip, we are a good and loyal bunch of bloggers. That’s because you do such a good job of talking about the Appalachia we love.

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