Blind Pig

The Blind Pig & The Acorn’s 4th Annual Planting By The Signs Test kicked off last week. Sow True Seed generously sponsored this year’s test. 22 participants signed up to be part of the planting test. As I told them, it will be interesting to see if there is a difference in our good day and bad day plants-but mostly I hope we have fun and end up with a bumper crop of beans.

Blind Pig & the Acorn's 4th annual planting by the signs test

This year’s test plant is a Heirloom Bean that is good for drying-around here we call them October beans-because that’s typically when they are vine dried enough to be shelled out for later use. The following is a quote about the bean from Sow True Seed:

Rare Heirloom. Native American dry bean variety dating back to the 1830s from the Cherchei Nation in Tennessee. Prolific producer and a great winter staple. Bush habit. Direct seed after danger of frost has passed.

Planting by the moon signs test

Each participant was given 8 seeds. 4 to plant on a good sign day; 4 to plant on a bad sign day. May 23rd and 24th both fell under the most fruitful sign of Cancer, so the good day seeds were planted on either the 23rd or 24th of May.

May 26th and 27th both fell under the unfruitful sign of Leo. So the bad day seeds were planted on either the 26th or 27th of May.

I’ll keep you posted on the test as the season progresses.



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  1. My planting by the signs test was not a success. After getting off to a decent but not spectacular start, the several weeks of 100+ degree temps and drought in July was more than they could handle. I did manage to keep one of the beans planted on 5/22 (light phase, signs in Gemini) alive with hand watering every day, morning & evening until the weather improved, but it was ultimately not a productive plant. Only three beans ever developed fully, and then the plant gave up & died. Oh well, try again next year…

  2. I planted two of my october beans on 5/18 – moon in the dark phase, and the signs were in Aries (killing).
    I planted three more of my beans on 5/22 – moon in the light phase, and the signs in Gemini, supposedly the very best sign for beans.
    I planted three more of my beans on 5/24 – moon in light phase, and the signs in Cancer (fruitful).
    By 5/24, the first pair of beans planted on 5/18 had sprouted and looked OK. Went camping for Memorial day weekend. Got back on 5/29. One of the 5/18 beans had a little bug damage. Two of the 5/22 beans and one of the 5/24 beans had sprouted. Some bug damage on both the 5/22 & 5/24 beans. Moved them all to a new, sunnier location and sprayed w/ neem. Hope the bugs let them alone long enough for them to get some size on them so I can transplant into the garden!

  3. Tipper,
    I am a believer in Plantin’ by the
    Signs, or as close to the suggested days as possible. I just
    don’t see how 4 days can make much
    of a difference. I plant on your
    suggested calendar signs and have
    always been very pleased. There is
    just too much work to take that
    chance of losing stuff.
    My daddy always planted those
    Octobers, and they were his
    favorite. I prefer White Runners
    or Greasy Cut Shorts. But to tell
    the truth, everything fresh from
    the garden is good…Ken

  4. We used to soak our beans a day or two before planting. It gets them sprouted quicker. That was before we started “growing” deer in our yard. Our garden this year consists of one large pot, placed up high where they can’t eat it. It has a tomato plant, basil and parsley. It was lower, but they ate the herbs. We hope they basil will come back, the parsley looks like it is still alive.

  5. Me too, if you do this again next year, please include me on the list of participants:)
    And good luck with the beans! We planted things on all those days, so I will have my own experiment, seeing how well they come up based on the good and bad days.

  6. Sign me up along with Ed for next year if you have the test again. I live in Maryland so the season may be slightly different here.

  7. I joined in for the first time this year and planted my first ones on the 23 and my last ones on the 27. It rained a little last night which should help them. I will let you know how they progress.

  8. Tipper – you made my day. Living up here in “yankee” land, no one has ever heard of October Beans. When I describe them, I’m told – you mean Pinto Beans. I indignantly say – no, no – not even close! October Beans cooked with a small piece of pork and onion make the best pot of beans you will ever have.
    Everytime I go home, one of the fist stops I make is to a country market, where I usually buy up as many as they have in stock.
    I’m glad to see other others appreciate my love for October Beans – and know the difference!
    Can’t wait to see how they grow!

  9. Tipper,
    Planted the beans…on the good day and on the bad day….one of my bad day beans was broke in half…Will it be half as bad? lol
    We are needin’ rain again…It’s been so doggone hot..Got cucumbers, zuchhini, peppers out of our raised beads yesterday…and Oh, some green onions…Didn’t plant sweet peas this year…The lettuce bolted it was so hot earlier..and the radishes just didn’t make good cause of the early heat too…
    Now then. if Ed planted on a bad day (yesterday) but, he plants in new ground, will that have an effect on the end product??
    New ground verses bad day planting?
    Thanks Tipper,
    Better half planted 4 global buckets again this year, as did our boys…got little tomatoes already…

  10. I saw last eveing that one of the good day seeds has already popped out of the ground. Barbara Gantt

  11. I didn’t get in on the contest, but inspired by the Blind Pig I hacked out a little garden out of a tangle of brush, honeysuckle, muscadine vines and wild roses. Oh, and saw briars! and poison ivy. I planted a few beans yesterday. How will they do by the signs? If you do this again next spring, sign me up.

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